Google analytics experiment redirect - redirect

Hi I have an issue with experiments.
This is my original page:
and the variations 1:
The problem is when I access the test1.html page, it redirected me always on the same page, after a few seconds.
I inserted the experiment code right after the head tag, and after that the tracking code.
so any ideas why???

This sounds like expected behaviour. The experiment redirects you to the same page because recurring visitors need to see the same page for every pageview/visits (it would confuse the heck out of your visitors were they to see different pages for every pageview, plus it would ruin your experiment).
Try and delete your cookies between reloads so the Google does not recognize you as recurring visitor. Try at least ten reloads (the code redirects randomly, not alternating - it's not unusual to get the same page four or five times in a row if you just have one variation).
Updated to include the discussion from the comments:
The experiment code only goes into the original page (else there will be unwanted redirects on other pages). If you have a common header in your template you could check if you are on the original page by inspecting the current url, like so:
if(window.location.href === 'original.html ') {
// display experiment code


How Do I Get OneNote Pages to Appear After REST API Create?

I am creating pages in OneNote using OneNote's REST API. For the most part, it works well. However, some pages never show up. According to their HTTP response code (201), they all POST correctly, but no matter when or how many times I run the program, some pages (always the same ones) never appear. Sometimes, if I wait a very long time (e.g. days), a page will finally show up, but usually it disappears again after a while.
Example: if I were to upload 10 pages, I might have 5 that appear in OneNote Online right away, 3 that appear after ten minutes, and 2 that never show up at all (no matter how much I sync), even though they all post to the same place, have unique names, and all return response 201.
If I send a GET request using the ids of the missing pages and include FavorDataRecency: true in the header, the API returns that no such page(s) exist. However, if I leave that header off, then the API returns that they exist as well as their information.
How can I get them to show up?
Update Note: If I delete the sections I'm uploading to and recreate them, then run my program, all the pages POST fine. I have yet to determine if they'll continue to post fine in subsequent runs. For now, it seems to me like something in the way OneNote indexes or caches the pages might be part of the problem. Thoughts?
The symptoms described above:
POST succeeded
Pages do not show up in GET calls
Pages do not show up in OneNote
Imply that your pages did not actually succeed to be created - here are my asks/suggestions:
Ask: Send us the value of the X-CorrelationId header on one of the POST page responses where this symptoms occur so we can debug this.
Suggestion as improvement/temporary workaround: You can retry the POST calls after seeing the pages don't appear.

google ad-sense is not populating the ads in my website

I am trying to populate google ad-sense into my client website and i am using
With view page source on you can see on the index page the directive is been called.
Still i am getting a blank item. Let me know the reason?
I am getting as AD:1
Usually google starts analysing your website traffic patterns and content type once your adsense code goes live i.e. after implementing it into your HTML page.
For few days (usually 1-2 days), it will only show the empty placeholders, which is the case with you right now I guess.
Wait for 2 days and you will be able to see the results automatically.
P.S. - the usual practice I follow is to have only one adsense implementation in the footer where empty placeholder will not bother the visitors as well as the look of the page. Once it is working, implement as desired.

Adsense with dynamic content

I know that this topic has been discussed before in varying extent but I have some specific queries. I will use an example for this case and would like to request you for your views.
Example:- A home finance management website. There are two pages. The basic page after login is an empty page with a text box. Type in "Rent" and rent details and trends pop up. Type in "Bills" and bill details and history pop up. The data shown to user is different of course.
Now -
1. If I place an Adsense script in the basic home page where I just have a text box, will it be disqualified for not having enough content ?
2. Even if the content changes (AJAX), does the ad change to suit the content ? Does the crawler keep a constant check of index the pages after defined intervals and whatever it finds there is kept and searched for keywords ? The same page may show different content to different users and hence have different keywords. (Also, since login would be cookie based, how does crawler see this page ?)
Edit -
I know from HERE that Google does take AJAX calls into account but since the results would be dynamically populated by accessing a database and while populating unique data, the bot looking at the form action page doesn't help much, does it?
3. Google prefers GET method. So if I go like this - /, the page is regenerated and the script reloaded but each time the crawler sniffs any one of the two pages, it might see different content for different users. What does it do ?
4. If I do not reload the page by form submission and the page is not regenerated every time, can I call a function to document.write the div I am putting the ad in ? Would that make it re-sniff the page ?
Any help is much appreciated.

Facebook - click on a like button does not increase the like count

After searching the internet and doing my own research on this subject I still can not find the answer to my problem, so here it is.
When I click the like button (to like my website then the like count is not being increased.
Debugging the FB javascript code on client-side (in Chrome) and examining the ajax response
send back from FB servers after the click on "Like" button, revealed that FB is instructing the Like button to be "disconnected", resulting in the behaviour described below.
The term "disconnected" is a strict FB term (in a sense of a javascript code), it means that on client-side there will be used a "plugin" that will perform certain operations leading to "inactivity" of like button. Technically, when the plugin "disconnect" is beeing recognized as part of the ajax response, there is an array of predefind actions (functions) that will be followed and called sequentially.
Now for the reproducibility of the problem.
Go to and fill the "URL to Like" field with
Click "Get code", then click "Ok" on the pop-up and finally click "Like" button on the right.
The like count should increase. Instead a pop-up shows up for (aprox.) 1 sec.
then the popup disappears. Now I am in the same state as before I click the
like button, i.e. like count is not increased.
I have found similar questions here on SO, but none of them seems to finally
resolve the issue.
The related questions here on SO are:
2. Facebook Like button does not work on one website?
One of the suggestions was that this migth actually be a FB bug. I found a (very recently created) bug, reported in FB bug tracking system. The bug is located here:
The bug has however "Low" priority an so far it does not seem to be resolved (it might even be returned as not a FB issue, I am not sure if this possibility is still open).
So for all interested in this.
Is this a real FB bug ?
How have you dealt with this ?
Could it be that my site is for some reason on FB spam/black/"whatever nasty" list ?
Well. This will end up like the other posts, i.e. no lesson learned here.
[The term "page" used later in this post represents the page]
I just tried today to like the page again via the FB generated like button (on ) and the result is now ok. So the like count gets increased after clicking the like button.
The difference that I observed when checking the request exchange to FB servers is that this time the communication has been done (by default. i.e. using the XFBML version of the like button) over iframe, not direct ajax call (as was in the past for XFBML).
I dont know what was the cause (I tried the pure iframe version of like button before) but the response going back as a result of the mentioned iframe request is now correct, ie. FB sends back response instructing javascript in client browser to use "connect" plugin not "disconnect" plug-in.
One more thing. One month ago I have created a FB profile ( of the page and have done some updates to this profile. So maybe FB decided that the page (being referenced from FB profile) has now earned the provilige to be "liked".
Like I said at the beginning. Problem solved, but no lesson learned.
For me, the problem (Like popup disappearing after a second; "Plugin","disconnect" response) was happening when the Like button URL redirected to another URL.
The fix was to add og:type, og:url, and og:title (required per, then running the URL through the Facebook debugger to clear the cache (
More at .

Facebook Like button does not register likes correctly

I am maintaining a blog (in Tumblr):
For the past few weeks the Facebook like buttons on the blog's posts are acting up.
Few of the posts' like buttons are OK, but others suffer from two problems:
A. Some buttons do not save the like count (you can click on the button but when you refresh the page, the button is reset and your like is not saved). for example: sweet and sour chicken.
B. Other buttons carry the like count of the blog itself ( and not of the exact post. for example: corona brown bread.
This behavior does not seem to be related to my code because when I enter the urls in the Like buttons page the generated buttons act the same.
The site passes the Lint Debug.
Any ideas?
Update: Though Mutant24 spotted an error, it does not seem to be the cause of the problem.
With out any interference by my part, the two examples given above now act the same. meaning, they both carry the like count of the blog itself (as do the Like buttons in the Like Button generation page for these urls).
The value held in is the real like count of that post.
Dori : in the og meta tags u have assigned wrong value in og:url
original url is -
and your are providing -
Please fix it and check ur issues will be solved.
Inserting the "Sweet and sour chicken"'s url into the like button creator produces the following error:
The app ID specified within the "fb:app_id" meta tag is not allowed on
this domain. You must setup the Connect Base Domains for your app to
be a prefix of
Its attempting to like the post but failing.