Calculate roots of multiple polynomials - matlab

Given a matrix A that represents polynomials in each column. How can the roots of each polynomial be calculated efficiently without loops?

Here's a comparison between 3 methods:
A simple loop through all the rows, using roots on each row.
A completely loopless approach, based on YBE's idea of using a block-diagonal matrix,
using sparse as an intermediate
A simple loop through all the rows, but this time using "inlined" code from roots.
The code:
%// The polynomials
m = 15;
n = 8;
N = 1e3;
X = rand(m,n);
%// Simplest approach
for mm = 1:N
R = zeros(n-1,m);
for ii = 1:m
R(:,ii) = roots(X(ii,:));
%// Completely loopless approach
for mm = 1:N
%// Indices for the scaled coefficients
ii = repmat(1:n-1:m*(n-1), n-1,1);
jj = 1:m*(n-1);
%// Indices for the ones
kk = bsxfun(#plus, repmat(2:n-1, m,1), (n-1)*(0:m-1).'); %'
ll = kk-1;
%// The block diagonal matrix
coefs = -bsxfun(#rdivide, X(:,2:end), X(:,1)).'; %'
one = ones(n-2,m);
C = full(sparse([ii(:); kk(:)], [jj(:); ll(:)],...
[coefs(:); one(:)]));
%// The roots
R = reshape(eig(C), n-1,m);
%// Simple loop, roots() "inlined"
R = zeros(n-1,m);
for mm = 1:N
for ii = 1:m
A = zeros(n-1);
A(1,:) = -X(ii,2:end)/X(ii,1);
A(2:n:end) = 1;
R(:,ii) = eig(A);
The results:
%// m=15, n=8, N=1e3:
Elapsed time is 0.780930 seconds. %// loop using roots()
Elapsed time is 1.959419 seconds. %// Loopless
Elapsed time is 0.326140 seconds. %// loop over inlined roots()
%// m=150, n=18, N=1e2:
Elapsed time is 1.785438 seconds. %// loop using roots()
Elapsed time is 110.1645 seconds. %// Loopless
Elapsed time is 1.326355 seconds. %// loop over inlined roots()
Of course, your mileage may vary, but the general message should be clear: The old advice of avoiding loops in MATLAB is just that: OLD. It just no longer applies to MATLAB versions R2009 and up.
Vectorization can still be a good thing though, but certainly not always. As in this case: profiling will tell you that most time is spent on computing the eigenvalues for the block-diagonal matrix. The algorithm underlying eig scales as N³ (yes, that is a three), plus it cannot take advantage of sparse matrices in any way (like this block-diagonal one), making the approach a poor choice in this particular context.
Loops are your friend here ^_^
Now, this is of course based on eig() of the companion matrix, which is a nice and simple method to compute all roots in one go. There are of course many more methods to compute roots of polynomials, each with their own advantages/disadvantages. Some are a lot faster, but aren't so good when a few of the roots are complex. Others are a lot faster, but need a fairly good initial estimate for every root, etc. Most other rootfinding methods are usually a lot more complicated, which is why I left these out here.
Here is a nice overview, and here is a more in-depth overview, along with some MATLAB code examples.
If you're smart, you should only dive into this material if you need to do this computation millions of times on a daily basis for at least the next few weeks, otherwise, it's just not worth the investment.
If you're smarter, you'll recognize that this will undoubtedly come back to you at some point, so it's worthwhile to do anyway.
And if you're an academic, you master all the root-finding methods so you'll have a giant toolbox, so you can pick the best tool for the job whenever a new job comes along. Or even dream up your own method :)

You can use arrayfun in combination with roots, which will give you the results in terms of cell arrays.
n = size(A,2);
t = arrayfun(#(x)roots(A(:,x)), 1:n, 'UniformOutput', 0);
You can then use cell2mat to convert it to a matrix. Either: r = cell2mat(t), or
r = cell2mat(arrayfun(#(x)roots(A(:,x)), 1:n, 'UniformOutput', 0));

Practically what roots does is to find the eigenvalues of the companion matrix.
roots(p) = eig(compan(p))
So here is my example that constructs a block-diagonal matrix out of the companion matrices of each polynomial, than finds the eigenvalues of the block-diagonal matrix.
>> p1=[2 3 5 7];
>> roots(p1)
ans =
-0.0272 + 1.5558i
-0.0272 - 1.5558i
>> eig(compan(p1))
ans =
-0.0272 + 1.5558i
-0.0272 - 1.5558i
>> p2=[1 2 9 5];
>> roots(p2)
ans =
-0.6932 + 2.7693i
-0.6932 - 2.7693i
>> p3=[5 1 4 7];
>> roots(p3)
ans =
0.3690 + 1.1646i
0.3690 - 1.1646i
>> A=blkdiag(compan(p1),compan(p2),compan(p3))
A =
-1.5000 -2.5000 -3.5000 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 -2.0000 -9.0000 -5.0000 0 0 0
0 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1.0000 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.2000 -0.8000 -1.4000
0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 0
>> eig(A)
ans =
-0.0272 + 1.5558i
-0.0272 - 1.5558i
-0.6932 + 2.7693i
-0.6932 - 2.7693i
0.3690 + 1.1646i
0.3690 - 1.1646i


Storing the output of a for loop in a (block) diagonal matrix when the output of the for loop is 2*2 matrix?

I have a “for loop” with 1000 iterations, where its output is a 2*2 matrix. So, my question is that “how can I store the output of all iteration as a diagonal (or block diagonal) matrix?”
X_t=[0 0.0016 0 0 -0.0015 0;0 0.0005 0 0 -0.0010 0];
X=[0 2 0 0 -1 0;0 0.5 0 0 -0.01 0];
ar = linspace(1e-3,1e2,1000);
w = 1i*ar;
M = zeros(2*numel(w));
for k=1:numel(w)
P=[(10*exp(-w(k)))/(12*w(k)+1) (-8*exp(-3*w(k)))/(7*w(k)+1);
(5*exp(-8*w(k)))/(9*w(k)+1) (-17*exp(-4*w(k)))/(12*w(k)+1)];
W=[1 0;1/w(k) 0;w(k)/(1+0.3*w(k)) 0;0 1;0 1/w(k);0 w(k)/(1+0.3*w(k))];
index = 2*k + [-1 0];
M(index, index)=(Z'*Z_t)-(Y'*Y);
You should determine which indexes you want to change in each iteration:
index = 2*k + [-1 0];
M(index, index)=(Z'*Z_t)-(Y'*Y);
And to improve the performance, you should preallocate the output matrix:
M = zeros(2*numel(w));
Note that it may be more (memory) efficient to use a sparse matrix.
You can check if your matrix is correctly build using the spy command, which graphically displays the non zero matrix entries:

Multiplication of matrices involving inverse operation: getting infinity

In my earlier question asked here : Matlab: How to compute the inverse of a matrix
I wanted to know how to perform inverse operation
A = [1/2, (1j/2), 0;
1/2, (-1j/2), 0;
T = A.*1
Tinv = inv(T)
The output is Tinv =
1.0000 1.0000 0
0 - 1.0000i 0 + 1.0000i 0
0 0 1.0000
which is the same as in the second picture. The first picture is the matrix A
However for a larger matrix say 5 by 5, if I don't use the identity, I to perform element wise multiplication, I am getting infinity value. Here is an example
A = [1/2, (1j/2), 1/2, (1j/2), 0;
1/2, (-1j/2), 1/2, (-1j/2), 0;
1/2, (1j/2), 1/2, (1j/2), 0;
1/2, (-1j/2), 1/2, (-1j/2), 0;
0, 0 , 0 , 0, 1.00
T = A.*1
Tinv = inv(T)
Tinv =
Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf
Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf
Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf
Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf
Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf
So, I tried to multiply T = A.*I where I = eye(5) then took the inverse Eventhough, I don't get infinity value, I am getting element 2 which is not there in the picture for 3 by 3 matrix case. Here is the result
Tinv =
2.0000 0 0 0 0
0 0 + 2.0000i 0 0 0
0 0 2.0000 0 0
0 0 0 0 + 2.0000i 0
0 0 0 0 1.0000
If for 3 by 3 matrix case, I use I = eye(3), then again I get element 2.
Tinv =
2.0000 0 0
0 0 + 2.0000i 0
0 0 1.0000
What is the proper method?
Question : For general case, for any sized matrix m by m, should I multiply using I = eye(m) ? Using I prevents infinity values, but results in new numbers 2. I am really confused. Please help
UPDATE: Here is the full image where Theta is a vector of 3 unknowns which are Theta1, Theta1* and Theta2 are 3 scalar valued parameters. Theta1 is a complex valued number, so we are representing it into two parts, Theta1 and Theta1* and Theta2 is a real valued number. g is a complex valued function. The expression of the derivative of a complex valued function with respect to Theta evaluates to T^H. Since, there are 3 unknowns, the matrix T should be of size 3 by 3.
your problem is slightly different than you think. The symbols (I, 0) in the matrices in the images are not necessarily scalars (only for n = 1), but they are actually square matrices.
I is an identity matrix and 0 is a matrix of zeros. if you treat these matrix like that you will get the expected answers:
n = 2; % size of the sub-matrices
I = eye(n); % identity matrix
Z = zeros(n); % matrix of zeros
% your T matrix
T = [1/2*I, (1j/2)*I, Z;
1/2*I, (-1j/2)*I, Z;
% inverse of T
Tinv1 = inv(T);
% expected result
Tinv2 = [I,I,Z;
% max difference between computed and expected
maxDist = max(abs(Tinv1(:) - Tinv2(:)))
First you should know, whether you should do
T = A.*eye(...)
I = A.*1 %// which actually does nothing
These are completely different things. Be sure what you need, then think about the code.
The reason why you get all inf is because the determinant det of your matrix is zero.
det(T) == 0
So from the mathematical point of view your result is correct, as building the inverse requires every element of T to be divided by det(T). Your matrix cannot be inversed. If it should be possible, the error is in your input matrix, or again in your understanding of the actual underlying problem to solve.
After your question update, it feels like you're actually looking for ctranpose instead of inv.

Power Method in MATLAB

I would like to implement the Power Method for determining the dominant eigenvalue and eigenvector of a matrix in MATLAB.
Here's what I wrote so far:
%function to implement power method to compute dominant
function [m,y_final]=power_method(A,x);
if (m-mold)<tol
With the above code, here is a numerical example:
A=[1 1 -2;-1 2 1; 0 1 -1]
A =
1 1 -2
-1 2 1
0 1 -1
>> x=[1 1 1];
>> x=x';
>> [m,y_final]=power_method(A,x);
>> A*x
ans =
When comparing with the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the above matrix in MATLAB, I did:
V =
0.3015 -0.8018 0.7071
0.9045 -0.5345 0.0000
0.3015 -0.2673 0.7071
D =
2.0000 0 0
0 1.0000 0
0 0 -1.0000
The eigenvalue coincides, but the eigenvector should be approaching [1/3 1 1/3]. Here, I get:
y_final =
Is this acceptable to see this inaccuracy, or am I making some mistake?
You have the correct implementation, but you're not checking both the eigenvector and eigenvalue for convergence. You're only checking the eigenvalue for convergence. The power method estimates both the prominent eigenvector and eigenvalue, so it's probably a good idea to check to see if both converged. When I did that, I managed to get [1/3 1 1/3]. Here is how I modified your code to facilitate this:
function [m,y_final]=power_method(A,x)
tol=1e-10; %// Change - make tolerance more small to ensure convergence
mold = m;
y_old=y_final; %// Change - Save old eigenvector
if abs(m-mold) < tol && norm(y_final-y_old,2) < tol %// Change - Check for both
When I run the above code with your example input, I get:
>> [m,y_final]=power_method(A,x)
m =
y_final =
On a side note with regards to eig, MATLAB most likely scaled that eigenvector using another norm. Remember that eigenvectors are not unique and are accurate up to scale. If you want to be sure, simply take the first column of V, which coincides with the dominant eigenvector, and divide by the largest value so that we can get one component to be normalized with the value of 1, just like the Power Method:
>> [V,D] = eig(A);
>> V(:,1) / max(abs(V(:,1)))
ans =
This agrees with what you have observed.

Performance of vectorizing code to create a sparse matrix with a single 1 per row from a vector of indexes

I have a large column vector y containing integer values from 1 to 10. I wanted to convert it to a matrix where each row is full of 0s except for a 1 at the index given by the value at the respective row of y.
This example should make it clearer:
y = [3; 4; 1; 10; 9; 9; 4; 2; ...]
% gets converted to:
Y = [
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0;
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0;
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
I have written the following code for this (it works):
m = length(y);
Y = zeros(m, 10);
for i = 1:m
Y(i, y(i)) = 1;
I know there are ways I could remove the for loop in this code (vectorizing). This post contains a few, including something like:
Y = full(sparse(1:length(y), y, ones(length(y),1)));
But I had to convert y to doubles to be able to use this, and the result is actually about 3x slower than my "for" approach, using 10.000.000 as the length of y.
Is it likely that doing this kind of vectorization will lead to better performance for a very large y? I've read many times that vectorizing calculations leads to better performance (not only in MATLAB), but this kind of solution seems to result in more calculations.
Is there a way to actually improve performance over the for approach in this example? Maybe the problem here is simply that acting on doubles instead of ints isn't the best thing for comparison, but I couldn't find a way to use sparse otherwise.
Here is a test to comapre:
function [t,v] = testIndicatorMatrix()
y = randi([1 10], [1e6 1], 'double');
funcs = {
#() func1(y);
#() func2(y);
#() func3(y);
#() func4(y);
t = cellfun(#timeit, funcs, 'Uniform',true);
v = cellfun(#feval, funcs, 'Uniform',false);
function Y = func1(y)
m = numel(y);
Y = zeros(m, 10);
for i = 1:m
Y(i, y(i)) = 1;
function Y = func2(y)
m = numel(y);
Y = full(sparse(1:m, y, 1, m, 10, m));
function Y = func3(y)
m = numel(y);
Y = zeros(m,10);
Y(sub2ind([m,10], (1:m).', y)) = 1;
function Y = func4(y)
m = numel(y);
Y = zeros(m,10);
Y((y-1).*m + (1:m).') = 1;
I get:
>> testIndicatorMatrix
ans =
Such a simple for-loop can be dynamically JIT-compiled at runtime, and would run really fast (even slightly faster than vectorized code)!
It seems you are looking for that full numeric matrix Y as the output. So, you can try this approach -
m = numel(y);
Y1(m,10) = 0; %// Faster way to pre-allocate zeros than using function call `zeros`
%// Source -
linear_idx = (y-1)*m+(1:m)'; %//'# since y is mentioned as a column vector,
%// so directly y can be used instead of y(:)
Y1(linear_idx)=1; %// Y1 would be the desired output
Using Amro's benchmark post and increasing the datasize a bit -
y = randi([1 10], [1.5e6 1], 'double');
And finally doing the faster pre-allocation scheme mentioned earlier of using Y(m,10)=0; instead of Y = zeros(m,10);, I got these results on my system -
>> testIndicatorMatrix
ans =
That is the vectorized approach mentioned here (the last one in the benchmark suite) is giving you more than 15% performance improvement over your for-loop code (the first one in the benchmark suite). So, if you are using large datasizes and intend to get full versions of sparse matrices, this approach would make sense (in my personal opinion).
Does something like this not work for you?
N = 1e6;
y = randperm( N );
Y = spalloc( N, N, N );
inds = sub2ind( size(Y), y(:), (1:N)' );
Y = sparse( 1:N, y, 1, N, N, N );
The above outputs
Elapsed time is 0.144683 seconds.

Converting a sparse matrix into cell array efficiently

I have this sparse matrix of the following form
Lets take an example of 5x10 matrix
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 .............................
4 .............................
5 .............................
From this sparse matrix, I want to create a cell array C of form
C{1} 1
C{2} = [1,2]
My sparse matrix is high dimensional like 40000 by 790000. How can I do it efficiently in matlab. I can definitely use a loop and do it inefficiently. But I want the most efficient. Suggestions?
Use find to get the indices and accumarray to group them by columns:
[ii, jj] = find(A);
C = accumarray(jj, ii, [], #(v) {v.'});
%// Random sparse matrix. Code adapted from #teng's answer
sz = [4e4 79e4];
nz = 1e5; %// number of nonzeros
A = sparse(randi(sz(1),[nz 1]),randi(sz(2),[nz 1]),1,sz(1),sz(2));
[ii, jj] = find(A);
C = accumarray(jj, ii, [], #(v) {v.'});
For nz = 1e4:
Elapsed time is 0.099657 seconds.
For nz = 1e5:
Elapsed time is 0.756234 seconds.
For nz = 1e6:
Elapsed time is 5.431427 seconds.
Let me get the party started...
let's start with the basics:
sz = [ 400 7900]; % hehe...
aMat = sparse(randi(sz(1),[1000 1]),randi(sz(2),[1000 1]),1,sz(1),sz(2));
aCell = mat2cell(aMat,ones([sz(1) 1]));
preC = cellfun(#(x) x(x~=0), aCell,'UniformOutput',false);
C = cellfun(#(x) find(x), preC,'UniformOutput',false);