Sinatra, Compass + Asset Pack - sinatra

So I'm trying to use Compass and Asset Pack in a Sinatra app. My setup is the following:
require 'sinatra'
require 'bundler'
require 'sinatra/assetpack'
require 'sinatra/support'
require 'compass'
class Application < Sinatra::Base
register Sinatra::AssetPack
register Sinatra::CompassSupport
register Sinatra::SimpleNavigation
set :static, true
set :root, File.dirname(__FILE__)
set :public_folder, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/public'
set :scss, Compass.sass_engine_options
set :scss, { :load_paths => [ "#{Application.root}/assets/css" ] }
Compass.configuration do |config|
config.sass_dir = "assets/css"
config.project_path = root
config.images_dir = "assets/images"
config.http_generated_images_path = "/images"
config.fonts_dir = "assets/fonts"
assets {
serve '/fonts', from: 'assets/fonts'
serve '/js', from: 'assets/js' # Default
serve '/css', from: 'assets/css' # Default
serve '/images', from: 'assets/images' # Default
# The second parameter defines where the compressed version will be served.
# (Note: that parameter is optional, AssetPack will figure it out.)
js :app, '/js/app.js', [
css :application, '/css/application.css', [
js_compression :jsmin # :jsmin | :yui | :closure | :uglify
css_compression :sass # :simple | :sass | :yui | :sqwish
# Routes and things here
With the line set :scss, Compass.sass_engine_options it seems to enable Compass, but this over rides the next line and I then can't use SCSS partials because it doesn't know the load path. Having them on the same line has the same effect.
TL:DR: I can't get Compass and SCSS Partials to work together with the Asset Pack

Try merging the :scss options? It looks like you're overriding with your second set call:
set :scss, Compass.sass_engine_options.merge({ :load_paths => [ "#{Application.root}/assets/css" ] })
Also, the Compass configuration and set calls should be inside a configure block.


Capistrano deployment is not happenning after Server IP Change

Problem: Recently We have changed IP address of the stage server. We are using Capistrano for deploying rails application. So after changing server IP address when we run a command: cap develop(branch name) deploy, it is not working. Please find below config files
# config valid for current version and patch releases of Capistrano
lock "~> 3.10.0"
set :application, "app_name"
set :repo_url, ""
set :branch, :develop
set :deploy_to, '/home/deploy/app_name'
set :pty, true
set :linked_files, %w{config/mongoid.yml config/application.yml}
set :linked_dirs, %w{ bin log tmp/pids tmp/cache tmp/sockets vendor/bundle public/system public/uploads}
set :keep_releases, 5
set :rvm_type, :user
set :rvm_ruby_version, 'ruby-2.3.1' # Edit this if you are using MRI Ruby
set :bundle_binstubs, nil
set :puma_rackup, -> { File.join(current_path, '') }
set :puma_state, "#{shared_path}/tmp/pids/puma.state"
set :puma_pid, "#{shared_path}/tmp/pids/"
set :puma_bind, "unix://#{shared_path}/tmp/sockets/puma.sock" #accept array for multi-bind
set :puma_conf, "#{shared_path}/puma.rb"
set :puma_access_log, "#{shared_path}/log/puma_error.log"
set :puma_error_log, "#{shared_path}/log/puma_access.log"
set :puma_role, :app
set :puma_env, fetch(:rack_env, fetch(:rails_env, 'production'))
set :puma_threads, [0, 8]
set :puma_workers, 0
set :puma_worker_timeout, nil
set :puma_init_active_record, false
set :puma_preload_app, false
# Default branch is :master
# ask :branch, `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.chomp
# Default deploy_to directory is /var/www/my_app_name
# set :deploy_to, "/var/www/my_app_name"
# Default value for :format is :airbrussh.
# set :format, :airbrussh
# You can configure the Airbrussh format using :format_options.
# These are the defaults.
# set :format_options, command_output: true, log_file: "log/capistrano.log", color: :auto, truncate: :auto
# Default value for :pty is false
# set :pty, true
# Default value for :linked_files is []
# append :linked_files, "config/database.yml", "config/secrets.yml"
# Default value for linked_dirs is []
# append :linked_dirs, "log", "tmp/pids", "tmp/cache", "tmp/sockets", "public/system"
# Default value for default_env is {}
# set :default_env, { path: "/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH" }
# Default value for local_user is ENV['USER']
# set :local_user, -> { `git config`.chomp }
# Default value for keep_releases is 5
# set :keep_releases, 5
# Uncomment the following to require manually verifying the host key before first deploy.
# set :ssh_options, verify_host_key: :secure
namespace :deploy do
after :restart, :clear_cache do
on roles(:web), in: :groups, limit: 3, wait: 10 do
# Here we can do anything such as:
# within release_path do
# execute :rake, 'cache:clear'
# end
# server-based syntax
# ======================
# Defines a single server with a list of roles and multiple properties.
# You can define all roles on a single server, or split them:
# server "", user: "deploy", roles: %w{app db web}, my_property: :my_value
# server "", user: "deploy", roles: %w{app web}, other_property: :other_value
# server "", user: "deploy", roles: %w{db}
server '<new_ip>', user: 'deploy', roles: %w{web app db}
# role-based syntax
# ==================
# Defines a role with one or multiple servers. The primary server in each
# group is considered to be the first unless any hosts have the primary
# property set. Specify the username and a domain or IP for the server.
# Don't use `:all`, it's a meta role.
# role :app, %w{}, my_property: :my_value
# role :web, %w{}, other_property: :other_value
# role :db, %w{}
# Configuration
# =============
# You can set any configuration variable like in config/deploy.rb
# These variables are then only loaded and set in this stage.
# For available Capistrano configuration variables see the documentation page.
# Feel free to add new variables to customise your setup.
# Custom SSH Options
# ==================
# You may pass any option but keep in mind that net/ssh understands a
# limited set of options, consult the Net::SSH documentation.
# Global options
# --------------
# set :ssh_options, {
# keys: %w(/home/rlisowski/.ssh/id_rsa),
# forward_agent: false,
# auth_methods: %w(password)
# }
# The server-based syntax can be used to override options:
# ------------------------------------
# server "",
# user: "user_name",
# roles: %w{web app},
# ssh_options: {
# user: "user_name", # overrides user setting above
# keys: %w(/home/user_name/.ssh/id_rsa),
# forward_agent: false,
# auth_methods: %w(publickey password)
# # password: "please use keys"
# }
Not sure what we are missing, Any help would be appreciated

Handling attributes in InSpec

I was trying to create some basic inspec tests to validate a set of HTTP URLs. The way I started is like this -
control 'http-url-checks' do
impact 1.0
title 'http-url-checks'
desc '
Specify the URLs which need to be up and working.
tag 'http-url-checks'
describe http('') do
its('status') { should eq 200 }
its('body') { should match /abc/ }
its('') { should eq 'header' }
describe http('') do
its('status') { should eq 200 }
its('body') { should match /abc/ }
its('') { should eq 'header' }
We notice that the URLs are hard-coded in the controls and isn't a lot of fun. I'd like to move them to some 'attributes' file of some sort and loop through them in the control file.
My attempt was to use the 'files' folder structure inside the profile.I created a file - httpurls.yml and had the following content in it -
- url:
- url:
..and in my control file, I had the construct -
my_urls = yaml(content: inspec.profile.file('httpurls.yml')).params
my_urls.each do |s|
describe http(s['url']) do
its('status') { should eq 200 }
However, when I execute the compliance profile, I get an error - 'httpurls.yml not found' (not sure about the exact error message though though). The following is the folder structure I had for my compliance profile.
What I am doing wrong?
Is there a better way to achieve what I am trying to do?
The secret is to use profile attributes, as defined near the bottom of this page:
First, create a profile attributes YML file. I name mine profile-attribute.yml.
Second, put your array of values in the YML file, like so:
Third, create an attribute at the top of your InSpec tests:
my_urls = attribute('urls', description: 'The URLs that I am validating.')
Fourth, use your attribute in your InSpec test:
my_urls.each do |s|
describe http(s['url']) do
its('status') { should eq 200 }
Finally, when you call your InSpec test, point to your YML file using --attrs:
inspec exec mytest.rb --reporter=cli --attrs profile-attribute.yml
There is another way to do this using files (instead of the profile attributes and the --attrs flag). You can use JSON or YAML.
First, create the JSON and/or YAML file and put them in the files directory. A simple example of the JSON file might look like this:
"urls": ["", ""]
And a simple example of the YAML file might look like this:
Second, include code at the top of your InSpec file to read and parse the JSON and/or YAML, like so:
jsoncontent = inspec.profile.file("tmp.json")
jsonparams = JSON.parse(jsoncontent)
jsonurls = jsonparams['urls']
yamlcontent = inspec.profile.file("tmp.yaml")
yamlparams = YAML.load(yamlcontent)
yamlurls = yamlparams['urls']
Third, use the variables in your InSpec tests, like so:
jsonurls.each do |jsonurl|
describe http(jsonurl) do
puts "json url is " + jsonurl
its('status') { should eq 200 }
yamlurls.each do |yamlurl|
describe http(yamlurl) do
puts "yaml url is " + yamlurl
its('status') { should eq 200 }
(NOTE: the puts line is for debugging.)
The result is what you would expect:
json url is
json url is
yaml url is
yaml url is
Profile: InSpec Profile (inspec-file-test)
Version: 0.1.0
Target: local://
http GET on
✔ status should eq 200
http GET on
✔ status should eq 200
http GET on
✔ status should eq 200
http GET on
✔ status should eq 200

Zurb foundation 5, Bower, Compass, Sinatra configuration

I'm trying to add Zurb-foundation with sass into my sinatra app using the foundation-cli found here. I generated a foundation project and got all the files generated. I commented out the config.rb so I could configure Compass via the app.rb ie mvp.rb.
I'm having trouble linking to the actual assets found in the bower_components dir. I could link everything like so get 'bower_components/file' do ... end but I think you can use compass to automatically use the files based on the configuration. I'm not sure how to though.
In my haml views I have links to scripts that are not linked currently like %script{ src: 'js/jquery.js' }
# Require any additional compass plugins here.
add_import_path "bower_components/foundation/scss"
# Set this to the root of your project when deployed:
# http_path = "/"
# css_dir = "stylesheets"
# sass_dir = "scss"
# images_dir = "images"
# javascripts_dir = "javascripts"
# You can select your preferred output style here (can be overridden via the command line):
# output_style = :expanded or :nested or :compact or :compressed
# To enable relative paths to assets via compass helper functions. Uncomment:
# relative_assets = true
# To disable debugging comments that display the original location of your selectors. Uncomment:
# line_comments = false
# If you prefer the indented syntax, you might want to regenerate this
# project again passing --syntax sass, or you can uncomment this:
# preferred_syntax = :sass
# and then run:
# sass-convert -R --from scss --to sass sass scss && rm -rf sass && mv scss sass
app directory
Gemfile config.rb public
Gemfile.lock index.html stylesheets
js views bower.json
mvp.rb bower_components
1#!/usr/bin/env ruby
2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3require 'rubygems'
4require 'bundler/setup'
5require 'sinatra'
6require 'haml'
7require 'compass'
9configure do
10 Compass.configuration do |config|
11 config.project_path = File.dirname(__FILE__)
12 config.sass_dir = File.join '/views/scss'
13 config.images_dir = 'views', 'images'
14 config.http_path = '/'
15 config.http_images_path = '/images'
16 config.http_stylesheets_path = '/stylesheets'
17 config.javascripts_dir = "js"
18 end
20 set :haml, { format: :html5 }
21 set :scss, { style: :compact, debug_info: false }
24get '/stylesheets/:name.css' do |path|
25 content_type "text/css", charset: "utf-8"
26 scss :"scss/#{params[:name]}", Compass.sass_engine_options

Overwrite if if it exists or create if it does not

I am trying to rewrite a file using puppet with the following function.
If the file exists I still want the file to be rewrite from the source. Will this be achieved with the following method?
define setup_sysctl_conf( $dependence=File[$dummy_dependence_file] )
file { $name:
path => '/etc/sysctl.conf',
ensure => present,
mode => 0777,
source => '/vagrant/files/sysctl.conf',
require => $dependence,
The file: /etc/sysctl.conf will already be present on your host (created by the initscripts package).
I would recommend to modify existing files with puppet using augeas instead of replacing them.
Example (changes net.ipv4.ip_forward to 1):
class sysctl_augeas_example {
augeas{"Set net.ipv4.ip_forward to 1":
context => "/files",
changes => [
"set etc/sysctl.conf/net.ipv4.ip_forward 1",
include sysctl_augeas_example
Save this example as test.pp and run it with puppet apply test.pp

Capistrano compile assets error - assets:precompile:nondigest?

My App seems to be deploying correctly but I'm getting this error:
* executing "cd /home/deploy/tomahawk/releases/20120208222225 && bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_GROUPS=assets assets:precompile"
servers: ["ip_address"]
[ip_address] executing command
*** [err :: ip_address] /opt/ruby/bin/ruby /opt/ruby/bin/rake assets:precompile:nondigest RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_GROUPS=assets
I've tried solutions here for trying to compile assets:
And Here:
And here:
Here is my deploy.rb :
require "bundler/capistrano"
load 'deploy/assets'
set :default_environment, {
'PATH' => "/opt/ruby/bin/:$PATH"
set :application, "tomahawk"
set :repository, "repo_goes_here"
set :deploy_to, "/home/deploy/#{application}"
set :rails_env, 'production'
set :branch, "master"
set :scm, :git
set :user, "deploy"
set :runner, "deploy"
set :use_sudo, true
role :web, "my_ip"
role :app, "my_ip"
role :db, "my_ip", :primary => true
set :normalize_asset_timestamps, false
after "deploy", "deploy:cleanup"
namespace :deploy do
desc "Restarting mod_rails with restart.txt"
task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do
run "touch #{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt"
[:start, :stop].each do |t|
desc "#{t} task is a no-op with mod_rails"
task t, :roles => :domain do ; end
task :after_update_code do
run "ln -nfs #{deploy_to}/shared/config/database.yml #{release_path}/config/database.yml"
first don't forget to add the gem below
group :production do
gem 'therubyracer'
gem 'execjs'
then in your cap file just add this line in your after_update_code
run "cd #{release_path}; rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production "
this worked fine for me ;)
Gregory HORION
I have the same problem. I have added this to my deploy.rb (for adding option '--trace'):
namespace :deploy do
namespace :assets do
task :precompile, :roles => :web, :except => { :no_release => true } do
run "cd #{current_path} && #{rake} RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} RAILS_GROUPS=assets assets:precompile --trace"
And error seems to be just notice :
*** [err :: my-server] ** Invoke assets:precompile (first_time)
I later noticed that capistrano wasn't able to delete old releases, I got an error:
*** [err :: ip_address] sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
I found this link regarding this error:
I had to add this line to my deploy file:
default_run_options[:pty] = true
This also solved the weird error I was getting above.
The official explanation, which I don't understand :)
No default PTY. Prior to 2.1, Capistrano would request a pseudo-tty for each command that it executed. This had the side-effect of causing the profile scripts for the user to not be loaded. Well, no more! As of 2.1, Capistrano no longer requests a pty on each command, which means your .profile (or .bashrc, or whatever) will be properly loaded on each command! Note, however, that some have reported on some systems, when a pty is not allocated, some commands will go into non-interactive mode automatically. If you’re not seeing commands prompt like they used to, like svn or passwd, you can return to the previous behavior by adding the following line to your capfile: default_run_options[:pty] = true
Here's what worked for me:
1) Add rvm-capistrano to your Gemfile
2) in confg/deploy, add the lines:
require 'rvm/capistrano'
set :rvm_ruby_string, '1.9.2' # Set to your version number
3) You may also need to set :rvm_type and :rvm_bin_path. See this Ninjahideout blog that goes into more detail.
4) apt-get/yum install nodejs on your server
(See my reply to this related Stackoverflow question.)
The message you see is the output of rake assets:precompile .
When you run rake assets:precompile, how to avoid default output
the solution is to add -q behand your command,
analysis is below, if you want to see:
# :gem_path/actionpack/lib/sprockets/assets.rake
namespace :assets do
# task entry, it will call invoke_or_reboot_rake_task
task :precompile do
invoke_or_reboot_rake_task "assets:precompile:all"
# it will call ruby_rake_task
def invoke_or_reboot_rake_task(task)
ruby_rake_task task
# it will call ruby
def ruby_rake_task(task, fork = true)
env = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'production'
groups = ENV['RAILS_GROUPS'] || 'assets'
args = [$0, task,"RAILS_ENV=#{env}","RAILS_GROUPS=#{groups}"]
# :gem_path/rake/file_utils.rb
module FileUtils
# it will call sh
def ruby(*args,&block)
options = (Hash === args.last) ? args.pop : {}
sh(*([RUBY] + args + [options]), &block)
# it will call set_verbose_option
# and if options[:verbose] == true, it do not output cmd
# but default of options[:verbose] is an object
def sh(*cmd, &block)
# ...
# ...
Rake.rake_output_message cmd.join(" ") if options[:verbose]
# ...
# default of options[:verbose] is Rake::FileUtilsExt::DEFAULT, which is an object
def set_verbose_option(options) # :nodoc:
unless options.key? :verbose
options[:verbose] =
Rake::FileUtilsExt.verbose_flag == Rake::FileUtilsExt::DEFAULT ||
# :gem_path/rake/file_utils_ext.rb
module Rake
module FileUtilsExt
# :gem_path/rake/application.rb
# the only to solve the disgusting output when run `rake assets:precompile`
# is add a `-q` option.
['--quiet', '-q',
"Do not log messages to standard output.",
lambda { |value| Rake.verbose(false) }
['--verbose', '-v',
"Log message to standard output.",
lambda { |value| Rake.verbose(true) }