Decode RealUrl url in the controller - typo3

I use RealUrl for my website. In my certain extension, I require to decode the url created by RealUrl to the normal TYPO3 url format.
To my controller I get this link : typo3website/feature/number/123 , now how do I convert this to typo3website/index.php?id=99&number=123
The RealUrl does not use namespace, and hence i'm unable to understand how to create an instance of the class tx_realurl.
I tried using require_once(PATH_typo3conf.'ext/realurl'.'/class.tx_realurl.php'); and creating new instance of tx_realurl, but gives a class not found error.

If RealURL is configured properly and the link is generated with the uriBuilder or the ActionViewHelper, you don't need to take care of that. If we take your example and you configured RealURL to use typo3website/feature/number/123 for index.php?id=99&tx_yourext[number]=123, you can use this as argument for your action:
public function showAction($number) {
You can also access all arguments from a controller action by using


TYPO3 6.2 / RealURL : 404 error with google tag in URL

On this website :
Google Analytics add parameters for cross-domain-tracking to url so a working link like this one
become this, that lead to 404 error*1rw78bk*_ga*ODIzMDE2MTIuMTYzODE5MjUyMw..*_ga_FVLX79JNXC*MTY0NDQ4NjM1OC40OC4xLjE2NDQ0ODg2MDkuMA..#_ga=2.179165860.1898940241.1644433835-82301612.1638192523
Any tell TYPO3/ RealURL to ignore cross-domain-tracking parameters ?
Take a look into configuration what is set for the settings:
In pageNotFoundOnCHashError you can define if the system throws a 404 when cHash parameters are not valid e.g. when a parameter was added but not handled in cHash. This is happening when an external service adds parameter like Google does in your case.
In cHashExcludedParameters you can define the parameters that are not used to validate the cHash.
There are 2 options now:
Set pageNotFoundOnCHashError to 0 (not so good solution as there won't be a 404 when someone tries to manipulate the parameters)
Add _gl to the list of cHashExcludedParameters (better solution as you whitelist the Google parameter and keep your system safe)

Sitemap for dynamic website - codeigniter

I have a dynamic website designed with Codeigniter 3 and I am working on the sitemap part as a newbie.
I found the library sitemap-php from evert/sitemap-php but I can't make it run.
From now this is what I did, I put the Sitemap.php file into my library folder
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Deals extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct(){
$this->load->helper('url', 'form', 'security');
public function Sitemap(){
$sitemap = new Sitemap('');
$sitemap->setPath('/public_html/Sitemap/'); // I created a folder Sitemap into my public folder
$sitemap->addItem('/', '1.0', 'daily', 'Today');
$sitemap->createSitemapIndex('', 'Today');
Then when I go to, I have an Error 404.
Could you guide me to solve my issue.
The docs for that library describe that it generates a static XML file. The code you've shown will do that - but your code is in a Library, and you have not run it yet. You need to run it, then it will generate an XML file as you've specified, in /public_html/Sitemap/. From your description you are looking for the XML before doing anything to generate it, and it does not (yet) exist.
From your updated code, you now have the code to generate the static XML available as a Controller method. According to the standard Codeigniter routing conventions, the method you have created is accessible at:
(Maybe you've also set up some routes so it is accessible at other URIs also.)
Visit that URL, once, to generate the static XML file at /public_html/Sitemap/sitemap.xml. Assuming your code works, you should then be able to browse the XML at
Side note: AFAIK Codeigniter convention is for capitalised Controller file and class names (Deal.php and Deal), but all lower-case method names (sitemap() instead of Sitemap()). You can see examples of this in the Controller docs I linked above. I am not sure if it matters, just pointing it out.

Play Swagger UI url alias

I have Swagger UI for API documentation, I use the same approach like in official specification for accessing it I use next URL:
But I want to use http://localhost:9000/docs/ instead. I won't want to use WS for delegating, I would like to use single line in routes, like this:
GET /docs"/public/lib/swagger-ui", file:String="index.html?url=/assets/swagger.json")
GET /docs"/public/lib/swagger-ui", file:String="index.html")
and http://localhost:9000/docs?url=/assets/swagger.json
What shold I change so it work?
You can't make shortness in route file for the URL /docs/swagger-ui/index.html?url=/assets/swagger.json because index.html is generated by swagger-ui plugin to public directory and requires access to files nearby (like js and css files). Play swagger-ui uses javascript for fetching json based description of your routes via URL parameter for further parsing this document to swagger-ui, in your case it's /assets/swagger.json endpoint.
I tried to make the mapping swagger's index.html file, so pass json location like URL parameter directly:
GET /swagger-ui = "/public/lib/swagger-ui", file = "index.html")
Play couldn't render this page, and CSS wasn't found. I appended dummy mapping to every file in swagger's default directory /public/lib/swagger-ui:
GET /*file = "/public/lib/swagger-ui", file)
Even after that Play couldn't properly render index.html.
How it can be solved without Play-Swagger:
Create directory public\swagger in your project;
Download all files from and copy them to public\swagger;
Copy your swagger.json (it's specification, right?) to public\specification;
Add to your routes file next line:
GET /docs
controllers.Assets.versioned(path="/public/specification", file: Asset
= "swagger.json")

Performing Explicit Route Mapping based upon Web Api v2 Attributes

I'm upgrading a custom solution where I can dynamically register and unregister Web Api controllers to use the new attribute routing mechanism. However, it seems to recent update to RTM break my solution.
My solution exposes a couple of Web Api controllers for administration purposes. These are registered using the new HttpConfigurationExtensions.MapHttpAttributeRoutes method call.
The solution also allows Web Api controllers to be hosted in third-party assemblies and registered dynamically. At this stage, calling HttpConfigurationExtensions.MapHttAttributeRoutes a second time once the third-party controller is loaded would raise an exception. Therefore, my solution uses reflection to inspect the RoutePrefix and Route attributes and register corresponding routes on the HttpConfiguration object.
Unfortunately, calling the Web Api results in the following error:
"No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI".
Here is a simple controller that I want to use:
public sealed class ZeController : ApiController
public string GetOne()
return "One";
public string GetTwo()
return "Two";
public string SetOne(string value)
return String.Empty;
Here is the first solution I tried:
configuration.Routes.MapHttpRoute("ZeApi", "api/ze/{action}");
Here is the second solution I tried:
var type = typeof(ZeController);
var routeMembers = type.GetMethods().Where(m => m.IsPublic);
foreach (MethodInfo method in routeMembers)
var routeAttribute = method.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType<RouteAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
if (routeAttribute != null)
string controllerName = type.Name.Substring(0, type.Name.LastIndexOf("Controller"));
string routeTemplate = string.Join("/", "api/Ze", routeAttribute.Template);
configuration.Routes.MapHttpRoute(method.Name, routeTemplate);
I also have tried a third solution, whereby I create custom classes that implement IHttpRoute and trying to register them with the configuration to no avail.
Is it possible to use legacy-style route mapping based upon the information contained in the new routing attributes ?
I have installed my controller in a Web Application in order to troubleshoot the routing selection process with the Web Api Route Debugger. Here is the result of the screenshot:
As you can see, the correct action seems to be selected, but I still get a 404 error.
After further analysis, and per Kiran Challa's comment below, it seems that the design of Web Api prevents mixing attribute routing and conventional routing, and that what I want to do is not possible using this approach.
I have created a custom attribute [RouteEx] that serves the same purpose of the Web Api [Route] attribute, and now my code works perfectly.
I guess, since this is not possible using the conventional attribute routing, none of the answers on this question could legitimately be consisered valid. So I'm not nominating an answer just yet.
You shouldn't be required to use reflection and inspect the attribute-routing based attributes yourself. Attribute routing uses existing Web API features to get list of controllers to scan through.
Question: Before the switch to attribute routing, how were you loading these assemblies having the
If you were doing this by IAssembliesResolver service, then this solution should work even with attribute routing and you should not be needing to do anything extra.
Regarding your Update: are you calling MapHttpAttributeRoutes?

zend: baseUrl view helper returns empty string

On my site, when I call $this->baseUrl() in a view, it returns an empty string. I would expect it to return e.g. Do I need to manually set base url?
In manual to Zend_Application_Resource_Frontcontroller - configuration keys, I have just found this:
baseUrl: explicit base URL to the application (normally auto-detected)
Any ideas why it is not autodetected for me?
The baseUrl() helper returns the path to your Zend Application.
Use the serverUrl() helper for the hostname.
Did you set the baseurl in your application.ini?
resources.frontController.baseUrl = "/subdir"