Why does this mapcan cause my REPL to freeze? - lisp

In this very useful answer, it was suggested I could replace this code:
(defun describe-paths (location edges)
(apply (function append) (mapcar #'describe-path
(cdr (assoc location edges)))))
With this:
(defun describe-paths-mapcan (location edges)
(mapcan #'describe-path
(cdr (assoc location edges))))
I certainly understand conceptually why this should work, but it doesn't; the second variation freezes my REPL and the CL prompt never returns. I have to restart SLIME. So I looked it up, and am wondering if the fact that mapcan doesn't use list, but rather nconc, is the cause? Therefore these are actually not identically functioning code blocks?
For the curious, I am passing this:
(describe-paths-mapcan 'living-room *edges*)
Where *edges* is:
(defparameter *edges* '((living-room (garden west door)
(attic upstairs ladder))
(garden (living-room east door))
(attic (living-room downstairs ladder))))
(defun describe-path (edge)
`(there is a ,(caddr edge) going ,(cadr edge) from here.))

I think it has to do with describe-edges. It is defined as:
(defun describe-path (edge)
`(there is a ,(caddr edge) going ,(cadr edge) from here.))
The quasiquote there we can macroexpand.. And you get:
(macroexpand '`(there is a ,(caddr edge) going ,(cadr edge) from here.)) ; ==>
According to the documentation for mapcan the concatination is done destructively. Looking at the very last element of whats returned from describe-path will share structure with the next element it returns so nconc will make an infinite loop.
If you were to change describe-edges to the following it will work:
(defun describe-path (edge)
(list 'there 'is 'a (caddr edge) 'going (cadr edge) 'from 'here.))


Check for proper list in Common Lisp

Is there a standard function in Common Lisp that can check against improper lists (i.e. circular and dotted lists) without signaling an error? list-length can check against circular lists (it returns nil for them), but signals type-error when given a dotted list.
Scheme's list? traverses the whole list to make sure it is not dotted or circular; Common Lisp's listp only checks that it's given nil or a cons cell.
Here's the simplest I could come up with:
(defun proper-list-p (x)
(not (null (handler-case (list-length x) (type-error () nil)))))
Since several implementations have been suggested and many unexpected problems have been found, here's a test suite for aspiring proper-list-p writers:
(defun circular (xs)
(let ((xs (copy-list xs)))
(setf (cdr (last xs)) xs)
(assert (eql t (proper-list-p '())))
(assert (eql t (proper-list-p '(1))))
(assert (eql t (proper-list-p '(1 2))))
(assert (eql t (proper-list-p '(1 2 3))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p 1)))
(assert (not (proper-list-p '(1 . 2))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p '(1 2 . 3))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p '(1 2 3 . 4))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p (circular '(1)))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p (circular '(1 2)))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p (circular '(1 2 3)))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p (list* 1 (circular '(2))))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p (list* 1 2 (circular '(3 4))))))
There is no standard function to do this, perhaps because such a function was seen as rather expensive if it was to be correct, but, really, this just seems like am omission from the language to me.
A minimal (not very performant) implementation, which does not rely on handling errors (Python people think that's a reasonable way to program, I don't, although this is a stylistic choice), is, I think
(defun proper-list-p (l)
(typecase l
(null t)
(loop for tail = l then (cdr tail)
for seen = (list tail) then (push tail seen)
do (cond ((null tail)
(return t))
((not (consp tail))
(return nil))
((member tail (rest seen))
(return nil)))))))
This takes time quadratic in the length of l, and conses proportional to the length of l. You can obviously do better using an hashtable for the occurs check, and you can use a tortoise-&-hare algorithm do avoid the occurs check (but I'm not sure what the complexity of that is off the top of my head).
I am sure there are much better functions than this in libraries. In particular Alexandria has one.
While thinking about this question, I also wrote this function:
(defun classify-list (l)
"Classify a possible list, returning four values.
The first value is a symbol which is
- NULL if the list is empty;
- LIST if the list is a proper list;
- CYCLIC-LIST if it contains a cycle;
- IMPROPER-LIST if it does not end with nil;
- NIL if it is not a list.
The second value is the total number of conses in the list (following
CDRs only). It will be 0 for an empty list or non-list.
The third value is the cons at which the cycle in the list begins, or
NIL if there is no cycle or the list isn't a list.
The fourth value is the number if conses in the cycle, or 0 if there is no cycle.
Note that you can deduce the length of the leading element of the list
by subtracting the total number of conses from the number of conses in
the cycle: you can then use NTHCDR to pull out the cycle."
;; This is written as a tail recursion, I know people don't like
;; that in CL, but I wrote it for me.
(typecase l
(null (values 'null 0 nil 0 0))
(let ((table (make-hash-table)))
(labels ((walk (tail previous-tail n)
(typecase tail
(values 'list n nil 0))
(let ((m (gethash tail table nil)))
(if m
(values 'cyclic-list n tail (- n m))
(setf (gethash tail table) n)
(walk (cdr tail) tail (1+ n))))))
(values 'improper-list n previous-tail 0)))))
(walk l nil 0))))
(t (values nil 0 nil 0))))
This can be used to get a bunch of information about a list: how long it is, if it is proper, if not if it's cyclic, and where the cycle is. Beware that in the cases of cyclic lists this will return circular structure as its third value. I believe that you need to use an occurs check to do this – tortoise & hare will tell you if a list is cyclic, but not where the cycle starts.
in addition, something slightly less verbose, than the accepted answer:
(defun improper-tail (ls)
(do ((x ls (cdr x))
(visited nil (cons x visited)))
((or (not (consp x)) (member x visited)) x)))
(defun proper-list-p (ls)
(null (improper-tail ls)))
or just like this:
(defun proper-list-p (ls)
(do ((x ls (cdr x))
(visited nil (cons x visited)))
((or (not (consp x)) (member x visited)) (null x))))
seen to pass all the op's test assertions
After our hopeless attempts with tailp, here, sth which uses the
sharp-representation of circular lists :) .
With regex (to detect circular sublist)
(setf *print-circle* t)
(ql:quickload :cl-ppcre)
(defun proper-listp (lst)
(or (null lst) ; either a `'()` or:
(and (consp lst) ; a cons
(not (cl-ppcre::scan "#\d+=(" (princ-to-string lst)))) ; not circular
(null (cdr (last lst)))))) ; not a dotted list
Without regex (cannot detect circular sublists)
(defun proper-listp (lst)
(or (null lst) ; either a `'()` or:
(and (consp lst) ; a cons
(not (string= "#" (subseq (princ-to-string lst) 0 1))) ; not circular
(null (cdr (last lst)))))) ; not a dotted list
(tailp l (cdr l)) is t for circular lists but nil for non-circular lists.
Credits to #tfp and #RainerJoswig who taught me this here .
So, your function would be:
(defun proper-listp (lst)
(or (null lst) ; either a `'()` or:
(and (consp lst) ; a cons
(not (tailp lst (cdr lst))) ; not circular
(null (cdr (last lst)))))) ; not a dotted list
By the way, I use proper-listp by purpose. Correct would be - by convetion proper-list-p. However, this name is already occupied in the CLISP implementation by SYSTEM::%PROPER-LIST-Pwhy the definition of the function raises a continuable error.
Conclusion of our discussion in the comment section:
The behavior of tailp for circular lists is undefined. Therefore this answer is wrong! Thank you #Lassi for figuring this out!

LISP FUNCTION - Return the count of numbers of the list that are bigger of the first element

I want to solve a lisp function that returns a NUMBER(count) of numbers which are greater than the first number in the list.The list is a linear list of numbers.
(defun foo (lst)
(cond ((null lst) 0)
(car = k)
((> (car lst) k)
(1+ (foo (cdr lst))))
(T (foo (cdr lst)))))
My problem is that I cannot keep the first element and compare it with the others.
Let's take apart your problem:
You have a set of numbers. Really, you have a “special” first number, and then the rest of them. Specifically, you probably want only real numbers, because “less than” does not make sense in terms of complex (imaginary) numbers.
You can use first to get the first number from the list, and rest for the others.
Of these, you want to count any that are not greater than the first.
So let's start with sort of pseudocode
(defun count-numbers-greater-than-first (list)
;; split out first and rest
;; call the real count function
Well, we know now that we can use first and rest (also, as you used, historically car and cdr), so:
(defun count-numbers-greater-than-first (list)
(count-numbers-greater-than (first list) (rest list))
You already probably know that > is used to test whether real numbers are greater than one another.
A quick look at the CLHS reveals a nice function called count-if
(defun count-numbers-not-greater-than (reference other-numbers)
(count-if ??? other-numbers))
The ??? needs to be an object of function type, or the name of a function. We need to “curry” the reference (first number) into that function. This means we want to create a new function, that is only used for one run through the count-if, that already has “closed over” the value of reference.
If we knew that number would always be, say, 100, that function would look like this:
(defun greater-than-100 (number)
(> number 100))
That function could then get used in the count-if:
(defun count-numbers-greater-than (reference other-numbers)
(count-if (function greater-than-100)
(defun count-numbers-greater-than (reference other-numbers)
(count-if #'greater-than-100 other-numbers))
But that doesn't solve the problem of getting the reference number “curried” into the function.
Without reaching for Alexandria (I'll explain in a moment), you can use a lambda form to create a new, anonymous function right here. Since reference is available within count-numbers-not-greater-than, you can use its value within that lambda. Let's convert for 100 first:
(defun count-numbers-greater-than (reference other-numbers)
(count-if (lambda (number) (> number 100))
Now we can use reference:
(defun count-numbers-greater-than (reference other-numbers)
(count-if (lambda (number) (> number reference))
And, in fact, you could even merge this back into the other function, if you wanted:
(defun count-numbers-greater-than-first (list)
(count-if (lambda (number) (> number (first list)))
(rest list)))
That Alexandria thing
But, what about Alexandria? Alexandria is a collection of super-useful utility functions that's available in Quicklisp or elsewhere.
(ql:quickload "alexandria")
(use-package #:alexandria)
Of course, you'd normally use it in your own defpackage
(defpackage my-cool-program
(:use :common-lisp :alexandria))
Two of the things it provides are curry and rcurry functions. It turns out, that lambda function in there is a really common case. You have an existing function — here, > — that you want to call with the same value over and over, and also some unknown value that you want to pass in each time.
These end up looking a lot like this:
(lambda (x) (foo known x))
You can use curry to write the same thing more concisely:
(curry #'foo known)
It also work with any number of arguments. RCurry does the same, but it puts the unknown values “x” at the left, and your known values at the right.
(lambda (x) (foo x known)) = (rcurry #'foo known)
So another way to write the count-if is:
(defun count-numbers-greater-than-first (list)
(count-if (rcurry #'> (first list))
(rest list)))
* (count-numbers-greater-than-first '(10 9 8 7 11 12))
Your function indented correctly looks like this:
(defun foo (lst)
(cond ((null lst) 0)
(car = k) ; strange cond term
((> (car lst) k)
(1+ (foo (cdr lst))))
(T (foo (cdr lst)))))
I have commented the second term in your cond. It is quite strange. It first evaluates the variable car (not the function #'car). If car is not nil it first evaluates the variable = (not the function #'=) and since it is not the last consequent expression in the cond term it throws that away and returns the last which is k.
Secondly you write that you say you use the first element as comparison, however you call it k in your function but it is not defined anywhere. You need to do something before you do the recursion and thus you cannot let the actual function do the recursion since it will take the first element each time. Here is where labels can be used:
;; didn't call it foo since it's not very descriptive
(defun count-larger-than-first (list)
(let ((first (car list)))
(labels ((helper (list)
(cond ((null list) 0)
((> (car list) first)
(1+ (helper (cdr list))))
(t (helper (cdr list))))))
(helper (cdr list)))))
Of course. Since you now have the possibility to add more arguments I would have added an accumulator:
(defun count-larger-than-first (list)
(let ((first (car list)))
(labels ((helper (list acc)
(cond ((null list) acc)
((> (car list) first)
(helper (cdr list) (1+ acc)))
(t (helper (cdr list) acc)))))
(helper (cdr list) 0))))
And of course recursion might blow the stack so you should really write it without in Common Lisp:
(defun count-larger-than-first (list)
(let ((first (car list)))
(loop :for element :in (cdr list)
:counting (> element first))))
There are higher order functions that count too which might be more suitable:
(defun count-larger-than-first (list)
(let ((first (car list)))
(count-if (lambda (element) (> element first))
(cdr list))))

Checking circularity in lisp - same variable through recursive function

I'm trying to create a function that would test whether the given list is circular with a re-starting point being the beginning of the list.
Expected results:
(setq liste '(a b c))
(rplacd (cddr liste) liste)
(circular liste) => t
(circular '(a b c a b c)) => nil
As I simply want to test if any subsequent item is 'eq' to the first one, I don't want to build the whole tortoise and hare algorithm.
Here is my code :
(defun circular (liste)
(let (beginningliste (car liste)))
(labels ( (circ2 (liste)
((atom liste) nil)
((eq (car liste) beginningliste) t)
(t (circ2 (cdr liste)))
) ) ) ) )
It doesn't give the expected result but I don't understand where my error is
I'm not sure I'm using 'labels' correctly
Is there a way to do that without using 'labels'?
Edit. I guess I have answered my third question as I think I have found a simpler way. Would this work?
(defun circular (liste)
((atom liste) nil)
((eq (car liste) (cadr liste)) t)
(t (circular (rplacd liste (cddr liste))))
First, the behavior is undefined when you mutate constant data: when you quote something (here the list), the Lisp environment has the right to treat it as a constant. See also this question for why defparameter or defvar is preferred over setq. And so...
(setq list '(a b c))
(rplacd (cddr list) list)
... would be better written as:
(defparameter *list* (copy-list '(a b c)))
(setf (cdr (last *list*)) *list*)
Second, your code is badly formatted and has bad naming conventions (please use dashes to separate words); here it is with a conventional layout, with the help of emacs:
(defun circularp (list)
(let (first (car list)))
(labels ((circ2 (list)
((atom list) nil)
((eq (car list) first) t)
(t (circ2 (cdr list))))))))
With that formatting, two things should be apparent:
The let contains no body forms: you define local variables and never use them; you could as well delete the let line.
Furthermore, the let is missing one pair of parenthesis: what you wrote defines a variable name first and another one named car, bound to list. I presume you want to define first as (car list).
You define a local circ2 function but never use it. I would expect the circularp function (the -p is for "predicate", like numberp, stringp) to call (circ2 (cdr list)). I prefer renaming circ2 as visit (or recurse), because it means something.
With the above corrections, that would be:
(defun circularp (list)
(let ((first (car list)))
(labels ((visit (list)
((atom list) nil)
((eq (car list) first) t)
(t (visit (cdr list))))))
(visit (cdr list)))))
However, if your list is not circular but contains the same element multiple times (like '(a a b)), you will report it as circular, because you inspect the data it holds instead of the structure only. Don't look into the CAR here:
(defun circularp (list)
(let ((first list))
(labels ((visit (list)
((atom list) nil)
((eq list first) t)
(t (visit (cdr list))))))
(visit (cdr list)))))
Also, the inner function is tail recursive but there is no guarantee that a Common Lisp implementation automatically eliminates tail calls (you should check with your implementation; most can do it on request). That means you risk allocating as many call stack frames as you have elements in the list, which is bad. Better use a loop directly:
(defun circularp (list)
for cursor on (cdr list)
while (consp cursor)
thereis (eq cursor list)))
Last, but not least: your approach is a very common one but fails when the list is not one big circular chain of cells, but merely contains a loop somewhere. Consider for example:
CL-USER> *list*
#1=(A B C . #1#)
CL-USER> (push 10 *list*)
(10 . #1=(A B C . #1#))
CL-USER> (push 20 *list*)
(20 10 . #1=(A B C . #1#))
(see that answer where I explain what #1= and #1# mean)
The lists with numbers in front exhibit circularity but you can't just use the first cons cell as a marker, because you will be looping forever inside the sublist that is circular. This is the kind or problems the Tortoise and Hare algorithm solves (there might be other techniques, the most common being storing visited elements in a hash table).
After your last edit, here is what I would do if I wanted to check for circularity, in a recursive fashion, without labels:
(defun circularp (list &optional seen)
(and (consp list)
(or (if (member list seen) t nil)
(circularp (cdr list) (cons list seen)))))
We keep track of all the visited cons cells in seen, which is optional and initialized to NIL (you could pass another value, but that can be seen as a feature).
Then, we say that a list is circular with respect to seen if it is a cons cell which either: (i) already exists in seen, or (ii) is such that its CDR is circular with respect to (cons list seen).
The only additional trick here is to ensure the result is a boolean, and not the return value of member (which is the sublist where the element being searched for is the first element): if your environment has *PRINT-CIRCLE* set to NIL and the list is actually circular, you don't want it to try printing the result.
Instead of (if (member list seen) t nil), you could also use:
(when (member list seen))
(position list seen)
and of course (not (not (member list seen)))

How to avoid duplicating code in cond clause LISP?

I am supposed to find the path from the root to a given node in LISP. Preferably using a purely functional approach.
The binary tree representation uses sublists, e.g.:
(A (B) (C (D) (E))) - A is the root, B the left child of A, C the right child of A, D the left child of C and E the right child of C.
It seems to me that there should be some way to avoid the duplication of the following function calls:
(get-path (cadr l) x)
(get-path (caddr l) x)
I am new to LISP and I don't know and can't seem to find a solution for this, but I think there must be a -purely- functional way to do it. Maybe using lambdas? Not sure how, though. Am I using a wrong approach? Any kind of help is highly appreciated.
;;; l is the list with the binary tree
;;; x is the node we are looking for
(defun get-path(l x)
;; nothing to search for anymore
((null l) nil)
;; found the node we were looking for
;; in this case we return a list containing only x
((equal (car l) x) (list x))
;; the node was found on the left branch
((not(equal (get-path (cadr l) x) nil))
(cons (car l) (get-path (cadr l) x)))
;; the node was found on the right branch
((not(equal (get-path (caddr l) x) nil))
(cons (car l) (get-path (caddr l) x)))))
What about this?
(defun root-path (tree element)
(when tree
(cons (first tree)
(unless (eql (first tree) element)
(or (root-path (second tree) element)
(root-path (third tree) element)
(return-from root-path nil))))))
You should even define meaningfully named functions, like tree-value left-subtree and right-subtree, but this is maybe overkill here.
In the above, note that when (resp. unless) is used for its nil value when the condition fails (resp. succeed). You can translate with cond or if expressions if you prefer. The only repetition here is the double (first tree) value, which might be optimized away by the compiler or manually with a surrounding let binding.
The original code was not working. The solution is to use Joshua's answer, but I won't copy paste it here, so I added the return-from expression. While it works, your teacher and/or coworker will probably not like this approach ;-)
(mapcar (lambda (n) (root-path '(A (B) (C (D) (E))) n))
'(a b c d e f))
=> ((a) (a b) (a c) (a c d) (a c e) nil)
I'd combine the final two cond clauses. You want to check the left side and see if there's a path there, and if there is, take it, and if there's not, check the right side. Then, whichever one of those yielded a path (if either did), you want to append to that. That could look like this. First, a couple of functions for convenience:
(defun element (tree)
(first tree))
(defun left (tree)
(second tree))
(defun right (tree)
(third tree))
Now, the real meat of the solution:
(defun get-path (element tree)
;; A null tree is empty and doesn't match anything.
((null tree) '())
;; If the element of this tree is the element, then we have a
;; partial path of length 1: (ELEMENT).
((eql element (element tree)) (list element))
;; Othweise, let PATH be the path on the left or the path on the
;; right, whichever exists.
(t (let ((path (or (get-path element (left tree))
(get-path element (right tree)))))
;; If there's no path on either side, then return NIL.
;; Otherwise, prepend the current element onto the path that
;; exists.
(if (null path) '()
(list* (element tree) path))))))
Note that list* does the same thing as cons, but it makes it clearer that you're working with lists, not just cons cells. You could use cons just as well.
We can confirm that this works as expected:
(defparameter *tree* '(A (B) (C (D) (E))))
(get-path 'c *tree*) ;;=> (A C)
(get-path 'd *tree*) ;;=> (A C D)
(get-path 'f *tree*) ;;=> NIL
Use labels for interior (local) functions:
(defun get-path(l x)
(labels ((prepend-path (elt)
(cons (car l) (get-path elt x))))
;; nothing to search for anymore
((null l) nil)
;; found the node we were looking for
;; in this case we return a list containing only x
((equal (car l) x) (list x))
;; the node was found on the left branch
((not(equal (get-path (cadr l) x) nil))
(prepend-path (cadr l)))
;; the node was found on the right branch
((not(equal (get-path (caddr l) x) nil))
(prepend-path (caddr l))))))
Alternatively, you could use flet instead of labels because you don't have interior functions that refer to each other. Personally, I use labels and hardly ever use flet for that reason (plus the overhead of re-indenting the function.)
What you can do is replicate the anaphoric conda and ifa macros from TXR Lisp in Common Lisp. (Source code here; good luck!)enter link description here
Then you can write it like this, referring to the get-path expressions using the anaphoric it variable.
;; nothing to search for anymore
((null l) nil)
;; found the node we were looking for
;; in this case we return a list containing only x
((equal (car l) x) (list x))
;; the node was found on the left branch
((not (equal (get-path (cadr l) x) nil)) (cons (car l) it))
;; the node was found on the right branch
((not (equal (get-path (caddr l) x) nil)) (cons (car l) it)))
conda is clever about expressions of the form (not x) and (null x) (also (false x) in TXR Lisp). If the test expression is one of these, then it recurses into the x do ferret out the "anaphoric it".
Note that it binds to places not just to values. Not only is the target of it not evaluated more than once, if the target is a place, then it refers to that place:
(ifa (< x 10)
(inc it)) ;; increments x.
This aspect of ifa is achieved with the help of the placelet macro, which doesn't exist in Common Lisp. A quick and dirty substitute would be to use symbol-macrolet. The only problem is that that a symbol macro denoting a place allows multiple evaluation of the place whereas placelet evaluates a place once. The resulting lexical symbol then denotes the storage location, rather than the overall expression.
ifa was designed to either wipe the floor with Paul Graham's aif, or else to complement it; conda is trivially based on ifa.
By the way, do not write expressions like
(not (equal whatever nil))
in Lisp! Firstly, equal equality is not particularly meaningful if you are comparing with nil; only nil is equal to nil, and that is according to eq equality, so you might as well have:
(not (eq whatever nil))
Secondly, for something not to be eq to nil means that the something is true. That is to say:
(if (not (eq foo nil)) do-this) ---same-as--> (if foo do-this)
If we refactor your code to get rid of this stuff, then it's better if we have the Paul Graham Style anaphoric if aif (and an acond based on it). That is to say:
(ifa (not (equal (get-path whatever) nil))) (list it))
(aif (get-path whatever) (list it))
where the it trivially to the value of the entire test expression, rather than a somewhat cleverly selected constituent of that expression.
Under ifa, this is expressed slightly more verbosely using:
(ifa (true (get-path whatever)) (list it))
Where true can be defined as
(defun true (x) (identity x)).
Without this extra wrapping, ifa will bind it to whatever.

Scheme Function to reverse elements of list of 2-list

This is an exercise from EOPL.
Procedure (invert lst) takes lst which is a list of 2-lists and returns a list with each 2-list reversed.
(define invert
(lambda (lst)
(cond((null? lst )
((= 2 (rtn-len (car lst)))
( cons(swap-elem (car lst))
(invert (cdr lst))))
("List is not a 2-List"))))
;; Auxiliry Procedure swap-elements of 2 element list
(define swap-elem
(lambda (lst)
(cons (car (cdr lst))
(car lst))))
;; returns lengh of the list by calling
(define rtn-len
(lambda (lst)
(calc-len lst 0)))
;; calculate length of the list
(define calc-len
(lambda (lst n)
(if (null? lst)
(calc-len (cdr lst) (+ n 1)))))
This seems to work however looks very verbose. Can this be shortened or written in more elegant way ?
How I can halt the processing in any of the individual element is not a 2-list?
At the moment execution proceed to next member and replacing current member with "List is not a 2-List" if current member is not a 2-list.
The EOPL language provides the eopl:error procedure to exit early with an error message. It is introduced on page 15 of the book (3rd ed.).
The EOPL language does also include the map procedure from standard Scheme. Though it may not be used in the book, you can still use it to get a much shorter solution than one with explicit recursion. Also you can use Scheme's standard length procedure.
#lang eopl
(define invert
(lambda (lst)
(map swap-elem lst)))
;; Auxiliary Procedure swap-elements of 2 element list
(define swap-elem
(lambda (lst)
(if (= 2 (length lst))
(list (cadr lst)
(car lst))
(eopl:error 'swap-elem
"List ~s is not a 2-List~%" lst))))
So it seems that your version of invert actually returns a list of different topology. If you execute (invert ...) on '((1 2) (3 4)), you'll get back '((2 . 1) (4 . 3)), which is a list of conses, not of lists.
I wrote a version of invert that maintains list topology, but it is not tail-recursive so it will end up maintaining a call stack while it's recursing.
(define (invert lst)
(if (null? lst)
(cons (list (cadar lst) (caar lst))
(invert (cdr lst)))))
If you want a version that mimics your invert behavior, replace list with cons in second to last line.
If you want it to exit early on failure, try call/cc.
(lambda (exit)
(for-each (lambda (x)
(if (negative? x)
(exit x)))
'(54 0 37 -3 245 19))
===> -3
(Taken from http://www.schemers.org/Documents/Standards/R5RS/HTML/r5rs-Z-H-9.html#%_idx_566)
What call-with-current-continuation (or call/cc, for short) does is pass the point where the function was called in into the function, which provides a way to have something analogous to a return statement in C. It can also do much more, as you can store continuations, or pass more than one into a function, with a different one being called for success and for failure.
Reverse list containing any number or order of sub-lists inside.
(define (reverse! lst)
(if (null? lst) lst
(if (list? (car lst))
(append (reverse! (cdr lst)) (cons (reverse! (car lst)) '()))
(append (reverse! (cdr lst)) (list (car lst))))))