BOBTFISH/Task-Catalyst installation error - perl

I am using CentOS 5.7 perl 5.14.2. While installing CPAN module Task::Catalyst
cpan -i Task::Catalyst
i am getting the error:
3 modules Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::HTTP, Catalyst::View::Email and Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::DBIC are giving installation errors
When i tried to manually install the modules , say Catalyst::View::Email
i downloaded the tar file, and then after running the ./
i got the error
Please suggest?

Makefile.PL is just a perl script, that is generally invoked as perl Makefile.PL, and its output is a regular 'make' style makefile.
Have a look at its contents - perhaps it's been corrupted somehow. In the case of C::V::Email, it should be 39 lines long, and look exactly like this.


Strawberry perl CPAN dmake will not build

I am having a problem installing CPAN modules using strawberry perl 64 bit and later versions. When installing from CPAN dmake fails to build the module with the following error:
dmake.exe: Error executing 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe; /c C:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e mkpath -- blib\lib\MIME': No such file or directory
dmake.exe: Error code -1, while making 'blib\lib\MIME\.exists'
After extensive research I have found that the fix for the problem is to add SHELL=cmd.exe to the top of the dmake Makefile file produced by perl Makefile.PL and then the module can be installed using
dmake install
The problem is that no CPAN modules will install automatically without attempting a CPAN install, editing the Makefile and running dmake manually in the cpan/build directory. Using an environment variable SHELL=cmd.exe or MAKESHELL=cmd.exe does NOT work, as the build does not run correctly if used.
Does anyone know a fix for why my Windows 7 64 bit machine has this problem?
Is there is any configuration for cpan or some other technique so that I dont have to manually edit and run the dmake makefile for every CPAN module for my strawberry perl installation?
Did you already have dmake (MinGW) installed? For me this works just fine on a standard x64 bit Windows installation.
Also, is your perl directory in path? If you don't you might need to restart your computer first before installing CPAN modules (really!).
It seems that your path is the issue:
Relative paths in MS Windows start with a ".\"
I'd recommend you to try it with the absolute path, first. If it works, try the relative one.

Installing CPAN modules without root

I followed this helpful tutorial to get Perl installed just for my user. I am sorry to link to an external site but I think reading this is the only way to understand how to answer the question.
Anywho, I am feeding defaults to the CPAN config - the .cpan and CPAN directories created via the tutorial - yet for some reason CPAN still wants to dig into /usr/lib/ - which it just can't get to - when I try to install a module. This was while installing DBD::CSV.
Here is the error message:
All tests successful (7 subtests UNEXPECTEDLY SUCCEEDED), 3 tests skipped.
Files=23, Tests=706, 3 wallclock secs ( 2.28 cusr + 0.54 csys = 2.82 CPU)
/usr/bin/make test -- OK
Running make install
ERROR: Can't create '/perl5lib/lib/Bundle/DBD'
mkdir /perl5lib: Permission denied at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/ExtUtils/ line 457
at -e line 1
make: *** [pure_site_install] Error 13
/usr/bin/make install -- NOT OK
It seems to be going to the wrong perl5lib.
Yeah, local::lib helps. I suggest using cpanm instead of cpan. I think it defaults to installing everything ~/perl5/lib/perl5. Here's a super useful tutorial.
local::lib causes installers to use INSTALL_BASE, which I consider broken. I use perlbrew to install a local copy of Perl instead.
You don't mess with your system's install of Perl, so you don't break your operating environment.
Allows you to have multiple versions and builds of Perl installed with no hassle.
INSTALL_BASE need not be used.
No need for special permissions.
take a look at this module: local::lib
did you configure the inside cpan instead of letting it automatically fill in all the defaults? During the cpan configuration you needed to add PREFIX="" for the Makefile.PL portion so that it installs the modules to this new location where you have write access. Since its already configured automatically for you, go into .cpan/CPAN/, look for a and edit it. locate the line "makepl_arg" and change the value in [ ] to contain PREFIX="". Then try the perl -MCPAN -e shell and install a module.

installing perl module Class-Load-XS

I tried to install module Class-Load-XS-0.04 manually. I saw the following error:
$ perl Build.PL
Warning: ExtUtils::CBuilder not installed or no compiler detected
Proceeding with configuration, but compilation may fail during Build
However, the execution of perl -e 'use ExtUtils::CBuilder' was perfectly fine. I even tried to re-install ExtUtils::CBuilder, but it still does not work.
Could you please help?
I tried on my Win 7 machine, and it shows some warnings like this when I do perl
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Checking prerequisites...
! Class::Load is not installed
! Class::Load is not installed
! Module::Implementation is not installed
! Test::Fatal is not installed
! Test::Requires is not installed
ERRORS/WARNINGS FOUND IN PREREQUISITES. You may wish to install the versions
of the modules indicated above before proceeding with this installation
Then I installed the above mentioned modules, and things went fine then.
You may try install these modules first.
Hope it helps.
It looks to me like you don't have a compiler. Try this:
perl -e 'use ExtUtils::CBuilder; $cb = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new; print $cb->have_compiler ? "have\n" : "dont have\n";'
Can I guess that you are on Windows using ActiveState Perl? If so perhaps try Strawberry Perl which comes with a compiler.
Had a similar problem installing a different module (Win32::Mutex). This isn't a great fix, but it got the job done. From the build directory (e.g., ~/.cpan/build/The-Module-mYyzLx)
First, set the CC environment variable yourself
SET CC=C:\strawberry\c\bin\g++.exe [Windows]
export CC=/usr/bin/g++.exe [Cygwin]
and try to build (perl Build.PL, perl Build, ...). If it is still complaining about missing programs (g++, dlltool, etc.):
Second, copy pieces of your tool chain into the build directory
COPY C:\strawberry\c\bin\g++.exe . [Windows]
COPY C:\strawberry\c\bin\dlltool.exe .
cp /usr/bin/g++ . [Cygwin]
cp /usr/bin/dlltool .
If the build still complains about missing programs, copy those to your build directory too.
The fix and the symptoms are consistent with ExtUtils::CBuilder not being able to use the current PATH setting, though I have no idea what that would be so difficult.
I'd suggest installing these first:
apt-get install libc6-dev
apt-get install libtest-exception-perl
By the way you describe the problem it looks like you have these two perl modules missing. On the other hand it takes just a couple of seconds to double-check if those are installed, but these 'seconds' could help you save on a lot of head ache.

Why do I get this module error: "Can't locate in #INC"?

I tried running:
perl -e "use Error;"
from cmd in windows 7. (active perl 5.12 installed on system) and I am getting the error
Can't locate in #INC (#INC
contains: C:/Perl64/site/lib
C:/Perl64/lib )
I manually searched and found in C:/Perl64/lib/CPANPLUS.
Does anyone have an idea what could be going on here?
You have to install the module Error that can be found on CPAN.
But be aware of this warning:
Using the "Error" module is no longer recommended due to the black-magical
nature of its syntactic sugar, which often tends to break. Its maintainers
have stopped actively writing code that uses it, and discourage people from
doing so. See the "SEE ALSO" section below for better recommendations.
lib/CPANPLUS/ is a core "CPANPLUS::Error" module. It is used by CPANPLUS. If you want to use non-core "Error" module, you need to install it. Do "ppm install Error". Also, you can use similar modules Try::Tiny and TryCatch. They are non-core too, so you also would need to install them.
I'm on CentOS 7.3, and I have git- and perl-Error-0.17014-1 rpm packages installed and still got this error. I didn't want to mess with installing perl modules via CPAN. I figured out the path where perl-Error is installed (rpm -ql perl-Error) and am now running git commands like so:
PERL5LIB="/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8" git add -p
This works fine for me. Note that the path may be different for you.
On Centos 8, you can installing perl-Error to get this module:
sudo dnf install perl-Error
you could set PERL5LIB to prepend a directory to #INC
I forget how to set env variables permanently in windows (or if this is even the right syntax for the shell.)
also to see your #INC perl -V

How to install GD library with Strawberry Perl

I am attempting to install the GD library using Strawberry perl and GnuWin32. However, when I enter "install GD" in the CPAN shell, the following message appears:
'gdlib-config' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. **UNRECOVERABLE ERROR** Could not find gdlib-config in the search path. Please install libgd 2.0.28 or higher.
I believe perl is having difficulty locating the GD library installed at C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin, but I am not sure how to fix this. I am still new to perl, so any help would be appreciated.
Your error is confirmed on cpan testers.
Looks like you need to manually compile and install gdlib.
If you make sure that C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin is in your PATH variable ($PATH? %PATH%? I'm not sure which one GnuWin32 uses) before you start CPAN, the installer should find the gdlib-config program and you will at least be able to get through that step of the installation.
Run 'Makefile.PL' manually. It will show you list of parameters. Try running it with parameter "-lib_gd_path".
GD may be included in Strawberry beta. A good place to ask is irc:// IRC channel.
Which version of Strawberry Perl are you using? I am using the one bundled with Padre and GD came with it:
C:\opt> perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 10 subversion 0) configuration:
osname=MSWin32, osvers=5.2, archname=MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
uname='Win32 padre #1 20 i386'
C:\opt> perl -MGD -Mfeature=say -e "say $GD::VERSION"