I am confused about argument list in hosted mode in gwt [closed] - gwt

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i am new in gwt.i am confused in argument list in hosted mode like -noserver,-logLevel,-out,-style.Thanks in advance.

These options serve as the configuration while debugging or running the GWT application.
For example, to run a GWT application, you need to define the web server, port for the web server, Logging related information, war folder for deployment of the application etc.
For more information on this, please visit this link:
You might want to see this as well:


Flutter web automation [closed]

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Closed 8 days ago.
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Has anyone found a way to automate flutter web that actually works?
I already tried with selenium puppeteer among some others but with none I have been able to since flutter web hides all the information of the html and the DOM

Using Sbt as BSP Server in Kubernetes [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm looking for a solution that would enable me to deploy Sbt as a BSP server or any other protocol, on Kubernetes, and use my IDE to work with it via, say, port forwarding.
Is this technically possible? Before going into things like DevSpace or Okteto, I was wondering, if anyone could share their experience trying to do it with SBT Server capability directly.

see api calling information on chrome developer tab [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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i want to see calling of an API in chrome network tab to implement them in my web client.
i go to the domain food.shahed.ac.ir
then some api calls very fast and then redirects to another page very fast.
so i can not see the first requests .
You can check Preserve log checkbox.
Then all requests should be available.

How to create a suiteapp and deploy it (locked) [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How can i create a suite app and deploy it from suitecloud IDE (eclipse).I cant find an option to create a suiteapp ,were would i find it ?
To my understanding SuiteApps are just Bundles, you don't need SuiteCloud IDE to create one. Although I don't think there's only one way to have a SuiteApp. I see some are just bundles but some get more complex and they may require a guy to login to the account and install it and configure it manually, or a combination of both.
You need to have at least a SDN Select Account in order to have your SuiteApp listed on www.suiteapp.com . You get access to help on how to get it done and more. Once your SuiteApp is listed there people who are interested in your SuiteApp will contact you by filling a form.
More info here: http://www.netsuite.com/portal/common/pdf/ds-sdn.pdf
Also, if you want your SuiteApp to have the "Built for Netsuite" certification you need to check this out too: http://www.netsuite.com/portal/developers/built-for-netsuite.shtml

What's the difference between Grails mongodb plugin v1.3.3 and v2.0.1? Many people seem to use v1.3.3 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I see many Grails applications using version 1.3.3. Will upgrading our Grails 2.3.11 application to use mongodb-2.0.1 cause any problems.
If you want to see what changed between versions I suggest you look at the change log for the plugin.
Typically plugins which have issue trackers (on the plugin portal page for the plugin) have some type of change log within them.