eclipse: rebuild a project and all libraries - eclipse

I'm creating a Java project which includes a few libraries written by myself. However these libraries are not finished and sometimes require some edits. Because I'm working by myself, I find this more efficient than finishing all libraries perfectly before using them in my project.
My question is: is it possible to automatically rebuild a modified library when building the project which uses it?
Subquestion: what is the optimal configuration for my purposes? Should I export libraries as jar and copy them into the final project or should I configure buildpaths of my project to retrieve them in their respective folders?
Subsubquestion: is it correct to use .jar libraries in the same way that one uses dynamic libraries in c++?

If you have Eclipse set to "build automatically", it'll take care of rebuilding the library projects whenever you make changes, as you go along. You should set your client program to depend on either the Eclipse projects (if doing everything inside Eclipse) or the Maven artifacts (if using m2e). I strongly prefer using Maven for all my Java builds, but it might be overkill for something small. Whatever you do, don't manually export and reimport the libraries.
All libraries in Java are dynamic, and a C++ .so or .dll is the basic equivalent.


How to Create a Spring+Primefaces+Hibernate (no maven) project in eclipse?

I am new to J2EE. I would like to create a Spring+Primefaces+Hibernate project.
I googled for it.
But I found all projects examples show in internet contains maven. My questions are
Is it possible to create a spring+primefaces+hibernate project in eclipse without Maven? If no, what is need of maven?
How to add the jar file of primefaces and spring and hibernate in eclipse?
Will the spring controller xml file (spring context or dispatcher servlet) be created automatically or manually?I mean Spring MVC.
Will the hibernate file (mapping file) also be created automatically or manually?
If possible, can anyone guide me to tutorial (preferably video) to implement the same?
I am using tomcat 7 and Eclipse - kepler.
Any help is appreciated.
If this is downvoted , do specify the reason also.
Although it's not a 'must' to use Maven or any other build tool, you should strongly consider using one.Eclipse Kepler has by default maven support but feel free to use other build tools(Gradle, Ant) or none(see 2.).Maven and the other build tools remove the headache of scaffolding, searching for dependencies(external jars like spring-mvc, hibernate, some db drivers), even deploying applications in a server.
If you chose not to use a build tool you have to manually get your project dependencies and enter them
into your project's buildpath(Right Click -> Build Path then enter their location).As you have noticed this step can be really really time consuming...
No, you have to manually create the configuration unless you use another project that already has what you need, again this might get easier with a build tool(maven archetypes for example)
The same as 3.
You won't have a hard time finding resources about these technologies, they are being used practically everywhere, and I think the Spring team has some videos in their YouTube channel.
Hope that helps a little!
1:* The fundamental difference between Maven and Ant is that Maven's design regards all projects as having a certain structure and a set of supported task work-flows (e.g., getting resources from source control, compiling the project, unit testing, etc.). While most software projects in effect support these operations and actually do have a well-defined structure, Maven requires that this structure and the operation implementation details be defined in the POM file. Thus, Maven relies on a convention on how to define projects and on the list of work-flows that are generally supported in all projects.
This design constraint resembles the way that an IDE handles a project, and it provides many benefits, such as a succinct project definition, and the possibility of automatic integration of a Maven project with other development tools such as IDEs, build servers, etc.
But one drawback to this approach is that Maven requires a user to first understand what a project is from the Maven point of view, and how Maven works with projects, because what happens when one executes a phase in Maven is not immediately obvious just from examining the Maven project file. In many cases, this required structure is also a significant hurdle in migrating a mature project to Maven, because it is usually hard to adapt from other approaches.
In Ant, projects do not really exist from the tool's technical perspective. Ant works with XML build scripts defined in one or more files. It processes targets from these files and each target executes tasks. Each task performs a technical operation such as running a compiler or copying files around. Targets are executed primarily in the order given by their defined dependency on other targets. Thus, Ant is a tool that chains together targets and executes them based on inter-dependencies and other Boolean conditions.
The benefits provided by Ant are also numerous. It has an XML language optimized for clearer definition of what each task does and on what it depends. Also, all the information about what will be executed by an Ant target can be found in the Ant script.
A developer not familiar with Ant would normally be able to determine what a simple Ant script does just by examining the script. This is not usually true for Maven.
However, even an experienced developer who is new to a project using Ant cannot infer what the higher level structure of an Ant script is and what it does without examining the script in detail. Depending on the script's complexity, this can quickly become a daunting challenge. With Maven, a developer who previously worked with other Maven projects can quickly examine the structure of a never-before-seen Maven project and execute the standard Maven work-flows against it while already knowing what to expect as an outcome.
It is possible to use Ant scripts that are defined and behave in a uniform manner for all projects in a working group or an organization. However, when the number and complexity of projects rises, it is also very easy to stray from the initially desired uniformity. With Maven this is less of a problem because the tool always imposes a certain way of doing thi
2:* You have to download all required jars file for hibernate/spring/primefaces from internet and place them in your project build path or in lib folder.
3:* Spring configuration files need to be created by you so that you can get the concept.
4:* Hibernate mapping files can be created by using reverse Engineering techniques for hibernate from where you can generates hbm files or you can use annotations if you dont want xml.
I suggest you to first create a sample java project in eclipse then download all required jars and place them in lib folder. Then configure hibernate in projects and spring integration.

Is it possible to build a Netbeans Matisse based project without Netbeans?

Part of a project I'm on has a GUI app that is built with Netbeans using the GUI design tools that come in that IDE.
But this is only part of a bigger project, and needs to be built in an environment that does not have Netbeans installed (it happens to be a Gradle-based build on Jenkins). I've gotten builds to (seemingly) work, but keep running into inexplicable run-time errors (i.e., dependencies appear to be met with identical jars on the classpath and so on, but attempts to read resources from the project jar fail.).
From googling around, it looks like this might have something to do with compiling .form files and then including some dependency for the resulting java. (though, the Netbeans build does not add any jars above what our gradle build adds).
So the question is... can this even be done? or does a proper build simply rely on some hidden build-time mojo that's going on in Netbeans?
Yes, you can compile the classes without NetBeans. Just be sure you do not any NetBeans library, like AbsoluteLayout. The .form files are for NetBeans showing you components with Matisse, but all the generated code will be in the .java file.

Keeping Eclipse project dependencies in sync with an external build system

Here is the situation. A development team has a large number (hundreds) of Eclipse projects. The code is very much in churn - new projects are being created; projects are being renamed and project dependencies are constantly changing. The external build system is ant. It is proving extremely challenging to keep the dependencies defined in the ant build files in sync with the state of the world in Eclipse. The external ant build needs constant changes to keep up. For various reasons, using ant as the default builder in Eclipse is not an option. The developers want to continue using Eclipse as the build and edit environment for local use.
Question: Is there a tool which will allow a single set of dependencies to be maintained which can be used by Eclipse as well as an external build system like ant?
I have heard of Gradle but never used it before. Would it make sense in this context? I am pretty sure Maven wouldnt work for what is needed
The typical workflow should be:
1. Developers continue working as they currently do - creating and changing Eclipse project dependencies at will and using the default Eclipse builder to compile and test locally.
2. Some mechanism exists by which these dependencies can be carried into an external build system like ant and an external continuous build triggered on every checkin.
Appreciate your feedback - thanks!
We have been quite successful at using Gradle to tackle a similar problem. Here's the outline of the setup
Each project contains a build.gradle that defines project specific dependencies and tasks (may even be empty).
A special master project contains build.gradle that sets up common dependencies and tasks for child projects, and/or injects settings pertinent to a group of child projects.
Logically master project is the parent project, but it exists as a sibling folder so that Eclipse can be more comfortable with it.
Gradle contains a built-in Eclipse plugin which allows generation of Eclipse settings files for each of the projects from the dependencies information (including inter-project dependencies). It works nicely for simple projects, and as for more complicated ones Gradle allows you to tinker with the settings files, so you can do pretty much everything. From here you have two options:
Not to store Eclipse settings file in the repository and call the generation task every time you do a fresh check-out (I prefer this option).
Tell Gradle to use custom variables to make it generate generic settings files which can be checked-in to the repository. You'll then only need to run the generation task when dependencies or other configuration changes.
(Optional) It's a little tricky, but you can make Gradle parse existing project ivy.xml files and set up dependencies from there. I had some success with this, although I would recommend converting dependencies into Gradle format for more flexibility.
Continuous build system integrate with Gradle very well (same as ant). If you are using Jenkins (Hudson) there is a Gradle plugin.
The advantage of using Gradle is that it scales pretty well, and you can support other IDEs like IntelliJ or Netbeans at the same time without much effort (unless you have lots of crazy custom settings). An advantage and a disadvantage is that Gradle is a powerful build system which requires learning Groovy and Gradle DSL which may take some time to acquire. Also the documentation is awesome.
Gradle has a very active community with the sole purpose of tackling exactly this kind of problem.
Hope this helps, and best of luck!
How about parsing the .classpath files, generate a dependency tree and start building from the root. What you need is a convention on the layout of your projects or an generic (ant-) buildfile that could be changed in each project, if needed (e.g. different project layouts). I´m not sure if Eclipse Tycho could be used for that, since it´s a maven plugin(s) to build eclipse plugins or projects. But it´s able to resolve the bundle and project dependencies against maven repositories and eclipse update sites.

Installing Java libraries

As I'm quite new to Java, I would like to know the proper procedure of installing new libraries (those that are no available in my linux dist repositories).
Where should I place them? and how to install them?
For instance, I downloaded openCsv (, and I have no idea how to install it.
Java libraries don't really need to be 'installed' like other applications. All you need to do is put the jar file in a specific location, and add the jar file to your classpath. How you do that depends on the linux distro you are using. If you are making a web application in eclipse, you can drop the .jar file in the WebRoot/web-inf/lib folder, and it will be bundled in with your project.
Be sure that the path, which you place the libaries at, is set in the $CLASSPATH Environment Variable.
For Eclipse: Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Add JARs...
It's up to you really - I use /opt/javalib, but you might consider a directory in /usr/local as well.
You can store them wherever you wish. You can store them within the JRE distribution directories, but I wouldn't recommend that.
Instead I would store them per-project (so you can have different versions for each project easily - some libraries have different names for each version, some don't) and adopt a standard such as a lib/ directory. That way you can have standard build scripts (Ant etc.) that can operate in the same way (if you're using Maven, then there's a standard place per-project - src/main/resources)
You could use Maven to manage any dependencies to those libraries.
Maven will automatically download all needed JAR files and put them in a local repository (the location is configurable).
This makes upgrading to new versions of various libraries very easy as you just declare the version you want and Maven does the rest.
Beware: Maven is something to get used to and the initial learning curve is steep.
The rewards come if you have everything set up properly and maven takes care of compiling, packaging, distribution, site creation, release management etc. etc. etc.

Can I update an Eclipse plugin project, which is simply a wrapper around a jar?

I have a java project which I export as a jar. This java project also uses JNI.
So far, the only method I could find to use this jar in an Eclipse plugin is to wrap it in an other eclipse plugin project, and add this jar wrapper plugin to dependencies of my actual plugin.
I've wrestled with Eclipse's paths and dependency settings for days, and this method is the only one that works for me at the moment.
However, it is not very practical, since when I change my JNI based java code, I can simply create a new jar, but to connect that jar to my actual plugin, I have to re-create the jar wrapper plugin every time.
That is, I delete the jar wrapper plugin project, with everything on the disk, and re create it with the same name, pointing to the updated jar. I also have to drop the reference to this project from the actual plugin project and add again (maybe this has gotten smarter recently, but I did not test it)
This is time consuming, and I can't add this wrapper plugin project to svn either, since it is being created from scratch every time.
If I could simply update a jar wrapping eclipse plugin project by pointing at the new version of jar, that would solve my problem, and I could commit the project to svn after each update.
Is there any method you can think of which may help me run this process smoothly?
Best Regards
An Equinox-only (i.e. non-standard OSGi) method of using external libraries in an OSGi bundle without physically wrapping them is bundling by reference: you still need a wrapper plugin, but it does not contain the wrapped library itself but a reference in the bundle manifest's Bundle-Classpath header with a syntax like this:
Bundle-Classpath: external:/path/to/your/lib.jar
During development time, this is quite convenient and saves the effort of having to recreate the wrapper plugin whenever the wrapped library is updated. During deployment time, you'll either have to install the library along with the product or use a traditional wrapper plugin (one containing the actual library). You can also use the same wrapper plugin for bith use cases, but change the Bundle-Classpath from external:/stuff/lib.jar to libs/lib.jar dependent on whether you want to use the wrapped or the external library.
(Most of this comes from the book OSGi and Equinox - Creating Highly Modular Java Systems, which I don't really like, but which nevertheless contains useful stuff about Equinox (Eclipse's OSGi implementation) and the PDE build system.)