Blackberry Webworks inviteToDownload() not working - blackberry-webworks

I am trying to build a BBM connected app, but unfortunately My app is not connecting to BBM and initeToDownload() is also not working. It returns the error Required argument missing
document.onload = function()
try {
// TODO You must define your own UUID
uuid: UUID
} catch (e) {
alert("UUID not defined");
function inviteToDownload(){

If the code above is everything you're doing to connect with BBM then you're missing a couple things.
If you take a look at the example ( you're missing the whole 'onaccesschanged' event.
Also, make sure you have the following in your config.xml
<feature id="blackberry.bbm.platform" />

Thanks everyone, I have been able to fix the problem by implementing onaccesschanged in window.onload.


Flutter open whatsapp with text message

I want to open whatsapp from my Flutter application and send a specific text string. I'll select who I send it to when I'm in whatsapp.
After making some research I came up with this:
_launchWhatsapp() async {
const url = " buddy, try this super cool new app!";
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url);
} else {
throw 'Could not launch $url';
Which works ok ish, however there are two problems:
As soon as I make the text string into multi words it fails. So if I change it to:
_launchWhatsapp() async {
const url = " buddy, try this super cool new app!";
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url);
} else {
throw 'Could not launch $url';
Then the Could not launch $url is thrown.
I have whatsapp already installed on my phone, but it doesn't go directly to the app, instead it gives me a webpage first and the option to open the app.
Here is the webpage that I see:
Any help on resolving either of these issues would be greatly appreciated.
P.s. I'm using the Url_launcher package to do this.
From the official Whatsapp FAQ, you can see that using "Universal links are the preferred method of linking to a WhatsApp account".
So in your code, the url string should be:
const url = "";
If the user has Whatsapp installed in his phone, this link will open it directly. That should solve the problem of opening a webpage first.
For the problem of not being able to send multi-word messages, that's because you need to encode your message as a URL. Thats stated in the documentation aswell:
URL-encodedtext is the URL-encoded pre-filled message.
So, in order to url-encode your message in Dart, you can do it as follows:
const url = " Message here";
var encoded = Uri.encodeFull(url);
As seen in the Dart Language tour.
Please note that in your example-code you have put an extra set of single quotes around the text-message, which you shouldn't.
Another option also presented in the Whatsapp FAQ is to directly use the Whatsapp Scheme. If you want to try that, you can use the following url:
const url = "whatsapp://send?text=Hello World!"
Please also note that if you are testing in iOS9 or greater, the Apple Documentation states:
If your app is linked on or after iOS 9.0, you must declare the URL schemes you pass to this method by adding the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key to your app's Info.plist file. This method always returns false for undeclared schemes, whether or not an appropriate app is installed. To learn more about the key, see LSApplicationQueriesSchemes.
So you need to add the following keys to your info.plist, in case you are using the custom whatsapp scheme:
till date: 27-06-2022
using package:
dependencies - url_launcher: ^6.1.2
onPressed: () {
_launchWhatsapp() async {
var whatsapp = "+91XXXXXXXXXX";
var whatsappAndroid =Uri.parse("whatsapp://send?phone=$whatsapp&text=hello");
if (await canLaunchUrl(whatsappAndroid)) {
await launchUrl(whatsappAndroid);
} else {
const SnackBar(
content: Text("WhatsApp is not installed on the device"),
Here is new update way...
whatsapp() async{
var contact = "+880123232333";
var androidUrl = "whatsapp://send?phone=$contact&text=Hi, I need some help";
var iosUrl = "$contact?text=${Uri.parse('Hi, I need some help')}";
await launchUrl(Uri.parse(iosUrl));
await launchUrl(Uri.parse(androidUrl));
} on Exception{
EasyLoading.showError('WhatsApp is not installed.');
and call whatsapp function in onpress or ontap function
For using the domain, make sure to use this format... Message here
This will send to the phone number 123. Otherwise, you will get an error message (see? ). Or, if you don't want to include the phone number, try this... there!
Remember, requires a phone number, whereas does not. Hope this helps!
I know it is too late for answering this, but for those who want the same functionality, the current way is to do it like this:
mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication);
if you will use URL Launcher then the whatsapp link will be open on web browser. So you need to set parameter - not to open on safari browser. The complete code you can find on this flutter tutorial.
But for your case use below code.
await launch(whatappURL, forceSafariVC: false);
Today i am adding solution its working fine on my desktop and phone
Add 91 if your country code is +91
Remember not add any http or https prefix otherwise wont work.

How to integrate Anyline OCR SDK made for Cordova into Ionic2

I´m new to Ionic2, but experienced in web development. Just learning new platform at the moment.
So I have tried to integrate the Anyline OCR SDK
but I am failing, it seems to me that the plugin is written in Javascript and not compatible with TS but I´m not sure...
Is there anyone out there that could help?
Not sure if you still need help with that, but for those out there who are looking for a working solution, here is mine:
1 - Add the Anyline Plugin to your project cordova plugin add io-anyline-cordova
2 - Create a new file ionic g provider anyline
3 - add this code to your anyline.ts file:
export class OCR {
constructor() {
if (anylineScan === undefined) {
var anylineScan = {};
anylineScan = {
onResult: function (result) {
console.log("MRZ result: " + JSON.stringify(result));
//do what you want here with the result
onError: function (error) {
console.log("scanning error");
scan: function () {
var licenseKey = "enterYourLicenceKeyHere";
try {
(<any>window).cordova.exec(this.onResult, this.onError, "AnylineSDK", "OCR", [licenseKey, {
//your other config setting here
catch (e){
console.log("Cannot open scan view: ERROR occurred");
4 - Add the file references to your app.module.ts file
import { OCR } from '../yourFolderName/anyline';
providers: [Storage, OCR]
5 - In your page.ts file add the following call:
Important! It will not work in the browser, make sure you run ionic platform add ios (or android) and run the app on a device.
This should work!
Good luck and happy coding :-)

Ionic 1 push notification, push.register never been fire up

I've been followed the instruction on:
And I use the code below in my after login function:
$ionicPush.register().then(function(t) {
return $ionicPush.saveToken(t);
}).then(function(t) {
console.log('Token saved:', t.token);
but it the register function with console.log never been fire up after I login.
Any idea?
Also I'm not using ionic Auth, so i didn't save the device token into user obj, and I think the auth user is not mandatory for the ionicPush, is this correct?
You can totally use Ionic Push without Ionic Auth.
Are you trying to run this code in your browser or on a device? It will only work on a device.
I suggest you to catch errors on your register() call first:
$ionicPush.register().then(function(t) {
}, function(error) {
Thus, you will see why it's not working.

Not able to get facebook userdata in Smartface App Studio

I tried to implement facebook login for my app.
After success login, i am trying to get userdata by following code,
Facebook.Social.userDetails({onSuccess : function (e) {
onError : function () {
But, both onSuccess and onError events is not firing.
Can any one help me pls.
Thanks in advance.
Got it. :)
Should use Social.Facebook.userDetails({}) rather than Facebook.Social.userDetails({});

accessing iPhone compass with JavaScript

Know if it's possible to access the iPhone compass in Safari using JavaScript? I see how the GPS can be accessed, but I can't figure out the compass.
On iOS, you can retrieve the compass value like this.
window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', function(e) {
console.log( e.webkitCompassHeading );
}, false);
For more informations, read the Apple DeviceOrientationEvent documentation.
Hope this helps.
You cannot access that information via javascript, unless you're using something like iPhoneGap
At the time this was true, in iOS 5 you can use the compass heading in JS.
For Android it works auto, for iOS it needs to be clicked to start it.
Here's a part of code you can use for that
startBtn.addEventListener("click", startCompass);
function startCompass() {
if (isIOS) {
.then((response) => {
if (response === "granted") {
window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", handler, true);
} else {
alert("has to be allowed!");
.catch(() => alert("not supported"));
} else {
window.addEventListener("deviceorientationabsolute", handler, true);
function handler(e) {
const degree = e.webkitCompassHeading || Math.abs(e.alpha - 360);
Full tutorial is here, try demo also
I advise you to use LeafletJS with this plugin
very simple to use with events and methods.
You can try a demo here: