Nuget.Core.dll documentation and/or tutorials [closed] - nuget

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a task to manage packages from NuGet repositories and packages from C# code and I found that there is a Nuget.Core library that can help me with that without using of power shell reference in my C# code.
However, I wasn't able to find any good documentation reference or samples/tutorials of how to work with that library.
If you know any useful info about that, please, help me. Any links about that (samples, references, discussions) will be appreciated.
Thanks a lot!


MEAN stack with Angular 2 - tutorials [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need to learn how to use MEAN stacks with angular 2.0 and typescript ... I know I could use JS but I am required to use typescript.
I have been going through guides and I am getting grips with NG2, but the issue I am facing now is how to link all the technologies together, I cannot find anywhere that shows how to interact with MongoDB via NG2+TS.
I was wondering if there any tutorials for MEAN2 stacks yet, or explain how to use mongoose with NG2.
I found this tutorial to be very useful.
It has each step well explained from package.json and architecture to Angular services and CSS
Another useful one:

Automating REST API documentation for routes [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is it possible to automate the documentation of routes in a Spray application?
e.g. Is there perhaps an SBT plugin that generates markdown describing what it knows about the spray routes?
I stumbled upon spray-swagger while researching the same thing but I don't know exactly what it does and which stage the project is at.

FREE Jaspersoft iReport 4.5.0 Tutorials [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Hi guys I downloaded Jaspersoft ireport and was wondering if you know of any good FREE tutorials for the latest release. The most I could find was iReportTutorial.pdf, The_Definitive_Guide_to_iReport_-_Apress.pdf, a-tutorial-on-jasperreports-ireport-and-jfreechart.pdf and iReport-Ultimate-Guide-3.pdf. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.
This book:
is written in a tutorial-like style.
If you go for the kindle edition you can get one chapter free, full book is 19 bucks or so.

Code syntax highlighting for Apple Web Server (Wiki, Weblog)? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Does anyone managed to add some nice code highlighting for the wiki and blog software that comes with the Apple Wiki Server? I found a discussion on the topic, however, without further success stories. SyntaxHighlighter by Alex Gorbatchev as mentioned in the aforementioned thread would be really nice to have.

Is there an opensource "MSWord doc to PDF" convert library [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am trying to convert word(.doc) into PDF on iOS device. Is there an opensource solution where I can use as a C/C++ lib or something?
There really is no conveniently open-source library that will do this for you: you may get some mileage out of WvWare but I've never seen it used on iOS and I'm not sure what platform dependencies it may need.
If your iphone is connected to the net, then you can call a Docmosis web service to do it. You need to sign up though.