How to make zk boderlayout to fit any resolution screen - zk

<window height="300px">
<borderlayout >
<north height="60px" ></north>
<west width="200px" ></west>
<east width="200px" ></east>
<south height="40px"></south>
Currently i have to set the window height to a pixel value for this to work properly..
So if my screen resolution height is 300px then it will cover the complete screen.
But will not fill up the complete screen for different resolutions...
How to make this hardcoded value to be dynamic based to user screen resolution ?
I cannot remove window tag.
zkfiddle example

<window height="100%">
should do the trick.
Maybe Media Queries could be interesting for you too.


Is it possible to set the width of a roundrect to its content width?

I am building a button, using vml because it's the only way to make it rounded on Outlook emails. I need its width to depend on its content. However I can't find a way to do so. The only width I am able to give it is a fixed width.
<v:roundrect xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"
style="width:200px; height:41px; v-text-anchor:middle;"
<center style="color:#ffffff;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;">
Is it possible to make its width depend on its content width? And if not, is it possible to make it equal to 100% of its parent (I tried mso-width-percent but it depends on the viewport width, not the parent width)?

DockLayoutPanel issues with text wrapping

So I am using a dock layout panel. In the north I have a title and menubar and center has a table. My problem is when the title gets long and wraps the text, it pushed the menubar down and you can no longer see it. This is because you have to set fixed sizes for all panels except center.
I thought about moving it all to center panel but the problem is that when my table gets big and a scroll bar appears I want to always see the header and menubar even when scrolling on the table. So I cant just put everything in scroll panel.
How can I create a layout that fills these requirements:
1. Always see the title and menubar
2. Scrollable table
3. When the window is resized and text from title wraps it resizes the whole thing correctly.
here is Layout right now:
<g:DockLayoutPanel >
<g:north size="80">
<g:VerticalPanel width="100%">
<g:HorizontalPanel width="100%">
<g:HTML ui:field="title" styleName="{style.title}"></g:HTML>
<g:HorizontalPanel styleName="{style.infoBar}" width="100%">
<g:MenuBar animationEnabled="true" styleName="{res.css.menuBar}" focusOnHoverEnabled="false" ui:field="menuBar"></g:MenuBar>
<g:SimplePanel ui:field="content" styleName="{style.content}">Table or tree goes here
<g:south size="20">
<g:VerticalPanel styleName="{style.footerPanel}">
<g:HTML ui:field="messageBar">Fotter text here</g:HTML>
Have you tried to use two DockLayoutPanel?
The first has the title in the center area and in the south another DockLayoutPanel with the menu in the north area and the table in the center?
If title and menu may be shown underneath each other you can put title and menu in separate north-panels (that actually works).
With that you can at least ensure that the menu gets shown.

GWT:how to make tabPanel to 100% height

I am using TabPanel in my GWt application
<div class="center">
<g:TabLayoutPanel ui:field="tabPanel" barUnit="PX"
barHeight="40" width="100%;">
</ g:TabLayoutPanel>
using this for my tabpanel height
.gwt-TabLayoutPanel {
its working fine , BUT i want this height to be 100%, But when I make it to 100% ,The whole TabPanel disappears ,
Any solution for that ..coz when my stuff hights increase , the lower are start cutting off ..
Put your TabLayoutPanel in a LayoutPanel or any other panel that provides size to its children. For example, if you put your panel directly into the RootLayoutPanel, it will take 100% of the screen automatically, and it will resize with the browser window.
The problem with 100% height is it will be 1px if the parent container does not have a height set.
You might find the following article intresting as a possible workarround.

GWT Layout: "take up the rest of the space."

My existing layout is a stack of two divs - g:layers in a LayoutPanel. The top div should be as big as it needs to be to contain its contents. The bottom div should take up the rest of the space on the screen, without causing scrollbars to appear.
The contents of the top div can change, so the size of the top div can change.
My current solution is a callback that's triggered whenever the contents of the top div change. The containing LayoutPanel can then recalculate the size of the top div and explicitly set the top and bottom attributes of the second layer to take up the rest of the space. Is there a better way? Something like,
<g:layer top="0px" height="whatever you need, baby">
<g:layer top="the bottom of the first layer" bottom="0px">
What about using DockLayoutPanel?
<g:DockLayoutPanel unit='PX'>
<north size="10" ui:field='northWidget'>
Then the center will take up the rest of the space. If you want to resize the top, call
setWidgetSize(northWidget, newSize); and the center widget will be recalculated.
The answer seems to be that there is not a better way. Manual recalculation isn't so bad when you get used to it!
I think HeaderPanel is the standard Widget to do this. Maybe it was added after the question was asked. We missed it too and had our own version for a while.

How can I vertically center an element with GWT?

Perhaps I haven't been searching the right way but I cannot figure out for the life of me how to center an element using GWT Layout Panels.
I'm using UiBinder and I've tried all panels that implement HasVerticalAlignment (DockPanel, HorizontalPanel, VerticalPanel). None of them seem to have any impact from setting vertical alignment (or even horizontal). I've made sure they're taking 100% width and height, inspected the resulting DOM layout from my browser and nothing seems to be changed from those properties.
Pertinent UiBinder extract (with extra docklayout elements omitted):
<g:HorizontalPanel width="100%" height="100%" >
<g:FlexTable ui:field="homeData" />
The quick and dirty fix I've figured out is to create my own "CenterPanel" widget which basically is a wrapper around a HTMLPanel with a HTML table with a valign="middle" cell. However, this basically feels like a throwback to the classical css-layout middle centering problems. Surely GWT has something to do this that I've completely overlooked?
Centering an item can be done with a cell element like this:
<g:HorizontalPanel width="100%" height="100%">
<g:cell horizontalAlignment="ALIGN_CENTER" verticalAlignment="ALIGN_MIDDLE">
<g:Label>Hello Center</g:Label>
Have you tried setting width less than 100% ... i feel the width of HorizontalPanel becomes 100% ... so it occupies whole DockLayoutPanel and thus the FlexTable might be getting left aligned.
You can use styleName attribute in your component. For Example:
<g:HorizontalPanel width="100%" height="100%" >
<g:FlexTable ui:field="homeData" styleName="verticalAlign"/>
and have
vertical-align: middle;
in your style.css