iOS 7.0.3 Blur Effect Behind Navigation Bar - iphone

In iOS 7.0.0 using a translucent navigation bar in a UINavigationController added a nice blur effect to the content behind the bar but it seemed to change the color saturation of the navigation bar.
In iOS 7.0.3 it seems like the saturation issue is fixed but you don't get the blur effect anymore. The content behind the navigation bar is just shown as it is. Does anyone know if it's somehow possible to get the blur effect back or if it's possible to create the blur effect programmatically?


iOS 7 status bar color during push animation.

My app has a solid gray navigation bar, and to fit with the iOS 7 design, want the status bar to be the same color.
To do this, I've set edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone and extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars = YES and have View controller-based status bar appearance set to YES in my plist. To create the gray color for the status bar, I've set the background color of my MainWindow to be the gray color. This works well except when there's a push or pop animation. During the animation, the status bar flashes color and looks like it has double the intensity of gray. When the animation ends, it changes back to the correct gray color.
Does anyone know what might be happening? Should I be setting the status bar color to match the navigation bar color differently?
Are you using an background image or a tint color to set the background of the navigation bar?
If you use a background image (which it sounds like since you have a solid gray background), you need to make sure it is 64 points tall (128 pixel in retina). If you use the old iOS 6 dimensions (44 points), iOS 7 will fall back and not have it include the status bar.
For details of this behavior, check out Table 5-1, "Treatment of resizable background images for bars at the top of the screen" in the iOS 7 transition documentation.
Also, if this is the case you shouldn't need to set the edgesForExtendedLayout, extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars and View controller-based status bar appearance. You might need it for other stuff - but not for this.
If you want to still support iOS 6, you need to have two different background images, one of iOS 7 and above and a legacy version of iOS 6 and below. That should get you the effect you are looking for.

Why tab bar upper half's color is lighter than bottom half

I create a navigation tab bar on the bottom of iphone and use dark gray color as tint color. Every things is good except the upper half's color is a bit lighter than bottom half. I also didn't fix it by programmatically set background color and tint color in viewDidLoad. This problem happen both of simulator and my iphone 5
This effect was added by the system in the default way, not a bug or problem.
You can custom UITabBar in this way:
tabController.tabBar.backgroundImage = [UIImage imageNamed: #"TabBarBG"];
Not only reset the background color or tint color.Have a try.
That's the visual effect "gradient" added automatically by system. You can write a custom tab bar yourself to change the effect.
This is default behavior of tab bar.
However you may change this by setting bakgroundimage for tab bar.

Animating a custom background image on a UINavigationBar

Since iOS5 there seems to be plenty of ways to add a custom background image to a navigation bar. I've tried using the appearance proxy, which works very well to change the appearance of all UINavigationBars application wide, and the setBackgroundImage:forBarMetrics: method for changing an individual navigation bar.
Is it possible to animate a change to the background image dynamically?
My application has two main states, and I wanted to fade the navigation bar between two colours to represent these two states. I haven't yet found a way to do this.

iPad style navbar on iPhone app

Hey, on iPad the navigation bar is normally silver and on the iPhone it's normally blue. Is there any easy way to make the silver navbar on iPhone app?
If you just want to change the color of your navigation bar, the easiest way to do this would be to add your navigation bar in IB, then click on the navigation bar's attributes panel. Change the tint color to whatever color you would like in there and it will show up accordingly on your app. Similarly, if you are adding the navigation bar programmatically, you should be able to set the tint color yourself with something along the lines of myNavBar.tintColor = [UIColor someColor];. I hope this helps.
As of iOS 5 this can be easily achieved without any manual tinkering. Read this up.

Build a nice progress bar

I need some inspiration on how to build a nice progress bar for the iPhone.
What I want to build is a custom progress bar, as I've drawn here:
alt text
My approach up to now is to use a PNG (gray in the figure above) with a transparent rounded rectangle. Through this rectangle, users see the moving bar. It would be nice to draw this bar with Quartz and give it a fancy animation (similar to the Mac OS X progress bars).
Any hints how to do this
you could use a couple nested UIViews and control the size of the childview and have different colors of backgrounds to show the progress or you could subclass the UIProgress bar like this example of the slide to unlock UISlider that has animation. The example is of a UISlider but the method used for animation could also be used on a progress bar without the difficulty of handling touches.
here is a link directly to the code from that discussion