How can I do a scrolled search on MetaCPAN? - perl

I'm trying to convert this script to use the new Elasticsearch official client instead of the older (now deprecated), but I can't get the scrolled search to work. Here's what I've got:
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Elasticsearch ();
use Elasticsearch::Scroll ();
my $es = Elasticsearch->new(
nodes => '',
cxn => 'NetCurl',
cxn_pool => 'Static::NoPing',
#log_to => 'Stderr',
#trace_to => 'Stderr',
say 'Getting all results at once works:';
my $results = $es->search(
index => 'v0',
type => 'release',
body => {
filter => { range => { date => { gte => '2013-11-28T00:00:00.000Z' } } },
fields => [qw(author archive date)],
foreach my $hit (#{ $results->{hits}{hits} }) {
my $field = $hit->{fields};
say "#$field{qw(date author archive)}";
say "\nUsing a scrolled search does not work:";
my $scroller = Elasticsearch::Scroll->new(
es => $es,
index => 'v0',
search_type => 'scan',
size => 100,
type => 'release',
body => {
filter => { range => { date => { gte => '2013-11-28T00:00:00.000Z' } } },
fields => [qw(author archive date)],
while (my $hit = $scroller->next) {
my $field = $hit->{fields};
say "#$field{qw(date author archive)}";
} # end while $hit
The first search, where I'm just getting all the results in 1 chunk, works fine. But the second search, where I'm trying to scroll through the results, produces:
Using a scrolled search does not work:
[Request] ** []-[500]
ActionRequestValidationException[Validation Failed: 1: scrollId is missing;],
called from sub Elasticsearch::Transport::try {...}
at .../Try/ line 83. With vars: {'body' =>
'ActionRequestValidationException[Validation Failed: 1: scrollId is missing;]',
'request' => {'path' => '/_search/scroll','serialize' => 'std',
'method' => 'GET','qs' => {'scroll' => '1m'},'ignore' => [],
'mime_type' => 'application/json'},'status_code' => 500}
What am I doing wrong? I'm using Elasticsearch 0.75 and Elasticsearch-Cxn-NetCurl 0.02, and Perl 5.18.1.

I finally got it working with the newer Search::Elasticsearch official client. Here's the short version:
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Search::Elasticsearch ();
my $es = Search::Elasticsearch->new(
cxn_pool => 'Static::NoPing',
nodes => '',
my $scroller = $es->scroll_helper(
index => 'v0',
type => 'release',
search_type => 'scan',
scroll => '2m',
size => 100,
body => {
fields => [qw(author archive date)],
query => { range => { date => { gte => '2015-02-01T00:00:00.000Z' } } },
while (my $hit = $scroller->next) {
my $field = $hit->{fields};
say "#$field{qw(date author archive)}";
} # end while $hit
Note that the records are not sorted when you do a scrolled search. I wound up dumping the records into a temporary database and sorting them locally. The updated script is on GitHub.

I don't have a direct answer, but I might have an approach to trouble shooting:
I followed your link to the Elasticsearch::Client and found a scroll() method:
This method takes scroll and scroll_id as parameters. scroll is the number of minutes that you can keep calling the scroll method before the search expires. scroll_id is a marker to the place where the last call to scroll() ended.
$results = $e->scroll(
scroll => '1m',
scroll_id => $id
Elasticsearch::Scroll is an object oriented wrapper around scroll() which hides scroll and scroll_id.
I would run perl -d on your script, and step in to $scroller->next and follow that as far down the rabbit hole as you can. Something in there is trying a search which should be populating scroll_id or scrollId and is failing.
My description here is admittedly pretty rough... I ran across an accurate description of what the scroll id is and does during my googling, but I can't seem to find it again.


Config::IniFiles hash behaves different than manually written hash

I am loading a config file, which ends up as an embedded hash, with Config::IniFiles. After that, I want to modify the resulting hash by, for some keys, bringing its values one level up. In the example below, I am aiming for this as a result:
$VAR1 = {
'max_childrensubtree' => '7',
'port' => '1984',
'user' => 'someuser',
'password' => 'somepw',
'max_width' => '20',
'host' => 'localhost',
'attrs' => {
'subattr2' => 'cat',
'topattr1' => 'cat',
'subattr2_1' => 'pt',
'subattr1' => 'rel'
'max_descendants' => '1000'
So for the keys params and basex at the highest level, I want to move its contents (key-value pairs) to the highest level - and remove the items themselves. In short:
a => {
'key1' => 'ok',
'key2' => 'hello'
turns into
'key1' => 'ok',
'key2' => 'hello'
The strange thing is that what I am trying to do does not work on a hash built from a read INI file, but it does work with a manually inserted hash. In other words, this works:
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my %ini = (
'params' => {
'max_width' => '20',
'max_childrensubtree' => '7',
'max_descendants' => '1000'
'attrs' => {
'topattr1' => 'cat',
'subattr1' => 'rel',
'subattr2' => 'cat',
'subattr2_1' => 'pt',
'basex' => {
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => '1984',
'user' => 'someuser',
'password' => 'somepw'
sub _parse_ini {
my $ref = shift;
foreach (('params', 'basex')) {
foreach my $k (keys %{$ref->{$_}}) {
$ref->{$k} = $ref->{$_}->{$k};
delete $ref->{$_};
print Dumper($ref);
But this does not:
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Config::IniFiles;
# Load config file
tie my %ini, 'Config::IniFiles', (-file => $ARGV[0]);
sub _parse_ini {
my $ref = shift;
foreach (('params', 'basex')) {
foreach my $k (keys %{$ref->{$_}}) {
$ref->{$k} = $ref->{$_}->{$k};
delete $ref->{$_};
print Dumper($ref);
The input ini file for this example would be:
max_width = 20
max_childrensubtree = 7
max_descendants = 1000
topattr1 = cat
subattr1 = rel
subattr2 = cat
subattr2_1 = pt
host = localhost
port = 1984
user = admin
password = admin
I have been looking in the documentation and on SO for similar issues but have found none. It appears that the hashes are identical (Config::IniFiles doesn't seem to add something specific), so I have no idea why it works for 'manual' hashes, and not for read-in ones.
The two hashes are not identical at all, although they may appear to be from the point of view of the data they contain.
The first one is a regular hash. You can do whatever you like with it.
The second one is a tied hash. It becomes an object of Config::IniFiles, but with a hash like interface. So whilst it appears to be a hash, the package can override the methods for storing or fetching information in the hash however it likes.
In this particular case, it looks like Config::IniFiles will only store a new key value in the hash if the value is hash ref. So you can't flatten out the tied hash as you want. Instead you'll have to create a new hash and copy the data in to it to do what you want.

Example for creating split-transaction in Perl Finance::QIF

I need to import my bank-exported transactions (CSV) into GNUcash.
I am almost finished with the perl script using Finance::QIF
I parse the CSV and write it out like this:
my $record = {
header => "Type:Bank",
date => $outdatum,
memo => $outtext,
transaction => $outbetrag,
$out->header( $record->{header} );
But my problem is creating a split. says " If the transaction contains splits this will be defined and consist of an array of hash references. With each split potentially having the following values." - so I tried this:
my $record = {
header => "Type:Bank",
date => $outdatum,
memo => $outtext,
transaction => $outbetrag,
#splits = (
category => "Gesundheit:Arzt:Kind1",
memo => "L",
amount => "-161,66"
category => "Gesundheit:Arzt:Kind2",
memo => "F",
amount => "-162,66"
This leads to the error:
Unsupported field 'HASH(0x221c9e8)' found in record ignored in file '>_TESTqif.qif' line 22 at line 195.
Unfortunately, I nowhere found an example for creating a split, just for a normal transaction.
Can someone please help how Finance::QIF can be used to create split-transactions?
I know nothing about Finance::QIF but your #splits code makes no sense.
Try this instead:
my $record = {
header => "Type:Bank",
date => $outdatum,
memo => $outtext,
transaction => $outbetrag,
splits => [
category => "Gesundheit:Arzt:Kind1",
memo => "L",
amount => "-161,66",
category => "Gesundheit:Arzt:Kind2",
memo => "F",
amount => "-162,66",
See perldoc perlreftut for more information about references and data structures in Perl.

Perl- Get Hash Value from Multi level hash

I have a 3 dimension hash that I need to extract the data in it. I need to extract the name and vendor under vuln_soft-> prod. So far, I manage to extract the "cve_id" by using the following code:
foreach my $resultHash_entry (keys %hash){
my $cve_id = $hash{$resultHash_entry}{'cve_id'};
Can someone please provide a solution on how to extract the name and vendor. Thanks in advance.
%hash = {
'CVE-2015-6929' => {
'cve_id' => 'CVE-2015-6929',
'vuln_soft' => {
'prod' => {
'vendor' => 'win',
'name' => 'win 8.1',
'vers' => {
'vers' => '',
'num' => ''
'prod' => {
'vendor' => 'win',
'name' => 'win xp',
'vers' => {
'vers' => '',
'num' => ''
'CVE-2015-0616' => {
'cve_id' => 'CVE-2015-0616',
'vuln_soft' => {
'prod' => {
'name' => 'unity_connection',
'vendor' => 'cisco'
First, to initialize a hash, you use my %hash = (...); (note the parens, not curly braces). Using {} declares a hash reference, which you have done. You should always use strict; and use warnings;.
To answer the question:
for my $resultHash_entry (keys %hash){
print "$hash{$resultHash_entry}->{vuln_soft}{prod}{name}\n";
print "$hash{$resultHash_entry}->{vuln_soft}{prod}{vendor}\n";
...which could be slightly simplified to:
for my $resultHash_entry (keys %hash){
print "$hash{$resultHash_entry}{vuln_soft}{prod}{name}\n";
print "$hash{$resultHash_entry}{vuln_soft}{prod}{vendor}\n";
because Perl always knows for certain that any deeper entries than the first one is always a reference, so the deref operator -> isn't needed here.

perl XML::Simple for repeated elements

I have the following xml code
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE pathway SYSTEM "">
<!-- Creation date: Aug 26, 2013 10:02:03 +0900 (GMT+09:00) -->
<pathway name="path:ko01200" >
<reaction id="14" name="rn:R01845" type="irreversible">
<substrate id="108" name="cpd:C00447"/>
<product id="109" name="cpd:C05382"/>
<reaction id="15" name="rn:R01641" type="reversible">
<substrate id="109" name="cpd:C05382"/>
<substrate id="104" name="cpd:C00118"/>
<product id="110" name="cpd:C00117"/>
<product id="112" name="cpd:C00231"/>
I am trying to print the substrate id and product id with following code which I am stuck for the one that have more than one ID. Tried to use dumper to see the data structure but I don't know how to proceed. I have already used XML simple for the rest of my parsing script (this part is a small part of my whole script ) and I can not change that now
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
my $xml=new XML::Simple;
my $data=$xml->XMLin("test.xml",KeyAttr => ['id']);
print Dumper($data);
foreach my $reaction ( sort keys %{$data->{reaction}} ) {
print $data->{reaction}->{$reaction}->{substrate}->{id}."\n";
print $data->{reaction}->{$reaction}->{product}->{id}."\n";
Here is the output
$VAR1 = {
'name' => 'path:ko01200',
'reaction' => {
'15' => {
'substrate' => {
'104' => {
'name' => 'cpd:C00118'
'109' => {
'name' => 'cpd:C05382'
'name' => 'rn:R01641',
'type' => 'reversible',
'product' => {
'112' => {
'name' => 'cpd:C00231'
'110' => {
'name' => 'cpd:C00117'
'14' => {
'substrate' => {
'name' => 'cpd:C00447',
'id' => '108'
'name' => 'rn:R01845',
'type' => 'irreversible',
'product' => {
'name' => 'cpd:C05382',
'id' => '109'
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at line 12.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at line 13.
First of all, don't use XML::Simple. it is hard to predict what exact data structure it will produce from a bit of XML, and it's own documentation mentions it is deprecated.
Anyway, your problem is that you want to access an id field in the product and substrate subhashes – but they don't exist in one of the reaction subhashes
'15' => {
'substrate' => {
'104' => {
'name' => 'cpd:C00118'
'109' => {
'name' => 'cpd:C05382'
'name' => 'rn:R01641',
'type' => 'reversible',
'product' => {
'112' => {
'name' => 'cpd:C00231'
'110' => {
'name' => 'cpd:C00117'
Instead, the keys are numbers, and each value is a hash containing a name. The other reaction has a totally different structure, so special-case code would have been written for both. This is why XML::Simple shouldn't be used – the output is just to unpredictable.
Enter XML::LibXML. It is not extraordinary, but it implememts standard APIs like the DOM and XPath to traverse your XML document.
use XML::LibXML;
use feature 'say'; # assuming perl 5.010
my $doc = XML::LibXML->load_xml(file => "test.xml") or die;
for my $reaction_item ($doc->findnodes('//reaction/product | //reaction/substrate')) {
say $reaction_item->getAttribute('id');

Grab the fsynclock status of a mongo db in perl

I'm trying to build a nagios check to check for how long a mongoDB has been locked using fsyncLock() for backup purposes (if the iSCSI snapshotting script blows up and the mongo is not being unlocked for example)
I was thinking about using a simple
$currentLock->run_command({currentOp => 1})
$isLocked = $currentLock->{fsyncLock}
But it seems like run_command() doesn't support currentOp yet. (As seen in there:
Woudl anybody have an advice on how to check if a mongo is locked with a perl script? If not, I guess I'll go for some bash. I was thinking about using a db.eval('db.currentOp()') but I'm getting a bit lost.
You are right that run_command does not support doing a currentOp directly. However, if we look at the implementation of db.currentOp in the mongo shell, we can see how it works under the hood:
> db.currentOp
function (arg) {
var q = {};
if (arg) {
if (typeof arg == "object") {
Object.extend(q, arg);
} else if (arg) {
q.$all = true;
return this.$cmd.sys.inprog.findOne(q);
So we can query the special collection $cmd.sys.inprog on the Perl side to get the same inprog array that would be returned in the shell.
use strict;
use warnings;
use MongoDB;
my $db = MongoDB::MongoClient->new->get_database( 'test' );
my $current_op = $db->get_collection( '$cmd.sys.inprog' )->find_one;
When the server is not locked, it will return a structure in $current_op that looks something like this:
'inprog' => [
'connectionId' => 53,
'insert' => {},
'active' => bless( do{\(my $o = 0)}, 'boolean' ),
'lockStats' => {
'timeAcquiringMicros' => {
'w' => 1,
'r' => 0
'timeLockedMicros' => {
'w' => 9,
'r' => 0
'numYields' => 0,
'locks' => {
'^' => 'w',
'^test' => 'W'
'waitingForLock' => $VAR1->{'inprog'}[0]{'active'},
'ns' => 'test.fnoof',
'client' => '',
'threadId' => '0x105a81000',
'desc' => 'conn53',
'opid' => 7152352,
'op' => 'insert'
During an fsyncLock(), you'll get an empty inprog array but you will have a helpful info field and the expected fsyncLock boolean:
'info' => 'use db.fsyncUnlock() to terminate the fsync write/snapshot lock',
'fsyncLock' => bless( do{\(my $o = 1)}, 'boolean' ), # <--- that's true
'inprog' => []
So, putting it all together, we get:
use strict;
use warnings;
use MongoDB;
my $db = MongoDB::MongoClient->new->get_database( 'fnarf' );
my $current_op = $db->get_collection( '$cmd.sys.inprog' )->find_one;
if ( $current_op->{fsyncLock} ) {
print "fsync lock is currently ON\n";
} else {
print "fsync lock is currently OFF\n";
I actually decided to switch for a solution in bash (easier for what I want to do with the data later):
currentOp=`mongo --port $port --host $host --eval "printjson(db.currentOp())"`
Then some sort of grep -Po '"fsyncLock" : \d'
Thanks for the Perl insight though, it worked perfectly