How to make emacs allow opening one buffer in different frames? - emacs

I have two frames of the same Emacs instance (got them by C-x 5 2) and a file opened in one of these frames. Then I try to show this file in a buffer in another frame (by C-x b) and nothing happens.
Actually, I think it shows this file in a buffer in the first frame, but this is not what I want it to do. I want it to show this buffer in both frames.
When there is only one frame and some windows in it, opening one buffer in different windows is no problem. I want the same behaviour but with several frames.

Most likely you are using iswitch, as what you describe is its default behavior.
You can change it by doing M-x customize-variable RET iswitchb-default-method. probably you want to choose option samewindow
The ido equivalent variable , in case you are using it, is ido-default-buffer-method (ido defaults to raise-frame, that does not match with your observed behavior).
You may find if you are using one or the other using the way #Olaf describes.

Maybe, you have C-x b redefined. I have the same behaviour with iswitch-buffer. But when I enter M-x switch-to-buffer, it shows the buffer in the second window.
You can find out, which command is executed with C-h c C-x b.


Emacs switch-to-buffer (C-x b) will change window if the buffer is opened in some other window

I would like to change the behavior of switch-to-buffer to always open the desired buffer in the current window instead of switching to another window if already opened.
My rationale for doing this :
I have 2 screens, one Emacs on each. One is for reading, the other one for writing. Some buffers will be in the reading side for a while, but now I want to edit them. I'd like to have them in front of me instead of automatically switch to this other window on the side.
Thank you.
That is what switch-to-buffer does - exactly what you say you want. Do you see something different when you start Emacs without an init file (emacs -Q)?
The only exception is when the window cannot be used for that buffer. As the doc string says:
If the selected window cannot display the specified
buffer (e.g. if it is a minibuffer window or strongly dedicated
to another buffer), call `pop-to-buffer' to select the buffer in
another window.

emacs follow-mode use/alternatives

I have recently started using Emacs follow-mode to see more of documents I am working on. Unfortunately, it seems to have some limitations, at least as I am using it. I very often use C-x b RET to toggle between two buffers, but this doesn't work as I would expect with follow-mode. I would expect that if both buffers are set up to use follow-mode, it should switch both windows, but it does not. Also, even if only one buffer is set to use follow-mode, hitting C-x b RET after switching to that buffer should get me back to my original configuration, but instead it switches the active window to some third buffer. Can anyone explain some better follow-mode idioms or else an alternative to follow-mode?

How do I stop Emacs from changing my split buffers?

I have a number of splits open, looking at various buffers. But when I for example check the help on a function it will replace one of the splits with the help buffer. Once I'm done reading the help I have to go back to the correct buffer manually which is a pain. How do I get Emacs to be nicer to my buffers?
Update: Help will let you press q to go back to the previous buffer. But causing the Emacs backtrace to pop up also steals one of my buffer windows and it doesn't have a q.
Update: Backtrace DOES have q to go back. My original question still remains: how do I ask Emacs not to steal one of my splits?
Adding the line(push "*Help*" special-display-buffer-names) to the init file should make subsequent invocations of the help buffer to appear in its own frame(what the desktop usually calls "window"), and leave the original frame with its configuration alone.
See Special Buffer Frames.
You could also use winner-mode. It came up on a while back.
Winner Mode is a global minor mode. When activated, it allows to “undo” (and “redo”) changes in the window configuration with the key commands ‘C-c left’ and ‘C-c right’.
That way you can undo any changes to your splits immediately after they happen.
I hope this will help you :
C-x 0 to remove the current window
C-x 1 to keep only the current window
you can use windmove by adding the following line in your .emacs :
Then, you can move the point between windows using S-right S-left S-up and S-down
There are lots of ways to store and restore emacs windows, see on the subject.
What I do is just go to that changed buffer, C-x k it, and the current buffer in that window will be the previous buffer.
It may be possible to define advice for the help that saves the current window and buffer state and restores it with a simple keybind. But this is outside my basic elisp knowledge.

Emacs: help me understand file/buffer management

I've been using emacs for all of my text editing needs for the past three years now. When I'm in a single file, working on code or whatnot, I'm fairly efficient. With two files, I can "C-x b RET" between them and I do fine. However, whenever I need to be working on more than two files at a time, I tend to get lost.
Here are some of the problems that I'd like to work on:
I forget what some of my buffers are called, but I don't understand why C-x C-b splits my window into two buffers and exits the mini buffer. Sure I can switch buffers and choose a buffer to visit, but this feels unintuitive, and leaves me with two buffers open.
When I visit a directory rather than a file, I have a convenient list of all of the files and directories. I usually want to do one of two things with this: 1) Open a single file and never see this buffer again OR 2) Open a bunch of files and never see this buffer again. I don't really know how to do this, as moving the point to a file and hitting return doesn't do either of these things.
I know that my buffers aren't like tabs, but I have an inclination to want to scroll through them to find what I want. I don't know of any key-bindings for this, but I'd like it to be M-n / M-p or the like. Then again, this may be a horribly inefficient way to switch buffers.
When I open interactive help of any kind (for example in ESS), I have a habit of switching back to the buffer I was working in and using C-x 1 to get back to a single buffer. When I do this, however, the help buffer hangs around in my buffer list, further confusing me. I know I can switch to that buffer, kill it, switch back, and then go back to a single buffer, but this seems wrong.
The way I've dealt with this so far involves using a tiling window manager and a few emacs windows in different work-spaces, rather than actually learn the best way to manage a number of files in emacs. I don't necessarily want to change emacs to better fit my needs (although I am open to that if it fits in with what I'm about to say), instead, I'd like to grok the thought process behind handling files/buffers the way that emacs does, and how I can be more efficient with it.
Any answer that would help me understand the correct way, or a more efficient way to manage my buffers or files would be greatly appreciated.
Bind C-x C-b to ibuffer. This is a better buffer listing facility with many advanced features, and its default behaviour is to replace the current buffer with the buffer listing, and then bury the listing when you select a buffer (leaving you with the newly-selected buffer in place of the original one).
You can simply use C-x b to enter your selection in the mini-buffer, of course; however the tab-completion (which is needed to make this a viable option, IMO) does open a new window temporarily, at which point I think you might as well familiarise yourself with something with more features.
Use a instead of RET when selecting from dired. This kills the dired buffer instead of leaving it behind. C-h m in any buffer will show you the help for its major mode (followed by help for the minor modes), and you can read about all the available dired key bindings there. ? (edit: I prefer Rémi's answer for this one, but TabBarMode would give you the visual tab element if you were particularly keen on that.)
q is bound to a 'quit' function in a great many major modes. Generally it buries the buffer rather than killing it, but I certainly find that fine.
To elaborate a little on #1, ibuffer has lots of nice features, and M-x customize-group ibuffer RET will give you some idea of how you can customise it to your liking.
Furthermore, you can filter the buffer list by many criteria (again, use C-h m to see its help page), and then generate a 'group' definition from the current filters, and save your custom filters and groups for future usage.
For example:
/ f ^/var/www/ RET: filter buffer list to show only filenames starting with /var/www/.
/ s Web filters RET: name and save active filter set to your init file.
/ g Web development RET: create a named group from the active filters.
/ S My groups RET: name and save group definitions to your init file.
/ r Web filters RET: invoke the "Web filters" filters.
/ R My groups RET: invoke the "My groups" groups.
RET on a group name to collapse or expand it.
C-k and C-y to kill and yank groups, to re-arrange them.
C-h m for more information...
This way you can have a single Emacs instance running, and create filters and groups for different types of task, and easily switch between them.
I think you will really enjoy Ido for dealing with multiple buffers who's names you can't exactly remember. When you type C-x b it shows a list of open buffers in most used order. As you type some of the characters in a buffer name the list is filtered. The characters you type don't have to be at the begging of the name or contiguous. Using C-f, C-b or left/right arrow keys cycles through the buffer choices.
Also see Smex for Ido like functionality for M-x
Closing windows is done with C-x 0. Intentionally splitting the window is done with C-x 2 for horizontal, C-x 3 for vertical. I love this feature, since it allows me to have test and production code visible at the same time. C-x o takes me to the other window.
I use C-x right (or C-x C-right) and C-x left (or C-x C-right) to go to the next and previous buffer. I don't mind anymore off the few buffer that lay around in Emacs but you could use k in the buffer list to kill the buffer you don't use anymore.
You can also try Iswitchb mode which provides auto-completion for buffer names when you switch buffers via C-x b.
To activate:
M-x iswitchb-mode
Or add to your .emacs file:
It is similar to Ido mode for buffer switching but a bit more lightweight.
Also, if you want a more customizable listing of your buffers then use M-x bs-show as an alternative to C-x C-b. In that buffer type ? to get a list of actions you can perform.
I think the number one most useful extension for flipping through buffers is Anything. It lets you start typing part of a buffer (or file!) name and it will figure out what you want. I've rebound C-x b to anything-for-buffers. It makes life so much better.
As always, there are many ways to help you with this; it depends a bit on personal preference what works best, here are some links with explanations:
ibuffer; which is an updated buffer menu (C-x C-b)
ido, which let's you have more powerful autocompletion to switch through buffers. It's a kind-of 'better iswitchb'.
These two are enough for me; but you may also be interested in the tabbar-mode, which gives you rudimentary tabs (like firefox has them).

Emacs - Multiple columns one buffer

I'm trying to edit some assembly code which tends to be formatted in long but thin listings. I'd like to be able to use some of the acres of horizontal space I have and see more code on-screen at one time. Is there a method for getting Emacs (or indeed another editor) to show me multiple columns all pointing to the same buffer?
C-x 3 (emacs) and :vsplit (vim) are great for multiple separate views into the code, but I'd like it to flow from one column to the other (like text in a newspaper).
See follow-mode.
Follow mode is a minor mode that makes two windows, both showing the same buffer, scroll as a single tall “virtual window.” To use Follow mode, go to a frame with just one window, split it into two side-by-side windows using C-x 3, and then type M-x follow-mode. From then on, you can edit the buffer in either of the two windows, or scroll either one; the other window follows it.
In Follow mode, if you move point outside the portion visible in one window and into the portion visible in the other window, that selects the other window—again, treating the two as if they were parts of one large window.
I use this function to invoke follow-mode, although it would need customization for a different screen size:
;;; I want a key to open the current buffer all over the screen.
(defun all-over-the-screen ()
(follow-mode t))
The "Multipager" plugin for Vim can do this with VIM splits for people who want to get this behavior in Vim.
Get it from Dr. Chip's page:
Vim can do this using :vsplit - and you can have the same buffer open in multiple "windows" (which are actually sections within a single "window").
Documentation here
A quick look at the emacs wiki doesn't show a mode like you describe. However, it shouldn't be too hard to write one... You just need to split the window with C-x 3 and move the text in the other window down, and whenever you move the text, do the same to the other window...
Problems may occur when you get to the bottom of the buffer, do you want the cursor to immediately go to the other window at the top?
Hmm, maybe its not that easy. But it should still be doable...
this is the default behaviour of emacs when splitting the window (C-x 3 for vertical split)
you get two columns which both have the current buffer open
Use vertical-split with C-x 3. This will split the current buffer into two columns that you can switch between with C-x o.