Draw a graphical UML diagram from .uml files of Eclipse UML2 - eclipse

I have created MyExample.uml file through Eclipse UML2 package.
(I followed http://wiki.eclipse.org/MDT/UML2/Getting_Started_with_UML2 )
Then I got the XMI file defining UML components and relations.
Then, how can I draw a graphical UML diagram from this XMI automatically?

Disclaimer: I haven't tested this so can't confirm it works. It is documented however.
Install Papyrus.
Follow these instructions to generate a diagram.
Like you I suspect, I assumed the standard Eclipse Modelling Tools would include graphical editors. If they do I didn't find them. By installing Papyrus I was able to create uml diagrams manually; hopefully you can generate one too.
If you try this, it would be good to know if it works. Again apologies for not testing before posting, I don't have access to a suitable environment at the moment.


Switching from Rhapsody to Eclipse (Papyrus) - UML model conversion?

Our team has been using Rhapsody for developing UML models and c++ code for 10+ years, and we would like to switch to Eclipse and use Papyrus for UML modeling.
We have compatibility concerns: would the UML models (all class diagrams, state machines etc) created in Rhapsody be all portable to Papyrus/Eclipse easily? Rhapsody can export UML models into XMI files (UML 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 standards). My questions is: is Papyrus able to reconstruct diagrams from XMI files
If not, are there better alternative UML plugins that work in Eclipse?
The XMI file exported by Rhapsody contains only meta data of the models. Is there a quick way to port the entire project from Rhapsody into Eclipse? Anybody experienced the similar?
Your answers will be much appreciated.
First, I must mention that I am directly involved with Papyrus, especially with the brand new Papyrus for Real Time project, at Eclipse.
First to set expectations... Moving diagrams between modeling tools has always been an exercise in frustration... There have been "standards" over the years (e.g., OMG's XMI-DI), but none seem to have been fully successful and all have necessitated a manual review. Note that I have not tried with the latest version of UML (2.5).
Now the model semantics, however, have a tendency to be more portable, especially with more recent versions of UML. I am not sure which version Rhapsody pretends to support, so it would be difficult to comment further.
With the version of Papyrus that is currently in development (with a scheduled June 2015 release), the notion of "canonical" diagram has been added. This provides for automatic creation and update of some diagrams under certain condition. for example, many behaviour diagrams, such sequence diagrams and some structure diagram, such as composite structure, can be canonical and generated from the semantic model. However, layout would still need to be adjusted. Other diagrams, such as class diagrams, would have to be manually re-created.
As was mentioned in the comment to your question, trying it out would give you the best indication of how much work is involved.
I am interested in this topic and I did a simple research on it: in fact a connector between RSA and Ppayrus is already open source https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/835114/ it could be usefull to take a look at it and implement the same for Rhapsody.
I know that the Rhapsody XMI export did not export the graphical elements, you should probably then export them in a serialized format and mapping htem to papyrus diagram element.
other interested work but seems not to be free : modelbus https://www.modelbus.org/en/rhapsody.html which implement connectors with Papyrus EA and Rhapsody : could be also interesting to look at.
I am interested in your feedback if you did not let it down and do achive the mapping :)

Eclipse modeling

I search for tool that can generate code from UML diagram for Eclipse. The tool should generate code from UML diagram, reverse engeneering to see code changes, and merge option to prevent the deletion of the file for any change.
Is there tool that do that, or is it too much to ask?
If you like Eclipse based tools, I could recommend the free Uml to Java generator from Obeo, which may be downloaded from the Marketplace:
Help -> Eclipse Marketplace...
However, I think that it doesn´t completely fit your needs, since I believe that it doesn´t provide reverse engineering facilities. Also note that they use Acceleo for code generation, which is the reference OMG specification implementation.

How to create Class Diagram in Eclipse?

I just wanted to create the class diagram of my project in Eclipse.The project is already implemented,suggest me any tool that sketch the Diagram of this project in Eclipse.
Take a look at Model Development Tools (MDT).
For reverse engineering, you can use JUPE.
ObjectAid generates classes diagram when you are simply drag and dropping classes from Project manager to the diagram.
UMLGraph creates class/activities diagrams automatically from the code and append them to javadocs.
As far as I know, both work for Java. I don't know if they support other languages.
Papyrus is the very powerful tool for hand creation of any UML and other diagrams

Eclipse UML Tool

I already tried a few tool for eclipse which are for building UMLs (Object/Dependency Diagrams), but what I really need is a tool to generate such an UML out of code. (and not vice versa)
I'd prefer a simple UML tools which is easy to install and don't has any dependencies. I already tried Jupe, Omondo and eUML, but anyhow I'm still not really happy with them.
(I also found this: Eclipse UML plugin with Java Code Generation)
Try the most common CASE tools like MagicDraw or Enterprise Architect.
They have reverse engineering capabilities and they are most powerful (especially auto formatting the diagram elements may be useful).
If you want / need to stay inside Eclipse, have a look at this topic which is very similar to your question.

How to generate code by Papyrus on Eclipse?

I install Papyrus at here. So how to generate code using Papyrus ?
To generate the java code from UML you can follow the below steps.
New Project->EMF Project Press Next
give the project name
In Model Importer page select UML model and press Next
Select UML model which is created by using Papyrus.Press next
In Package selection page select all the root packages
click finish, it will generate genmodel.
Use the genmodel to generate Java code.
I hope this information helps.
In order to generate any text artifacts from UML models in the Eclipse Modelling Environment (i.e. Papyrus, TopCased, etc.) you should use Acceleo which is an eclipse implementation of the MOF models to text transformation language, the OMG standard language for models to text transformations.
It is a very well made technology but it could take some time to become familiar with it especially if you do not know MOF and the Model Driven Architecture.
QVT is another OMG language but its aim is models to models transformations (not models to text). It is therefore not the right answer to your question.
These can help you.
Papyrus Tutorials
Papyrus is an Eclipse lugin for modeling, you need to use additional Eclipse plugin to do model transformations. In the other answer you can find link to tutorials. First of them indicates you should use QVTo.
To generate code from a UML diagram created with Papyrus must create a run configuration for Papyrus.
More information and a demo video at the following links.
You need to install Papyrus Java Classes Generator.
Help --> install new software
work with : http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/mdt/papyrus/updates/releases/mars
Check group items by category
Check show only the latest version of available software
Check Papyrus Java
Next --> accept terms and conditions
Now, in your model.di : right click on your class --> Java --> Generate java code.
And you're done !
It doesn't work with Java because even if you get a code from a class diagram then this code is so dirty that it is totally unusable.
It seems that this tool has been written by modelers who have never done any java codding :-)