Search for exact string in Indexing services - indexing-service

I am working on indexing service of windows server. I need to search exact word on it. Could you please tell me how I can do it.
Eg: I am searching Hello World then how can I get only search for Hello World.
I am using following in my indexing search query.
WHERE CONTAINS(contents,'Hello World').
But its splitting word and searching it.

WHERE FREETEXT(Contents,'Hello World')
Also check this Article


VSCode query format for searching for files, types, etc

I'm trying to understand what is the query format when I press (Cmd + P) or (Comd + T) and then type something.
Let's say I type ABC. it seems to me that VSCode searches using the regex A.*B.*C.*. Is it correct? It also appears that * is also allowed in the query, but I got confusing results, for example here
Can someone please point me out to the documentation about the query format?
It is called "fuzzy" matching or searching. I couldn't find any formal documentation other than something like implementing fuzzy matching. For your odd test case of vs*b it looks like they are trying to implement fuzzy matching with out-of-order symbols like some other editors have.
See also More fuzzy matching:VSCode documenation
The file picker is not using regular expressions, but a fuzzy search algorithm. I think this feature is somehow connected to IntelliSense, but I am not aware of any detailed technical documentation. However, it has been introduced in December 2015 (VSCode 0.10.6) and became a default setting in January 2016 (VSCode 0.10.9).
On GitHub you can find an issue collecting bug reports / feature requests regarding the fuzzy searching. If you want to dig much deeper into this topic, you might find a good starting point there.
As a side note, also the User Settings(File > Preferences > Settings) seem to use the same kind of fuzzy search:

What is the syntax for AND OR NOT in Postgres trigram search?

I have implemented Postgres 9.6 trigram search into my application which works fine for a single search term.
I can't see how to allow my users to do AND OR NOT searches though.
Currently, if I put "perl" into the search field, it will return hundreds of results. That's great and works fine.
Now if I want to search for documents containing "perl" and also containing "javascript", no matter what search term I put in, no results come back.
I have tried for example:
"perl javascript"
"perl AND javascript"
"perl && javascript"
So I am trying to work out how I can provide to my end users a more sophisticated search than single term only. I would like my application users to be able to do full text searches with and/or/not.
Is it possible? If yes, what is the syntax?
This query finds ...
documents containing "perl" and also containing "javascript"
FROM tbl
WHERE document ~ 'perl'
AND document ~ 'javascript';
Note that "perlane" or "javascripting" or "Kaperl" also qualify. To search for whole words, you might be interested in text search instead. Overview:
Pattern matching with LIKE, SIMILAR TO or regular expressions in PostgreSQL

overpass-api: regex on keys

According to
queries can use regular expressions on both the values and the keys. While I have no trouble using regex on the values, I'm having a problem with the keys.
The example on the wiki referenced above says (among other examples):
/* finds addr:* tags with value exactly "Foo" */
So, that's an example of using regex on the keys and the values.
What I am interested in is the name key. Specifically the name:en key. There are a couple problems with searching by name. Not all names are in English, and for those nodes/way/relations whose names are not in English, there is no guarantee there will be a name:en tag with an English version of the name.
In general, there is no way to know in advance if the name will be in English or that there is a name:en tag. If you only ask for name or name:en, you run the risk of finding no hit. (Of course, searching for both is no guarantee of success, either.)
I have a case where I know name fails, but name:en succeeds. That is my test case. I can query the using this:
out center;
see it on overpass
and it works fine ("duma" is not found through name, but it is found with name:en), but I find it lengthy and somewhat repetitive.
I would like to use a regular expression involving the name and name:en tags, but either the server does not understand the query or I simply am using an incorrect regex.
Using the example shown in the wiki: node[~"^addr:.*$"~"^Foo$"]
I have tried:
and several others. I even mimicked the example with [~"^name:.*"~"duma",i] just to see if anything would be returned.
Does recognize regular expressions on the keys or do I just have the regex wrong? I don't get an error from, just the coordinates of the bbox and an empty result. It's usually very strict about reacting to a poortly formatted query. Thanks in advance.
That's really a bug in the Overpass API implementation concerning case-insensitive key regex matching, see this Github ticket for details.
For the time being, you can already test the patch on the development box:
BTW: If you don't need case-insensitive regexp matching, this should already work on as of today.

What are the possible values of regconfig in postgresql? often refers to an optional regconfig parameter, but I can't find its possible values and their meanings. Where is it documented? If this can't be answered (e.g. because it depends on my installed database-components or like), how can I determine it myself?
I'd like a "plain text" regconfig, without any human-language transformation. What is the argument for it?
A text search configuration is a grouping of configuration objects: parsers, templates, and dictionaries. As far as I can tell the only configuration choices built-in are the language-specific ones like 'english' or 'finnish'.
You can see a list of configurations in your database via the \dF command in the psql command line tool, or via a query:
select * from pg_catalog.pg_ts_config;
Regarding a "plain text" configuration (#2), I'm not sure what you need but look at creating a custom dictionary. Perhaps start with the built-in "simple" dictionary and remove the stop words?
COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY simple IS 'simple dictionary: just lower case and check for stopword';
Reference: Configurations
The blog article Mastering PostgreSQL Tools: Full-Text Search and Phrase Search answers your question in full.
To summarize:
The regconfig is the Search Configuration object which is, itself, a collection of templates, parser dictionaries and stopwords. You can find it using the command \dF. To find out more about a particular regconfig, such as english/dutch use the command \dF+ dutch
For setting up own regconfig, you'll need access to the postgres.conf file, which isn't always allowed.

Sphinx search configuration for words ending with apostrophes

I am trying to improve my Sphinx configuration and I have a trouble with words ending with apostrophes.
For example, for Surfin' USA result, searching with "Surfin USA" returns match but "Surfing USA" doesn't return anything. How can I set Sphinx to return result for such situation?
Hmm, thats an interesting one. Not sure sphinx can automatically deal with this, because it has no way of knowing what the Apostrophe is meant to represent. I suppose there are cases where it could be multiple things.
The only way I can think would be to list them in exceptions, you can build a list of all words want to support
Surfin' > Surfing
Have to use exceptions to be able to use the apostrophe
You might want to add
Surfin > Surfing
too, so can search without the apostrophe too.