Shifting the FFT of a signal in Matlab - matlab

I'm trying to implement a spectral correlation function to plot with the surf function.
I think I understand the idea of the SCF as described in a paper I read, but I'm having trouble implementing my function in Matlab. I've been following these instructions:
I'm mostly having trouble shifting my pieces of the data properly. Is there an easy way to achieve step 3?
Here's what I tried in my code:
function [output] = spectral(x, N)
% This function does cyclostationary spectral analysis
% on a data set and returns some features
t = length(x);
samplesPerFrame = floor(t / N);
count = 1;
for alpha = -1:0.01:1
% Split up the samples into frames
% Have to leave some samples out if unevenly split
for i = 1:N+1
frange = ((i - 1) * samplesPerFrame + 1):(i * samplesPerFrame);
if i == N+1
xFrame(i, :) = x(frange);
ts = [1:length(xFrame(i,:))];
shiftLeft = fft(xFrame(i, :) .* exp(-1 * 2 * pi * 1i * (alpha / 2) .* ts));
shiftRight = fft(xFrame(i, :).* exp(2 * pi * 1i * (alpha / 2) .* ts));
S(i,:) = (1 / samplesPerFrame) .* shiftLeft .* conj(shiftRight);
Savg(count, :) = mean(S, 1);
Ssmooth(count, :) = smooth(Savg(count,:), 'moving');
count = count + 1;
output = Ssmooth;

It looks good actually.
You may also try circshift(fft(xFrame(i, :)),[1,a]) to achieve shiftRight, and circshift(fft(xFrame(i, :)),[1,-a]) to get shiftLeft. Please note here a is integer, indicates the elements in xFrame(i, :) that you wish to move, and corresponds to Fs*a in frequency domain where Fs is your sampling rate.

The method of spectral correlation estimation you are attempting is something I refer to as the Time-Smoothing Method of spectral correlation estimation, or the TSM. The code you posted cannot provide the correct answer except in some trivial cases such as alpha = 0. The reason is that you need to adjust the cyclic periodogram for each frame by a complex phase factor to compensate for the fact that each data block is a delayed version of the one preceding it.
If you replace the line
S(i,:) = (1 / samplesPerFrame) .* shiftLeft .* conj(shiftRight);
with the two lines
S(i,:) = (1 / samplesPerFrame) .* shiftLeft .* conj(shiftRight);
S(i, :) = S(i, :) * exp(-1i * 2 * pi * alpha * i * samplesPerFrame);
you'll be able to estimate the SCF. I confirmed this by applying your original code and the modified code to a BPSK signal with bit rate (normalized) of 1/10. In this case, one of your alpha values in the loop over alpha will exactly coincide with the true cycle frequency of 1/10. Only the modified code gives the correct SCF for the bit-rate cycle frequency.
Please see my blog for more detail and examples. In particular, I have a post on the TSM at (Corrected this link 5/2/17.)


Iterative quantile estimation in Matlab

I'm trying to implement an interative algorithm to estimate quantiles in data that is generated from a Monte-Carlo simulation. I want to make it iterative, because I have many iterations and variables so storing all data points and using Matlab's quantile function would take much of the memory that I actually need for the simulation.
I found some approaches based on the Robbin-Monro process, given by
The implementation with a control sequence ct = c / t where c is constant is quite straight forward. In the cited paper, they show that c = 2 * sqrt(2 * pi) gives quite good results, at least for the median. But they also propose an adaptive approach based on an estimation of the histogram. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to implement this adaptation yet.
I tested the implementation with a constant c for three test samples with 10.000 data points. The value c = 2 * sqrt(2 * pi) did not work well for me, but c = 100 looks quite good for the test samples. However, this selction is not very robust and failed in the actual Monte-Carlo simulation giving results wide off the mark.
probabilities = [0.1, 0.4, 0.7];
controlFactor = 100;
quantile = zeros(size(probabilities));
indicator = zeros(size(probabilities));
for index = 1:length(data)
control = controlFactor / index;
indices = (data(index) >= quantile);
indicator(indices) = probabilities(indices);
indices = (data(index) < quantile);
indicator(indices) = probabilities(indices) - 1;
quantile = quantile + control * indicator;
Is there a more robust solution for iterative quantile estimation or does anyone have an implementation for an adaptive approach with small memory consumption?
After trying some of the adaptive iterative approaches that I found in literature without great success (not sure, if I did it right), I came up with a solution that gives me good results for my test samples and also for the actual Monte-Carlo-Simulation.
I buffer a subset of simulation results, compute the sample quantiles and average over all subset sample quantiles in the end. This seems to work quite well and without tuning many parameters. The only parameter is the buffer size which is 100 in my case.
The results converge quite fast and increasing sample size does not improve the results dramatically. There seems to be a small but constant bias that presumably is the averaged error of the subset sample quantiles. And that is the downside of my solution. By choosing the buffer size, one fixes the achievable accuracy. Increasing the buffer size reduces this bias. In the end, it seems to be a memory and accuracy tradeoff.
% Generate data
data = sqrt(0.5) * randn(10000, 1) + 5 * rand(10000, 1) + 10;
% Set parameters
probabilities = 0.2;
% Compute reference sample quantiles
quantileEstimation1 = quantile(data, probabilities);
% Estimate quantiles with computing the mean over a number of subset
% sample quantiles
subsetSize = 100;
quantileSum = 0;
for index = 1:length(data) / subsetSize;
quantileSum = quantileSum + quantile(data(((index - 1) * subsetSize + 1):(index * subsetSize)), probabilities);
quantileEstimation2 = quantileSum / (length(data) / subsetSize);
% Estimate quantiles with iterative computation
quantileEstimation3 = zeros(size(probabilities));
indicator = zeros(size(probabilities));
controlFactor = 2 * sqrt(2 * pi);
for index = 1:length(data)
control = controlFactor / index;
indices = (data(index) >= quantileEstimation3);
indicator(indices) = probabilities(indices);
indices = (data(index) < quantileEstimation3);
indicator(indices) = probabilities(indices) - 1;
quantileEstimation3 = quantileEstimation3 + control * indicator;
fprintf('Reference result: %f\nSubset result: %f\nIterative result: %f\n\n', quantileEstimation1, quantileEstimation2, quantileEstimation3);

Back Propagation Neural Network Hidden Layer all output is 1

everyone I have created a neural network with 1600 input, one hidden layer with different number of neurons nodes and 24 output neurons.
My code shown that I can decrease the error each epoch, but the output of hidden layer always is 1. Due to this reason, the weight adjusted always produce same result for my testing data.
I try different number of neuron nodes and learning rate in the ANN and also randomly initialize my initial weight. I use sigmoid function as my activate function since my output is either 1 or 0 in different output.
May I know that what is the main reason that causes the output of hidden layer always is 1 and how should i solve it?
My purpose for this neural network is to recognize 24 hand shape for alphabet, I try intensities data in my first phase of project.
I have try 30 hidden neural nodes also 100 neural nodes even 1000 neural nodes but the output of hidden layer still is 1. Due to this reason, all of the outcome in testing data is always similar.
I added the code for my network
g = inline('logsig(x)');
[row, col] = size(input);
numofInputNeurons = col;
weight_input_hidden = rand(numofInputNeurons, numofFirstHiddenNeurons);
weight_hidden_output = rand(numofFirstHiddenNeurons, numofOutputNeurons);
epochs = 0;
errorMatrix = [];
if(totalEpochs > 0 && epochs >= totalEpochs)
totalError = 0;
epochs = epochs + 1;
for i = 1:row
targetRow = zeros(1, numofOutputNeurons);
targetRow(1, target(i)) = 1;
hidden_output = g(input(1, 1:end)*weight_input_hidden);
final_output = g(hidden_output*weight_hidden_output);
error = abs(targetRow - final_output);
error = sum(error);
totalError = totalError + error;
if(error ~= 0)
delta_final_output = learningRate * (targetRow - final_output) .* final_output .* (1 - final_output);
delta_hidden_output = learningRate * (hidden_output) .* (1-hidden_output) .* (delta_final_output * weight_hidden_output');
for m = 1:numofFirstHiddenNeurons
for n = 1:numofOutputNeurons
current_changes = delta_final_output(1, n) * hidden_output(1, m);
weight_hidden_output(m, n) = weight_hidden_output(m, n) + current_changes;
for m = 1:numofInputNeurons
for n = 1:numofFirstHiddenNeurons
current_changes = delta_hidden_output(1, n) * input(1, m);
weight_input_hidden(m, n) = weight_input_hidden(m, n) + current_changes;
totalError = totalError / (row);
errorMatrix(end + 1) = totalError;
if(errorThreshold > 0 && totalEpochs == 0 && totalError < errorThreshold)
I see a few obvious errors that need fixing in your code:
1) You have no negative weights when initialising. This is likely to get the network stuck. The weight initialisation should be something like:
weight_input_hidden = 0.2 * rand(numofInputNeurons, numofFirstHiddenNeurons) - 0.1;
2) You have not implemented bias. That will severely limit the ability of the network to learn. You should go back to your notes and figure that out, it is usually implemented as an extra column of 1's inserted into input and activation vectors/matrix before determining the activations of each layer, and there should be a matching additional column of weights.
3) Your delta for output layer is wrong. This line
delta_final_output = learningRate * (targetRow - final_output) .* final_output .* (1 - final_output);
. . . is not the delta for the output layer activations. It has some extra unwanted factors.
The correct delta for logloss objective function and sigmoid activation in output layer would be:
delta_final_output = (final_output - targetRow);
There are other possibilities, depending on your objective function, which is not shown. You original code is close to correct for mean squared error, which would probably still work if you changed the sign and removed the factor of learningRate
4) Your delta for hidden layer is wrong. This line:
delta_hidden_output = learningRate * (hidden_output) .* (1-hidden_output) .* (delta_final_output * weight_hidden_output');
. . . is not the delta for the hidden layer activations. You have multiplied by the learningRate for some reason (combined with the other delta that means you have a factor of learningRate squared).
The correct delta would be:
delta_hidden_output = (hidden_output) .* (1-hidden_output) .* (delta_final_output * weight_hidden_output');
5) Your weight update step needs adjusting to match fixes to (3) and (4). These lines:
current_changes = delta_final_output(1, n) * hidden_output(1, m);
would need to be adjusted to get correct sign and learning rate multiplier
current_changes = -learningRate * delta_final_output(1, n) * hidden_output(1, m);
That's 5 bugs from looking through the code, I may have missed some. But I think that's more than enough for now.

saving output of for loop when dimensions of output vary as a function of iterator in matlab

I am attempting to fit some UV/Vis absorbance spectra to published reference standards. In general, the absorbance one obtains from the spectrometer is equal to a linear combination of the concentration of each absorber multiplied by the cross-section of absorption for each molecule at each wavelength (and multiplied by the pathlength of the spectrometer).
That said, not all spectrometers are precise in the x axis (wavelength), so some adjustment may be necessary to fit one's experimental data to the reference standards.
In this script, I am adjusting the index of my wavelength and spectral intensity to see if integer steps of my spectra result in a better fit to the reference standards (each step is 0.08 nm). Of course, I need to save the output of the fit parameters; however, since each fit has a different set of dimensions, I'm having difficulty just throwing them into a structure(k) (commented out in the following code snippet).
If anyone has a tip or hint, I'd be very appreciative. The relevant portion of my sample code follows:
for i = -15:15
lengthy = length(wavelengthy)
if i >= 0
xvalue = (1:lengthy - abs(i))
yvalue = (1+abs(i):lengthy)
xvalue = (1+abs(i):lengthy)
yvalue = (1: lengthy - abs(i))
Phi = #(k,wavelengthy) ( O3standard(yvalue) .* k(1) + Cl2standard(yvalue) .* k(2) + ClOstandard(yvalue) .* k(3) + OClOstandard(yvalue) .* k(4));
[khat, resnorm, residual, exitflag, output, lambda, jacobian] = lsqcurvefit(Phi,k0,wavelengthy(xvalue),workingspectra(yvalue), lowerbound, upperbound, options);
%parameters.khat(k,:) = khat;
%parameters.jacobian(k,:) = jacobian;
%parameters.exitflag(k,:) = exitflag;
%parameters.output(k,:) = output;
%parameters.residuals(k,:) = residual
%concentrations(:,k) = khat./pathlength

adjusting swept signal equation

When I do a spectrogram in matlab / octave I can create a swept signal that looks like the RED plot line below. But how can I create a swept signal like the BLUE line in the 1st plot using the equation below.
thanks to Daniel and David for getting me this far with the code is below
dursec= 10;%duration of signal in seconds
t=(0:dursec*fs)/fs; %Time vector
sig = exp(-j*2*pi*startfreq/alpha*exp(-alpha*t));
sig=(sig/max(abs(sig))*.8); %normalize signal
wavwrite([sig'] ,fs,32,strcat('/tmp/del.wav')); %export file
1st plot
2nd plot
How can I fix the the equation in the variable sig to get it to look like the BLUE line in the 1st plot?
3rd plot
This question is almost an month old, so you might have figured this out by now. Here's an answer in case you are still interested.
It appears that your current model for the frequency is
freq(t) = b*exp(-alpha*t)
freq(0) = b = startfreq
freq(dursec) = b*exp(-alpha*dursec) = endfreq
There are two free parameters (b and alpha), and two equations. The first equation, b = startfreq, gives us b (trivially).
Solving the last equation for alpha gives
alpha = -log(endfreq/startfreq)/dursec
= log(startfreq/endfreq)/dursec
freq(t) = startfreq * exp(-alpha*t)
To use this as the instantaneous frequency of a frequency-swept signal,
we need the integral, which I'll call phase(t):
phase(t) = -(startfreq/alpha) * exp(-alpha*t)
The (complex) frequency-swept signal is then
sig(t) = exp(2*pi*j * phase(t))
The real part of this signal is
sig(t) = cos(2*pi*phase(t))
That explains your current code. To generate a chirp whose frequency varies like the blue curve, you need a different model for the frequency. A more general model than the one used above is
freq(t) = a + b*exp(-alpha*t)
The requirements at t=0 and t=dursec are
freq(0) = a + b = startfreq
freq(dursec) = a + b*exp(-alpha*dursec) = endfreq
That's two equation, but we now have three parameters: a, b, and alpha. I'll use the two equations to determine a and b, and leave alpha as a free parameter. Solving gives
b = (startfreq - endfreq)/(1 - exp(-alpha*dursec))
a = startfreq - b
Integrating the model gives
phase(t) = a*t - (b/alpha)*exp(-alpha*t)
alpha is an arbitrary parameter. Following the formula from the first model, I'll use:
alpha = abs(log(startfreq/endfreq))/dursec
The following is a complete script. Note that I also changed the use of exp(-j*2*pi*...) to cos(2*pi*...). The factor 0.8 is there to match your code.
startfreq = 20;
endfreq = 200;
fs = 44100;
dursec = 10; % duration of signal in seconds
t = (0:dursec*fs)/fs; % Time vector
if (startfreq == endfreq)
phase = startfreq * t;
alpha = abs(log(endfreq/startfreq))/dursec;
b = (startfreq - endfreq)/(1 - exp(-alpha*dursec));
a = startfreq - b;
phase = a*t - (b/alpha)*exp(-alpha*t);
sig = 0.8 * cos(2*pi*phase);
wavwrite([sig'] ,fs,32,strcat('del.wav')); % export file

MATLAB code for Harmonic Product Spectrum

Can someone tell me how I can implement Harmonic Product Spectrum using MATLAB to find the fundamental frequency of a note in the presence of harmonics?? I know I'm supposed to downsample my signal a number of times (after performing fft of course) and then multiply them with the original signal.
Say my fft signal is "FFT1"
then the code would roughly be like
hps1 = downsample(FFT1,2);
hps2 = downsample(FFT1,3);
hps = FFT1.*hps1.*hps2;
Is this code correct??? I want to know if I've downsampled properly and since each variable has a different length multiplying them results in matrix dimension error.. I really need some real quick help as its for a project work... Really desperate....
Thanx in advance....
OK you can't do "hps = FFT1.*hps1.*hps2;" for each downsampled data, do you have different sizes ...
I did a example for you how make a very simple Harmonic Product Spectrum (HPS) using 5 harmonics decimation (downsample), I just test in sinusoidal signals, I get very near fundamental frequency in my tests.
This code only shows how to compute the main steps of the algorithm, is very likely that you will need improve it !
%[x,fs] = wavread('ederwander_IN_250Hz.wav');
CorrectFactor = 0.986;
threshold = 0.2;
%F0 start test
f = 250;
fs = 44100;
signal= 0.9*sin(2*pi*f/fs*(0:9999));
framed = x(1:4096);
windowed = framed .* hann(length(framed));
FFT = fft(windowed, 4096);
FFT = FFT(1 : size(FFT,1) / 2);
FFT = abs(FFT);
hps1 = downsample(FFT,1);
hps2 = downsample(FFT,2);
hps3 = downsample(FFT,3);
hps4 = downsample(FFT,4);
hps5 = downsample(FFT,5);
y = [];
for i=1:length(hps5)
Product = hps1(i) * hps2(i) * hps3(i) * hps4(i) * hps5(i);
y(i) = [Product];
[m,n]=findpeaks(y, 'SORTSTR', 'descend');
Maximum = n(1);
%try fix octave error
if (y(n(1)) * 0.5) > (y(n(2))) %& ( ( m(2) / m(1) ) > threshold )
Maximum = n(length(n));
F0 = ( (Maximum / 4096) * fs ) * CorrectFactor
HPS usually generates an error showing the pitch one octave up, I change a bit a code, see above :-)