creating album and posting a photo in facebook page - facebook

I'm trying to create an album and post photo to it , these operations have to be done on a "facebook page". Before writing any code i tested it on graph api explorer :
i tries following to create an album
/page_id/albums method:post
fields :
name : "test"
access_token : "valid access_token"
i got the above mentioned access token after granting permissions like :manage_pages , photo_upload . Any ideas where i might be going wrong.
I have gone through the documents and stackoverflow questions but can't seem to figure out the problem.

i resolved the error , we have to set the access token to access token of the page . the access token can be obtained by issuing :
/me/accounts using get method.
also important thing is this will only show the list of pages to which the current user is admin to.
the access token received from the graph explorer is valid for only 1 hour, but if you receive the access token by issuing $facebook->api('/me/accounts') in php then that access token never expires.
to check if the access token is valid and related info the following link can be used to check:


Facebook Graph API (#190) This method must be called with a Page Access Token

I get data from the Facebook insights via Facebook Graph API more than year. And recently started all my requests (like {id}/insights) to return with an error: (#190) This method must be called with a Page Access Token.
But the Access token contains scopes manage_pages,read_insights.
Any ideas?
This will give a user access_token , that u can use to manage pages & check insights,
But a page token became required for any /insights endpoint since 5th feb 2018
Use your manage_pages scope & user_token to get a Page access token
Send a get request to this endpoint
GET /{page-id}?fields=access_token
"access_token": "{your-page-access-token}",
"id": "{page-id}"
You can use the returned access token to call /insights endpoint now.
As I cant add comment I'll write it here.
Field name is access_token which you can check here with your page id.
If you had your script in PHP, using Facebook SDK for PHP and now it brokes, you just need to retrieve token and pass it instead of access/refresh token you were using.
//Retrieve new 'page access token'.
$token = $fbApiClient -> get( "/{$pageId}?fields=access_token") -> getGraphNode()-> asArray();
//$q is your insights query which was working until now :(
//But with page acces token it will work again.
$response = $fbApiClient -> get( $q, $token['access_token']) -> getGraphEdge();
//(...) rest of script.
I think its easily adaptable to other languages too. Also you can (and propably should) store page access token and use it wherever you need, instead of retrieving it each time.

get conversations of FB page via open graph api

I've registered an Facebook-App and created a token with all permissions I need. Among them
Now I want to use the Facebook open graph API to read some data from my own FB-page. I want to read the private messages that the page received and that I sent to some of the fans on my pages behalf.
I know I can get all information by sending a http-request like this:{page-id}/{object}?access_token={token}
where {something} are placeholders for actual values. To give an working example, I can read the postings that appeared on my page by sending this request:{my secret token}
As I said, this works fine, since more than two years. (I just need to update the token from time to time)
But now I want to read the private conversations between the page and it's fans. I want to extract all conversations and insert them into a spreadsheet. I want to do it once, and maybe in 1 or 2 years again. I could extract them manually from the browser window by copy and paste for each conversation, but since there are so many conversations I think it costs less time to let a program do it for me.
If I understand Facebooks Documentation correct, then the keyword that I must use must be conversations. But I get this:{secret token}
"error": {
"message": "(#210) Subject must be a page.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 210
But 141928949155955 is a page. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. What is the correct request that I must send to receive a pages private conversations?
EDIT (June 16th):
I can read my personal conversations with this request:{secret token}
But I don't want to read the conversations that I made as a person. I need those of one of my pages.
I found the solution for my problem. (Thanks kush, your answer helped a lot, but I want to add some more information)
My problem was that I misunderstood the error message "Subject must be a page." I thought that "Subject" refers to a part in the query string. But it refers to the token! A message like "Token must be a Page Access Token" would have saved me WEEKS of needless searching over a period of more than two years! How can you use a term like "Subject" when you nowhere define what "Subject" is?
So it was not the query string that was wrong. It was the type of the token!
Now here is the complete procedure to solve the problem (get a Page Access Token)
Step 1
Get a User Access Token for your App that you can use later to get a Page Access Token
1.1 Go to Graph API Explorer
1.2 Select your App from the "Application:" drop down menu.
1.3 Click "Get Access Token".
1.4 From the tab "Extended Permissions" select "manage_pages".
Additionally select all permissions you need for the Page Access Token. (Although now you don't create a Page Access Token, just a User Access Token)
1.5 Click "Get Access Token".
1.6 Grant the permissions by clicking "OK".
In the field "Access Token:" you find now a Token that is an User Access Token. It is not a Page Access Token! This Token has all permissions you need to manage your page (including the permission "manage_pages"), but you can't use it to manage pages since it is the wrong type of token. You need this token only for one reason: To create a new token.
Step 2
Use the User Access Token you just got to create a Page Access Token
2.1 Enter "me/accounts" in the query field
2.2 Click "Submit"
You get a list of your pages, each with an "access_token" (which is now a Page Access Token). Each of this tokens did inherit the permissions from the User Access Token you used when you called "me/accounts".
This Page Access Token expires after one hour.
If you want a Page Access Token that never expires, do it this way:
A.1 Go to
A.2 From the drop down menu "Apps" select the App you want to use.
A.3 Click on "show" in the field "App Secret" (you need to enter your Facebook Password)
A.4 Open a new tab in your browser and there execute steps 1.1 to 1.6 from above to generate a short-lived User Access Token
A.5 Open a third Tab in your browser and there enter this string into the address field of your browser:{app-id}&client_secret={app-secret}&fb_exchange_token={short-lived-token} (do not press enter!) If this strings disappears when switching from one browser tab to another use any text editor to assemble the string and copy it later into the address field.
A.6 In this string replace {app-id} and {app-secret} by the values from the browser tab that still shows your Apps data.
A.7 Replace {short-lived-token} with the User Access Token you find in the field "Access Token:" from the Graph API Explorer.
(After this step there are no more curly brackets in the address string)
A.8 send this request (press Enter now)
Your browser window now shows a String with the fields "access_token" and "expires", separated by an ampersand ("&") which is not part of the token. This Token is a long lived User Access Token that will expire in two month.
A.9 Execute Steps 2.1 and 2.2 using the "access_token" from step A.8
The result is a Page Access Tokes with all permissions you selected in Step 1.4 and that never will expire.
Good luck!
Using page access token should help since you are reading from the page ..
Graph api node: GET me/accounts
me/accounts would give you the pages you are admin for and use access token coming in the page info dictionary.
you should get the following data from me/accounts
"data": [
"category": "Product/service",
"name": "Sample Page",
"access_token": "{page-access-token}",
"id": "1234567890",
"perms": [
Use page-access-token to access data from page as the page admin and thou shall receive data :) let me know if this works :)
A successful authorization would return an access token to your app, which you can then use to perform actions to the Facebook API. The error message displayed means you do not have a valid access token which means you probably did not authenticate the app correctly. I would put some logging on the onFacebookError and onError methods to see what the problem is.
Request Permission At Login time So Its Authentication Error
Permission List
Set Permission Reference

Get facebook public page rating and review

I am not the owner of some page but i want access the pages reviews and ratings,Each access time i am getting empty data set
> http=""
> content=callAPIInfo(http,fb_oauth)
> content
I saw some of the similar12 question but didnt get my answer,I dont wanna collect page access tokens from the admin of each pages,Is it possible to fetch review and rating.thanks.
Finally i find a very detailed answer by ifaour for access pages token by admin and its necessary to take page access token so here is how to get page access token and review and rating
Go to the Graph API Explorer
Choose your app from the dropdown menu
Click "Get Access Token"
Choose the manage_pages permission (you may need the user_events permission too, not sure)
Now access the me/accounts connection and copy your page's access_token Click on
your page's id Add the page's access_token to the GET fields Call
the connection you want (e.g.: PAGE_ID/events)
access_token="xxx" #[what u find above]
> content=callAPIInfo(http,access_token)
> content
[1] "2014-04-13T11:37:26+0000"
[1] "abc"
[1] "100000579606903"
[1] 4
[1] "Enjoy having coffee here...:)"
See, all-most all the graph API calls needs an access token for access else you'll not get the result.
The different APIs require different kinds of access tokens, some required current user's access token, some requires page access token and some require app access token. And there are also some APIs that can use either of these tokens.
You want to get the rating/reviews of a page. If you read the official documentation for the same (/{page-id}/ratings), it clearly says-
A page access token is required to retrieve this data.
So you have to have the page access token to get the ratings/reviews of that page. (and for that you should add manage_pages permission and get the page access token with /{page-id}?fields=access_token)

get Facebook Graph api page review

I'm trying to get review/rating from certain place whos fb page can look like this i.e :
So id of this place/page is 183254918389428
And you can get the details of this place but not rating/review:
I found somewhere on this forum that you could get review from page like this :
But I always get no data :
"data": [
So I'm not trying to get app review/rating but for certain place.
You'd need a page access token to fetch reviews and ratings. Here is a very good short tutorial on getting a page access token: Obtaining page access token.<APP_ID>&redirect_uri=<REDIRECT_URL>&scope=manage_pages&state=<STATE>
This will generate you a CODE, use that code in:<APP_ID>&client_secret=<APP_SECRET>&code=<CODE>
This will return you a json response containing short lived user access token.
Next, use the short lived user token to get long lived user token:<APP_ID>&client_secret=<APP_SECRET>&fb_exchange_token=<SHORT_LIVED_TOKEN>
This will return another json containing the long lived user token, you can now exchange it for page access token:<LONG_LIVED_TOKEN>
This will return you a json with page access token of the page(s) associated with that user account. Use this page access token to fetch ratings and reviews by passing it to:<page_access_token>
And you will get all the ratings posted on facebook for that page.
Hope, this helps someone. :)
The ratings edge has the reviews in it now, but you need to have a page access token to get it.
The end point is documented here:
Note that to get the page access token you have to use a user token from someone who is an admin of the page. I don't know if that's a problem for you.
The API for Page reviews hasn't been released yet. We are working on it. Please keep checking for the updates here.
Update: API for fetching page reviews can be found here:

Posting on user's timeline on the behalf of the user

I created and APP on the Facebook.
Now I am trying to post a comment on the user's timeline using the Graph API but I cannot undestand what I need to do.
I already authorized the Application (I authorized this permissions: 'user_status,publish_stream,user_photos,email').
If I look on my profile -> privacy I can see that the APP can:
This app can: Post on your behalf
This app may post on your behalf, including status updates, photos and more.
Last data access:
Basic InformationToday
See details ยท Learn more
Posts on your behalf:
Who can see posts this app makes for you on your Facebook timeline?
When to notify you?
The app sends you a notification
So this part seems OK.
On my application I do the following to try to post somenthing on my timeline (I need to post it when I am off line).
1) GET :*APP_SECRET*&grant_type=client_credentials
access_token = 422828347771671|UdQELQIf0N7krF4JUo7VwtPLTkk
2) GET:
But reading the documentation ( it seems that this request does not need any kind of access token.
I also tried to add the access token, but the result is still the same.
3) I know my facebookid so I tried to use it directly:
"error": {
"message": "(#200) This API call requires a valid app_id.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 200
So I tried to add client_id=APPID and app_id=APPID, I tried to put one, the other and also both arguments as GET or POST but nothing changed.
I checked the APPId ad it is correct.
Do someone have any idea?
Thank you!
You cant simply generate a user access_token by querying to a URL. What you did gives the App access token and as the error say, you are trying to do something, that needs user access_token.
Refer and implement this :
And use that access_token for the rest of the processes.