In application how to get differentiate address book contacts in iPhone app - iphone

I am working on iPhone application in which i am fetching address book contacts. I want to differentiate contacts which are from exchange account & gmail account which are configured on my iPhone. I also want to differentiate particular exchange or gmail account name if two exchange or gmail account are configured in my iPhone.
So how can i achieve this & is there any way to differentiate contacts ?
Please let me know some solution or some sample code to fix this issue.


API to fetch the contacts from domain email address

I have get the contacts from gmail,hotmail and yahoo email providers.
And i want to get contacts from any domain email addresss which users enter in a textbox. Is it feasible?
For example,
Here we can see the hotmail contact import:
Same way i want to import contacts from a domain email. i.e say if i have this email address and having few contacts.
Using PHP, i want to fetch the contacts from
Hope the above provided detailed explaination.
So, what you want is possible if that mail server allows you to access the contacts you have there. But, I am pretty sure that you will definitely not be allowed to fetch contacts from every single mail server you want. But, I would suggest you to give that try before losing hope.

how to setup my app engine app to send mail from my custom domain

I am porting my application on Google App Engine. As part of application I have to send email to my application users regarding their content. I am able to send mails using my google account(i.e under which I have hosted my application. But that's not good. I want to send mails from to represent my company. For that I bought a domain from Now I have no clue what to do next for sending mails from that domain. Can someone help me what are all required to do that?
Note: I am new to domain registration and web-hosting technology and terminology. So, I need it in layman style

iOS access recent emails

I know this is likely to be answered "sorry buddy", but is there a way i can access my recently sent emails from another iOS app? I really don't need the contents of the emails just the addresses. Basically if you haven't stored the contact information in your address book, I still want to be able to pull those addresses.
For example in the email app, when you compose a new email, as you start typing in an email address it will try to autofill with recently sent/received email addresses. I'm trying to mimic this behavior.
Point me in the right direction if there is already a stack overflow question about this.
No, there is not API that will allow this.
Apps can't acces other apps data since they are sandboxed.
Given the quick answers I received confirming my suspicion that this can't be done, I'm thinking I will just provide a way people can set up email accounts the way the built-in mail app does it. By that I mean I will allow people to select from the major web-based mail providers like gmail, yahoo mail, .. then also allow them to create a mail account with their mail server (address, username, password, port, etc.)
It's kind of overkill since I just want their recently used email addresses, and will scare off people who don't want to give access to their personal mail, but if its all i can do then so be it.

How can I read & render the email inbox of an email account in my iOS app?

How can I read & render the email inbox of an email account (IMAP or of iOS Mail app) in my iOS app?
I want to list the current email subjects & time of receipt.
I want to access an IMAP account or even better the email in the iOS Mail
I know MFMailComposeViewController, but this only creates emails. I have read on libetpan and etPanKit here.
Is there a library / example code / open source project doing that or something similar? Including the rendering of an inbox, some settings (account name, password, ...) in a settings bundle, etc.
I see quite some complexity and it would be great to not re-invent the wheel on that.
It is not possible to gain access to the the iOS Mail App data.
You'll have to access the mail server directly using something like Mailcore.

How to fetch GMail contacts in my iphone App

I need to fetch Gmail contacts by providing a gmail username and password.
Any frameworks, Api's, Sample codes..
I know about XMPPframework that can fetch gmail chat contacts. but i want contacts from gmail address book.
Any help would be appreciated..
I have used the Google Data Api Obj-C client ( I have never used it for Contacts but it supports them. It may be a good starting point.