sed replacement value between to matches - sed

Hi I want to replace a string coming between to symbols by using sed
example: -amystring -bxyz
what to replace mystring with ****
value after -a can be anything like -amystring 123 -bxyz, -amystring 123<newline_char>, -a'mystring 123' -bxyz, -a'mystring 123'<newline_char>
I tried following regex but it does not work in all the cases
sed -re "s#(-w)([^\s\-]+)#\1**** #g"
can anybody help me to solve this issue ?

sed "s/-a${MyString} -b/-a**** -b/g"
if you can escape your string for any regex key char like * + . \ / with something like
echo "${MyString}" | sed 's/\[*.\\/+?]/\\&/g' | read -r MyString
before us it in sed.
otherwise, you need to better define the edge pattern


Error in replacing pattern with `sed` command

I am trying to replace occurrences of pattern in a file. Lines in the file look like this:
****time is = 0000
****time is = 0001
I am trying to search string by case insensitive time is and want to replace time is = xxxx by ****.
I tried using sed 's/time \ is/.*' filename.txt
But I get error sed: -e expression #1, char : unterminated 's' command
Any suggestions?
I corrected the command. sed 's/time \ is/.*/' filename.txt But this places .* = xxxx This is not I wanted. I wanted to replace the entire pattern by ****.
Original line: ****time is = 0000
Desired output: ********
Any sugegstions?

Multiple mathematical operations on a file containing numbers

I have extracted the following data using 'grep' & 'sed' pipes from a file and now I want to perform a mathematical equation on the last two numbers, delete them and replace them with a single number.
Mathematical operations
Add the numbers together
divide by 2
multiply by 141
ROUNDUP to whole number
File Data
AJ29 IO_0_VRN_10 77.234 78.011
AJ30 IO_L1P_T0_100M 89.886 90.789
AJ31 IO_L1N_T0_100S 101.388 102.406
AK29 IO_L2P_T0_101M 66.163 66.828
AL29 IO_L2N_T0_101S 63.626 64.266
So the line starting AJ29 should appear as:
AJ29 IO_0_VRN_10 10945
I could put it in MS excel / Open Office calc and do this but want to avoid MS and keep it in a single linux script if it is possible. Hope you can help. The script I have so far is below and ideally I'd like to add a few more pipes to achieve this.
grep IOB xc7vx690tffg1930.pkg | sed 's/pin//g' | sed 's/IOB_[A-Za-z0-9]*//g' | sed 's/ /-/g' | sed 's/\t//g' | sed 's/^[-]*//g' | sed 's/-/ /g' | sed 's/ [0-9][0-9] //g' | sed 's/[[:space:]]\+/,/g' | sed 's/,X[0-9A-Z]*,//g' | sed 's/,[0-9]*[A-Z],//g' | sed 's/N\.A\.,/,/g' | sed 's/,$//g' | sed 's/,/ /g'
For calculations, use awk!
$ awk '{$(NF-1)=sprintf("%.0f", ($(NF-1) + $NF)/2 * 141); NF--}1' file
AJ29 IO_0_VRN_10 10945
AJ30 IO_L1P_T0_100M 12738
AJ31 IO_L1N_T0_100S 14367
AK29 IO_L2P_T0_101M 9376
AL29 IO_L2N_T0_101S 9016
This replaces the penultimate field with the result of (penultimate*last)/2 * 141). To make it round, we use %.0f format as indicated in Awk printf number in width and round it up.
Also, it looks to me that you are piping way too many things: I counted one call to grep and 13 (!) to sed. You can probably use sed -e 'first block' -e 'second block' ... instead.
In awk, NF refers to the number of fields on the current line. Since $n refers to the field number n, with $(NF-1) we refer to the penultimate field.
{...}1 do stuff and then print the resulting line. 1 evaluates as True and anything True triggers awk to perform its default action, which is to print the current line.
$(NF-1) + $NF)/2 * 141 perform the calculation: `(penultimate + last) / 2 * 141
{$(NF-1)=sprintf( ... ) assign the result of the previous calculation to the penultimate field. Using sprintf with %.0f we make sure the rounding is performed, as described above.
{...; NF--} once the calculation is done, we have its result in the penultimate field. To remove the last column, we just say "hey, decrease the number of fields" so that the last one gets "removed".

Sed replacing Special Characters in a string

I am having difficulties replacing a string containing special characters using sed. My old and new string are shown below
oldStr = "# td=(nstates=20) cam-b3lyp/6-31g geom=connectivity"
newStr = "# opt b3lyp/6-31g geom=connectivity"
My sed command is the following
sed -i 's/\# td\=\(nstates\=20\) cam\-b3lyp\/6\-31g geom\=connectivity/\# opt b3lyp\/6\-31g geom\=connectivity/g' myfile.txt
I dont get any errors, however there is no match. Any ideas on how to fix my patterns.
try s|# td=(nstates=20) cam-b3lyp/6-31g geom=connectivity|# opt b3lyp/6-31g geom=connectivity|g'
you can use next to anything after s instead of /, as your expression contains slashes I used | instead. -, = and # don't have to be escaped (minus only in character sets [...]), escaped parens indicate a group, nonescaped parens are literals.

swap values in sed when they match a regex

I am trying to write a script to take all the php.js functions and create a node.js library for them, Which means I have to figure out how to convert
function key (arr) {
key: function (arr) {
I know sed can do it, But I can't figure it out
Thanks for any help
sed 's/function\s\(.*\)(/\1: function(/g' file.js
That should do the trick
Here is an awk to swap fields
awk '/function/ {t=$2":";$2=$1;$1=t} 1' file.js
key: function (arr) {
sed "s/^ *function \{1,\}\([^ ]\{1,\}\) \{1,\}(/\1: function (/" file.js
replace the \s by " " assuming there is not tab in white space of the code

how to conditionally replace string with sed

Suppose I have following string. I want to replace <b>2</b> to <b>20</b> if <a>2</a>
New string should look like this
can I do this using sed?
You can start with this:
sed '/<start>/,/<\/start>/s!\(<a>2</a><b>2\)</b>!\10</b>!' input
and relax the expression as required, for example allow spaces in tag a:
sed '/<start>/,/<\/start>/{/<a>[ ]*2[ ]*<\/a>/s!<b>2<!<b>20<!}' input
This will replace the first occurrence of <b>2</b> with <b>20</b> in all the lines with <a>2</a> invoke:
sed '/<a>2<\/a>/s/<b>2<\b>/<b>20<\/b>/' input