Receiving TCP packets as messages instead of using gen_tcp:recv/2 - sockets

I'm writing a distributed chat application in Erlang for my own learning/benefit. I have a client and a server which maintain a persistent TCP connection. The client initiates the connection using gen_tcp:connect/3. The server is actually distributed over several nodes.
The gen_tcp documentation says:
Packets can be sent to the returned socket Socket using send/2. Packets sent from the peer are delivered as messages:
{tcp, Socket, Data}
Because of this, my client is able to receive any data the server sends as a normal Erlang message. This is desirable for my application.
The problem is that I can't see any way to make the connection on the server act the same way. I would love it if my server could receive sent data as an Erlang message. This way, the server can send data (i.e. when another person in the chat room sends a message) while waiting for the client to send a message.
Is there any way to implement this behavior?
EDIT: I'm aware of prim_inet:async_accept/2, but I'd prefer a documented approach if possible.

Look at inet:setopts with option {active, once|true}. Good article about


how to find that the client is reading from tcp buffer in go

I'm starting to use golang for a quite amount of time for a project. In my project I have to implement a tcp server which responds to tcp clients. The server has to send a number of messages to a client.
The problem is that when a server writes a message to a client connection, it has to wait until the client has read that message from buffer and then send another message (the server has to wait until the client calls the reader.ReadString('\n') method).
In my server code I wrote:
for {
data := <-client.outgoing
client.writer.WriteString(data + "\n")
but the server sends all the messages to client without waiting for ReadString in client.
How to make server wait until the client read a message and then send the other message?
I think that either the assignment is ambiguous or you're misinterpreting it and solving the XY problem.
The short answer is that you can never know whether the client has read a message just by looking at the TCP conversation. You have to implement this "protocol" in your application.
Here are a few problems:
From your application you don't really have access to what TCP is doing. You get a stream on which you can perform I/O.
The fact that a write to your stream "succeeds" only means that TCP has agreed to try to transport your stuff and has an independent copy. It doesn't say anything about whether the data has been received and it doesn't even mean the data has been even sent
You may find certain mechanisms to peer into TCP's inner workings (such as ioctls, SIOCINQ, SIOCOUTQ or various setsockopts): these won't help
Even if you find out what your TCP is doing, this only tells you what the remote TCP is doing. So if you have full control over your TCP and even see the acknowledgments from the peer, you still don't know what the application is doing. It's very possible the application didn't read the data yet (it might not have requested the data, the TCP might be withholding it in a buffer for some weird reason, the scheduler might not have scheduled the remote process etc.)
Going back to your question, a way to really know whether the remote application has received your message is to have the remote application tell you. This means you have to restructure your protocol to:
Send stuff from the server
Wait for a message from the application telling you it received your stuff
Send more stuff (because you know from point 2 it's safe to do so)

Delphi Indy TCP Client/Server communication best approach

I have a client and a server application that is communicating just fine, there is a TIdCmdTCPServer in the server and a TIdTCPClient in the client.
The client has to authenticate in the server, the client asks the server for the newest version information and downloads any updates, and other communications. All this communication with TIdTCPClient.SendCmd() and TIdTCPClient.LastCmdResult.Text.Text.
The way it is, the server receives commands and replies, the clients only receives replies, never commands, and I would like to implement a way to make the client receives commands. But as I heard, if the client uses SendCmd it should never be listening for data like ReadLn() as it would interfere with the reply expected in SendCmd.
I thought of making a command to check for commands, for example, the client would send a command like "IsThereCommandForMe" and the server would have a pool of commands to each client and when the client asks, the server send it in the reply, but I think it would not be a good approach as there would be a big delay between the commands being available and the client asking for it. I also thought of making a new connection with new components, for example a TIdCmdTcpClient, but then there would be 2 connections for each client, I don't like that idea as I think it could easily give problems in the communication.
The reason I want this, is that I want to implement a chat functionality in the client, and it should be receiving messages from the server without asking for it all the time, imagine all clients continually asking the server if there is message for them. And I would like to be able to inform the client when there is an update available instead the client being asking if there is any. And with this I could send more commands to the client too.
what are your thoughts about this ? how can I make the server receiving commands from the clients, but also sends them ?
TCP sockets are bidirectional by design. Once the connection between 'client' and 'server' has been established, they are symmetric and data can be sent at any time from any side over the same socket.
It only depends on the protocol (which is just written 'contract' for the communication) which communication model is used. HTTP for example uses a request/reply model. With Telnet for example, both sides can initate data transmissions. (If you take a look at the Indy implementation for Telnet, you will see that it uses a background thread to listen for server data, but it uses the same socket connection in the main thread to send data from client to server).
A "full duplex" protocol which supports both request/response and server push, and also is firewall-friendly, is WebSockets. With WebSockets (a HTTP upgrade), the server can send data to the connected client(s) any time. This would meet your 'chat' requirement.
If you use TIdTCPClient / TIdCmdTCPServer, corporate firewalls might block the communication.

Does data loss happens in fast sender and very slow receiver?

I have an application consisting of client and server by making use of sockets.
On the server side in the thread where it is receiving messages from client i have made a sleep call for 10 sec.Now when i send messages from client 1000000 times to server then messages being received from server is very slowly.My question is as follows:
-Does it mean that the receiving call on server side is blocking call?
-Secondly,is there any good document which can make me understand better the blocking and non blocking behavior of send and receive call of sockets.
Depends on whether you're using TCP or UDP sockets. TCP guarantees delivery, UDP doesn't. So in a UDP application packets can be dropped for any number of reasons, including if the servers sends too quickly to the client.
By default, calls on sockets are blocking calls. You have to set non-blocking explicitly.

Will a TCP RST cause a host to drop the receive buffer?

Upon receiving a TCP RST packet, will the host drop all the remaining data in the receive buffer that has already been ACKed by the remote host but not read by the application process using the socket?
I'm wondering if it's dangerous to close a socket as soon as I'm not interested in what the other host has to say anymore (e.g. to conserver resources); e.g. if that could cause the other party to lose any data I've already sent, but he has not yet read.
Should RSTs generally be avoided and indicate a complete, bidirectional failure of communication, or are they a relatively safe way to unidirectionally force a connection teardown as in the example above?
I've found some nice explanations of the topic, they indicate that data loss is quite possible in that case: also gives some more information on the topic, and offers a solution that I've used in my code. So far, I've not seen any RSTs sent by my server application.
Application-level close(2) on a socket does not produce an RST but a FIN packet sent to the other side, which results in normal four-way connection tear-down. RSTs are generated by the network stack in response to packets targeting not-existing TCP connection.
On the other hand, if you close the socket but the other side still has some data to write, its next send(2) will result in EPIPE.
With all of the above in mind, you are much better off designing your own protocol on top of TCP that includes explicit "logout" or "disconnect" message.

UDP Response

UDP doesnot sends any ack back, but will it send any response?
I have set up client server UDP program. If I give client to send data to non existent server then will client receive any response?
My assumption is as;
Client -->Broadcast server address (ARP)
Server --> Reply to client with its mac address(ARP)
Client sends data to server (UDP)
In any case Client will only receive ARP response. If server exists or not it will not get any UDP response?
Client is using sendto function to send data. We can get error information after sendto call.
So my question is how this info is available when client doesn't get any response.
Error code can be get from WSAGetLastError.
I tried to send data to non existent host and sendto call succeeded . As per documentation it should fail with return value SOCKET_ERROR.
Any thoughts??
You can never receive an error, or notice for a UDP packet that did not reach destination.
The sendto call didn't fail. The datagram was sent to the destination.
The recipient of the datagram or some router on the way to it might return an error response (host unreachable, port unreachable, TTL exceeded). But the sendto call will be history by the time your system receives it. Some operating systems do provide a way to find out this occurred, often with a getsockopt call. But since you can't rely on getting an error reply anyway since it depends on network conditions you have no control over, it's generally best to ignore it.
Sensible protocols layered on top of UDP use replies. If you don't get a reply, then either the other end didn't get your datagram or the reply didn't make it back to you.
"UDP is a simpler message-based connectionless protocol. In connectionless protocols, there is no effort made to set up a dedicated end-to-end connection. Communication is achieved by transmitting information in one direction, from source to destination without checking to see if the destination is still there, or if it is prepared to receive the information."
The machine to which you're sending packets may reply with an ICMP UDP port unreachable message.
The UDP protocol is implemented on top of IP. You send UDP packets to hosts identified by IP addresses, not MAC addresses.
And as pointed out, UDP itself will not send a reply, you will have to add code to do that yourself. Then you will have to add code to expect the reply, and take the proper action if the response is lost (typically resend on a timer, until you decide the other end is "dead"), and so on.
If you need reliable UDP as in ordering or verification such that TCP/IP will give you take a look at RUDP or Reliable UDP. Sometimes you do need verification but a mixture of UDP and TCP can be held up on the TCP reliability causing a bottleneck.
For most large scale MMO's for isntance UDP and Reliablity UDP are the means of communication and reliability. All RUDP does is add a smaller portion of TCP/IP to validate and order certain messages but not all.
A common game development networking library is Raknet which has this built in.
An example of RUDP using Raknet and Python