Crystal reports - where to put subreport - crystal-reports

I have a subreport which is multiple pages long, but I'm not sure where to put it in the report.
If I put it in a detail section, the report runs for a long time and generates way too much data.
If I put it in the report header, the page footer is not displayed during the subreport and there are about 150 blank pages (well, blank except for the page footer) after the subreport.
Right now, the report consists only of a report header, a page footer and the subreport (which is in the report header), but I will eventually be adding another subreport. The reason I need to use subreports is because I need to have two groups.


Crystal printing blank page at the end of the report when subreport is in crystal report

I have a report containing 2 subreports. The whole thing easily fits on one page but a second blank page is consistently being generated.
This has nothing to do with the page width being too large because it
isn't, and the second blank page displays the report header and footer.
i have supressed the unused section even after that second blank page is diaplayed with report header and footer.

Report Header/Footer and SubReport

I have created a report (JasperReports) that contains Page Header, Detail, and Page Footer bands. The Page Header and Page Footer contain static content to compose a header and footer that should be printed on each page.
I want the Detail in a separate file (SubReport) so that I can update Page Header and Page Footer without having to make the same updates to multiple reports.
There is a SubReport in the Detail band. The SubReport has a link to a database and displays records, but does not need any information from the report. The records are displayed when you view the SubReport individually, and the SubReport is linked, but nothing is displayed in the main report, and the resulting document is 84 pages. I don't know why the result is 84 pages. The SubReport I am currently using is only 24 pages.
I was able to get static content to show by selecting "All Sections, No Detail" in the properties, but with an SQL Query in the SubReport, there should be data to display. How can I accomplish this?
After viewing this link:, I attempted to insert the header and footer as SubReports in my main report. This approach seems promising.

How to hide footer in subreport in jasper

I have a subreport and page footer in main report, and i need to hide page footer for the subreport part. Is there any way to achieve this?
I have main report. It has several detail bands and a page footer. One of detail bands (Detail 4) is filled with data returned from query. After this band goes "Detail 5" band that has only subreport in it, which is the last detail band. My subreport contains several pages of text. I need page footer from my main report not to be shown in this pages. So what I need is: page footer should be applied to pages, that are generated in detail bands 1-4, but not "Detail 5" .
Since the size of your details bands vary (and quite possibly the size of your subreport as well) you cannot be certain about the page numbers that the pages of your sub report will appear on. But that would be necessary knowledge to create a proper print when expression for the footer band to achieve the behavior you want.
In other words: it's most likely not possible to do that.

Getting Page Headers with Crystal Reports Subreports

Perhaps you can help me with a problem I am having with Crystal Reports. I have a sub-report that has its own set a page headers. These are distinct from the page headers of the main report.
The heading show up when I run the sub-report by itself but when I run the main report, the heading portion of the sub-report is suppressed, only the detail lines show.
I cannot solve this by moving the heading to the main report because the sub-report is used in all three of my reports. In two of the reports I have two distinct detail sections.
I also tried to create group headers for the sub-reports. These are also suppressed in the main report.
Any help will be appreciated, I have been struggling with this problem for several day.
You can create additional page header sections and suppress them conditionally
Open the section expert within Crystal Reports whilst looking at the subreport
select the report header section
check that the "common" options does not have a tick next to hide, suppress
save the report and test

Does Crystal Reports have an equivalent of a master page?

Let's say I have a logo that I want to appear in the same place on a set of reports (many files). Is there a way for me to put that logo into the equivalent of a master page and apply that master page to all the pages of my reports? I'd like the logo to appear in the same place on a variety of documents without having to mess around with copypasta.
Using CR 9.2 (ouch, call the archeology dept eh?).
The easiest way to do this is to add a new header or footer section that includes your logo.
In Crystal 2008 (sorry, it's all I have) this is done by right clicking on any of the header/footer sections (e.g. Report header, page header, group footer, etc.) and then selecting "Insert Section Below".
This gets you a new section that will repeat at the top or bottom of every new section/page. Any logos pasted into a page header will be reused for each page.
Note that you can have as many "page header" sections as you want if you find it helpful to split up the header into multiple vertically stacked sections.
Years ago they used to have an page header and page footer. Not sure about the current version of Crystal Reports.
you can create a report as [MasterReport] with the logo in any where of it then you should insert a subreport into it. MasterReport equivalent of the master page and the subreport is like the placeHolders in and you can create this subreport like a dynamic report.
When you add a subreport to a report, crystal reporter creates a copy of subreport and save it into main report so you can not change the subreport by code at run time.