Header Stretch: (1) will not shrink to fit iphone (2) how to set max width for desktop? - iphone

I am working on a CSS tumblr theme header found here grandneue.tumblr.com.
(1) Stretch: I want it to be able to stretch but only up to a maximum size as the header gets too pixelated otherwise), probably around 800px.
(2) Shrink: The second issue I have is, while the header does shrink down to a certain size (it does when I change the desktop browser window and to a certain extent on the iphone5), it doesn't shrink down fully so it fits 100% on a vertical iphone5 browser display.
Can anyone please help me solve these two queries? The content is totally fine so I don't understand why the header won't follow suit!

Looks like the problem is with the image, there's a lot of white space around the logo. Edit the header image to be 800px width and make sure the logo fits right to the edges. Then set the background properties on .header-image.cover to;
-webkit-background-size: 100%;
-moz-background-size: 100%;
background-size: 100%;
margin: 0 -1px;
Then finally make the container div .header-image-wrapper ;
max-width: 800px;
If on mobile the image is right to the edges, just add padding to the container with a media query :)
Hope this helps!


Like Box Height Being Cut

Why is the like box bottom being cut when I set a custom height? It just cuts the faces and its lower part isn't shown.
How can i fix it?
If I understand your correction properly, this would be because you're not setting the height of the contents of the box, but rather the box itself.
<div height="x">
doesn't care about what's in the div, it makes the div only show x amount of it.
I was having the same issue and added these to my CSS
.fb-like span {
height: auto !important;
.fb-like iframe {
position: relative !important;

Hide part of background image

I've got a div with a background image that includes both the normal and hover state, so when you mouse over, the bottom half of the background image is shown. I'm making a mobile version of the same site, and I'd like for only the first half of the image to be shown as the same div grows in height. However, as it is currently, when the div grows, I obviously see the second half of the background image. Any thoughts on how to hide the bottom half of the background image while still showing the top?
.community a{background: url(images/migtea.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat #FFF; display:block; float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0; padding: 10px 10px 10px 151px;}
.community a:hover{background-position: 0 -131px;}
Well only problem is that "clip-path", "mask" and "filter" (no not the
IE "filter" but SVG "filter") only works for Firefox and Safari (yes
no Chrome). And they do it differently. Firefox needs an svg clippath
specified via an id eg:
.box { clip-path: url("roundedrect.svg#cp1"); }
while Safari just uses
the shape itself to create clippath from:
.box { clip-path: url("roundedrect.svg"); }
I have yet to discover a
way to do it in Opera and Chrome.
But for FF and Safari "cross browser" example i have created this:
Otherwise maybe you can get something out of the background
manipulation in CSS 3: http://www.css3.info/preview/
(source: Showing only part of background image using CSS3)
Else, all you can do is either separate the background images, or put a container (div) with a solid background over it and "hide" the part you want to hide (but it's not a very elegant solution)!
Hope this helps!

Center align fluid layout

How do I center align fluid layout (no fixed px values, only % values) for multiple screens ?
i.e. I am going to view the same HTML on desktop (can be multiple resolutions), can be mobile (e.g. iPhone) OR even a tablet (e.g. iPad).
I think the following solutions would not work in my case;
Using width:100% (there won't be any space left to center align)
Using widdth:80% or so and then using margin:0 auto (this would
work fine on desktops, but would waste space on mobile devices..i.e i
want to optimize limited space on mobile devices)
Using text-align:center (I want to center align the layout and not
the text)
Please suggest.
<div style="width:100%; text-align:center;">
<img style="margin:auto; display:block;" src="images/web_banner.gif"/>
<p>Website coming soon…</p>
Use align="center" in div then u will get content in div will center
It's extremely difficult to set a page unless it's just text to be completely liquid. Just because images need to be displayed at a certain size and then would need to be re-sized to fit smaller resolutions. That being said if this is just a text based site then the
width: 80%;
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: center;
iphone supports the the margin so this should work fine. If you have images and need to resize then you should really look at a jquery or javascript to adjust the images on resize.
Also use the text-align: center for backwards compatibility. Use all of that as a wrapper and then set for you content and navigation
text-align: left;

iPad Overlay does not completely cover screen

I use a modal div as overlay to kind of disable the background page while the overlay DIV is open. Here is the code;
#TB_overlay {
height: 100%;
left: 0;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
z-index: 100;
Now this works fine on desktop browsers, but on the iPad, the overlay window only covers upto the screen height and not the entire page. How do I fix this issue?
I know there are some known position:fixed issues and also giving a fixed px height value can fix this issue?
But please let me know if there is any other workaround for this issue.
I solved this on my site by using jQuery to calculate the size of the whole page and then setting the overlay height accordingly.
Conveniently enough the iPad supports:
<link rel=”stylesheet” media=”all and (orientation:portrait)” href=”css/portrait.css”>
<link rel=”stylesheet” media=”all and (orientation:landscape)” href=”css/landscape.css”>
I recommend using min-width / min-height in your ipad.css file.

Line artifacts in mobile Safari

Safari renders black lines in between divs on my website at some scales. It is particularly bad when it breaks apart an image that is chopped in two different divs for a button or something. I can't put a BG in the parent of the two divs because they are transparent .pngs. Any solution or just deal with it?
capture of the problem, http://i.stack.imgur.com/pTLki.png
TravisO also has the same problem, and I changed how the page was laid out, originally it was a simple table with 5 rows, I removed the rows and just went with images and br, still happens. I've tried to remove all padding and margins via CSS but it was pretty obvious the problem isn't the browser rendering, but with the resampling the browser does to convert the page into a size that fits on the screen. You can see my broken page at:
TravisO, you should get rid of the img styling in your css!
If you use only this:
<style type="text/css">
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
background-color: #f00;
text-align: center;
it should render properly on your iPhone!
This issue is a result of a rounding error produced in mobile safari when it rescales background images for display (it's a bug: http://openradar.appspot.com/8684766).
The solution is to increase the width of your right-button edge on its left side by 1 or 2px. Then adjust your CSS accordingly so the 1 or 2 pixels you added are not displayed by default.
The following CSS, added to the problematic div with a specified background-image, is what fixed it for me. Anything less than 3px would still show light artifacts at some Safari zoom levels.
margin-top: -3px; /* for Mobile Safari dark line artifact */
padding-top: 3px; /* for Mobile Safari dark line artifact */
I found changing the background colour of the element with the 'grey border' around it worked for me.
Adding an initial-scale value to the viewport metatag resolved this issue for me.
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0">
I had a similar problem when displaying a .png-image in a div-tag. A thin (1 px I think) black line was rendered on the side of the image. To fix it, I had to add the following CSS style: box-shadow: none;