Can macros in Notepad++ have "simple" keyboard shortcuts - macros

I've recorded and saved two macros in Notepad++, giving them Ctrl+B and Ctrl+Shift+B shortcuts respectively. First doesn't work (does not playback macro), while second is all fine (restart doesn't help).
Can macros in Notepad++ have "simple" keyboard shortcuts, like Ctrl+B?
BTW: I'm trying to "emulate" formatting shortcuts (like bold, italics etc.), but for Markdown, not for HTML. That's why Notepad++'s plugins like "WebEdit" won't help me here.

You can save a macro with CTRL+B shortcut...
but you can't use the shortcut to same combination to call it back.
It think it's because it seems that key stroke is already used and your own combination is not overridding the original reserved one.
Ctrl-B Go to matching brace
It seems like a bug within notepad++ or not well documented feature.

Following mehow's answer I found the solution. Ctrl+B shortcut doesn't work for my macro, because it is used with another command.
Going (in Notepad++) to Settings > Shortcut mapper > Main menu, locating Go to matching brace command and setting its shortcut to None solved the problem. From this moment, each press of Ctrl+B calls my macro, not that previous command.


Shortcuts within Find/Replace dialog do not work in Visual Studio Code?

As shown in this screenshot there are 5 occurrences of the "Find" field. But hitting CMD-ENTER -as shown in the shortcut balloon help - does nothing.
Why is it not working/ what can be done to get it to to work? I detest using the mouse for extremely common operations especially Find/Replace.
It is a little odd that the binding is Cmd+Enter on the Mac, whereas it is Ctrl+Alt+Enter on Windows? Things to try:
The equivalent of Ctrl+Alt+Enter on the Mac (and you indicated that Cmd+Option+Enter does work).
Check in the Gear Icon/KeyboardShortcuts editor what the command editor.actions.replaceAll is bound to.
Check in the Keyboard Shortcuts (click on the little keyboard icon to the right and type Cmd+Enter) to see if it is bound to something besides editor.actions.replaceAll.
You can run the Developer: Toggle Keyboard Shortcuts Troubleshooting command from the Command Palette, type Cmd+Enter and see what command vscode finds for that keybinding.
You indicated that Cmd+Option+Enter does work as you expect.

VSCode, Ctrl+Tab does not quick switch editor windows

Strange problem appears on one of my machines.
Hit Ctrl+Tab, just hit and immediate release of Ctrl - should switch to the last used editor window. Should.
But instead I have a drop down with list of editors and have to press Enter to do the actual switch.
Holding Ctrl and hitting Tab several times - acts normal.
The problem I see is on VSCode v1.66.2. Another two machines have the very same version and do not experience that issue. So I am assuming the problem is somewhere in settings but I am at loss which one.
I guess, I had to write the question down to find the answer...
The reason for the problem was in extension. In this case it was "Keyboard Macro Beta". It overrides the default behavior of Ctrl+Tab, for some reason.
Found it by just typing "Ctrl+Tab" in the filter field of Keyboard Shortcuts.
Disable/uninstall the extension and default behavior for the hotkey was restored.

Emmet keyboard shortcuts not working in vscode

I'm not talking about the abreviations (which works fine); but rather keyboard shortcuts.
Like this one for instance, Ctrl+k is supposed to remove a tag(opening and closing) and re-arrange the inner HTML's indentation.
This is just one example, but most shortcust found in emmet's page, doesnt work on vscode, why is that ? how can I fix it ?
If you look at the Keyboard Shortcuts page and search for emmet you will see many emmet commands unbound to a keybinding. Including
[I think there are just too many emmet commands for vscode to have devoted keybindings to them when most people wouldn't use them.]
If you hover over any command and click on the + sign to its left vscode will open an input box where you can enter your desired shortcut keybinding.
I wouldn't recommend Ctrl+K as that is used as a part of a lot of default keybindings in vscode.

Can I see, and individually disable, keyboard shortcuts for extensions, such as the Sublime Text Keymap extension?

When I started using VS Code, I installed the "Sublime Text Keymap and Settings Importer" extension, to make it act more like Sublime, because that is what I was familiar with.
Now, I would like to use the default shortcuts. I want to switch gradually, maybe by disabling a few Sublime shortcuts at a time, or by at least knowing which shortcuts are coming from the Sublime extension, so I can train myself to stop using them.
Is there any easy way to see which shortcuts are coming from the Sublime extension, and ideally disable some, but not all, of them?
If I look at the "Keyboard Shortcuts" list, it shows the default shortcuts and the Sublime shortcuts mixed together, with no hint as to which is which, as far as I can tell. Example:
It shows both Command+P and Command+T as shortcuts for workbench.action.quickOpen, both with a source of "Default". But I know that Command+T is coming from the extension, because if I disable the extension, I don't see it (but I still see Command+P). Disabling the extension and restarting VS Code is kind of inconvenient, so I would like an easy way to see which shortcuts are coming from the extension.
You can see a comprehensive list of all keybindings the extension includes in the "Contributions" tab of the extension itself:
I'm not aware of any options to display this in the keyboard shortcuts UI directly. However, you could put the two tabs side-by-side for easy comparison:
Here is an updated and better method to filter the Keyboard Shortcuts editor to show which keybindings are contributed by a specific extension. See Specify which extension provides a specific keyboard shortcut. And here is an example where I search for one of my extensions, Toggle Line Comments to see if it contributes any keybindings.
And then it would be easy to disable or re-bind any of those keybindings.
Also you can click on the Extension gear icon in the Extensions list. That will bring up a menu with an Extension Keyboard Shortcuts option. Which will open the Keyboard Shortcuts editor with a search already completed for any keybindings contributed by that extension.
Keep an eye on this PR (Show keybinding source in GUI). Looks like it may be included in vscode v1.45. It would allow you to filter the "Keyboard Shortcuts" by user-defined or extension. From the above link:
Filters examples:
#user - shows user defined keybindings
#default - shows default keybindings
#extensions - shows all extension contributed keybindings
#extensions:"${EXTENSION_NAME}" - shows keybindings contributed by
#extensions:${EXTENSION_NAME} - same as above only without quotes
(spaces are invalid for this one)
Searching with filter and text also works:
#extensions:bookmarks list - shows keybindings from bookmarks
extension that contain the word "list"
And then with such a filtered list it would be easy to disable whichever commands you wished.

Ctrl+Backspace/Option+Delete fails to delete previous word in MATLAB IDE

I've noticed that Ctrl+Backspace/Option+Delete doesn't delete the word to the left of cursor in the MATLAB editor, as it does in many (most?) other editors and programs. This is intensely annoying, as I often will want to change a function name or small section of code. Currently I am forced to hold shift, use option+left, and then press delete to perform what should be a two keystroke operation.
Is there a way to enable it, or is a similar shortcut available? I found this unanswered question on MATLAB Central, but no further joy.
Running R2010a on OSX
Are you on R2010b?
At least on Windows, this is supported starting in R2010b. All the keyboard shortcuts are in File > Preferences, under Keyboard > Shortcuts. Type "word" in the search bar (the text field just above the list of actions) to see the word-level actions. In R2010b, but not earlier versions, there is a "Remove Previous Word" action, and in Windows it's bound by default to Ctrl+Backspace. Sounds like you're using Mac, too; I don't know what the default binding is there.
So, upgrade to R2010b, and maybe adjust the bindings under Keyboard > Shortcuts in Preferences.
This and some other keyboard shortcuts work in the editor but not in the command window. I don't know why. You might want to request that as an enhancement from MathWorks if you want it in the command window, too.