How to integrate comment in portlet in liferay 6.1? - liferay-6

I developed a new portlet to display journal article. Now I want to allow users to comment on a journal article.
There is built-in comment feature I saw in the Asset Publisher. How can I integrate the comment feature in my portlet?

You can make use of Liferay's tag <liferay-ui:discussion>.
Refer to Link


Comment section on Github Pages

I have made a website that I published as Github Page. Since Github Pages is not a server provider and can only store a static website, I cannot use a comment section server side.
Is there any other way of implementing comments / discussion feature on github pages? For example feedback form can be handled using Google Forms.
I do not believe this is possible anymore because as you said they only support static pages now. Yes, you can use google forums or something similar. You can also use GH discussions. You can find it on the top bar or go use a link. They are formated like this<user/orgenisation name>/<repository name>/discussions

VS Team Services and website portal, in lieu of SharePoint

VSTS cannot link to sharepoint for a portal. The only option is a web site. Is there any documentation as to the requirements for the website?
There isn't any requirement for website since TFS/VSTS does not perform any integration with the website. When you click "Show Project Portal..." from "VS\Team", it just open the website URL from browser. So you just need to make sure the website linked can be accessed by your team members.
Depending on your needs, VSTS version control integration can offer a lot.
You can customize the welcome page and from there link Markdown files in version control: Markdown is nicely rendered.

i have an issue with posting on facebook article with joomla cms

I am trying to make a web page with joomla CMS.
I have tried every possible free extension for share, like on facebook, twitter and linkedin...BUT whenever i install another plugin which is not related to social plugins all the article's posts on facebook change images, links and titles.
You might be interested in using the K2 component.
K2 in in nutshell is an extended article manager that includes many more features such as a voting, comments and sharing system. The social buttons include Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
I would strongly advice it:

Facebook social reading plugin for Wordpress?

As you know, a lot of bigger news websites have intorduced "social readers" for Facebook (e.g., which log what the user has read into the activity stream ("Michael read..."). Is it possible to integrate similar functionality into a Wordpress blog? Are the relevant API's open? Are there any plugins available? Thanks.
The plugin seems to do the trick. Will have to try it out!
Yep, all of the APIs required to recreate the WashPo Reader or the Guardian reader etc are open, so it shouldn't be an issue to implement it for Wordpress.
Here's the relevant docs -
i am the creator of Facebook AWD.
From now to get actions publishing working with Facebook AWD and wordpress you must buy a subplugin.
This process will take place with the v1.3 of Facebook AWD
Update: The plugin is ready here:
Came across this post while searching for something related. Anyone still thinking of integrating Social read with any blog or website can simply use this plugin(For non-developers or for developers who just want to use a ready made solution)..

Wordpress plugin to moderate pages

I am developing a CMS using wordpress version 3.3.1. By default wordpress has user levels as contributors (who write a post but cannot publish or edit a post) and editors (who edit a post after it has been published but cannot write a new post).
For my system I would require a user to have the priviledges to
Write a new post which remains unpublished until the admin publishes it
Once it is publised the same user should be able to edit the post
Once edited the post should be saved as a new version and should remain unpublished till the admin publishes it.
When published, the old version should be replaced by the newer version.
Basically, my user level is a hybrid between the contributor and the editor. I have researched through a lot of plugins that wordpress offers but none would fulfil my need. Any help would be really appreciated.
Try the plug-in from Members Plug-in from Justin Tadlock. It has predefined roles, or you can set up your own levels. The plug-in has a big list of selectable options for configuring custom roles and is simple to use.