"Client_Text_IO.File_Type must be declard" getting this error in PL/SQL Oracle form - oracle10g

My line of codes are:
FILE_LOG Client_Text_IO.File_Type;
v_txt varchar(32767);
v_counter number(12) := 0;
file_log := Client_Text_IO.fopen(file_upload.origin, 'r');
I am wokring first time with Oracle form. I have no any idea about it. I have almost done my work but I am getting an error at compile time. Complete error description,
Error 201 at line 2, column 11
identifier 'CLIENT_TEXT_IO.FILE_TYPE' must be declared
Error 0 at line 2, column 11
Item ignored
Error 320 at line 12, column 2
the declaration of the type of this expression is incomlete or malformed
Error 0 at line 12, column 2
Statement ignored
Error 320 at line 14, column 3
the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or malformed
Error 0 at line 14, column 3
Statement ignored
Error 201 at line 20, column 6
identifier 'V_TEXT' must be declared
Error 0 at line 20, column 3
Statement ignored
Error 320 at line 24, column 24
the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or malformed
Error 0 at line 30, column 2
Statement ignored

You need to attach the webutil.pll library to the form.


Illegal Character Escape in Text.Smolder.Renderer.String.purs

In an attempt to compile my program, I received the following error regarding the file String.purs from the Text.Smolder.Renderer module:
Error found:
at bower_components\purescript-smolder\src\Text\Smolder\Renderer\String.purs:76:
56 - 76:57 (line 76, column 56 - line 76, column 57)
Unable to parse module:
Illegal character escape code
I looked at the source file and found the following at line 76:
toStream s = foldr (\c t -> c :< (Just t)) (mkCofree '\0' Nothing) cs
How can this be corrected? (And how on earth could a compiler error be in a public library!!!)

Xtext 2.8+ formatter, formatting HiddenRegion with comment

I am using Xtext 2.9 formatter and I am trying to format hiddenRegion which contains comment. Here is part of my document region i am trying to format:
Columns: 1:offset 2:length 3:kind 4: text 5:grammarElement
Kind: H=IHiddenRegion S=ISemanticRegion B/E=IEObjectRegion
35 0 H
35 15 S ""xxx::a::b"" Refblock:namespace=Namespace
50 0 H
50 1 S "}" Refblock:RCBRACKET
E Refblock PackageHead:Block=Refblock path:PackageHead/Block=Package'xxx_constants'/head=Model/packages[0]
51 0 H
51 1 S ":" PackageHead:COLON
E PackageHead Package:head=PackageHead path:Package'xxx_constants'/head=Model/packages[0]
52 >>>H "\n " Whitespace:TerminalRule'WS'
"# asd" Comment:TerminalRule'SL_COMMENT'
15 "\n " Whitespace:TerminalRule'WS'<<<
B Error'ASSD' Package:expressions+=Expression path:Package'xxx_constants'/expressions[0]=Model/packages[0]
67 5 S "error" Error:'error'
72 1 H " " Whitespace:TerminalRule'WS'
and corresponding part of the grammar
Error | Warning | Enum | Text;
'package' name=Name head=PackageHead
('error') name=ENAME parameter=Parameter COLON
Block=Refblock COLON;
Problem is that when i try prepend some characters before error keyword
for example
error.regionFor.keyword('error').prepend[setSpace("\n ")]
This indentation is prepended before the comment and not behind it. This results into improper formatting in case of single line comment before the 'error' keyword.
To provide more clarity, here is example code from my grammar and description of desired behavior:
package xxx_constants {namespace="xxx::a::b"}:
# asd
error ASSD {0}:
Hello {0,world}
This is expected result: (one space to the left)
package xxx_constants {namespace="xxx::a::b"}:
# asd
error ASSD {0}:
Hello {0,world}
and this is the actual result with prepend method
package xxx_constants {namespace="xxx::a::b"}:
# asd
error ASSD {0}:
Hello {0,world}
As the document structure says, the HiddenRegion is in this case is the statement:
# asd
How can i prepend my characters directly before the keyword 'error' and not before the comment? Thanks.
I assume you're creating an indentation-sensitive language, because you're explicitly calling BEGIN and END.
For indentation-sensitive language my answer is: You'll want to overwrite
The methods append[] and prepend[] you're using are agnostic to comments and at a later time applyHiddenRegionFormatting() is called to decide how that formatting is weaved between comments.
To make Xtext use your own subclass of HiddenRegionReplacer, overwrite
org.eclipse.xtext.formatting2.AbstractFormatter2.createHiddenRegionReplacer(IHiddenRegion, IHiddenRegionFormatting)
For languages that do not do whitespace-sensitive lexing/parsing (that's the default) the answer is to not call setSpace() to create indentation or line-wraps.
Instead, do

Displaying human-readable text in perl Log::Report stack traces

A library that I'm using XML::Compile::Translate::Reader calls Log::Report's error method
or error __x"data for element or block starting with `{tag}' missing at {path}"
, tag => $label, path => $path, _class => 'misfit';
As I've got Log::Report set to debug mode, it returns a stack trace for an error.
[11 07 2014 22:17:39] [2804] error: data for element or block starting with `MSISDN' missing at {http://www.sigvalue.com/acc}TA
at /usr/local/share/perl5/XML/Compile/Translate/Reader.pm line 476
Log::Report::error("Log::Report::Message=HASH(0x2871cf8)") at /usr/local/share/perl5/XML/Compile/Translate/Reader.pm line 476
XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon::LWPutil::lwp_run_request("HTTP::Request=HASH(0x2882858)", "CODE(0x231ba38)", "HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn::SSL=GLOB(0x231b9c0)", undef) at /usr/local/share/perl5/XML/Compile/SOAP/Daemon/LWPutil.pm line 95
Any::Daemon::run("XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon::AnyDaemon=HASH(0x7a3168)", "child_task", "CODE(0x2548128)", "max_childs", 36, "background", 1) at /usr/local/share/perl5/XML/Compile/SOAP/Daemon/AnyDaemon.pm line 75
XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon::AnyDaemon::_run("XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon::AnyDaemon=HASH(0x7a3168)", "HASH(0x18dda00)") at /usr/local/share/perl5/XML/Compile/SOAP/Daemon.pm line 99
(eval)("XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon::AnyDaemon=HASH(0x7a3168)", "HASH(0x18dda00)") at /usr/local/share/perl5/XML/Compile/SOAP/Daemon.pm line 94
XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon::run("XML::Compile::SOAP::Daemon::AnyDaemon=HASH(0x7a3168)", "name", "rizserver.pl", "background", 1, "max_childs", 36, "socket", [7 more]) at ./rizserver.pl line 95
There is lots of juicy data in those HASH, SCALAR, GLOB, and other elements that I want to get logged; as we are having trouble logging the original request in case it doesn't match.
I've explored using
Some leads that I don't know how to use are using Log::Dispatch, or some sort of Filter on Log::Report; but in the end, all I really want is to apply Data::Dumper to those elements.

Print When Expression Jasper reports

Is the following Print When Expression invaild:
29 <= $F{selfawarenesscore} <= 45
I get the following error in JasperReports Server
Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file:
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
calculator_subreport2_EmotionalSelfAwareness40QI41_1370531739954_546871: 233:
unexpected token: <= # line 233, column 83. 1 error
I want to print a text field when $F{selfawarenesscore} is the above mentioned range.
Any help is appreciated.
$F{selfawarenessscore} >= 29 && $F{selfawarenessscore} <= 45

read .yml files in matlab

I would like to read .yml files in Matlab. These files contain coordinates x and y of key points on a face image. I looked for different tools but I don't seem to find any answers.
My .yml files look like this
Image file: "00032009.jpg"
Contours count: 8
Name: FO
Count: 41
Closed: 0
x: 682.5947265625000000
y: 743.1998901367187500
x: 685.9638061523437500
y: 771.3800659179687500
and so on
Note 00032009.jpg is an image of a face
x and y are coordinates of a point on a face Eg: the right corner of an eye etc
Could you please point out a way to read the file and then display the points on the face image?
Edit 1: Here is the error I get
Error: File: ReadYamlRaw.m Line: 14 Column: 11
Expression or statement is incorrect--possibly unbalanced (, {, or [.
Error in ==> ReadYaml at 38
ry = ReadYamlRaw(filename, 0, nosuchfileaction);
What is weird is line 14 in ReadYamlRaw.m
[pth,~,~]= fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
Parse error at ','(second one) and ']' usage appears to be invalid matlab syntax.
So what is the use of ~ in there and why is there an error?
Edit2: I replaced the ~ in the line above with dummy variables then I get this errors O_O
Error using ==> ReadYamlRaw>scan at 81
Unknown data type: logical
Error in ==> ReadYamlRaw>scan_map at 138
result.(ich) = scan(r.get(java.lang.String(ich)));
Error in ==> ReadYamlRaw>scan at 79
result = scan_map(r);
Error in ==> ReadYamlRaw>scan_list at 116
result{ii} = scan(i);
Error in ==> ReadYamlRaw>scan at 77
result = scan_list(r);
Error in ==> ReadYamlRaw>scan_map at 138
result.(ich) = scan(r.get(java.lang.String(ich)));
Error in ==> ReadYamlRaw>scan at 79
result = scan_map(r);
Error in ==> ReadYamlRaw>load_yaml at 48
result = scan(yaml.load(fileread([filename, fileext])));
Error in ==> ReadYamlRaw at 19
result = load_yaml(filename, nosuchfileaction);
Error in ==> ReadYaml at 38
ry = ReadYamlRaw(filename, 0, nosuchfileaction);
I also tried with a different yml file that looks like this
x: 919
y: 580
x: 1209
y: 597
x: 1063
y: 698
x: 1045
y: 1114
x: 852
y: 597
x: 986
y: 600
x: 918
y: 564
And I get the following errors
Java exception occurred:
while scanning a directive
in "<string>", line 1, column 1:
expected alphabetic or numeric character, but found :(58)
in "<string>", line 1, column 6:
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.scanDirectiveName(ScannerImpl.java:1028)
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.scanDirective(ScannerImpl.java:990)
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.fetchDirective(ScannerImpl.java:534)
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.fetchMoreTokens(ScannerImpl.java:251)
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.checkToken(ScannerImpl.java:179)
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.peekEvent(ParserImpl.java:161)
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.checkEvent(ParserImpl.java:146)
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.getSingleNode(Composer.java:105)
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor.getSingleData(BaseConstructor.java:121)
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.loadFromReader(Yaml.java:480)
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.load(Yaml.java:399)
Error in ==> ReadYamlRaw>load_yaml at 48
result = scan(yaml.load(fileread([filename, fileext])));
Error in ==> ReadYamlRaw at 19
result = load_yaml(filename, nosuchfileaction);
Error in ==> ReadYaml at 38
ry = ReadYamlRaw(filename, 0, nosuchfileaction);
Maybe someone can make something out of these or you could point out another set of functions that would work? I searched but didn't find any except this one.
It's YAML file indeed (as #DavidBrown mentioned in his comment, the extension does not matter). But it has some problems. Don't know if it's due to wrong YAML format or MATLAB implementation.
I've installed YAMLMATLAB and played a little with your file.
YamlStruct = ReadYaml(yaml_file);
YAMLMATLAB returns error if the files is feed as is. It works only if I comment the first line and remove spaces from field names. So the beginning of the file looks like this:
Imagefile: 00032009.jpg
Contourscount: 8
...skipped the rest...
Then I get the correct structure. For example you can access the 1st point's x coordinate as
ans =
Space in filed names is actually a known problem in YAMLMATLAB. See the report and possible solution here.
According to comment from #Jirka_cigler (YAMLMATLAB developers group):
In the program release 0.4.3 we added support for whitespaces in field
names, so the problem should not appear again.
I've also removed previous developers comment on the problem in the first UPDATE since it's not true any more.
ZozaniDB Database Toolbox comes with a Matlab-native YAML implementation that handles the .yml file here. To parse a string or a file, use:
>> yaml_parse ( str )
>> yaml_read ( filename )