C# Catel Framework & Entity Framework & Unity of Work - mvvm

i want use the Entity Framework with Catel to use the UoW pattern in my code. I have reade this article:
I create a new Project with the name "Database". In this project i implement my Application Models. At the moment i store the data in a XML file but i want store it in a SQL Database in the future. My models a derived from "SaveableModelBase".
public class SettingsDataObject : SavableModelBase
1) What must i do to use the Entityframework? Is there a EntityModelBase or something?
2) How i must design my model classes?
2) How i register the Repositories with the ServiceLocator? RegisterType< ..., ...>?
3) Can i use the "Code First" and AutoGenerate Database Tables in Catel?
Where i can find a good basic code Example to implement the UoW pattern with Catel?
What must i do to implement a UoW with Catel?
I hope anybody can help me,
Thank you & Greetings

Catel does not provide base classes for Entity Framework. EF is normally used in combination with SQL server databases. It cannot be used in combination with the SavableModelBase.
For more information, see the official documentation:


Generate POCO classes and the mapping for an existing database using Entity Framework

Is it possible to auto generate the POCO classes and the mapping with the database defined separately using Fluent API (instead of annotations) for an existing database? Instead of coding all these entity classes manually, I find it easier if they are auto generated and then I can change them as required if the names are not incorrect (plural or singular) or the some of the relationships are not correctly mapped etc. This will save lot of time for me compared to coding all the entity classes and relationships from scratch and I am not that familiar with the fluent API syntax as well.
Yes, i encourage you to use Entity Framework Power Tools CTP1
Reverse Engineer Code First - Generates POCO classes, derived DbContext and Code First mapping for an existing database.
hope this helps
The Power tools are incredibly slow to generate files. It takes over an hour to work on my companies database (has a lot of tables).
Instead take a look at this visual studio extension http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/ee4fcff9-0c4c-4179-afd9-7a2fb90f5838
It generates cleaner code, WCF serialisation classes, and includes the database default constraints as part of the POCO ctor.
Disclaimer: I should mention that I am the author of this extension

What is the difference between writting class using Code First approch or POCO?

EF and ORM.
I recently realized that is possible using POCO to have clean classes not plumbed with EF auto generated code.
I saw the new release of EF 4.1 and the use of Code First approach and DbContext.
My questions:
What is the difference between Code First approach and Poco approach?
Can we use Code First (DbContext and DbSet) instead of POCO + Repository pattern?
Thanks for your time on this.
They're completely different things, and you can use them together.
POCO means that your entity classes are "normal" classes, not dependent on any specific ORM layer.
A DbContext is an object that enables you to access the database in an object-oriented way (like ObjectContext in earlier versions of EF).
Have a look at this tutorial for examples.

Can Entity Framework generate the DAL code?

I know that entity framework has a database first approach. Now the question is whether it can generate the DAL (data access layer) code (not the models) for me.
When using a Object Relational Mapper (ORM), you don't typically have CRUD code in the traditional sense. Rather, it abstracts those operations into more object oriented operations.
For example, you don't "insert", you add the model class to the table, then save changes. The ORM automatically generates the SQL needed to make the Object model match the data model.
So my point is, your question displays a basic lack of understanding of how ORM's work and how they relate to data models. You should probably do a little reading.
I'm not sure what you mean specifically by "DAL code", as that's a rather ambiguous term. I would consider your Entity types part of the DAL.
When you use a model-first or database-first approach, the Entity Framework tools can auto-generate a context class from your model .edmx, which will inherit from ObjectContext. It's easy to customize the generated context class with T4 templates by finding one online that already generates from a .edmx, and modifying to your liking.
Code-first development uses the DbContext, which is not typically auto-generated. Please see this post on Scott Gu's blog for more details on this.

Is there any easy way to generate the Entity Framework Code-First classes?

The method - Entity Framework Code-First - looks good. But its very difficult to create all the classes for a large database.
Is there any easy way to generate the Entity Framework Code-First classes?
You can use the recently released Entity Framework Power Tools CTP1. The tool gives you the ability to reverse engineer code first, meaning the Database will be mapped to Code.
Note that all tables in your large database will be mapped. There currently is no way to choose which tables will be mapped to code. Reading through the comments, this feature will most likely be implemented in a future release.
The point of EF Code-First is that you define your domain model in code, then your user-interface and database can be easily generated from that domain model. This has a number of advantages including reducing the amount of tedious code which needs to be written, and helping to ensure your database, your domain model, and your UI match each other.
However, at some point you are going to have to write your domain model - there's no way that can be "generated" (by which I assume you mean computer-generated) as it is personal to your application.
If I've misunderstood your question, please leave a comment and I'll update my answer.
If you want to use the code-first model, but already have an existing database, you can use the Entity Framework Power Tools to generate classes.
If you're reading this after May/2012, the above tool may be out of beta!
No there is no way to generate classes for you if you are using code-first. Code first means that there is no model and no database so you can't generate classes unless you have some upfront design in any case system (UML) which will autogenerate code for you. Simply generating classes without any input about how they should look like sounds like AI from Sci-fi, doesn't it?
If you already have databse you are not using code first but database first. In such case you can have your classes generated.
Check out the link below. It's a program that will generate POCO classes from your databases. I think that's what you're looking for.
Generate the code from the database first using database first generation and then modify the resulting code to start your code first version

Using Entity Framework with poco by model first

I'm a bit lost with Entity Framework ...
Here is the context : Desktop Application (C# / Winform)
VS 2010 (SP1), SQL COMPACT (4.0 for identity), ... for now EF 4 (default version)
I've just started a new app and i've thinking of using EF because it seems that it's a quickest way to design both model and database (i know that it's not the best way but my project is not critical).
building the model with graphic designer is very convenient, i can easyly build the sql compact schema' and i can access model class directly.
But i need to add some feature to my model class (overriding ToString for example or some basics functions), so it seem that i need to make POCO classes.
But the problem is after generating these classes, how can i update these without losing added code , what's the best way to doing that ? partial class ?
Moreover, it seem that EF dev are focusing on Code First, so does it mean that Entity Model are already deprecated ?
EF generates partial classes, so you are right - in order not to lose the extra code you add, you need to create separate files and use the partial class feature. Those files won't be re-written once the model is saved.
Moreover, it seem that EF dev are
focusing on Code First, so does it
mean that Entity Model are already
deprecated ?
No, it's not deprecated. Using Code First is just a matter of preference, but you can feel free to use the EDM - it's not going anywhere.