SQL query column does not exist error - postgresql

I'm totally new in this area please tell me how to fix my problem.
when I write this query "SELECT * FROM places" in my database everything is okay.
However when I change it to "SELECT * FROM places WHERE eventId=2", I get error. Please look at this image.
as you can see, eventId column is exist. Why my query throws error?

You've almost certainly added the column names in a case-sensitive environment. (PgAdmin comes to mind.) Lowercase them in that same environment to avoid the need to quote fields.
Or change your query to:
select * from places where "eventId" = 2


ETL Mapping LOINC vocabulary on OMOP Common Data Model

I am working on the lab test values mapping (MEASUREMENT table of the OMOP CDM).
My local mapping table (handmade) has my measurement name (in French) and the associated LOINC code.
The LOINC vocabulary has been loaded from Athena (OHDSI community tool) https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/
I load my local concepts into the CONCEPT table, then use an SQL query to associate the equivalent LOINC concept_id (from concept_code mapping/LOINC source codes).
I realise that the link is not made on the LOINC concept_code.
Indeed, when I filter the CONCEPT table on a LOINC concept_code (ex 34714-6) I find no result.
select *
from omop.concept
where concept_code in ('34714-6');
When I filter on the corresponding concept_id (3032080) I find the result with the desired concept_code.
select *
from omop.concept
where concept_id in ('3032080');
I have tested concept_code like '34714__' which returns the expected line.
This is not due to the encoding because when I copy/paste the resulting concept_code (filtering on concept_id = ‘3032080’) into my query concept_code in ('34714-6') I get the same problem.
However other LOINC codes work:
select *
from omop.concept
where concept_code in ('14646-4');
When I check what symbol exacty is being used :
select ASCII(substr(concept_code,1,1))
from omop.concept
where concept_id = 3032080 ;
I also checked/removed the whitespaces.
The same process works on drugs (concept_code from ATC).
Can you tell me where this error comes from?
Thank you for your help.
please check that you're using the latest sql-client and JDBC driver versions

format issue in scala, while having wildcards characters

I have a sql query suppose
sqlQuery="select * from %s_table where event like '%holi%'"
for (city<- listCity){
Expected output:
select * from Bangalore_table where event like '%holi%'
select * from Mumbai_table where event like '%holi%'
Actual output:
unknown format conversion exception: Conversion='%h'
Can anyone let me how to solve this, instead of holi it could be anything iam looking for a generic solution in scala.
If you want the character % in a formatting string you need to escape it by repeating it:
sqlQuery = "select * from %s_table where event like '%%holi%%'"
More generally I would not recommend using raw SQL. Instead, use a library to access the database. I use Slick but there are a number to choose from.
Also, having different tables named for different cities is really poor database design and will cause endless problems. Create a single table with an indexed city column and use WHERE to select one or more cities for inclusion in the query.

SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 42703 with message "The column name str_id was not found in this ResultSet"

this is my first question ever in StackOverflow and as suggested, I have looked at other similar questions and attempted to use their responses for my problem. So far, no luck.
The situation is as follows:
I have a custom query in JPA.
#Query(value="SELECT u.str_id,u.str_exercise_name, u.str_target_body_part,u.char_effect FROM training_schema.exercise_entity u WHERE u.str_exercise_name = ?1 and u.str_target_body_part= ?2", nativeQuery=true)
ExerciseEntity findExerciseEntityByNameAndTargetBodyPart(String str_exercise_name,String str_target_body_part);
If I remove the name of the columns (u.str_id, u.str_exercise_name, u.str_target_body_part, u.char_effect) and replace the query with:
#Query(value="SELECT u FROM training_schema.exercise_entity u WHERE u.str_exercise_name = ?1 and u.str_target_body_part= ?2", nativeQuery=true)
ExerciseEntity findExerciseEntityByNameAndTargetBodyPart(String str_exercise_name,String str_target_body_part);
I get the following error:
"The column name str_id was not found in this ResultSet"
The fact that the error doesn't come when I mention all the columns and is generated when I use alias 'u' doesn't make sense because this would mean that if I ever had to work with a larger table with, say, 10 columns, I would have to write them all out.
One more piece of information that hopefully helps: With the version of the query where I am using 'u' instead of the column names, the error is ONLY generated when a matching record is found. For a null return from the database, there is no problem.
Using Java Spring and PostgresSQL.
I was able to figure out the problem.
In the query where I am using the alias 'u' ALONE, I had to make a slight change. Instead of just saying 'u', I changed it to:
#Query(value="SELECT u.* FROM training_schema.exercise_entity u WHERE u.str_exercise_name = ?1 and u.str_target_body_part= ?2", nativeQuery=true)
ExerciseEntity findExerciseEntityByNameAndTargetBodyPart(String str_exercise_name,String str_target_body_part);
Using only 'u', was returning a record set WITHOUT any headers. Adding the '*' caused the query to return a resultset with column names which made the error go away.

Sequelize how to use aggregate function on Postgres JSONB column

I have created one table with JSONB column as "data"
And the sample value of that column is
[{field_id:1, value:10},{field_id:2, value:"some string"}]
Now there are multiple rows like this..
What i want ?
I want to use aggregate function on "data" column such that, i should
Sum of all value where field_id = 1;
Avg of value where field_id = 1;
I have searched alot on google but not able to find a proper solution.
sometimes it says "Field doesn't exist" and some times it says "from clause missing"
I tried referring like data.value & also data -> value lastly data ->> value
But nothing is working.
Please let me know the solution if any one knows,
Thanks in advance.
Your attributes should be something like this, so you instruct it to run the function on a specific value:
attributes: [
[sequelize.fn('sum', sequelize.literal("data->>'value'")), 'json_sum'],
[sequelize.fn('avg', sequelize.literal("data->>'value'")), 'json_avg']
Then in WHERE, you reference field_id in a similar way, using literal():
where: sequelize.literal("data->>'field_id' = 1")
Your example also included a string for the value of "value" which of course won't work. But if the basic Sequelize setup works on a good set of data, you can enhance the WHERE clause to test for numeric "value" data, there are good examples here: Postgres query to check a string is a number
Hopefully this gets you close. In my experience with Sequelize + Postgres, it helps to run the program in such a way that you see what queries it creates, like in a terminal where the output is streaming. On the way to a working statement, you'll either create objects which Sequelize doesn't like, or Sequelize will create bad queries which Postgres doesn't like. If the query looks close, take it into pgAdmin for further work, then try to reproduce your adjustments in Sequelize. Good luck!

In orientdb what is difference between in('edge_type') and in(edge_type)

Trying this query in Grateful dead database provided in orientdb gives 146 records:
select expand(in('sung_by')) from V where name = 'Garcia'
But when we try the similar version of below query: select expand(in(sung_by)) from V where name = 'Garcia', 150 records are returned
Is it a bug?? Just trying orientdb from past week, followed tutorial from this website and this was second issue found.
By using select expand(in(sung_by)), the value of the field sung_by is resolved at query execution, but there is no field called sung_by, so it's null.
For this reason, it's like executing select expand(in()) in that case. By using 'sung_by', instead, only the edges with label sung_by will be traversed.
So, put always " or ' around edge's class/label to traverse.