Use Matlab PDE toolbox from command line - matlab

I would like to solve a PDE with Matlab PDE toolbox using only the command window of the system. I can create the problem and run the solver, but the PDE toolbox window pops up occaisionally and asks questions (e.g., "Do you want to save unsaved document?").
How can I avoid these popups or how can I use the PDE toolbox without opening its window?
I am using the following code. The window is pops up when I call the pdeinit function on the first line.
set(ax,'XLim',[-0.1 0.2]);
set(ax,'YLim',[-0.1 0.2]);
% Geometry description:
pderect([0 0.05 0.05 0],'R1');
pderect([0 0.1 0 0.1],'R2');

The help for pdeinit is short: "Start PDETOOL from scripts." pdetool, like most *tool M-files from The MathWorks, is a GUI and the help/documentaion for it indicates as much.
I'm confused because, not only does pdeinit open a figure window, but you're using it to return handles to the figure and axis of that figure. Your code then proceeds to manipulate those handles. You can't get those handles without first creating and opening a figure. Is the issue that you just want a regular figure window instead? If so, then you can replace [pde_fig,ax]=pdeinit; with:
pde_fig = figure;
ax = gca;
You can look at the code for pdeinit: type edit pdeinit in your command window. You'll see that all it does is open pdetool (unless it's already open) and return handles to the resultant figure and axis.
Additionally, pderect will open pdetool on its own. You're using a bunch of functions that are all tied to the PDE app. Many of the tutorials and examples on The MathWorks's site use this. You might check out this article on how to solve PDEs programmatically. The examples might also be helpful.


Default "legend" function overwritten by accident

I am using the BNT-toolbox, a big library written in matlab for inference in bayesian networks.
I had to add this toolbox to the path of MATLAB. But after doing that I can't use the default legend function any more.
I think that this library might have his own legend function, overwriting the default one. How can I manually tell MATLAB that I want the original one and not the one in the new toolbox?
Tried in Matlab 2018b and 2020a
EDIT: to reproduce it:
When I run the testscript, it shows the lines and the legend., this is the toolbox I talked about. I downloaded it, unzipped and then added it to my path with Home -> Set path -> add folder with subfolder
When I run the script now, it shows the lines and not the legend.
NOTE: when I tried another way of plotting (see testscript 2), the legend shows itself again. So this is a working "workaround"
Testscript1: (location: C:\Users\TomDe\Downloads\FullBNT-1.0.7\bnt\own\testscript1.m)
x = linspace(0,pi);
y1 = cos(x);
hold on
y2 = cos(2*x);
% Some other code
hold on
hold off
title('The Input sequence and sensor readings ')
legend('Path', 'sensor', 'Inference')
You can check that that is indeed the case with the which function:
>> which legend -all
It's generally a bad idea to overshadow MATLAB's own functions. I highly suggest you avoid this problem in the first place. Create a MATLAB package and place the source code of this toolbox in there.
For demonstration purposes only, I'll show how to call the real legend.m:
>> wd = pwd;
>> cd 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2020a\toolbox\matlab\scribe\'
>> legend(...)
>> cd(wd);
this being the location of the file on a MATLAB R2020a install.
There are two things you can do:
You always want to use the default legend, never the one in the toolbox: use the -end option to your addpath call when adding the BNT toolbox directory, so that its functions appear at the end of the path. MATLAB will always find functions by looking through the path directories in turn, the directories earlier in the path therefore have precedence.
You want to use both versions of legend, and want to choose which one to use: write a little support function that removes the BTN toolbox from your path, calls legend, then adds the toolbox back in. Such a function looks like this (save it as original_legend.m somewhere in your path, then use it in the same way you'd call legend but using this new name instead):
function out = original_legend(varargin)
rmpath /path/to/bnt/toolbox
out = legend(varargin{:});
addpath /path/to/bnt/toolbox

Showing the figure window with octave

I am a very newbie to octave.
I want to show the figure I plot with octave, but no figure window shows up.
Here is what I want to plot, plot.m
x = load('ex2x.dat');
y = load('ex2y.dat');
figure % open a new figure window
plot(x, y, 'o');
ylabel('Height in meters')
xlabel('Age in years')
I run the script with the command line directly
octave plot.m
The dataset can be downloaded from
I have installed image package as the site suggested.
My OS is ubuntu 14.04, I am not sure if I miss something.
I appreciate any help.
Thank you!
I found the answer which can be found in Octave's FAQ.
If you are running an Octave script that includes a plotting command,
the script and Octave may terminate immediately. So the plot window
does show up, but immediately closes when Octave finishes execution.
Alternatively, if using fltk, the plot window needs a readline loop to
show up (the time when Octave is sitting around doing nothing waiting for interactive input).
A common solution is to put a pause command at the end of your script.
So I just to add pause in the end of my script and it shows the window.

Prepare command in MATLAB

Is there a way in MATLAB to prepare a command programmatically (ie. writing a command directly to the command prompt) so the user can execute it by pressing an enter?
I want to implement my own "Did you mean:" functionality, that is built into MATLAB already.
It can be done using Java from Matlab to programmatically generate key events, along the lines of this answer.
Let's say the command you want to "prepare" is dir. Then
commandwindow; %// make Matlab command window have focus
robot = java.awt.Robot; %/ Java Robot class
robot.keyPress (java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_D); %// key press event
robot.keyRelease (java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_D); %// key release event
robot.keyPress (java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_I);
robot.keyRelease (java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_I);
robot.keyPress (java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_R);
robot.keyRelease (java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_R);
will type dir onto the command window, exactly as if the user had written it. Then pressing Enter will run the command.
The short answer is no. This can't be done as you want it to. What you are trying to do is to write text to MATLAB's stdin and let it remain there unprocessed. Essentially a modified form of piping.
The closest option available in MATLAB is Evaluate Selection where when you select text you can cause MATLAB to execute it in the command prompt. MATLAB puts this text exactly where you want it but it also immediately executes it. There does not seem to be a way to halt this or emulate its functionality programmatically.
Writing to stdin in MATLAB is not allowed as you can see from
>> fprintf(0, 'help conv')
Error using fprintf
Operation is not implemented for requested file identifier.
where 0 denotes stdin, 1 denotes stdout and 2 denotes stderr. Another naive attempt would be to use fopen()
>> fid = fopen(0, 'w');
Error using fopen
Invalid filename.
but alas this fails too. However, we can see from the first attempt that what you desire
is not implemented
The only option to get exactly what you want is that possibly with some MATLAB hackery the ability is there but I'm not aware of it or anybody who has even attempted it.
EDIT: Luis Mendo has provided the MATLAB hackery solution I was talking about.
The closest you could get to what you want is to use hyperlinks to run MATLAB commands like
>> disp('Did you mean: conv()')
Did you mean: conv()
ans =
where conv() is a hyperlink and clicking on it will execute conv(a,b) where a = 3; and b = 4; in this example.

Get figure handle from different mfile and plot in GUI

I am tasked to design a GUI and I need to use variables and plots from a different mfile which I created earlier. I'm pretty confident about getting variables from the processing mfile but I'm not sure how to get the plots/figures.
So basically my question is whether I can get() a figure from my mfile and then set() an axes to that figure inside my GUI.
Note: The reason I am doing this is because I want to keep the processing of data separate from the GUI mfile. I could just dump all the processing in the callback of my process button but that's not good. I would also appreciate good coding practices for my case since I have never worked with GUI's before (only scripting with PHP and MATLAB)
Note2 (rundown of what has to be done): In the GUI we basically are supposed to load 2 files, we then press the "process" button and then 4 plots have to appear. All the processing code already exists in a previously written mfile (by me).
Thanks! :)
I figured it out myself! What I did was use gcf to get the current figure like so: output.worldmap = gcf I then passed the object back like so: setappdata(0,'output',output) and grabbed it again inside my callback function like so: getappdata(0,'output') and used the following function to set the axes set(output.worldmap,'CurrentAxes',handles.axes_worldmap) I also made sure that the correct axis was set before I actually ran my mfile which does the processing with axes(handles.worldmap)

How to intercept key strokes in Matlab while GUI is running

Do you know how to read keyboard strokes into Matlab while a Matlab gui is running? (I.e., without using the "input" function which sends a prompt to the command window and needs you to press return).
We would like to avoid using a mex function if possible.
You would first have to declare your figure by handle:
fig = figure;
then you can set properties (in quotes below) to activate functions that you've written to respond to user interactions (with the # signs):
set(fig, 'KeyReleaseFcn', #keyUpListener);
set(fig,'WindowButtonDownFcn', #mouseDownListener);
set(fig,'WindowButtonUpFcn', #mouseUpListener);
set(fig,'WindowButtonMotionFcn', #mouseMoveListener);
The above example is from shooter03.m a MATLAB space shooter, an excellent source (from the matlab file exchange) for many aspects of user object interaction in MATLAB:
If your GUI is based on a figure, you can use the figure property keypressfcn to define a callback function that handles keyboard inputs. See the matlab help for further descriptions:
hf = figure;