diff ignore certain pattern in the file - diff

I want to make diff between two files which contains lines beginning with "line_$NR". I want to make diff between the files making abstraction of the presence of "lines_$NR" but when the differences are printed I want lines_$NR to be displayed.
It is possible to do that?

I believe in this case, you have to preprocess your iput files to remove /^line_[0-9]*/, diff the resulting files, then recombine the diff output with the removed words according to line numbers in diff output.
Python's difflib should be very handy here, or same from perl. If you want to stick to shell, I suppose you could get by with awk.
If you don't need exact output, perhaps you can use diff's --line-format=... directive to inject actual line number in a diff, rather than the word you removed in preprocessing step.


i would like to extract the pspictures from a tex file and put the in another file so they can processed into ps or pdf files really easily

I have a list of files .tex file that contain fragments in the tex that build ps pictures which can be slow to process.
There are multiple fragments across multiple files and the end delimiter is \end{pspicture}
% this is the beginning of the fragment
I would like to extract the fragments.
I am not sure how to go about this? can awk do this or sed?
They seem to work line by line, rather than work on the whole fragment.
I am not really looking for a solution just a good candidate tool.
sed -En '/^\\begin\{pspicture\}.*$/,/^\\end\{pspicture\}.*$/p' file
Utilising sed with -E for regular expressions.
Use //,// to determine start and ending regular expressions and print all lines from the start to the end.

Two closely matching files: get corresponding lines?

I'm in a situation where I'm programmatically generating LaTeX code, and I want my Synctex to point to the correct lines in the original file.
The generation is basically doing template expansion, so the original files are nearly identical to the generated ones, but with some snippets expanded.
I'm wondering, is there a diff tool or library that will easily give me the line number of the original file that corresponds to a given line in the generated one? Can this be extracted from a normal Unix diff somehow?
This is part of a build script, so ideally something easy to run, like bash or python, is preferred to something that needs to be compiled.
Google’s diff-match-patch lib is a neat solution to questions like these: https://github.com/google/diff-match-patch

Display the numbers of lines that were changed between two files

I have two files: A and its modified version B. Is there some convenient way to display the numbers of lines that were added or changed in B (so basically the + lines in diff output)?
The solution would be even better if it scaled to multiple files (I intend to use it on the output of git diff), displaying the result in a format like filename:line.
Edit: my current idea is to use git difftool with some shell script and diff with --unchanged-group-format='' --old-line-format='' --new-line-format='%dn' (or something like that); these options are not listed in the diff manual on my system for some reason.

When comparing two files, how can I get the exact line number of changed locations?

I need to compare two source files and obtain the exact line number of changed statements. I used GNU diff and output in a unified format. However, this output only shows the changed chunk (identified by line ranges). But what I really want is some tool that can directly give me this:
(about the new file)
line 5: added;
line 11: modified
(about the old file)
line 7: deleted
Is there any tool that can achieve this? Or is there any option in GNU diff that can achieve this?
Thank you!
Graphical tools like meld or kdiff3 show both files with line numbers. Maybe it is what your are looking for.

multiple changes in one line with diff tool?

Normally, 'diff' tool finds only changes between lines. For example, if i compare 'abcdef' and 'AbcdEf', diff will show that 'abcde' is changed and 'f' is unchanged. Is it possible to find multiple changes per line, so in example above i will see that it's only 'a' changed to 'A' and 'e' changed to 'E'? Or diff outut format does not support such?
There are multiple diff tools that will do what you're asking for.
Off the top of my head I know Winmerge and TortoiseMerge does that.
I recommend KDiff3 which highlights with different colours changes on the same line.
I wrote a tool to diff web code regardless of differences from comments and whitespace. This means my tool can diff a completely minified file against a similar beautified file. It is written entirely in JavaScript so you try it directly in your browser without downloading or installing anything. This does highlight differences per line and highlights differences per characters on those lines.