Mongodb Exception "point not in interval of [ -180, 180 ] - mongodb

I have a collection 'place' ,one documentis as below
"_id" : ObjectId("52401a7267778834a23a54a2"),
"userid" : "123",
"loc" : {
"lng" : 77.6166685,
"lat" : 12.9361732
"t" : ISODate("2013-04-23T10:39:46.540Z")
I want to find out locations of user with userid 234 and loc near to [77.6166685,12.9361732] within 1km
but the below query is not working{{"userid":"234","loc":{"$near":{"$geometry":{"type":"point","coordinates":[77.6166685,12.9361732]},"$maxDistance":1000}}})
it showing error as given below
error: {
"$err" : "point not in interval of [ -180, 180 ] :: caused by :: { 0: 0.0, 1: 250.0 }",
"code" : 16433
what is this error and how can I correct it?

I think that the problem is the following:
You document has a form which is applicable for "2d" indexes, (you have not told what kind of indexes do you have) and you are trying to query it with a query which is applicable for "2dsphere" indexes. So you have two options:
convert the document to GeoJSON format (here you are not specifying geometry), put 2dsphere index and to query it in this way
do nothing and to query it with a correct way with "2d" indexes
I have done in the second way:
"$near": [77.6166685,12.9361732],
and got a correct result.


What is the correct way to query this document? (If the index is correct)

I've a BigChainDB docker container running in my machine and I'm trying to store and retrieve geospatial data.
I've created through the MongoDB interface a 2dsphere index "location" in the "metadata" collection.
I've checked with the command:
And I think that everything it's ok, in fact the result is this:
"v" : 2,
"key" : {
"loc" : "2dsphere"
"name" : "loc_2dsphere",
"ns" : "bigchain.metadata",
"2dsphereIndexVersion" : 3
The document that I've inserted to try some spatial queries is (this is the result of a db.metadata.findOne() query):
"_id" : ObjectId("5ccab10a2ce1b70022823a0f"),
"id" : "752ee9abccf83c7fd25d86c9a7d12229ae292fa27544f6881f1dbf97ccd8b413",
"metadata" : {
"location" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [
But when I use this spatial query nothing is retrieved:
"metadata": {
"location": {
$near: {
$geometry: {
type: "Point" ,
coordinates: [ 22 , 113 ]
I'm doing anything wrong, or is there the possibility that the index doesn't work?
There are a couple of issues here.
The first is that the index is on the field loc whereas your query is querying metadata.location.
If you try creating a 2dsphere index on metadata.location you will see the 2nd error:
"errmsg" : "invalid point in geo near query $geometry argument: { type: \"Point\", coordinates: [ 22.0, 113.0 ] } longitude/latitude is out of bounds, lng: 22 lat: 113",
This error shows that the GEOJSON point defined in your document is invalid, as the latitude value of 113 is outside the acceptable range of [-90, 90].
You would need to correct the data to be valid GEOJSON before indexing.

Mongodb $near returning error

I have a basic document, like so:
"_id" : ObjectId("5760fe623f6d3ad25e387ffc"),
"type": 5,
"product" : {
"location" : {
"geometry" : [ 153.39999999999998, -28.016667 ],
"name" : "Gold Coast QLD, Australia",
"id" : "ChIJt2BdK0cakWsRcK_e81qjAgM"
I am trying to query the location using the $near method provided by Mongodb.
This is my query:
'product.location.geometry': {
$near: [ 153.39999999999998, -28.016667 ]
Within the Mongodb documentation, it states that:
To specify a point using legacy coordinates, $near requires a 2d index
and has the following syntax:
$near: [ <x>, <y> ],
$maxDistance: <distance in radians>
It even gives this example on their site:
location : { $near : [ -73.9667, 40.78 ], $maxDistance: 0.10 }
This is the error it is producing:
Error: error: {
"waitedMS" : NumberLong(0),
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "error processing query: ns=mytestnodedb.postsTree: GEONEAR field=product.location.geometry maxdist=1.79769e+308 isNearSphere=0\nSort: {}\nProj: {}\n planner returned error: unable to find index for $geoNear query",
"code" : 2
I am unable to identify anything that is wrong with my query. Mongo states that the $near must be longitude followed by latitude, which I am definitely doing. I am purposefully leaving out $maxDistance since Mongo states that it will return results sorted from nearest to farthest.
Well error is pretty much self explainatory. Query requires 2d index which it can't find.
I'd create index as:
Now if I run your query on sample data, I get
"_id" : ObjectId("5760fe623f6d3ad25e387ffc"),
"type" : 5.0,
"product" : {
"location" : {
"geometry" : [
"name" : "Gold Coast QLD, Australia",
"id" : "ChIJt2BdK0cakWsRcK_e81qjAgM"

mongodb geospacial query : $centerSphere not giving good result

I have a db with geodata (lng,lat) from Europe.
I'm trying to do a geospatial query to get all element within a circle.
So, i create a GeoJSON field, and a 2dsphere index on it.
This look like that :
"_id" : ObjectId("56c3484612aeb853a83ec336"),
"defaultLabel" : "Zoo de Mulhouse",
"weight" : NumberInt(1),
"country" : "FR",
"loc" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [
and db.myCollection.createIndex({"loc":"2dsphere"});
So far, so good.
But then i tried some queries to check.
I took a point at ~1,12 km (1120m) from the data, and did a request with a radius of 1200m.
1200 / 6378100] // radius of earth ~6378.1Km
I got no result.
With the same request, i have to put about 1650m to get the result.
Obviously, this is not acceptable.
So, what did I do wrong?
Found the problem : coordinates were stored as [lat,lgn] in my legacy, and i didn't check before create my GeoJSON, so it was in the wrong order.

$and with $nearSphere in mongodb

I have a collection having from and to point locations. Now I wish to find documents which have both, to and from locations nearby the given source and destinations.
Here's the setup:
collection: db.t2.find():
"_id" : ObjectId("5..4"),
"uid" : "sdrr",
"valid_upto": 122334,
"loc" : {
"from" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [ 77.206672, 28.543347 ]
"to" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [ 77.1997687, 28.5567278 ]
Indices: db.t2.getIndices():
"v" : 1,
"name" : "_id_",
"key" : {
"_id" : 1
"ns" : "mydb.t2"
"v" : 1,
"name" : "uid_1_loc.from_2dsphere_loc.to_2dsphere_valid_upto_1",
"key" : {
"uid" : 1,
"loc.from" : "2dsphere",
"" : "2dsphere",
"valid_upto" : 1
"ns" : "mydb.t2"
Single queries for either to or from work good with the current settings give nice results. However, when I use to and from together in a single query with $and clause:
"$and" : [
"loc.from" : {
"$nearSphere" : [ 77.5454589,28.4621213 ],
"$maxDistance" : 0.18
"" : {
"$nearSphere" : [ 77.206672, 28.543347 ],
"$maxDistance" : 0.18
it throws the following error:
error: {
"$err" : "can't find any special indices: 2d (needs index), 2dsphere (needs index), for: { $and: [ { loc.from: { $nearSphere: [ 77.5454589, 28.4621213 ], $maxDistance: 0.18 } }, { { $nearSphere: [ 77.206672, 28.543347 ], $maxDistance: 0.18 } } ] }",
"code" : 13038
I suppose the data has been indexed as evident from getIndices(), but still its unable to find indices! Where is the problem then and how can I fix it to have effect of a $and-ed operation?
The error appears to be present from a MongoDB 2.4 version where there indeed was a bug that would not allow a $near type of query within and $and operation that accessed another field.
But your particular problem here is that you just cannot do this.
The code and comments to test this can be vied on GitHub but essentially:
// There can only be one NEAR. If there is a NEAR, it must be either the root or the root
// must be an AND and its child must be a NEAR.
size_t numGeoNear = countNodes(root, MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR);
if (numGeoNear > 1) {
return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Too many geoNear expressions");
So that is an error that would be emitted from MongoDB 2.6 you tried to do this.
A brief look at all the surrounding code within the method will show you that "geo" queries are not alone in this and the other "special" index type of "text" is included in the same rules.
Part of the reason for this is the $meta "scoring" that is required, as in this case is $maxDistance. There really is no valid way to combine or discern which value would actually apply in combined results such as this.
On a bit more of a technical note, the other issue is with being able to "intersect" indexes in a query such as this. The required fuzzy matching makes this a very different prospect to something like the basic "Btree" index intersection.
For now at least, your best approach is to perform each query by itself and manually "union/intersect" your results in code, with of course your own tagging as to which results are for your origin and which are for your destination.
This was a known issue in version 2.4 and prior of MongoDB, fixed in version 2.5.5:
Core ServerSERVER-4572 Geospatial index cannot be used in $and
criteria of a query?
Should be fixed as of 2.6 - if you're running 2.4 or previous I'd upgrade, if you're running 2.6.X I'd report it as a bug.

spring mongo support for geoJSOn for 2dsphere index

Mongo though provides 2dsphere index on legacy co-ordinates, the query requires to present to Point/Shapes in geoJSON format. For e.g., I have inserted the following records to address collection.
{ "city" : "First", "geo" : [ 13.45, 23.46 ] }
{ "city" : "Second", "geo" : [ 13.45, 20.46 ] }
Then I added 2dsphere index using following command as mongodb still allows 2dsphere index on legacy co-ordinates.
Then if I do $near query using legacy format, but got an exception.
> db.address.find({"geo":{$near:{"x":13.45,"y":23.45}}})
error: {
"$err" : "can't parse query (2dsphere): { $near: { x: 13.45, y: 23.45 } }",
"code" : 16535
But If do same query with geoJSON format, then I get result.
> db.address.find({"geo":{$near:{"type":"Point",coordinates:[13.45,23.45]}}})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("537306b4b8ac1f134d9efe89"), "city" : "First", "geo" : [ 13.45, 23.46 ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("537306c3b8ac1f134d9efe8a"), "city" : "Second", "geo" : [ 13.45, 20.46 ] }
My question is, GeoConverters has all conversion made to legacy format. So, obviously they wont' work if I use 2dsphere index. Are there any converts available for geoJSON format. Is there any workaround?
Currently spring-data-mongo doesn't support the new mongo (> 2.4) 2dsphere indexes. There is a open issue on Jira about it:
In the link you can find a gist link to example of how create such converters. You can use it or you can overcome this limitation creating a #Query with the query that you want that spring-data-mongo execute.