Does Facebook Chat XMPP support XEP-0184 Extension? - facebook

From last two days, I have been trying to find out why the hell, Facebook is not sending the message receipts. (same like "Seen" feature in Web Interface).
This is XMPPMessage I am sending to Facebook Chat XMPP Server. But Facebook is in no mood to return the receipt or acknowledgement of the message. If you can guys can guide me, it will be really helpful.
<message type="chat" to="" id="E32DB9A2-8D0F-4BEC-87DF-299102CC4ABF"><body>Helll</body><active xmlns=""/><request xmlns="urn:xmpp:receipts"/></message>


Getting online presences for Facebook Chat

I'm using libpurple to connect to the FB chat. The problem is that I do not get online presences from friends who are online the via mobile Facebook application.
But if such a friend sends me a message, I get both the message and online presence for him at the same time.
It looks like this:
(14:23:08) jabber: Recv (ssl)(191): <message from="" to="" type="chat"><composing xmlns=""/></message>
(14:23:10) jabber: Recv (ssl)(188): <message from="" to="" type="chat"><active xmlns=""/></message>
(14:23:11) jabber: Recv (ssl)(166): <presence from="" to=""><x xmlns="vcard-temp:x:update"><photo/></x></presence>
So I am wondering whether it's my fault or the limitation Facebook Chat implementation.
I think there will be a delay for presence updates. Maybe you can check this out asking your friends not to send a message and waiting for the presence to change. From the facebook chat developers page [1] it seems that there will be a delay after which the presence will get updated when you change it.
Also, from the same page, one of the limitations is that the facebook chat server doesn't support presence probes. An XMPP server sends presence probes to contacts if it doesn't already have the presence information of the contacts after the user logs in and sends the initial presence (see section 5.1.1 of RFC 3921 [2], and section 4.3.1 of RFC 6121 [3]).
If the server cant send presence probes, it may not have the presence information of the contacts. I dont know how the facebook chat server was implemented, but I am guessing that when the contact does something (like sending a message/updating the presence), the server assumes that the contact is online and sends the presence. (I may be wrong here, someone correct me if I am!)

Facebook Chat, XMPP, Setting presence?

When changing the presence in Browser (offline/online) in Facebook Chat, the chat system sends the XMPP message in form:
<presence to="" from="" type="unavailable">
When I send my own presence from non-browser side (xmpp client) to the browser side with exactly same syntax, it seem not to effect. What I am missing here ?
Thanks a lot,
It seems like you can't do that with the facebook xmpp implementation, as they write in the documentation:
Facebook Chat should be compatible with every XMPP client, but is not
a full XMPP server. It should be thought of as a proxy into the world
of Facebook Chat on As a result, it has several
behaviors that differ slightly from what you would expect from a
traditional XMPP service
There's an open bug on this matter: XMPP: can't change availability, and also this thread also talks about it: Xmpp chat invisible presence.
Also, don't expect the fb apis to have the same functionality as you get using the fb webpage.
They obviously don't open everything they have to the apis.

Facebook chat API - XMPP typing paused notifications

I'm using the XMPP protocol in order to send and receive messages with the Facebook chat.
I'm able to receive messages, and as well get the typing notifications.
My problem is that I'm not receiving the 'typing paused' notification.
My app has successfully made the auth procedure and when the user is typing a message I'm receiving the 'composing' message but when he stops typing I'm not getting the 'paused' message that is documented in the XEP-0085 protocol.
The answer is most likely that Facebook doesn't support <paused/>. Only support for <active/> and <composing/> is absolutely required by the XEP.
Your client should handle <paused/> appropriately, but also handle not receiving it just fine too.

Facebook chat, GTalk with XMPP?

I'm still not quite sure what XMPP is. However I understand it is a protocol which drives many IM services such as FB and GTalk.
What I'm asking is, is it possible for FB accounts to chat to other XMPP accounts (e.g. GTalk) ? Like emails can email (decentralized) rather than only to etc.
Sadly not. At least currently. Facebook does not federate, meaning it does not make or accept connections to or from other XMPP servers.
Of historical note is the fact that Google did not originally federate They enabled this 6 months after they launched Google Talk. There's hope for Facebook yet. Maybe.
Facebook does not provide an XMPP server, just an XMPP API, so it's not possible to have all the operations available at a XMPP server.
As you can see from this link
Facebook Chat should be compatible with every XMPP client, but is not
a full XMPP server.

Does OpenFire or XMPP Protocol support Message Notification (Pending, Delivered, Read) like BBM (Blackberry Messenger)

I am a beginner and need help.
I am currently involved in a project, where required to build a chat application (server side and client side).
After further explore, eventually I was interested in XMPP.
For XMPP Server, I have been interested in the Openfire, which support XMPP Protocol. The question that remains unanswered is whether Openfire can be extended to the needs of Message Notification, which is a feature of the Blackberry Messenger which can determine whether a message is PENDING, DELIVERED, or has been READ by the client (user).
Can anyone help me?
As the (almost!) duplicate thread mentions, this question seems to be about XEP-0184.
See also:
XEP-0079: Advanced Message Processing
Discussion thread: XEP-0184 Message Receipts
Add support for XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts
[Status: Open]