irony-mode does not pick up include paths - emacs

I've recently started using irony-mode for completion in emacs (24.3.1). However, I seem unable to add additional system include paths to package.
I have this code in my config:
(defun ac-cc-mode-clang-hooks ()
(auto-complete-mode 1)
;; avoid enabling irony-mode in modes that inherits c-mode, e.g: php-mode
(when (member major-mode irony-known-modes)
(irony-mode 1))
;; set compiler flags to include header files
(setq irony-compile-flags '("-Iinc"))
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook 'ac-cc-mode-clang-hooks)
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'ac-cc-mode-clang-hooks)
irony-mode is loaded correctly and completion works perfectly for include paths which the compiler knows explicitly (i.e. everything printed by echo "" | g++ -v -x c++ -E -) but the additional include path inc is not picked up (does not matter whether its a relative or absolute path).
However, if I add the information to the .clang_complete file and load it using C-c C-b the include path is recognised and used. Obviously this is a less than ideal setup because
I don't want to create a .clang_complete file for each single piece of code I'm working on
The .clang_complete file is not loaded automatically.
Is there some working method (which does not involve a per-project setup, I don't want to create project management files for each piece of code) for telling irony-mode where to look for header files?

You can take a look here:
The variable irony-libclang-additional-flags should meet your needs.
It should work without calling irony-reload-flags.
It's not a buffer-local variable though, so you don't need to put it in the hook.
I would recommend the following:
(setq irony-libclang-additional-flags
(append '("-I" "inc") irony-libclang-additional-flags))


How do I make an interactive command automatically available?

I feel like this question is super basic, but I haven't been able to figure out how to automatically make a simple interactive command available in an Emacs session...
This is in ~/random/exploration/exploration.el.
;;; Code:
(defun exploration ()
"a test package"
(message "hi"))
(provide 'exploration)
;;; exploration.el ends here
This is in init.el:
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/random/exploration"))
exploration isn't available via M-x though. I have to do M-: (require 'exploration) before it appears.
How would I make this command available automatically, like plugins do? I've been poring over the docs for load-path and autoload but can't figure out how to make this happen.
I want to do this so I can put other functions in exploration.el and have them only available after the user first does M-x exploration. That implies that exploration needs to be autoloaded.
Comments on any redundancies in what I've done here, or tips on how I could have debugged this on my own would also be welcome.
The ;;;###autloload comment is just a comment. When Emacs is built (or a suitably intelligent package manager installs your code as a package) it generates an actual autoload, but outside of that, you need to do it yourself.
(autoload 'exploration "exploration" nil t)
Specify an explicit path in the second parameter and you won't actually need the load-path manipulation to accomplish what you describe.
See also
You have to either load the file instead of adding it to the load-path or you need to put (require 'exploration) to your init.el file after adding the folder to the load-path.
Use autoload function:
(autoload 'exploration "exploration")
If you don't modify load-path, you need an absolute path as the second argument.
Alternatively, install your script as a package, either through MELPA (assuming you can get it there), or locally with package-install-file. This will take care about autoloads for you.

How to load yasnippets on condition

I am doing some Drupal programming and have created yasnippets for common functions: db_select, db_delete etc.
I want to load them only when I am working on a Drupal file and not for a common php file. The task is this:
given a list of yasnippet files and the path of the currently opening file
if(path contains '/sites/all/modules')
load all the snippets from the list
How to do it?
You have two options:
Create a new mode called drupal-mode that inherits everything from php-mode and then define snippets for that mode, check out Derived Modes in the Emacs Manual on how to do that
Add a function to the find-file hook that checks to see if the current buffer is in a particular directory and then load the snippets you want
Either way you'll be doing things based on the current directory or filename.
find-file-hook example
I haven't tested this code but the concept is there. You'll probably have to check the yas/load-directory-1 function to something else or mess around with parameters.
(defun load-drupal-snippets ()
(when (string-match-p "/sites/all/modules" (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name)))
(yas--load-directory-1 "/path/to/drupal/snippets/" 'php-mode 'text-mode)))
(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'load-drupal-snippets)

compile large project within emacs

A large project may have directory with several level depth. Emacs's default compile command is "make -k", if I modified a certain source code, then typed "M-x compile RET RET", it will execute "make -k" under the directory which the source code lies.
I think I can write a function to determine if the Makefile exist under current directory, if yes, keep searching under the parent directory until find the top level directory, then execute the building command, it would be right like my expectation.
However, I'm not very clearly how to start, could anyone give me some hints to start? Like the function or variable I may encounter. Thanks.
You can try to use something like:
(setq compile-command
'(let ((mf (locate-dominating-file default-directory "Makefile")))
(if mf (setq mf (file-name-directory mf)))
(concat (if (and mf (not (equal mf default-directory)))
(format "cd %s; "
(directory-file-name mf)))))
"make -k ")))
There is a smarter-compile in marmalade.
From the documentation....When you require it, you can specify a list of cons cells, each one like (TEST . COMMAND).
COMMAND is used for the compile-command when
the TEST succeeds.
TEST can be:
a string. In this case it is used as a regex,
and matched against the filename associated to the
buffer. The TEST succeeds when the regex matches.
a symbol, representing the major-mode. In this case
if the buffer uses that major mode, the TEST
a symbol, representing any function with a name not
ending in \"-mode\". In this case, the function is
called and if it returns non-nil, the TEST
a list of forms. In this case the forms are eval'd,
and if the return value is non-nil, the TEST
So you could produce a function that does the scan for makefile in parent directories,
and use that as your TEST.
According to the documentation, if the COMMAND is nil, then the package uses the result of the TEST as the compile command. Which means you would need only one function, returning a make command referencing the makefile in the appropriate directory.
Take a look at:
"C-h v compile-command" directly from emacs.
Here's a solution for people who prefer bash scripting over Emacs Lisp. In my .emacs I define a command which saves all buffers and runs a bash script which compiles the project.
(defun save-all-and-compile () (interactive)
(save-some-buffers 1)
(shell-command " &"))
(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook (lambda ()
(local-set-key (kbd "<f5>") 'save-all-and-compile)))
For small projects the script could be as simple as
make -j && ./<main>
where 'main' is the name of your executable. For larger projects one would first need to locate the root directory. Similarly, you could have different scripts (bound for different keys) for building and running the program. And then some more scripts for testing different parts of the project. But these are just details one can figure out for themselves.
Make sure the script is run asynchronously using '&'. This way the Async Shell Command buffer will open with the output from make and your project and will stay open.
Based on the discussion below it appears I have initially overthought it and the solution is quite simple. Instead of passing the usual 'make' or 'make -k' to compile-command one could use a shell script which first navigates to the project's root directory and the builds.
(setq compile-command "")

Emacs: Set tab indent for just one file on the fly

I work on an open source project where the creator sets his tab-indents to 2 spaces.
I'd like to just enable it on the fly for the one file I work on and not other files of the same type. There must be something like M-x set-tab-indent. It is a JavaScript file ending in .js.
I know I can use:
(setq-default tab-width int)
inside my .emacs file, but I rather just call an M-x command to set it and forget it during my duration of working on this file. I tried M-x apropos and Google but couldn't find the specific command.
You can make the variable js-indent-level local to the buffer using:
M-x make-variable-buffer-local <RET> js-indent-level <RET>
Then you can set that variable in the buffer using:
M-x set-variable <RET> js-indent-level <RET> 2
The easiest way to do this for a single buffer is to use M-x set-variable.
Type M-x set-variable and press enter
When prompted for the variable to set, set tab-width then press enter
You'll be prompted with the line Set tab-width (buffer-local) to value:.
Put the value you want, then hit enter
The buffer should instantly be updated with the new value.
You could also use file local variables to automate omrib's solution for that one file, by adding this to it:
// Local Variables:
// js-indent-level: 2
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// End:
Create a file ".dir-locals.el" in the project's directory and fill it like this:
((nil . ((tab-width . 2))))
This will take care of setting tab-width automatically and you don't have to modify the actual file (which is likely version-controlled.)
See the manual for more information about the format. I believe this requires Emacs 23.
As indicated by others, one issue with the File Local Variables approach is that you need to modify the file, and that's not ideal if you need to keep those declarations out of version control.
If you want the variables to apply to all files under a given directory, then Directory Local Variables is obviously the way to go, and you can implement that with either a .dir-locals.el file, or by calling (dir-locals-set-directory-class):
I prefer the directory class approach myself, and I was thinking that it's a shame that there isn't an analogous approach for file local variables, but I found that the directory class code actually works perfectly with files, and the only issue is that dir-locals-set-directory-class calls file-name-as-directory on its argument, which prevents it from being matched, due to the trailing slash.
The following therefore is a way to configure directory local variables for a single file, without modifying the file itself, or affecting other files under the same parent directory.
(defun my-file-locals-set-directory-class (file class &optional mtime)
"Enable 'directory local' classes for individual files,
by allowing non-directories in `dir-locals-directory-cache'.
Adapted from `dir-locals-set-directory-class'."
(setq file (expand-file-name file))
(unless (assq class dir-locals-class-alist)
(error "No such class `%s'" (symbol-name class)))
(push (list file class mtime) dir-locals-directory-cache))
'((nil . ((js-indent-level . 2)
(indent-tabs-mode . nil)))))
"path/to/the/file.js" 'my-javascript-class)
I use a snippet of code in my init.el that tries to auto-detect files that use 2-space indents, and switch Emacs's indentation for that file to 2 spaces when it sees such files:
(add-hook 'js-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(when (string-match-p "^ [A-Za-z]" (buffer-string))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'js-indent-level)
(set-variable 'js-indent-level 2))))

emacs23 / elisp: how to properly autoload this library?

I am upgrading to emacs23. I find that my emacs.el loads much more slowly.
It's my own fault really... I have a lot of stuff in there.
So I am also trying to autoload everything possible that is currently "required" by my emacs.el.
I have a module that exposes 12 entry points - interactive functions I can call.
Is the correct approach to have 12 calls to autoload in order to insure that the module is loaded regardless of which function I call? Are there any problems with this approach? Will it present performance issues?
If not that approach, then what?
What you really want is to get the autoloads generated for you automatically, so that your .emacs file remains pristine. Most packages have the ;;;###autoload lines in them already, and if not, you can easily add them.
To manage this, you can put all the packages in a directory, say ~/emacs/lisp, and in there have a file named update-auto-loads.el which contains:
;; put this path into the load-path automatically
(setq load-path (cons (file-name-directory load-file-name) load-path)))
(defun update-autoloads-in-package-area (&optional file)
"Update autoloads for files in the diretory containing this file."
(let ((base (file-truename
(symbol-file 'update-autoloads-in-package-area 'defun)))))
(require 'autoload) ;ironic, i know
(let ((generated-autoload-file (concat base "loaddefs.el")))
(when (not (file-exists-p generated-autoload-file))
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect generated-autoload-file)
(insert ";;") ;; create the file with non-zero size to appease autoload
(cd base)
(if file
(update-file-autoloads file)
(update-autoloads-from-directories base)))))
(defun update-autoloads-for-file-in-package-area (file)
(interactive "f")
(update-autoloads-in-package-area file))
If you add 'update-autoloads-in-package-area to your kill-emacs-hook, then the loaddefs.el will automatically be updated every time you exit Emacs.
And, to tie it all together, add this to your .emacs:
(load-file "~/emacs/lisp/loaddefs.el")
Now, when you download a new package, just save it in the ~/emacs/lisp directory, update the loaddefs via M-x update-autoloads-in-package-area (or exit emacs), and it'll be available the next time you run Emacs. No more changes to your .emacs to load things.
See this question for other alternatives to speeding up Emacs startup: How can I make Emacs start-up faster?
Well, who cares how slowly it starts?
Fire it up via emacs --daemon & and then connect using either one of
emacsclient -c /some/file.ext, or
emacsclient -nw
I created aliases for both these as emx and emt, respectively. Continuing once editing session is so much saner...
Ideally you shouldn't have any load or require in your .emacs file.
You should be using autoload instead...
(autoload 'slime-selector "slime" t)
You will need to use eval-after-load to do any library specific config, but the upshot is that you won't need to wait for all this to load up front, or cause errors on versions of Emacs that don't have the same functionality. (e.g. Terminal based, or a different platform etc.)
While this may not affect you right now, chances are, in future you will want to use the same config on all machines / environments where you use Emacs, so it's a very good thing to have your config ready to fly.
Also use (start-server) and open external files into Emacs using emacsclient - So you avoid restarting Emacs.