search events by local at facebook - facebook

I`d like to get all events (from facebook) that will happen at a specific place.
for example:
Me, and two others people creating events in different days at a place X.
I need to get all info about the events created by me and others for that place.


Proper state management architecture to implement read/unread of items

Context: We are implementing a news app. For now, you can assume the news to be the same across all users, and maintains an order based on the parameters we set (according to trends, and date).
Problem: We are not sure what the best implementation for keeping track of what users read is. We want to be able to configure a way in which we can track what users read and what they didn’t.
Assumption: You can assume that the posts in the database are in a descending order, based on time.
So, the ideal scenario is that: when there are posts: A,B,C,D,E fetched from the server in the app, and the user read A,B. Now the user only gets to see C,D,E when they check for next posts. If they do previous, they see posts in the following order B-> A.
Furthermore, when P,Q is added to the database, now, the user must see next posts in the order of P->Q->C->D->E and so on.
Example: Let us assume there are 20 news in our app right now, and Gavin picks up his phone and starts reading from our app. In midst of his usage, he finds himself occupied with some other work, so quits the app after reading 5 news posts.
The challenge for us now is to figure the best way to make sure Gavin doesn’t have to re-read the 5 posts he already did.
One way we thought we could solve this problem is through use of index. We can assume uniform ordering for our posts as mentioned in the context, so we could use an index to track where Gavin was last in the order of news and show him news based on that index.
However, one problem with that approach is, we could easily have 5 new posts when Gavin picks up his phone and uses our app again. So, if we have the news based on date, technically that indexing approach means that we omit 5 unread new posts instead of the 5 read old ones.
We've also thought of maintaining three lists: Read, Unread and New so that we fetch only posts that are not in our lists. For example, in my initial example: A-B-C-D-E is in unread initially. Then, after user reads A-B, read becomes A-B. Meanwhile, when P-Q is added in the database, P-Q is added to the list of unread posts as P-Q-C-D-E.
How do you solve this problem? Any suggestions are welcome as we kind of think we're not thinking out of box when it comes to a solution for the problem. Thank you! :)
As i first read problem the solution ends up in my mind is also having 2 different list read unread and new ones are added to end of unread ones and unread list is shown in reverse order so most recent ones are on the top. However is it the most efficient way? Discussible. For example if number of new number increases a lot, then will be memory inefficient. But i assume small numbers in general.

Facebook Insights - Event Data Missing

I'm having a problem with the events I'm sending to Facebook Insights. I've got about 15 custom events I'm sending, and they all carry a data object that is pretty consistent between all the events. 10 of the events show up with the data object working fine (see graphic User Logged In/Out events), and for the rest, I'm getting "No data is available for the current selection." (see graphic Story Played/Selected events).
I believe with one event I shortened the Event Type, and the data started displaying properly. I tried this with other events, and that didn't fix the problem. Has anyone had this sort of problem before, and could you please comment about your solution?
I'm using Adobe AIR for mobile, running on Android, using the Milkman Games GoViral ANE. Another important factor here is that I'm sending these exact same events to a different analytics service - Mixpanel. All the events look correct on Mixpanel, so I'm pretty sure I'm sending them out properly. My assumption at the moment is that Facebook doesn't like something specific about some of my events.
I'm interested in any comments about this general kind of issue, regardless of platform or implementation, to see if I can figure out what's going wrong. I know my app setup is not so common, so for the sake of this question I'd like to ignore that for the time being.
Thanks in advance for any help you might provide.
I answered my own question. It turns out Facebook Insights events have a limit of 10 properties per event. Once I reduced the data being sent, the other events started tracking properly.

What is better: one large REST API call or many small for a Cordova/Backbone app?

This is my first Cordova/Backbone application.
I have grasped the whole deal with Models, Views, etc. somewhat, and now I have gotten to actually making proper view structure for my app.
It is a user centered app, which means that views are dynamic depending on who the user is and their status in the app.
Could you please help me to understand what is a better choice: making one (large-ish) api call to the server to get the data for all user-related app views (that would get all user info, various menus for the current user etc) and put them in one User model or make several smaller api calls that each get a fragment of the information (let's say, profile information, newsfeed information and options for two menus, so 4 ajax calls total) and keep the models separate? All the relevant views (UserProfile, SideMenu, UserProfileMenu and ActivityFeed) are rendered on user login. Some of them are available for user at all times (SideBar menu for example), some get switched out as user navigates elsewhere.
I design the server-side API myself, so I can freely choose what data is returned and when.
"it depends". If you need all the info (from 4 ajax calls) from start, it would be better to create one big api call, because callig server 4 times will last longer than one big call - 4x server ping time. you could use the big call on app start and still create the 4smaller ones to refresh data when needed.

How do I see the aggregates of my published "news.reads" actions?

I have a Facebook application that wants to publish document reads to a user's OpenGraph.
Since read is a reserved, built-in action, my objects have to have the type article. The publishing of reads to the user's graph works fine and the last read is also shown on the user's timeline.
Additionally, I have set up some aggregators that would show the last 5 reads, the most popular authors etc. The problem is that I can not find those aggregators anywhere in my timeline/profile or in the App section of my user.
Is it not possible to control/show the aggregators for built-in actions and objects?
I have a feeling it should be, since I can set them up and (for example) Spotifiy also uses the built-in objects, as shown below - this is basically, what I also want.
All I am seeing on my app's timeline section, though, is this:
I believe you are not in control of when facebook displays your aggregations as you have defined them in your open graph settings, since facebook uses the so called 'GraphRank' to determine whether to show your aggregation or not. The calculation goes like this:
GraphRank = affinity * weight * interactions * time
affinity (score): this is the relationship between the viewing user and the creator of the action.
weight: if two users interact frequently with each other, the respective actions in the open graph are rated higher than for users who do not have the same interest and are not in close contact on Facebook.
interactions: how often does the user interact with the application and how do friends react to the activities in the social channels (if nobody clicks on the published actions it's bad for the GraphRank).
time: if an app is used irregularly or only once, actions will receive less attention in the long run and will be presented less prominently on the timeline.
See this article:
This is not the perfect answer to the actual question but I was able to solve the problem nevertheless. In case someone else is in the same spot, you might profit from my learnings:
The application I'm building wants to push read actions to a user's OpenGraph. My aggregation problem was that my reads from the built-in news.reads action did not get aggregated. To this day, I do not know why not.
Instead, I managed to create my own read action. It is not connected to the built-in one and exists in my own namespace.
This action can now be connected to my own objects as well and is not bound to the article object – as is the built-in one.
Having my own actions and objects, it was a breeze to follow the instructions for aggregations and create as many aggregations as I like. They also actually show up in my test users' profiles. Yeah.

Prevent google calendar from creating duplicate entries when a remote icalendar file changes

There's a lot of events happening all the time on my university campus, and, together with a few other students, we thought it would be nice to provide the event schedule as a calendar. So organisers register their event on the intranet, and it gets added to an icalendar file which people on the campus can subscribe to.
This works great when people load the calendar url on their iPhones, but it doesn't when loading in Google Calendar. We have noticed two problems:
When you subscribe to the calendar and then log out and back in, events are no longer visible. Sometimes, clicking refresh fixes it. The vents do not disappear from android devices associated with your account.
When an event is removed from the icalendar file (eg. if it's cancelled), it still remains on the android devices that sync with any google account that subscribed to the calendar. New events sync fine, though, so it's not that the sync didn't happen.
Do you know how I can solve these two problems? I've noticed the STATUS:CANCELLED property in VEVENTs, but it doesn't seem to work when the calendar method is PUBLISH.
PS: If you can suggest a way to test changes faster that waiting for Google to pull the changes from the server, it would be great; right now, I have to wait about 6 hours between each test...
my understanding is that removing it from the file is not the way to cancel an event. One must ensure that there is a UNIQUE identifier to match any changes.
Also must follow the spec for cancelling/changing an event.
See How to cancel an calendar event using ics files?
If all of that is correct, then the various applications that 'subscribe' to a calendar should in theory update the event status when they read the updated file. Unfortunately the speed and frequency of that is up to that application. (NB: note also difference between subscribe and "import")
Yes I have noticed that google is slow to update sometimes. Only thing I can think of is use another application where you have control perhaps over the subscription update frequency to test if the way that you are cancelling an event is working. Once you see the cancellations happening there, then resume testing on google (I have noticed Google is more pedantic than some apps, so you may still have to work to get it 100% working on google.)
Hope that helps!
I've tried the suggestions but Google Calendar only ever adds another event. The iCalendar validators say that the files I generate are valid, and iCal on the Mac removes an event if it has cancel information. But neither Google Calendar or Outlook do. Rather frustrating.