Is it possible to somehow match and parse the string within transformation template (CDT) ?
I have a string: Dictionary and I would need:
1) detect tha string starts with Dictionary keyword
2)extract second parameter -> Shift
Sorted with following snippet - it is not most elegant way but works given the constraints
%If $dic!="-1"%
$note="TODO://Replace: with java.util.Map "
I have a datetime in my SPARQL-query that I want to transform to a date.
Therefore I do:
BIND(CONCAT(YEAR(?dateTime), "-",MONTH(?dateTime), "-", DAY(?dateTime)) as ?date)
This part of code works but returns for example 2022-2-3, I want it to be 2022-02-03. If the dateTime is 2022-11-23, nothing should change.
You can take the integers you get back from the YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions and pad them with the appropriate number of zeros (after turning them into strings):
PREFIX xsd: <>
BIND(2022 AS ?yearInt) # this would come from your YEAR(?dateTime) call
BIND(2 AS ?monthInt) # this would come from your MONTH(?dateTime) call
BIND(13 AS ?dayInt) # this would come from your DAY(?dateTime) call
# convert to strings
BIND(STR(?yearInt) AS ?year)
BIND(STR(?monthInt) AS ?month)
BIND(STR(?dayInt) AS ?day)
# pad with zeros
BIND(CONCAT("00", ?year) AS ?paddedYear)
BIND(CONCAT("0000", ?month) AS ?paddedMonth)
BIND(CONCAT("00", ?day) AS ?paddedDay)
# extract the right number of digits from the padded strings
BIND(SUBSTR(?paddedYear, STRLEN(?paddedYear)-3) AS ?fourDigitYear)
BIND(SUBSTR(?paddedDay, STRLEN(?paddedDay)-1) AS ?twoDigitDay)
BIND(SUBSTR(?paddedMonth, STRLEN(?paddedMonth)-1) AS ?twoDigitMonth)
# put it all back together
BIND(CONCAT(?fourDigitYear, "-", ?twoDigitMonth, "-", ?twoDigitDay) as ?date)
#gregory-williams gives a portable answer. An alternative is functions from F&O (XPath and XQuery Functions and Operators 3.1) "fn:format-...."
I'm not sure of the coverage in various triplestores - Apache Jena provides fn:format-number, which is needed for the question, but not fn-format-dateTime etc
For example:
fn:format-number(1,"000") returns the string "001".
Apache Jena also has a local extension afn:sprintf using the C or Java syntax of sprintf:
afn:sprintf("%03d", 1) returns "001".
I'm using AutoHotkey for this as the code is the most understandable to me. So I have a document with numbers and text, for example like this
120344 text text text
234000 text text
and the desired output is
12:03:44 text text text
23:40:00 text text
I'm sure StrReplace can be used to insert the colons in, but I'm not sure how to specify the position of the colons or ask AHK to 'find' specific strings of 6 digit numbers. Before, I would have highlighted the text I want to apply StrReplace to and then press a hotkey, but I was wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this that doesn't need my interaction. Even just pointing to the relevant functions I would need to look into to do this would be helpful! Thanks so much, I'm still very new to programming.
hfontanez's answer was very helpful in figuring out that for this problem, I had to use a loop and substring function. I'm sure there are much less messy ways to write this code, but this is the final version of what worked for my purposes:
Loop, read, C:\[location of input file]
{ If A_LoopReadLine = ;
Continue ; this part is to ignore the blank lines in the file
one := A_LoopReadLine
x := SubStr(one, 1, 2)
y := SubStr(one, 3, 2)
z := SubStr(one, 5)
two := x . ":" . y . ":" . z
FileAppend, %two%`r`n, C:\[location of output file]
Assuming that the "timestamp" component is always 6 characters long and always at the beginning of the string, this solution should work just fine.
String test = "012345 test test test";
test = test.substring(0, 2) + ":" + test.substring(2, 4) + ":" + test.substring(4, test.length());
This outputs 01:23:45 test test test
Why? Because you are temporarily creating a String object that it's two characters long and then you insert the colon before taking the next pair. Lastly, you append the rest of the String and assign it to whichever String variable you want. Remember, the substring method doesn't modify the String object you are calling the method on. This method returns a "new" String object. Therefore, the variable test is unmodified until the assignment operation kicks in at the end.
Alternatively, you can use a StringBuilder and append each component like this:
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
test = sbuff.toString();
You could also use a "fancy" loop to do this, but I think for something this simple, looping is just overkill. Oh, I almost forgot, this should work with both of your test strings because after the last colon insert, the code takes the substring from index position 4 all the way to the end of the string indiscriminately.
I have the following string:
The number in the Id field will vary, but will always be an integer with no comma separator. I'm not sure how to get just that value from that string given that it's string data type and not real "XML". I was toying with the replace() function, but the special characters are making it more complex than it seems it needs to be.
is there a way to convert that to XML or something that I can reference the Id value directly?
Maybe use a regular expression, e.g.
import re
txt = "{\"Id\":\"135\",\"Type\":0}"
x ='"Id":"([0-9]+)"', txt)
if x:
It is assumed here that the ids are numeric and consist of at least one digit.
Non-regex answer as you asked
\" is an escape sequence in python.
So if {\"Id\":\"135\",\"Type\":0} is a raw string and if you put it into a python variable like
a = '{\"Id\":\"135\",\"Type\":0}'
>>> a
If the above string is python string which has \" which is already escaped, then do a.replace("\\","") which will give you the string without \.
Now just load this string into a dict and access element Id like below.
import json
d = json.loads(a)
Output :
I've created a localized string that takes the form similar to
"text_key" = "Collected %d out of %d";
and am using the following formatter:
let numberOfItems = 2
let totalNumberOfItems = 10
let format = NSLocalizedString("text_key", comment: "Says how many items (1st var) were collected out of total possible (2nd var)")
let text = String.localizedStringWithFormat(format, numberOfItems, totalNumberOfItems)
Which gives
"Collected 2 out of 10"
However I can imagine that in some languages it would be more natural to have these values appear in a different order resulting in a non-sensical string such as
"Out of a possible 2 items you collected 10"
I cannot find a simple way to encode this using the standard Swift library such as
"text_key" = "Out of a possible {2%d} items you collected {1%d}"
and can see this getting cumbersome hardcoding these as more values are added.
String.localizedStringWithFormat() works with “positional arguments”
%n$. In your case
"text_key" = "Out of a possible %2$d items you collected %1$d";
would do the trick.
These are documented in fprintf:
Conversions can be applied to the nth argument after the format in the argument list, rather than to the next unused argument. In this case, the conversion specifier character % (see below) is replaced by the sequence "%n$", where n is a decimal integer in the range [1,{NL_ARGMAX}], giving the position of the argument in the argument list.
In SML NJ, I want to find whether a string is substring of another string and find its index. Can any one help me with this?
The Substring.position function is the only one I can find in the basis library that seems to do string search. Unfortunately, the Substring module is kind of hard to use, so I wrote the following function to use it. Just pass two strings, and it will return an option: NONE if not found, or SOME of the index if it is found:
fun index (str, substr) = let
val (pref, suff) = Substring.position substr (Substring.full str)
val (s, i, n) = Substring.base suff
if i = size str then
Well you have all the substring functions, however if you want to also know the position of it, then the easiest is to do it yourself, with a linear scan.
Basically you want to explode both strings, and then compare the first character of the substring you want to find, with each character of the source string, incrementing a position counter each time you fail. When you find a match you move to the next char in the substring as well without moving the position counter. If the substring is "empty" (modeled when you are left with the empty list) you have matched it all and you can return the position index, however if the matching suddenly fail you have to return back to when you had the first match and skip a letter (incrementing the position counter) and start all over again.
Hope this helps you get started on doing this yourself.