DB2 replication of records across differing schemas - db2

We have 2 db2 instances, each with a DB having tables with differing sets of columns. For e.g. Table T1 has 5 columns in one DB while having 3 columns in the other DB.
We would like to replicate data from T1 from one DB to another. Whil replicating, we would additionally want to apply certain transformation so that the 5 columns in the source table can be mapped to 3 columns in the target.
SQL Server lets you modify the stored procs that insert the record in the target DB. Its called MCALL or XCALL mechanism.
Does DB2 have such a feature by which a source table having one schema can be replicated to a target table with a different schema?

There are various replication mechanisms that you can use with DB2, all of them allow you to manipulate replicated data. You didn't mention what type of replication you are planning to use; here's an example for SQL Replication: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v10r5/topic/com.ibm.swg.im.iis.db.repl.sqlrepl.doc/topics/iiyrssubmanipoverview.html


Question. Access view from Oracle DB in PostgreSQL and Insert into table in Oracle DB from PostgreSQL

For a long time I have been working only with Oracle Databases and I haven't had much contact with PostgreSQL.
So now, I have a few questions for people who are closer to Postgres.
Is it possible to create a connection from Postgres to Oracle (oracle_fdw?) and perform selects on views in a different schema than the one you connected to?
Is it possible to create a connection from Postgres to Oracle (oracle_fdw?) and perform inserts on tables in the same schema as the one you connected to?
Ad 1:
Yes, certainly. Just define the foreign table as
OPTIONS (table 'VIEW_1', schema 'USERB');
Ad 2:
Yes, certainly. Just define a foreign table on the Oracle table and insert into it. Note that bulk inserts work, but won't perform well, since there will be a round trip between PostgreSQL and Oracle for each row inserted.
Both questions indicate a general confusion between a) the Oracle user that you use to establish the connection and b) the schema of the table or view that you want to access. These things are independent: The latter is determined by the schema option of the foreign table definition, while the former is determined by the user mapping.

Can you do PostgreSQL Logical replication with the intention of making source table and target table names different?

On PostgreSQL 10 and UP logical replication parameters for publisher and subscription does not seem to have options to specify target table names, just the replication tables.
I know this is a weird scenario to want to have a target table with a different table name but is this possible? is there any other way to do real time replication on a target table with a different name?
No; the names of the schema, table and columns have to be the same in both databases.
This is a limitation that may be lifted at some time.

Postgres table sync between different schemas

I have table A in schema A and table B in schema B with same structure in the same database. Whenever a DML change happens in table A, I need the same in table B. For now, I am using triggers to do the same. Is there any better alternative than using triggers for this scenario?
As the tables belong to different microservices, I need one of the tables with data unmodified even if the other table is dropped.

Can two temporary tables with the same name exist in separate queries

I was wondering, if it is possible to have two temp tables with the same name in two separate queries without them conflicting when called upon later in the queries.
Query 1: Create Temp Table Tmp1 as ...
Query 2: Create Temp Table Tmp1 as ...
Query 1: Do something with Tmp1 ...
I am wondering if postgresql distinguishes between those two tables, maybe through addressing them as Query1.Tmp1 and Query2.Tmp1
Each connection to the database gets its own special temporary schema name, and temp tables are created in that schema. So there will not be any conflict between concurrent queries from separate connections, even if the tables have the same names. https://dba.stackexchange.com/a/5237 for more info
The PostgreSQL docs for creating tables states:
Temporary tables exist in a special schema, so a schema name cannot be given when creating a temporary table.

DB2 Partitioning

I know how partitioning in DB2 works but I am unaware about where this partition values exactly get stored. After writing a create partition query, for example:
CREATE TABLE orders(id INT, shipdate DATE, …)
STARTING '1/1/2006' ENDING '12/31/2006'
after running the above query we know that partitions are created on order for every 3 month but when we run a select query the query engine refers this partitions. I am curious to know where this actually get stored, whether in the same table or DB2 has a different table where partition value for every table get stored.
table partitions in DB2 are stored in tablespaces.
For regular tables (if table partitioning is not used) table data is stored in a single tablespace (not considering LOBs).
For partitioned tables multiple tablespaces can used for its partitions.
This is achieved by the "" clause of the CREATE TABLE statement.
In this example the first partition will be stored in TBSP1, the second in TBSP2, The third in TBSP3, the fourth in TBSP1 and so on.
Table partitions are named in DB2 - by default PART1 ..PARTn - and all these details can be looked up in the system catalog view SYSCAT.DATAPARTITIONS including the specified partition ranges.
See also http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEPGG_10.5.0/com.ibm.db2.luw.sql.ref.doc/doc/r0021353.html?cp=SSEPGG_10.5.0%2F2-12-8-27&lang=en
The column used as partitioning key can be looked up in syscat.datapartitionexpression.
There is also a long syntax for creating partitioned tables where partition names can be explizitly specified as well as the tablespace where the partitions will get stored.
For applications partitioned tables look like a single normal table.
Partitions can be detached from a partitioned table. In this case a partition is "disconnected" from the partitioned table and converted to a table without moving the data (or vice versa).
best regards
After a bit of research I finally figure it out and want to share this information with others, I hope it may come useful to others.
How to see this key values ? => For LUW (Linux/Unix/Windows) you can see the keys in the Table Object Editor or the Object Viewer Script tab. For z/OS there is an Object Viewer tab called "Limit Keys". I've opened issue TDB-885 to create an Object Viewer tab for LUW tables.
A simple query to check this values:
reference: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEPGG_9.5.0/com.ibm.db2.luw.sql.ref.doc/doc/r0021353.html?lang=en
DB2 will create separate Physical Locations for each partition. So each partition will have its own Table-space. When you SELECT on this partitioned Table your SQL may directly go to a single partition or it may span across many depending on how your SQL is. Also, this may allow your SQL to run in parallel i.e. many TS can be accessed concurrently to speed up the SELECT.