Castle Windsor Lifestyle configuration - inversion-of-control

I've spent some time looking around, and there doesn't seem to be an obvious solution to this scenario.
I register all types from an assembly (that's about 80 types, interfaces are in separate assembly)
public static void RegisterAllFromAssemblies(string a)
.Configure(o => o.LifeStyle.PerWebRequest)
now say if i want to use a different LifeStyle for one of those objects, i can't override since i'll get the There is a component already registered for the given key error.
i've looked into various ways to modify the lifestyle after this registration, but so far haven't been able to make anything work.
what should be the ideal solution here? i'd prefer not to give up the AllTypes functionality.
i suppose i could specify a .Where filter when registering all and skip a few objects to be registered manually, but that's not a very enterprisey solution..

I believe you're talking about registering all of the types in an assembly where some of the types in the assembly might need to be registered with different lifestyles. So you've got IRepository which needs to be a PerWebRequest and ITypeMapper which can be a singleton.
I clarify because you could also mean that you want to have IRepository be a PerWebRequest at one spot in your code and a singleton in another spot. Without creating crazy lifestyles, you can create your component and register it for the default lifestyle. If you need another lifestyle sometimes you can create a new component and inherit from the existing one just for use in registration (the code sample shows this if this is confusing).
I wrote the sample so that it will work for either scenario and I gave a couple different approaches all focusing around the filtering abilities of configuring multiple items at once.
For this one, I'm calling out configuration for a particular component by type. It's not as "enerprisey" as you put it, but the intent is clearer if you only have a few exceptions to the rule. You'll note you can chain together configures. The unless is required because the second configure will pick up the component for the first configure being that my only condition is the services are based on IService. This assumes that castle processes the configures in order. I believe the assumption is sound, but haven't looked at the source for awhile.
.ConfigureFor<MyComponentAsSingleton>(component => component.LifestyleSingleton())
.Configure(component => component.LifestylePerWebRequest()).Unless(type => container.Kernel.GetAssignableHandlers(type).Count() > 0));
This one uses attributes to more generically deviate from the normal lifestyle "PerWebRequest
//condition to check - do we have our custom Attribute?
registration => registration.Implementation.GetCustomAttributes(false).Any(attr => typeof(ShouldBeSingleton).IsAssignableFrom(attr.GetType())),
//if true register as singleton
component => component.LifestyleSingleton(),
//else register as per web request
component => component.LifestylePerWebRequest()
Now that I've given you a few samples that solve your immediate issue (as I understand it) let me give you my advice for free!
First I don't really like WithService.FirstInterface(). As the intelisense states it's non-deterministic when you implement multiple interfaces. Any dev could come in and make a harmless interface change to a class and then break the system. If you can get away with WithService.DefaultInterfaces() you'd have a harder to mess up solution. Default interfaces is just telling castle that when registering the Foo component, use the service IFoo if it implements an interface named IFoo.
Second, I believe if you partition your registration logic into cohesive units you probably wouldn't have run into this problem. The key is to have many installer files that implement IWindsorInstaller. Inside of these installers you only register (using the Classes or Types to keep it enterprisey still) types that make sense for the particular installer. The chances that you have multiple lifestyle concerns in the same installer is pretty low (and if you find this, you probably need more installers)
If you followed this approach you could end up with a RepositoryInstaller, ViewInstaller, ControllerInstaller, etc. More on installers can be found on the castle documentation site
What you could do if you wanted is then have a common boostrapper for all your systems that looks into the application directory and installs all of the installers that are in the directory. Being this wasn't what you asked I'll stop elaborating, but if interested you can ping me and I can show you more about what I'm talking about.
Full sample code as a console app:
using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration;
using Castle.Windsor;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MultipleLifecyles
public class ShouldBeSingleton : Attribute
public interface IService
void DoSomething();
public class MyComponent : IService
public void DoSomething()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public class MyComponentAsSingleton : MyComponent
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//option 1
IWindsorContainer container = new WindsorContainer();
.ConfigureFor<MyComponentAsSingleton>(component => component.LifestyleSingleton())
.Configure(component => component.LifestylePerWebRequest()).Unless(type => container.Kernel.GetAssignableHandlers(type).Count() > 0));
IWindsorContainer container2 = new WindsorContainer();
//condition to check - do we have our custom Attribute?
registration => registration.Implementation.GetCustomAttributes(false).Any(attr => typeof(ShouldBeSingleton).IsAssignableFrom(attr.GetType())),
//if true register as singleton
component => component.LifestyleSingleton(),
//else register as per web request
component => component.LifestylePerWebRequest()

Is it an option for you register manually the exceptions first? If so, components manually registered will not be re-registered by "AllTypes"(I suggest you to use Classes instead).
If you register manually a component after a "group" registration, an exception will be thrown, but not vice versa.
For example
//YourImplementation lives in assembly 'a'
.Configure(o => o.LifeStyle.PerWebRequest)


Is it possible to implement a module that is not a WPF module (a standard class library, no screens)?

I am developing a modular WPF application with Prism in .Net Core 5.0 (using MVVM, DryIoc) and I would like to have a module that is not a WPF module, i.e., a module with functionality that can be used by any other module. I don't want any project reference, because I want to keep the loosely coupled idea of the modules.
My first question is: is it conceptually correct? Or is it mandatory that a module has a screen? I guess it should be ok.
The second and more important (for me) is, what would be the best way to create the instance?
This is the project (I know I should review the names in this project):
HotfixSearcher is the main class, the one I need to get instantiated. In this class, for example, I subscribe to some events.
And this is the class that implements the IModule interface (the module class):
namespace SearchHotfix.Library
public class HotfixSearcherModule : IModule
public HotfixSearcherModule()
public void OnInitialized(IContainerProvider containerProvider)
//Create Searcher instance
var searcher = containerProvider.Resolve<IHotfixSearcher>();
public void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<IHotfixSearcher, HotfixSearcher>();
That is the only way I found to get the class instantiated, but I am not a hundred per cent comfortable with creating an instance that is not used, I think it does not make much sense.
For modules that have screens, the instances get created when navigating to them using the RequestNavigate method:
_regionManager.RequestNavigate(RegionNames.ContentRegion, "ContentView");
But since this is only a library with no screens, I can't find any other way to get this instantiated.
According to Prism documentation, subscribing to an event shoud be enough but I tried doing that from within my main class HotfixSearcher but it does not work (breakpoints on constructor or on the event handler of the event to which I subscribe are never hit).
When I do this way, instead, the instance is created, I hit the constructor breakpoint, and obviously the instance is subscribed to the event since it is done in the constructor.
To sum up, is there a way to get rid of that var searcher = containerProvider.Resolve<IHotfixSearcher>(); and a better way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!
Or is it mandatory that a module has a screen?
No, of course not, modules have nothing to do with views or view models. They are just a set of registrations with the container.
what would be the best way to create the instance?
Let the container do the work. Normally, you have (at least) one assembly that only contains public interfaces (and the associated enums), but no modules. You reference that from the module and register the module's implementations of the relevant interfaces withing the module's Initialize method. Some other module (or the main app) can then have classes that get the interfaces as constructor parameters, and the container will resolve (i.e. create) the concrete types registered in the module, although they are internal or even private and completely unknown outside the module.
This is as loose a coupling as it gets if you don't want to sacrifice strong typing.
is there a way to get rid of that var searcher = containerProvider.Resolve<IHotfixSearcher>(); and a better way to achieve this?
You can skip the var searcher = part :-) But if the HotfixSearcher is never injected anywhere, it won't be created unless you do it yourself. OnInitialized is the perfect spot for this, because it runs after all modules had their chance to RegisterTypes so all dependencies should be registered.
If HotfixSearcher is not meant to be injected, you can also drop IHotfixSearcher and resolve HotfixSearcher directly:
public void OnInitialized(IContainerProvider containerProvider)
I am not a hundred per cent comfortable with creating an instance that is not used, I think it does not make much sense.
It is used, I suppose, although not through calling one of its methods. It's used by sending it an event. That's just fine. Think of it like Task.Run - it's fine for the task to exist in seeming isolation, too.

Autofac - dynamic Resolve based on registered provider

I'm having problems finding proper solution for my problem, namely:
Let's consider workflow:
Application starts
Main components are registered in Autofac
Application loads plugin assembly and registers modules within it
Container is being build
Plugin handling logic is run
Plugin can add its own controllers. To properly handle that I had to prepare interface which will provide me types of custom controllers:
interface ICustomControllerProvider
IEnumerable<Type> GetControllerTypes();
Based on the above my app knows how to integrate specified types as controllers.
All controllers are also defined as services, so Autofac deals with their creation, and so...
I want to avoid specifying custom controller type twice
public PluginControllerProvider : ICustomControllerProvider
public IEnumerable<Type> GetControllerTypes()
// 1st type specification
// controller types are specified here, so they could be integrated with app
yield return typeof(ControllerX);
yield return typeof(ControllerY);
public class PluginModule : Module
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
// 2nd type specification
// controllers have to be register in module as well
Is there any way how ControllerX and ControllerY could be managed by Autofac, where I specified them only in PluginControllerProvider?
I tried achieving that by providing custom registration source and resolving ICustomControllerProvider, however I cannot resolve ICustomControllerProvider based on arguments provided by IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration> RegistrationsFor(Service service, Func<Service, IEnumerable<ServiceRegistration>> registrationAccessor) from IRegistrationSource
Autofac does not offer the ability to inject a list of types registered with Autofac. You'll have to get that yourself by working with the lifetime scope registry.
Before I get into how you might solve this, I should probably note:
Listing the types registered is not a normal thing from a DI perspective. It'd be like listing all the controllers in your MVC application - you don't normally need to do that, and if you did, you'd likely need to build a whole metadata structure on top of it like the ApiExplorer that was built to do that on top of ASP.NET Core. That structure wouldn't be supported or involved with the DI system because you're querying about the system, not injecting live instances into the system.
If you are relying on DI to resolve controllers, you probably don't need a whole separate controller provider. Once you know what type you need for the request, you'd just resolve it.
All that's to say, while I'll answer the question, the way the design here is posed may be something you'd want to look at. What you're doing, trying to involve DI with listing metadata about the app... seems somewhat backwards (you'd feed the DI container based on the list of types, not get the list of types from the DI container).
But let's just go with it. Given:
There are controllers registered with Autofac
The controllers have no common base class or interface
There's no attributes on the controllers you could query
What I'd do is register all the controllers with some metadata. You need something to be able to locate the controllers in the list of all the types in the container.
builder.RegisterType<ControllerX>().WithMetadata("controller", true);
builder.RegisterType<ControllerY>().WithMetadata("controller", true);
Now in the plugin controller, you need to inject an ILifetimeScope because you have to query the list of stuff registered. The ILifetimeScope that gets injected into the controller will be the same scope from which the plugin controller itself was resolved.
You can use the injected scope to query things in the component registry tagged with your metadata.
public class PluginControllerProvider : ICustomControllerProvider
private readonly Type[] _controllerTypes;
public PluginController(ILifetimeScope scope)
_controllerTypes = scope
.Where(r => r.Metadata.ContainsKey("controller"))
.Select(r => r.Activator.LimitType)
public IEnumerable<Type> GetControllerTypes()
return _controllerTypes;
Now, disclaimers:
If you are registering more controllers in child lifetime scopes (e.g., during a BeginLifetimeScope() call), you will need a controller provider from that scope or it won't get all the controller types. The provider needs to come from the scope that has all the registrations.
If you're using registration sources (like the AnyConcreteTypeNotAlreadyRegisteredSource), this won't capture things that come from the registration sources. It'll only capture things that come from direct registrations of a type (or lambda) on a ContainerBuilder.
But it should work.

EF: In search of a design strategy for DatabaseFirst DbContext of a Modular Application

I'm looking for suggestions on how to approach using an ORM (in this case, EF5) in the design of modular Non-Monolithic applications, with a Core part and 3rd party Modules, where the Core has no direct Reference to the 3rd party Modules, and Modules only have a reference to Core/Common tables and classes.
For arguments sake, a close enough analogy would be DNN.
With CodeFirst, the approach I used was to build up the model of the Db was via reflection: in the Core's DbContext's DbInitialation phase, I used Reflection to find any class in any dll (eg Core or various Modules) decorated with IDbInitializer (a custom contract containing an Execute() method) to define just the dll's structure. Each dll added to the DbModel what it knew about itself.
Any subsequent Seeding was also handled in the same wa (searching for a specific IDbSeeder contract, and executing it).
* the approach works for now.
* The same core DbContext can be used across all respositories, as long as each repo uses dbContext.GetSet(), rather than expecting it to be a property of the dbContext. No biggie.
* it only works at startup (ie, adding new modules would require an AppPool refresh).
* CodeFirst is great for a POC. But in EF5, it's not mature enough for Enterprise work yet (and I can't wait for EF6 for StoredProcs and other features to be added).
* My DBA hates CodeFirst, at least for the Core, wanting to optimize that part with Stored Procs as much as as possible...We're a team, so I have to try to find a way to please him, if I can find a way...
The DbModel phase appears to be happening prior to the DbContext's constructor (reading from embedded *.edmx resource file). DbInitialization is never invoked (as model is deemed complete), so I can't add more tables than what the Core knows about.
If I can't add elements to the Model, dynamically, as one can with CodeFirst, it means that
* either the Core DbContext's Model has to have knowledge of every table in the Db -- Core AND every 3rd party module. Making the application Monolithic and highly coupled, defeating the very thing I am trying to achieve.
* Or each 3rd party has to create their own DbContext, importing Core tables, leading to
* versioning issues (module not updating their *.edmx's when Core's *.edmx is updated, etc.)
* duplication everywhere, in different memory contexts = hard to track down concurrency issues.
At this point, it seems to me that the CodeFirst approach is the only way that Modular software can be achieved with EF. But hopefully someone else know's how to make DatabaseFirst shine -- is there any way of 'appending' DbSet's to the model created from the embedded *.edmx file?
Or any other ideas?
I would consider using a sort of plugin architecture, since that's your overall design for the application itself.
You can accomplish the basics of this by doing something like the following (note that this example uses StructureMap - here is a link to the StructureMap Documentation):
Create an interface from which your DbContext objects can derive.
public interface IPluginContext {
IDictionary<String, DbSet> DataSets { get; }
In your Dependency Injection set-up (using StructureMap) - do something like the following:
Scan(s => {
For<IEnumerable<IPluginContext>>().Use(x =>
For each of your plugins, either alter the {plugin} file - or add a partial class file which causes the DbContext being generated to derive from IPluginContext.
public partial class FooContext : IPluginContext { }
Alter the {plugin} file for each plugin to expose something like:
public IDictionary<String, DbSet> DataSets {
get {
// Here is where you would have the .tt file output a reference
// to each property, keyed on its property name as the Key -
// in the form of an IDictionary.
You can now do something like the following:
// This could be inside a service class, your main Data Context, or wherever
// else it becomes convenient to call.
public DbSet DataSet(String name) {
var plugins = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IEnumerable<IPluginContext>>();
var dataSet = plugins.FirstOrDefault(p =>
p.DataSets.Any(ds => ds.Key.Equals(name))
return dataSet;
Forgive me if the syntax isn't perfect - I'm doing this within the post, not within the compiler.
The end result gives you the flexibility to do something like:
// Inside an MVC controller...
public JsonResult GetPluginByTypeName(String typeName) {
var dataSet = container.DataSet(typeName);
if (dataSet != null) {
return Json(dataSet.Select());
} else {
return Json("Unable to locate that object type.");
Clearly, in the long-run - you would want the control to be inverted, where the plugin is the one actually tying into the architecture, rather than the server expecting a type. You can accomplish the same kind of thing using this sort of lazy-loading, however - where the main application exposes an endpoint that all of the Plugins tie to.
That would be something like:
public interface IPlugin : IDisposable {
void EnsureDatabase();
void Initialize();
You now can expose this interface to any application developers who are going to create plugins for your architecture (DNN style) - and your StructureMap configuration works something like:
Scan(s => {
s.AssembliesFromApplicationBaseDirectory(); // Upload all plugin DLLs here
// NOTE: Remember that this gives people access to your system!!!
// Given what you are developing, though, I am assuming you
// already get that.
For<IEnumerable<IPlugin>>().Use(x => x.GetAllInstances<IPlugin>());
Now, when you initialize your application, you can do something like:
// Global.asax
public static IEnumerable<IPlugin> plugins =
public void Application_Start() {
foreach(IPlugin plugin in plugins) {
Each of your IPlugin objects can now contain its own database context, manage the process of installing (if necessary) its own database instance / tables, and dispose of itself gracefully.
Clearly this isn't a complete solution - but I hope it starts you off in a useful direction. :) If I can help clarify anything herein, please let me know.
While it's a CodeFirst approach, and not the cleanest solution, what about forcing initialization to run even after start up, as in the answer posted here: Forcing code-first to always initialize a non-existent database? (I know precisely nothing about CodeFirst, but seeing as this is a month old with no posts it's worth a shot)

OSGi services - best practice

I start loving OSGi services more and more and want to realize a lot more of my components as services. Now I'm looking for best-practice, especially for UI components.
For Listener-relations I use the whiteboard-pattern, which IMHO opinion is the best approach. However if I want more than just notifications, I can think of three possible solutions.
Imagine the following scenario:
interface IDatabaseService {
EntityManager getEntityManager();
[1] Whiteboard Pattern - with self setting service
I would create a new service interface:
interface IDatabaseServiceConsumer {
setDatabaseService(IDatabaseService service);
and create a declarative IDatabaseService component with a bindConsumer method like this
protected void bindConsumer(IDatabaseServiceConsumer consumer) {
protected void unbindConsumer(IDatabaseServiceConsumer consumer) {
This approach assumes that there's only one IDatabaseService.
[Update] Usage would look like this:
class MyUIClass ... {
private IDatabaseService dbService;
Consumer c = new IDatabaseServiceConsumer() {
setDatabaseService(IDatabaseService service) {
dbService = service;
[2] Make my class a service
Image a class like
public class DatabaseEntryViewer extends TableViewer
Now, I just add bind/unbind methods for my IDatabaseService and add a component.xml and add my DatabaseEntryViewer. This approach assumes, that there is a non-argument constructor and I create the UI components via a OSGi-Service-Factory.
[3] Classic way: ServiceTracker
The classic way to register a static ServiceTracker in my Activator and access it. The class which uses the tracker must handle the dynamic.
Currently I'm favoring the first one, as this approach doesn't complicated object creation and saves the Activator from endless, static ServiceTrackers.
I have to agree with #Neil Bartlett, your option 1 is backward. You are in effect using an Observer/Observable pattern.
Number 2 is not going to work, since the way UI objects lifecycles are managed in RCP won't allow you to do what you want. The widget will have to be created as part of the initialization of some sort of view container (ViewPart, Dialog, ...). This view part is typically configured and managed via the Workbench/plugin mechanism. You should work with this, not against it.
Number 3 would be a simple option, not necessarily the best, but simple.
If you use Spring DM, then you can easily accomplish number 2. It provides a means to inject your service beans into your UI Views, Pages, etc. You use a spring factory to create your views (as defined in your plugin.xml), which is configured via a Spring configuration, which is capable of injecting your services into the bean.
You may also be able to combine the technique used by the SpringExtensionFactory class along with DI to accomplish the same thing, without introducing another piece of technology. I haven't tried it myself so I cannot comment on the difficulty, although it is what I would try to do to bridge the gap between RCP and OSGi if I wasn't already using Spring DM.

Library assembly IoC setup

I am working in a project that has two main parts: a class library assembly and the main application. Both are using Castle Windsor for IoC and both manually setup their list of of components in code (to aid refactoring and prevent the need for a config file). Currently the main application has code like this:
public static void Main()
// Perform library IoC setup
// Perform application IoC setup
IoC.Register<IXyz, Abc>("abc");
// etc, etc, ...
// Start the application code ...
However the call to initialise the library doesn't seem like a good solution. What is the best way to setup a class library that uses an IoC container to decouple its internal components?
Lusid proposed using a static method on each public component in the library that would in turn make the call to initialise. One possible way to make this a bit nicer would be to use something like PostSharp to do this in an aspect-oriented way. However I was hoping for something a bit more elegant ;-)
Lusid also proposed using the AppDomain.AssemblyLoad event to perform custom steps at load time, however I am really after a way to avoid the client assembly from requiring any setup code.
I'm not sure if I'm understanding exactly the problem you are trying to solve, but my first guess is that you are looking for a way to decouple the need to call the Init method from your main application.
One method I've used in the past is a static constructor on a static class in the class library:
static public class LibraryComponent {
static LibraryComponent() {
If you have multiple class libraries, and would like a quick and dirty way of evaluating all of them as they are loaded, here's a (kinda hairy) way:
static void Main()
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad += new AssemblyLoadEventHandler(CurrentDomain_AssemblyLoad);
static void CurrentDomain_AssemblyLoad(object sender, AssemblyLoadEventArgs args)
IEnumerable<Type> types = args.LoadedAssembly.GetTypes()
.Where(t => typeof(IMyModuleInterface).IsAssignableFrom(t));
foreach (Type t in types)
The Where clause could be anything you want, of course. The code above would find any class deriving from IMyModuleInterface in each assembly that gets loaded into the current AppDomain, and then I can do something with it, whether it be registering dependencies, maintaining an internal list, whatever.
Might not be exactly what you are looking for, but hopefully it helps in some way.
You could have a registration module. Basically LibraryComponent.Init() function takes an IRegistrar to wire everything up.
The IRegistrar could basically have a function Register(Type interface, Type implementation). The implimentor would map that function back to their IOC container.
The downside is that you can't rely on anything specific to the container your using.
Castle Windsor actually has a concept called facilities that are basically just ways of wrapping standardised pieces of configuration. In this model, you would simply add the two facilities to the container and they would do the work.
Of course, this wouldn't really be better than calling a library routine to do the work unless you configured the facilities in a configuration file (consider binsor). If you are really allergic to configuration files, your current solution is probably the best.