MongoAlchemy query embedded documents - mongodb

I want to know how to use MongoAlchemy about embeded docment operation.
But I havn't find any documents about these.
Can anyone give me some helps?
Here is demo code:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from flask import Flask
from flaskext.mongoalchemy import MongoAlchemy
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['DEBUG'] = True
app.config['MONGOALCHEMY_DATABASE'] = 'book'
db = MongoAlchemy(app)
class Comment(db.Document):
user_id = db.StringField(db_field='uid')
posted = db.StringField(db_field='posted')
class Book(db.Document):
title = db.StringField()
author = db.StringField()
comments = db.ListField(db.DocumentField(Comment), db_field='Comments')
from mongoalchemy.session import Session
def test():
with Session.connect('book') as s:
def save():
title = "Hello World"
author = 'me'
comment_a = Comment(user_id='user_a', posted='post_a')
comment_b = Comment(user_id='user_b', posted='post_b')
comments = [comment_a, comment_b]
book = Book(title=title, author=author, comments=comments)
def test_Book():
book = Book.query.filter({'author':'me'}).first()
comment = book.comments[0]
comment.posted = str(book.comments[0].posted)+'_new'
print 'change posted: Book.comments[0].posted:', book.comments[0].posted
comment_c = Comment(user_id='user_c', posted='post_c')
print 'append: Book.comments[2].posted:', book.comments[2].posted
query = Book.query.filter({Book.comments:{'$elemMatch':{Comment.user_id:'user_c'}}}).limit(1).first()
print 'query type:', type(query)
if __name__ == '__main__':
I want to query data which user_id is "user_c", and just return back one Comment, How can I do that?
Does these methods below are MongoAlchemy remommended? BTW, these methods will return the whole document.
#query = Book.query.filter({Book.comments:{'uid':'user_c'}}).limit(1).first()
#query = Book.query_class(Comment).filter(Comment.user_id == 'user_c').limit(1).first()
#query = Book.query.filter({'comments':{'$elemMatch':{'uid':'user_c'}}}).limit(1).first()
#query = Book.query.filter({Book.comments:{'$elemMatch':{Comment.user_id:'user_c'}}}).limit(1).first()
How can I change "user_c" to "user_c_new" which find by query ?
How can I remove one comment which user_id is "user_b"?

Mongo doesn't support returning subdocuments. You can use $elemMatch to filter so that only documents with matching attributes are returned, but you'll have to grab the comments yourself. You could slightly optimize by only returning the comments field as follows:
query = Book.query.filter({Book.comments:{'$elemMatch':{Comment.user_id:'user_c'}}})
query = query.fields(Book.comments.elem_match({Comment.user_id:'user_c'}))
result = query.limit(1).first()
print 'query result:', result.comments
Note that there was a bug with this up until 0.14.3 (which I just released a few minutes ago) which would have caused results.comments not to work.
Another very important note is that the elem_match I'm doing there only returns the first matching element. If you want all matching elements you have to filter them yourself:
query = Book.query.filter({Book.comments:{'$elemMatch':{Comment.user_id:'user_c'}}})
result = query.limit(1).first()
print 'query result:', [c for c in result.comments if c.user_id == 'user_c']


Integer range in Flask REST API using SQLAlchemy

I am creating a REST API using Flask, SQLAlchemy, and Marshmallow. I have defined my Product Model in as:
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from flask_marshmallow import Marshmallow
import os
# Initialize App
app = Flask(__name__)
basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
# Database Setup
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///' + os.path.join(basedir, 'db.sqlite')
# Init db
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
# Init marshmallow
ma = Marshmallow(app)
# Product Class/Model
class Product(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
price = db.Column(db.Integer)
qty = db.Column(db.Integer)
def __init__(self, price, qty):
self.price = price
self.qty = qty
# Product Schema
class ProductSchema(ma.Schema):
class Meta:
fields = ('id', 'price', 'qty')
# Init Schema
product_schema = ProductSchema()
products_schema = ProductSchema(many=True)
# Create Product
#app.route('/product', methods=['POST'])
def add_product():
price = request.json['price']
qty = request.json['qty']
new_product = Product(price, qty)
return product_schema.jsonify(new_product)
# Run the Server
if __name__ == '__main__':
I have to perform the following logic:
Setting price value between 0 - 100
Setting qty value between 0 - 100
If success return 200, if anything wrong return 500.
I am not able to set Integer value between the given range by db.Integer([0, 100]) as its giving me error:
TypeError: Integer() takes no arguments
How do I implement the above logic?
Edit: I've misunderstood the question and made a new function.
def ExpectedRange(var1):
return 200 if var1 in range(0,100) else 500
# Create Product
#app.route('/product', methods=['POST'])
def add_product():
price = request.json['price']
qty = request.json['qty']
if ExpectedRange(price) and ExpectedRange(qty) == 200:
new_product = Product(price, qty)
return product_schema.jsonify(new_product)
# Show error. I recommend you using the method 'flash' in flask.
I think the problem with your code by using db.Integer([0, 100]) as a way to find the value between 0 and 100, instead, what you should be doing is by using range with the help of a method called randrange from the library random. With all due respect, I actually don't know what you are trying to accomplish, if I am wrong, please correct me in the comments and I'll correct my post.
What I recommend you doing is to not set the price and qty in the model class, but rather, in an entirely different function and using your model class to create the elements within your database. For example:
from random import randrange
class Product(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
price = db.Column(db.Integer)
qty = db.Column(db.Integer)
def ProductRange(range1, range2):
return randrange(range1, range2)
What the function ProductRange will do is to choose the range between the variable range1 and range2. As for returning 200 and 500, I am not sure what you could use with this value, but I recommend doing boolean. If it is needed, 200 and 500 is simply a constant, and you could easily implement it via putting it in a function rather than using the returned value to calculate things. So, how would you use the ProductRange function? Just follow the code below.
from random import randrange
class Product(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
product_name = db.Column(db.String) # Ignore this line, this just for the /addpost route to get the method POST
price = db.Column(db.Integer)
qty = db.Column(db.Integer)
def ProductRange(range1, range2):
return randrange(range1, range2)
# This route is just an example of how you would use the function ProductRange
#app.route('/addpost', methods=['POST'])
def addpost():
product_name = request.form['product_name']
price = ProductRange(1,100)
qty = ProductRange(1,100)
post = Product[product_name=product_name, price=price, qty=qty]
return redirect(url_for('index'))
If it doesn't work, please comment down below for me to help you further with this question of yours. I wish you good luck.
since you have installed marshmallow, install the marmallow-sqlalchemy and use SQLAlchemyAutoSchema feature which will allow to you to refer directly to the model and create an instance after successful load of the json object sent in request body, plus you can define your own constraints in the schema class. the marshmallow conf. will look like:
from marshmallow import ValidationError, fields
from marshmallow.validate import Range
from marshmallow_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemyAutoSchema
ma = Marshmallow(app)
# to return marshmallow parsing error
def handle_marshmallow_validation(err):
return jsonify(err.messages), 400
# Product Schema
class ProductSchema(ma.SQLAlchemyAutoSchema):
id = fields.Integer(required=False)
price = fields.Integer(required=True, validate=[Range(max=100, error="Value must be 100 or less")])
qty = fields.Integer(required=True, validate=[Range(max=100, error="Value must be 100 or less")])
class Meta:
model = Product
load_instance = True
now the ressource will look like:
# Create Product
#app.route('/product', methods=['POST'])
def add_product():
# here we can check the payload validity, parse it and transform it directly to instance
product_json = request.get_json()
new_product = product_schema.load(product_json)
return product_schema.dump(new_product)
now if you sent value outside the range you will receive response like this
"price": [
"Value must be 100 or less"
"qty": [
"Value must be 100 or less"

insert_many not working when adding one more case

I used the following code to insert tab0011.json into portal_db.acs:
from pymongo import MongoClient
import json
client = MongoClient()
db = client.portal_db
acs = db.acs
data_acs = json.load(open('/vagrant/data/tab0011.json', 'r'))
result_acs = acs.insert_many(data_acs)
The code has stored the tab0011.json data correclty. However, I tried the following code to insert tab0011.json into portal_db.acs and tab0007.json into portal_db.tab0007. Both collections were created but with none inside, i.e., empty:
from pymongo import MongoClient
import json
client = MongoClient()
db = client.portal_db
acs = db.acs
tab0007 = db.tab0007
data_acs = json.load(open('/vagrant/data/tab0011.json', 'r'))
data_tab0007 = json.load(open('/vagrant/data/tab0007.json', 'r'))
result_acs = acs.insert_many(data_acs)
result_tab0007 = tab0007.insert_many(data_tab0007)
Not quite sure why.
If the file extension is .json I am able to read the data via the methods used in your code and insert them into collections in the same database. I can see the data that I used in both the respective collections
Maybe you can try doing it this way:
from pymongo import MongoClient
import json
client = MongoClient(host="localhost", port=27017)
db = client["portal_db"]
acs = db.get_collection("acs")
tab0007 = db.get_collection("tab0007")
data_acs = json.load(open('/vagrant/data/tab0011.json', 'r'))
data_tab0007 = json.load(open('/vagrant/data/tab0007.json', 'r'))
acs_inserts = acs.insert_many(data_acs)
tab_inserts = tab0007.insert_many(data_tab0007)
The last two lines would print the ObjectIds of the Documents inserted.

Calling a custom function in Rasa Actions

I am facing a problem in developing a chatbot using rasa .
I am trying to call a custom function in rasa action file. But i am getting an error saying "name 'areThereAnyErrors' is not defined"
here is my action class. I want to call areThereAnyErrors function from run method. Could someone please help how to resolve this?
class ActionDayStatus(Action):
def areThereAnyErrors(procid):
errormessagecursor = connection.cursor()
errormessagecursor.execute(u"select count(*) from MT_PROSS_MEAGE where pro_id = :procid and msg_T = :messageT",{"procid": procid, "messageT": 'E'})
counts = errormessagecursor.fetchone()
errorCount = counts[0]
print("error count is {}".format(errorCount))
if errorCount == 0:
return False
return True
def name(self):
return 'action_day_status'
def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
import cx_Oracle
import datetime
# Connect as user "hr" with password "welcome" to the "oraclepdb" service running on this computer.
conn_str = dbconnection
connection = cx_Oracle.connect(conn_str)
cursor = connection.cursor()
dateIndicator = tracker.get_slot('requiredDate')
delta = datetime.timedelta(days = 1)
now =
currentDate = (now - delta).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute(u"select * from M_POCESS_FILE where CREATE_DATE >= TO_DATE(:createDate,'YYYY/MM/DD') fetch first 50 rows only",{"createDate":currentDate})
all_files = cursor.fetchall()
total_number_of_files = len(all_files)
print("total_number_of_files are {}".format(total_number_of_files))
Answer given by one of the intellectuals : Decide whether you want a static method or class method or instance method and call it appropriately . Also when you are using connection within the function it should be a member variable or passed to the method You dont have self as a parameter so you may be intending it as a static method - but you dont have it created as such

loading data in bulk into a postgreSQL table that has a ForeignKey using SQLAlchemy

I have the following code in PostgreSQL/SQLAlchemy.
def load_books():
with open('C:\\Users\\books_raw.csv', 'r') as file:
for line in file.readlines():
record = line.split('$') # split at delimiter
book_isbn = record[0].strip('"')
book_title = record[1]
book_authors = record[2]
book_avg_rating = record[2]
book_format = record[4]
book_img_url = record[5]
book_num_pages = record[6]
book_pub_date = record[7]
book_publisher = record[8].strip() # ESTABLISH RELATIONSHIP
book = Books(title=book_title, isbn=book_isbn, authors=book_authors, avg_rating=book_avg_rating, format=book_format,
img_url=book_img_url, num_pages=book_num_pages, pub_date=book_pub_date, publisher=Publication(name=book_publisher))
count = session.query(Books).count()
print(count, ' books added to the database')
My problem was with the relationship. If you see this part of the code:
here i don't want the record to be inserted into the table, but just establish a relation with an existing record in the main table. Any ideas how i can achieve this ?
In for loop check if publisher in db or not if not in db then can create new one and save book with this publisher:
for line in file.readlines():
if not publisher:
book = Books(..., publisher=publisher)
r = session.query(Publication).filter( == book_publisher).first()
book = Books(title=book_title, isbn=book_isbn, authors=book_authors, avg_rating=book_avg_rating, format=book_format,
img_url=book_img_url, num_pages=book_num_pages, pub_date=book_pub_date,

Cannot convert instance of a document class to instance of its subclass - Mongoengine

I am using Flask + mongoengine to create a web application. Here is a part of my models
class Order(Document):
order_id = SequenceField()
status = StringField(default="Request Received")
cart = ListField(DictField())
userMobile = StringField(required=True)
userEmail = StringField(required=True)
address = ReferenceField(Address)
sheet_id = IntField(default=0)
remarks = StringField(default="")
meta = {'allow_inheritance': True}
class ConfirmedOrder(Order):
delivery_slot_start = DateTimeField()
delivery_slot_end = DateTimeField()
meta = {'allow_inheritance': True}
I have an instance of class Order as order. I now want to convert it to a ConfirmedOrder.This is the code I am using for the conversion
order = Order.objects.get(id=order_id)
cOrder = ConfirmedOrder(**order.to_mongo())
cOrder.delivery_slot_start = timest
cOrder.delivery_slot_end = timend;
except Exception as e:
print e
I However, get this error:
The field '_id' does not exist on the document 'Order.ConfirmedOrder'