Google sites API, IllegalArgumentException("Trying to set foreign cookie") after RedirectRequiredException - redirect

I am using the gdata-media-1.0-1.47.1.jar functionality to fetch media data using the mediaContent) method. For some requests I get a RedirectRequiredException. When I redo the getMedia request, using the url i get from RedirectRequiredException.getRedirectLocation(), I get an IllegalArgumentException("Trying to set foreign cookie") exception.
From what I can see, the reason for this is that the domain in the response header for the cookie doesn't match the domain of the redirect location. In the first argument is "" and the second is "" which makes the domain matching fail.
Is this a correct behaviour? Why is this happening? Is there something I can do about this? Am I doing anything wrong here? Is is possible to avoid this problem?
SitesService sitesService = new SitesService("SomeAppName");
try {
MediaContent mc = new MediaContent();
return sitesService.getMedia(mc);
} catch (RedirectRequiredException e) {
MediaContent mc = new MediaContent();
return sitesService.getMedia(mc);


Why does the Facebook Graph API respond with the same "next" URL over and over?

I am using Volley to submit POST requests to the Facebook Graph API in order to retrieve information about photos and videos from a user account using their BATCH facility so I get it all in one go (rather than making one call for photos, one for videos). The first call works perfectly:
request = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST,
new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
Timber.e("Got VolleyError: %s", error.getMessage());
}) {
public String getBodyContentType() {
return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=" + getParamsEncoding();
protected Map<String, String> getParams() throws AuthFailureError {
Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<>();
JSONArray batchRequest = new JSONArray();
JSONObject photoRequest = new JSONObject();
JSONObject videoRequest = new JSONObject();
try {
photoRequest.put("method", "GET");
photoRequest.put("relative_url",facebookUserID + String.format("?fields=photos.limit(%1$s){id,created_time,images{source},picture}",batchSize));
videoRequest.put("method", "GET");
videoRequest.put("relative_url",facebookUserID + String.format("?fields=videos.limit(%1$s){id,created_time,source,picture}",batchSize));
} catch (JSONException e) {
Timber.d("Lifecycle: Exception constructing batch request: %s", e.getMessage());
return null;
//try {
// Timber.d("Lifecycle: batchRequest: %s", batchRequest.toString(2));
//} catch (JSONException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
params.put("batch", batchRequest.toString());
params.put("include_headers", "false");
params.put(FB_BASE_ACCESSTOKEN_KEY, facebookToken);
return params;
// Using a blocking volley request, this chain has been called on a separate async task
// See SO:
facebookRetval = future.get(VOLLEY_REQUEST_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
returnResult = parseBatchRequest(facebookRetval);
The returned JSON has all the fields I've requested, as well as the pagination block with cursors, and a "next" and/or "previous" url, per the Facebook documentation.
A "next" URL looks something like:,created_time,images{source},picture&limit=5&after=AFTER_TOKEN_HERE
There is one of these that gets passed back from the batch operation for each of the original GET operations (assuming both photos and videos have greater than LIMIT items).
Again, this part works fine.
But when I try and use that "next" URL to create another BATCH call, it fails with an "unsupported GET operation" error. This is true even though I can use a standard Volley GET using that exact same URL and it works perfectly.
I have tried using the "" portion of the above URL as the root of the POST (like what worked in the initial call), and everything after that as the "relative_url" parameter. No go.
Then I tried parsing out just the "after" portion of the "next" url, and constructing a new relative_url that was exactly like the first one, but tacking on a "&after=" + AFTER_VALUE to it as the relative_url. No go - in fact, while this succeeded in making the call, I keep getting the initial batch over and over and over. It is like it is ignoring the "&after=" parameter.
For now I am back to making two GET calls (one for photos, one for videos) just using the NEXT url as long as it keeps being passed back to me. This works fine, but obviously I'm making two network calls instead of the single batch one.
A little more examination revealed that I had made a string parsing error on the subsequent batch operation, and was inadvertently including a forward slash when I should not have been.
For those new to using the batch API, the lesson is that you need "" as the POST url (no trailing forward slash), then your relative url should NOT start with a forward slash. So the URL I was trying to utilize on calls 2..N like this:,created_time,images{source},picture&limit=5&after=AFTER_TOKEN_HERE
should be broken out as:
photoRequest.put("relative_url", "v7.0/FACEBOOK_ID_HERE/photos?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE&fields=id,created_time,images{source},picture&limit=5&after=AFTER_TOKEN_HERE");
The API handles putting in the forward slash between the root and the relative url.

SendGrid incoming mail webhook - how to save the JSON format email data into my application folder in C#

This is regarding Sendgrid incoming mail webhook, I have referred this URL SendGrid incoming mail webhook - how do I secure my endpoint, and got some idea how to go about this, but, as I am new to MVC / WebAPI, could anyone give me the controller method code snippet to catch the JSON format HTTP post and save to my application folder.
This is the solution I found after googling and with slight modifications:
[HttpPost, HttpGet]
[EnableCors(origins: "*", headers: "*", methods: "*")]
public async Task Post()
if (Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent("form-data"))
//To get complete post in a string use the below line, not used here
string strCompletePost = await Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
string strFrom = context.Request.Form.GetValues("from")[0];
string strEmailText = context.Request.Form.GetValues("email")[0];
string strSubject = context.Request.Form.GetValues("subject")[0];
//Not useful I guess, because it always return sendgrid IP
string strSenderIP = context.Request.Form.GetValues("sender_ip")[0];
catch (Exception ex)
I tried, retrieving the values as
String to = context.Request.Params["to"];
but, the value returned is not consistent, i.e. most of the times it is returning null and occasionally returns actual value stored in it.
If anyone have a better solution, please let me know.
Thank you
If for some reason ["to"] doesn't work for you, try to get ["envelope"] value,
which looks like

How to make a REST delete method with cfhttp

I have never done it before and now when the need arise, things are not working.
I have to send an ID to delete a DB record with RESTful service. Here is the code I am trying:
<cfhttp url="" method="DELETE" port="8500" result="qryRes1">
<cfhttpparam type="body" value="36"/>
and in the REST function
remote any function someName() httpmethod="DELETE"{
var testID = ToString(getHTTPRequestData().content);
//make db call to delete
return testid;
The result comes as blank [empty string]. I am not able to retrieve the sent value in function. What I am missing?
Edit: one slightly different but related to CF rest, is it necessary to convert query to an array before sending it back to client? Directly serializing won't solve the purpose same way?
you may want to take a look at deleteUser() in as an example of how to support DELETE in REST API style.
remote any function deleteUser(numeric userid restargsource="Path") httpmethod="DELETE" restpath="{userid}"
var response = "";
var qry = new Query();
var userQry = "";
qry.setSQl("delete from tbluser where id = :userid");
qry.addParam(name="userid", value="#arguments.userid#", cfsqltype="cf_sql_numeric");
userQry = qry.execute().getPrefix();
response = "User Deleted";
} else {
throw(type="Restsample.UserNotFoundError", errorCode='404', detail='User not found');
return response;
As for the 2nd part of your question, it'd be best to first turn a query into a array of structs first unless you're using CF11 which does it for you. See:
The default JSON structure for query in CF 8 to 10 were designed for <cfgrid> in ColdFusion on top of Adobe's discontinued Spry framework.

SpringWS - Logging SoapRequest and SoapResponse in a table

I have a SpringWS inplementation with below enpoint implementation
public JAXBElement<GetStudentResponseType> handleStudentXML(#RequestPayload JAXBElement<GetStudentXMLRequestType> SoapRequest)throws Exception
String xmlResponse = ""; objectFactory = new; resType = objectFactory.createGetResponseType();
return objectFactory.createGetStudentResponse(resType);
Here my objective is to log the request which coming to my webservice and response which the web service sent back in a table. Is it possible to get the SoapRequest/Soapresponse (In Soapformat) from the above method as a String.Here am able to get the payload, but i need to log with entire SoapRequest(with soapenvelope,body) Please anyone advice on this.
Have a look at the SoapEnvelopeLoggingInterceptor which logs the whole SOAP
Envelope including headers. So basically you can extend it to add the saving to the database functionality.

Zend Framework: Checking if route exists from code

in zend framework, is there anyway i can check if a route exists from code?
say the following routes/urls are valid (point to controller/action)
/users/1 // /users?id=1
/users/page/1 /users?page=1
/users/tagged/tagname/page/1 /users?tagged=1&page=1
if the user tries to goto /users/nonexistantpage it should fail. soemthing to check if the user request the url, will it fail, but on the code level.
I believe you're looking for the match() method for the Zend router. See if that helps.
It's kinda old question, but I guess this is what you are looking for:
foreach(Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRouter()->getRoutes() as $route)
For those using Zend Framework 2, this is very simple.
Let say we want to check if an URI matches against registered router and redirect the user if this is different from the current url.
$goto = 'http://www.mysite.tld/admin';
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($routeToBeMatched = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Router')->match($request)) {
$currentRouteMatchName = $this->getEvent()->getRouteMatch()->getMatchedRouteName();
if ($routeToBeMatched->getMatchedRouteName() != $currentRouteMatchName) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute($goto);
If you use rewrite router (Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite), it has a method hasRoute($route_name)
Then if you want to check if route exists anywhere in your application you can check it like that: