Future which never completes - scala

Having a need to test some methods which can cause a timeout, I want to create a helper function for that. It should return a Future that never completes:
def neverCompletes[T]: Future[T] = { ... }
But I wonder, how can I do that? I could that like the following:
def neverCompletes[T]: Future[T] = {
val p = Promise[T]()
future {
while(true) { }
} onComplete {
case x =>
p complete x // needed?
println("something went wrong!!!") // something is wrong...
But there should be a better way to achieve that out there. I also not sure whether p complete x // needed? is needed there.

In Scala 2.12 there will be a method Future.never that returns a future that never completes.
Easy thing. Just create a Promise and return its Future without ever completing it:
def neverCompletes[T]: Future[T] = Promise[T].future


Constructing instance inside Scala Future's onComplete

I have an existing code which returns an instance of certain type.
def myMethod(inputs) = {
.....some calculations
I have to make a change in it now. Change calls some service which returns a Future of some value, which I need to use to update MyInstance.
def myMethod(inputs) = {
.....some calculations
val futureWithSomeValue = someexternalservice.getData(....)
futureWithSomeValue.onComplete {
case Success(value) => ....create MyInstance
case Failure => ....throw error
But onComplete returns Unit, and hence it breaks the code.
What is best way to do it without changing method signature?
If myMethod call a Future then myMethod must return a Future
Thus, as was said in the comments, you may rather use map instead of onComplete to produce a new Future with your instance and return that.
def myMethod(inputs): Future[MyInstance] = {
// some calculations.
val futureWithSomeValue = someexternalservice.getData(....)
futureWithSomeValue.map { value =>

Eagerly-evaluate-and-forget behavior for Cats Effect IO

I'm converting Future code to IO. I have code similar to this
def doSomething: Future[Foo] = {
Future {
//some code the result of which we don't care about
Future {
And then at the end of the program, I doSomething.unsafeRunSync. How do I convert these Futures to IOs while maintaining the fire-and-forget functionality of the first Future? In using IO's async API, I am worried about accidentally blocking the thread when I later call unsafeRunSync on doSomething.
A solution that uses only cats-effect could use IO.start. This, combined with the fact that you will then never join the resulting Fiber, will look something like this:
import cats.effect._
import cats.implicits._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.duration._
object ExampleApp extends App{
val fireAndForget =
IO(println("Side effect pre-sleep")) *>
IO.sleep(2.seconds) *>
IO(println("Side effect post-sleep"))
val toBeUsed = IO{
println("Inside second one")
val result = for {
fiber <- IO.shift *> fireAndForget.start
res <- toBeUsed.handleErrorWith { error =>
// This is just in case you 'toBeUsed' can actually fail,
// and you might want to cancel the original side-effecting IO
fiber.cancel *> IO.raiseError(error) }
} yield res
println("Waiting 3 seconds...")
This will print (most of the times) something similar to:
Side effect pre-sleep
Inside second one
42 // Up until here, will be printed right away
Waiting 3 seconds... // It will then be waiting a while
Side effect post-sleep // ...at which point the side effecting code terminates
Finally, here are more details about Fiber and IO.shift
I believe that you need to wrap the first Future in such a way that it completes immediately. We ignore exeptions, or catch them however, but they are contained within its own thread. The parameter cb is the promise that needs to complete; so we short-circuit the completion by providing a value immediately.
def firstFuture(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): IO[Unit] = {
IO.async[Unit] { cb =>
ec.execute(() => {
try {
//some code the result of which we don't care about
} catch {
In the for-comprehension, the firstFuture will complete immediately even though its thread will have a long-running task active on it.
def doSomething(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): IO[Foo] = {
for {
_ <- firstFuture
IO.async[Foo] { fb =>
// Foo

Logging the value of a future before returning it in Scala

def returnFuture[A](x: A): Future[A] = {
val xFuture = Future { x } // suppose an API call that returns a future
xFuture.flatMap(x => {
println(x) // logging the value of x
This is the way I'm currently doing it. To provide more context:
This function is being called inside an API when a request is made and I'd like the log message to be printed just before the value computed in the request is returned. Which is why, the following is not a good solution for me:
def returnFuture[A](x: A): Future[A] = {
val xFuture = Future { x } // suppose an API call that returns a future
xFuture.map(x => {
println(x) // logging the value of x
Logging is a side-effect, meaning that you don't want the operation to fail if the logging fails for any reason (e.g. a call to toString throwing NPE).
Future#andThen is perfect for this use case. From the docs:
Applies the side-effecting function to the result of this future, and returns a new future with the result of this future.
This method allows one to enforce that the callbacks are executed in a specified order.
Note that if one of the chained andThen callbacks throws an exception, that exception is not propagated to the subsequent andThen callbacks. Instead, the subsequent andThen callbacks are given the original value of this future.
Your example becomes:
def returnFuture[A](x: A): Future[A] = {
Future { x } // suppose an API call that returns a future
.andThen { case Success(v) => println(v) }
You can use onComplete callback:
def returnFuture[A](x: A): Future[A] = {
val f = Future { x }
A map will work too:
def returnFuture[A](x: A): Future[A] = {
Future { x }.map { v =>
Keep in mind that the whole point of using Futures is that you are trying to avoid blocking and that you don't control exactly when the Future will be executed. So, if you want more detailed logs while keeping the asynchronous nature of a Future, do something like this:
def doSomething(param: String): String = {
// log something here
val result = param.toUpperCase
// log something else here
def asFuture(param: String) = Future {
In other words, if this is an option, add logs to the x operation instead.

ListenableFuture to scala Future

I am in the process of writing a small scala wrapper around a java library.
The java library has an object QueryExecutor exposing 2 methods:
execute(query): Result
asyncExecute(query): ListenableFuture[Result]
ListenableFuture in this context is the one from the guava library.
I want my scala wrapper to return a Future[Result] instead of the java object, but I am not sure what is the best way to implement that. Here are 2 solutions I came up with:
future {
val p = promise[Result]
val guavaFuture = executor.asyncExecute(query)
Futures.addCallback(guavaFuture, new FutureCallback[Result] {
def onFailure(t: Throwable) {
def onSuccess(result: Result) {
I am wondering which method is the best. My intuition is that the first one, while returning a Future, will still block a thread while the call to execute waits for a response, the second one looks like it should be really non blocking. Any comment on the pros/cons of each method ?
The second option is best, it keeps everything asynchronous. but... you can do one better and abstract the solution into a reusable pattern:
implicit class RichListenableFuture[T](lf: ListenableFuture[T]) {
def asScala: Future[T] = {
val p = Promise[T]()
Futures.addCallback(lf, new FutureCallback[T] {
def onFailure(t: Throwable): Unit = p failure t
def onSuccess(result: T): Unit = p success result
You can then simply call:
Another, slightly shorter solution:
implicit class ListenableFutureDecorator[T](val f: ListenableFuture[T]) extends AnyVal {
def asScala(implicit e: Executor): Future[T] = {
val p = Promise[T]()
f.addListener(() => p.complete(Try(f.get())), e)

Are promises flawed?

Like the author of this question I'm trying to understand the reasoning for user-visible promises in Scala 2.10's futures and promises.
Particularly, going again to the example from the SIP, isn't it completely flawed:
import scala.concurrent.{ future, promise }
val p = promise[T]
val f = p.future
val producer = future {
val r = produceSomething()
p success r
val consumer = future {
f onSuccess {
case r => doSomethingWithResult()
I am imagining the case where the call to produceSomething results in a runtime exception. Because promise and producer-future are completely detached, this means the system hangs and the consumer will never complete with either success or failure.
So the only safe way to use promises requires something like
val producer = future {
try {
val r.produceSomething()
p success r
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
p failure e
throw e // ouch
Which obviously error-prone and verbose.
The only case I can see for a visible promise type—where future {} is insufficient—is the one of the callback hook in M. A. D.'s answer. But the example of the SIP doesn't make sense to me.
This is why you rarely use success and failure unless you already know something is bulletproof. If you want bulletproof, this is what Try is for:
val producer = future {
p complete Try( produceSomething )
It doesn't seem necessary to throw the error again; you've already dealt with it by packing it into the answer to the promise, no? (Also, note that if produceSomething itself returns a future, you can use completeWith instead.)
You can use Promise to build additional Future combinators that aren't already in the library.
"Select" off the first future to be satisfied. Return as a result, with the remainder of the Futures as a sequence: https://gist.github.com/viktorklang/4488970.
An after method that returns a Future that is completed after a certain period of time, to "time out" a Future: https://gist.github.com/3804710.
You need Promises to be able to create other combinators like this.
Adapt Callbacks
Use Promise to adapt callback-based APIs to Future-based APIs. For example:
def retrieveThing(key: String): Future[Thing] = {
val p = Promise[Thing]()
val callback = new Callback() {
def receive(message: ThingMessage) {
message.getPayload match {
case t: Thing =>
p success t
case err: SystemErrorPayload =>
p failure new Exception(err.getMessage)
thingLoader.load(key, callback, timeout)
Build synchronizers using Promise. For example, return a cached value for an expensive operation, or compute it, but don't compute twice for the same key:
private val cache = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Promise[T]]
def getEntry(key: String): Future[T] = {
val newPromise = Promise[T]()
val foundPromise = cache putIfAbsent (key, newPromise)
if (foundPromise == null) {
newPromise completeWith getExpensive(key)
} else {
Promise has a completeWith(f: Future) method that would solve this problem by automatically handling the success/failure scenarios.
promise.completeWith( future {