Can OpenJPA be used to reverse map a database view? - openjpa

I have database views that have a column that uniquely identifies each row in the view. This column could be used as the primary key even though the view doesn't have a primary key in its definition (DDL) because it's a view.
OpenJPA is refusing to map the views to Java POJOs because there is no primary key.
I have a list of views and primary keys and I have a ReverseCustomizer. Is it possible I can give OpenJPA the column/field to be used as the primary key / id for each view / class?
Currently, the reverse mapping tool calls unmappedTable for each view and I'd like to tell the reverse mapper to do the mapping with the primary key I provide.

Here's something to help you get started.
public class MyDBReverseCustomizer implements ReverseCustomizer {
private ReverseMappingTool rmt;
public void setTool(ReverseMappingTool rmt) {
this.rmt = rmt;
public boolean unmappedTable(Table table) {
// this method is called to give this class an opportunity to map the
// table which would not be mapped otherwise. Returning false says
// the table wasn't mapped here.
//Class klass = rmt.generateClass(table.getIdentifier().getName(), null);
String packageName = rmt.getPackageName();
String tableName = table.getIdentifier().getName();
String className = NameConverters.convertTableName(tableName);
Class klass = rmt.generateClass(packageName+"."+className, null);
ClassMapping cls = rmt.newClassMapping(klass, table);
Column pk = null;
for ( Column column : table.getColumns() ) {
String columnName = column.getIdentifier().getName();
String fieldName = rmt.getFieldName(columnName, cls);
Class type = rmt.getFieldType(column, false);
FieldMapping field = cls.addDeclaredFieldMapping(fieldName, type);
field.setColumns(new Column[]{column});
// TODO: set the appropriate strategy for non-primitive types.
field.setStrategy(new PrimitiveFieldStrategy(), null);
if ("MODEL_VIEW".equals(tableName) && "MODEL_ID".equals(columnName)) {
pk = column;
//cls.setPrimaryKeyColumns(new Column[]{pk});
cls.setObjectIdType(null, false);
cls.setStrategy(new FullClassStrategy(), null);
return true;


How to get the id value from an EclipseLink ClassDescriptor?

We currently have the following, working soft delete customizer in place:
public class SoftDeleteCustomizer implements DescriptorCustomizer {
public void customize(ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
String.format("UPDATE %s SET record_status = 'D', record_status_time = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE id = #ID",
We now want to add the user that deleted the record. I could sanitize the username, but I would prefer to use a parameter / argument.
I rewrote the customizer and did not set an argument for the #ID, as it was already injected correctly somewhere. I then found out that it was not injected when you are using a DeleteObjectQuery (with arguments?). So I have to add an argument for the #ID it seems, but I don't know how to get the id / primary key value of the record / entity to be deleted from a ClassDescriptor.
This is what I have so far:
public void customize(final ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
final DeleteObjectQuery query = new DeleteObjectQuery();
query.addArgument("DELETED_BY", String.class);
query.addArgument("ID", Long.class);
query.addArgumentValue(...); // How to get the ID of the record to delete?
query.setSQLString(String.format(DELETE_SQL, descriptor.getTableName()));
Okay, as a workaround I used our audit listener which we added as one of the EntityListeners. It implements SessionCustomizer. There I was able to do:
public void postDelete(final DescriptorEvent event) {
final Long id = ((AbstractEntity) event.getObject()).getId();
// Create and execute update query to set the username

MyBatis ... Get Last insert ID in loop "foreach"

Thank you for help :)
I tried to get last id, and read many post about it, but i don't arrive to apply it in my case.
First Class
private Date date;
private List<AdsEntity> adsDetails;
... getters and setters
Second Class (AdsEntity)
private int id;
private String description;
There is the code where i try to get the last id :
"INSERT INTO tb_ads_details (idMyInfo, adDate)"
+ " <foreach item='adsDetails' index='index' collection='adsDetails' separator=',' statement='SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()' keyProperty='id' order='AFTER' resultType='java.lang.Integer'>"
+ " (#{adsDetails.description, jdbcType=INTEGER}) "
+ " </foreach> ",
void saveAdsDetails(#Param("adsDetails") List<AdsDetailsEntity> adsDetails);
In debugging mode, when I watch List I see the id still at 0 and don't get any id.
So what I wrote didn't workout :(
Solution Tried with the answer from #Roman Konoval :
#Roman Konoval
I apply what you said, and the table is fully well set :)
Just one problem still, the ID is not fulfill
#Insert("INSERT INTO tb_ads_details SET `idMyInfo` = #{adsDetail.idMyInfo, jdbcType=INTEGER}, `adDate` = #{adsDetail.adDate, jdbcType=DATE}")
#SelectKey(statement = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()", before = false, keyColumn = "id", keyProperty = "id", resultType = Integer.class )
void saveAdsDetails(#Param("adsDetail") AdsDetailsEntity adsDetail);
default void saveManyAdsDetails(#Param("adsDetails") List<AdsDetailsEntity> adsDetails)
for(AdsDetailsEntity adsDetail:adsDetails) {
Thank for your help :)
Solution add to #Roman Konoval proposal from #Chris advice
#Chris and #Roman Konoval
#Insert("INSERT INTO tb_ads_details SET `idMyInfo` = #{adsDetail.idMyInfo, jdbcType=INTEGER}, `adDate` = #{adsDetail.adDate, jdbcType=DATE}")
#SelectKey(statement = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()", before = false, keyColumn = "id", keyProperty = "", resultType = int.class )
void saveAdsDetails(#Param("adsDetail") AdsDetailsEntity adsDetail);
default void saveManyAdsDetails(#Param("adsDetails") List<AdsDetailsEntity> adsDetails)
for(AdsDetailsEntity adsDetail:adsDetails) {
Thanks to all of you, for the 3 suggestions!!!
yes. it doesnt work.
please take a look at mapper.dtd
foreach-tag doesnt support/provide the following properties statement, keyProperty order and resultType
if you need the id for each inserted item please let your DataAccessObject handle iteration and use something like this in your MapperInterface
#Insert("INSERT INTO tb_ads_details (idMyInfo, adDate) (#{adsDetail.idMyInfo, jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{adsDetail.adDate, jdbcType=DATE})")
#SelectKey(before = false, keyColumn = "ID", keyProperty = "id", resultType = Integer.class, statement = { "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()" } )
void saveAdsDetails(#Param("adsDetail") AdsDetailsEntity adsDetail);
please ensure AdsDetailsEntity-Class provides the properties idMyInfoand adDate
Edit 2019-08-21 07:25
some explanation
referring to the mentioned dtd the <selectKey>-tag is only allowed as direct child of <insert> and <update>. it refers to a single Object that is passed into the mapper-method and declared as parameterType.
its only executed once and its order property tells myBatis wether to execute it before or after the insert/update statement.
in your case, the <script> creates one single statement that is send to and handled by the database.
it is allowed to combine #Insert with <script> and <foreach> inside and #SelectKey. but myBatis doesnt intercept/observe/watch database handling the given statement. and as mentioned before, #SelectKey gets executed only once, before or after #Insert-execution. so in your particular case #SelectKey returns the id of the very last inserted element. if your script inserts ten elements, only the new generated id of tenth element will be returned. but #SelectKey requires a class-property with getter and setter to put the selected id into - which List<?> doesnt provide.
lets say you want to save an Advertisement and its AdvertisementDetails
Advertisement has an id, a date and details
public class Advertisement {
private List<AdvertisementDetail> adDetails;
private Date date;
private int id;
public Advertisement() {
// getters and setters
AdvertisementDetail has its own id, a description and an id the Advertisementit belongs to
public class AdvertisementDetail {
private String description;
private int id;
private int idAdvertisement;
public AdvertisementDetail() {
// getters and setters
the MyBatis-mapper could look like this. #Param is not used, so the properties are accessed direct.
public interface AdvertisementMapper {
#Insert("INSERT INTO tb_ads (date) (#{date, jdbcType=DATE})")
before = false,
keyColumn = "ID",
keyProperty = "id",
resultType = Integer.class,
statement = { "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()" })
void insertAdvertisement(
Advertisement ad);
#Insert("INSERT INTO tb_ads_details (idAdvertisement, description) (#{idAdvertisement, jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{description, jdbcType=VARCHAR})")
before = false,
keyColumn = "ID",
keyProperty = "id",
resultType = Integer.class,
statement = { "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()" })
void insertAdvertisementDetail(
AdvertisementDetail adDetail);
the DataAccessObject (DAO) could look like this
public class DAOAdvertisement {
private SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory;
public DAOAdvertisement() {
public void save(
final Advertisement advertisement) {
try (SqlSession session = this.sqlSessionFactory.openSession(false)) {
final AdvertisementMapper mapper = session.getMapper(AdvertisementMapper.class);
// insert the advertisement (if you have to)
// its new generated id is received via #SelectKey
for (final AdvertisementDetail adDetail : advertisement.getAdDetails()) {
// set new generated advertisement-id
// insert adDetail
// its new generated id is received via #SelectKey
} catch (final PersistenceException e) {
What Chris wrote about inability to get ids in the foreach is correct. However there is a way to implement id fetching in mapper without the need to do it externally. This may be helpful if you use say spring and don't have a separate DAO layer and your mybatis mappers are the Repository.
You can use default interface method (see another tutorial about them) to insert the list of items by invoking a mapper method for single item insert and single item insert method does the id selection itself:
interface ItemMapper {
#Insert({"insert into myitem (item_column1, item_column2, ...)"})
#SelectKey(before = false, keyColumn = "ID",
keyProperty = "id", resultType = Integer.class,
statement = { "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()" } )
void saveItem(#Param("item") Item item);
default void saveItems(#Param("items") List<Item> items) {
for(Item item:items) {
MyBatis can assign generated keys to the list parameter if your DB/driver supports multiple generated keys via java.sql.Statement#getGeneratedKeys() (MS SQL Server, for example, does not support it, ATM).
The following example is tested with MySQL 5.7.27 + Connector/J 8.0.17 (you should include version info in the question).
Be sure to use the latest version of MyBatis (=3.5.2) as there have been several spec changes and bug fixes recently.
Table definition:
CREATE TABLE le tb_ads_details (
description VARCHAR(32)
private class AdsDetailsEntity {
private int id;
private String description;
// getters/setters
Mapper method:
"INSERT INTO tb_ads_details (description) VALUES",
"<foreach item='detail' collection='adsDetails' separator=','>",
" (#{detail.description})",
#Options(useGeneratedKeys = true, keyProperty="", keyColumn="id")
void saveAdsDetails(#Param("adsDetails") List<AdsDetailsEntity> adsDetails);
Note: You should use batch insert (with ExecutorType.BATCH) instead of multi-row insert (=<foreach/>) when inserting a lot of rows.

How do I remove underscore of foreign key fields in code first by convention

I've got multiple classes (including TPT) in my project. Each POCO has a BaseClass, which has a GUID (called GlobalKey) as primary key.
First I used DataAnnotations to create correct foreign keys. But then I've got problems synchronizing the corresponding GUID with the object itself.
Now I want to have only one virtual navigation property so that the GUID field in the database is created by NamingConvention. But the field name always adds an underscore followed by the word GlobalKey (which is right). When I want to remove the underscore, I don't want to go thru all my POCOs in the fluent API to do this:
// Remove underscore from Navigation-Field
.HasOptional(x => x.Address)
.Map(a => a.MapKey("AddressGlobalKey"));
Any ideas to do this for all POCOS by overwriting a convention?
Thanks in advance.
I finally found an answer for this, by writing a custom convention. This convention works in EF 6.0 RC1 (code from last week), so I think it's likely to continue to work after EF 6.0 is released.
With this approach, the standard EF conventions identify the independent associations (IAs), and then create the EdmProperty for the foreign key field. Then this convention comes along and renames the foreign key fields.
/// <summary>
/// Provides a convention for fixing the independent association (IA) foreign key column names.
/// </summary>
public class ForeignKeyNamingConvention : IStoreModelConvention<AssociationType>
public void Apply(AssociationType association, DbModel model)
// Identify a ForeignKey properties (including IAs)
if (association.IsForeignKey)
// rename FK columns
var constraint = association.Constraint;
if (DoPropertiesHaveDefaultNames(constraint.FromProperties, constraint.ToRole.Name, constraint.ToProperties))
if (DoPropertiesHaveDefaultNames(constraint.ToProperties, constraint.FromRole.Name, constraint.FromProperties))
private bool DoPropertiesHaveDefaultNames(ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<EdmProperty> properties, string roleName, ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<EdmProperty> otherEndProperties)
if (properties.Count != otherEndProperties.Count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; ++i)
if (!properties[i].Name.EndsWith("_" + otherEndProperties[i].Name))
return false;
return true;
private void NormalizeForeignKeyProperties(ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<EdmProperty> properties)
for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; ++i)
string defaultPropertyName = properties[i].Name;
int ichUnderscore = defaultPropertyName.IndexOf('_');
if (ichUnderscore <= 0)
string navigationPropertyName = defaultPropertyName.Substring(0, ichUnderscore);
string targetKey = defaultPropertyName.Substring(ichUnderscore + 1);
string newPropertyName;
if (targetKey.StartsWith(navigationPropertyName))
newPropertyName = targetKey;
newPropertyName = navigationPropertyName + targetKey;
properties[i].Name = newPropertyName;
Note that the Convention is added to your DbContext in your DbContext.OnModelCreating override, using:
modelBuilder.Conventions.Add(new ForeignKeyNamingConvention());
You can do one of two things:
Follow EF conventions in naming of foreign keys, i.e. if you have virtual Address, define your key property as AddressId
Tell EF explicitly what to use. One way to do this is with Fluent API, as you are currently doing. You can also use data annotations, though:
public int? AddressGlobalKey { get; set; }
public virtual Address Address { get; set; }
That's your only choices.
I know this is a bit old, but here is a sample how I specify mapping columns through my fluent config (OnModelCreating):
.HasOptional(c => c.Account)
.Map(c => c.MapKey("AccountId"));
Hope this helps,
I have also seen the same problem when the type of the field is off. Double check the type of the field Ex:
public string StateId {get;set;}
pointing to a domain object with int as the State.Id type. Make sure that your types are same.
I found that key column customizations were not being caught by the ForeignKeyNamingConvention. Made this change to catch them.
private bool DoPropertiesHaveDefaultNames(ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<EdmProperty> properties, string roleName, ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<EdmProperty> otherEndProperties)
if (properties.Count == otherEndProperties.Count)
for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; ++i)
if (properties[i].Name.EndsWith("_" + otherEndProperties[i].Name))
return true;
var preferredNameProperty =
.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals("PreferredName"));
if (null != preferredNameProperty)
if (properties[i].Name.EndsWith("_" + preferredNameProperty.Value))
return true;
return false;
I had issues when combining it with an id naming convention of EntityNameId.
When using the following convention to ensure the Customer table has CustomerId rather than simply Id.
.Where(p => p.Name == "Id")
.Configure(p => p.IsKey().HasColumnName(p.ClrPropertyInfo.ReflectedType == null ? "Id" : p.ClrPropertyInfo.ReflectedType.Name +"Id"));
The foreign key naming convention needs to be changed to the following.
/// <summary>
/// Provides a convention for fixing the independent association (IA) foreign key column names.
/// </summary>
public class ForeignKeyNamingConvention : IStoreModelConvention<AssociationType>
public void Apply(AssociationType association, DbModel model)
// Identify ForeignKey properties (including IAs)
if (!association.IsForeignKey) return;
// rename FK columns
var constraint = association.Constraint;
if (DoPropertiesHaveDefaultNames(constraint.FromProperties, constraint.ToProperties))
if (DoPropertiesHaveDefaultNames(constraint.ToProperties, constraint.FromProperties))
private static bool DoPropertiesHaveDefaultNames(IReadOnlyList<EdmProperty> properties, IReadOnlyList<EdmProperty> otherEndProperties)
if (properties.Count != otherEndProperties.Count)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < properties.Count; ++i)
if (properties[i].Name.Replace("_", "") != otherEndProperties[i].Name)
return false;
return true;
private void NormalizeForeignKeyProperties(ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<EdmProperty> properties)
for (var i = 0; i < properties.Count; ++i)
var underscoreIndex = properties[i].Name.IndexOf('_');
if (underscoreIndex > 0)
properties[i].Name = properties[i].Name.Remove(underscoreIndex, 1);
Most of these answers have to do with Independent Assocations (where the "MyOtherTable" navigation property is defined, but not the "int MyOtherTableId") instead of Foreign Key Assocations (where both are defined).
That is fine since the question is about IA (it uses MapKey), but I came across this question when searching for a solution to the same problem with FKAs. Since other people may come here for the same reason, I thought I would share my solution that uses a ForeignKeyDiscoveryConvention.

GWT Celltable with data in map

I have my datas as a Map<Key,ArrayList<Value>> So i want my col1 to represent my key and the other columns to represent data in my values. And this Value can be or multiple rows. So i was thinking of putting a celltable inside a celltable but then it will affect my headers(since the number of columns for the outer celltable will be just 2) and also the sorting.
And also if i pass the map directly to ListDataProvider it assumes the number of rows is the number of rows of the map but it is not the case.
So what is the best way to do this ?
I'd suggest using a class RowObject like this:
class RowObject {
private final Key key;
private final Value value;
RowObject(Key key, Value value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
/* Getters omitted */
Then convert the map to a list of RowObjects and feed the list to the data provider:
List<RowObject> rowObjects = new ArrayList<RowObject>();
for (Entry<Key, ArrayList<Value>> entry : map.entrySet()) {
for (Value value : entry.getValue()) {
rowObjects.add(new RowObject(entry.getKey(), value));
ListDataProvider<RowObject> dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<RowObject>();
Add columns like this:
Column column = new Column<RowObject, String>(new TextCell()) {
public String getValue(RowObject object) {
return getStringValueFor(object);

linq to entities

I have two three tables named
Language,Language Type,Employee
Fields of Language Type are LId,LanguageType
Fields Of Language are LId,EmpId,Language fluency
Fields of Employee are EmpId ,EmpName
Relationship between Language Type and language is one –to-one, and language and Employee table is many -to –one. Problem is when I enter data in language it displays the error
A dependent property in a Referential Constraint is mapped
to a store-generated column. Column: 'LId'."}.
Even though data is being inserted in language Type but not in language table .
lINQ query is for language table is
public void AddEmpLanguage(Language language, long id)
using (var context = new HRMSEntities())
Language emp = new Language
EmpId = id,
LanguageFluency = language.LanguageFluency,
You can try to add the language directly to a employee object
public void AddEmpLanguage(Language language, long empId)
using (var context = new HRMSEntities())
Language lang = new Language
LanguageFluency = language.LanguageFluency,
var employee = context.Employees.Find(empId);
/* or context.Employees.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.ID == empId); */
if(employee != null){