Trying to understand list selection in MvvM pattern with ICommands (no specific framework) - mvvm

First note that I am not referring to any specific framework or technology like XAML.
The question is how to implement the MvvM pattern using ICommand for selection of an item in a list (=clicking a row)?
I have a view model (pseudo code):
class ListViewModel
// Items in the list.
public ObservableCollection<T> Items {};
// Command for item selection.
public ICommand ItemSelectedCommand
// Select an item in the list.
public void SelectItem(int index)
// The current selected item.
public T SelectedItem
get { ... };
How would I now connect my UI to that view model "manually"? Say, for instance in an iOS application.
I would probably have a UITableViewController, get an instance of the view model and populate the UITableView contents from it. Then I would trigger the ICommand from the RowSelected() method.
And here comes the thing I don't understand: how does the view model now know which item index was selected? I don't want to call SelectItem() because then I would not need the loosely coupled ICommand at all.
And maybe here we have to look how it is solved in XAML to understand the trick?

Coming from XAML and WPF, there are two options to forward selection changes from the UI to the ViewModel (as I understand your question, you're not asking about the other way around - feedbacking changes in the ViewModel to the UI - here):
Command with payload
The ICommands Execute method has a payload parameter. Executing a command without a payload can be done passing null:
In your case, it would make sense to pass the selected item as the parameter in the event handler:
In the command's execution method, you can handle the parameter. Note that your ViewModel property SelectedItem is not directly involved here. If you need the selected index explicitly (which is not the case, usually), I would check the selected item's index in the Items collection.
Binding selected item of list to a ViewModel property
Option B is to 'bind' the selected item of the list to a distinct property on the ViewModel, in your case the SelectedItem property in the event handler of the list:
vm.SelectedItem = myList.SelectedItem;
The command is kind of redundant then, although you could invoke it without a payload after setting SelectedItem on the ViewModel. I would rather handle the change of the selected item in the set accessor of the property on the ViewModel.
Note: XAML and WPF come with quite a lot of infrastructure code out of the box. MVVM doesn't make sense without a proper framework to actually take care of binding UI and ViewModels in a loosely coupled way. You quickly end up with a lot of extra work and little benefit, because you're still maintaining tight dependencies. Bottom line: I recommend getting or writing a proper MVVM framework, before actually implementing it.


Xamarin + Prism: bubble property change events from hierarchical model / view model or ...?

I've been trying to find the correct approach for this problem I got, using Prism with Xamarin Forms:
I've a model class, Customer, that contains another class, Address as a property. In my view, I show fields from both objects. I would like to have a "save" button, that only gets enabled after you've made some changes to those models.
Now, the button is bound to a Command, with the corresponding CanSave() function, as is normal with DelegateCommands. I'm trying to find an approach where I can end up with a single IsDirty property on my view model, that gets to "true" after any changed to the underlying models.
The MVVM approach
First thing I thought was the "purist" mvvm approach. A "flat" view model, with properties for each visual element, implemented as a Prism BindableObject, where each getter/setter gets/sets values from/to the underlying model classes.
That failed though, since SetProperty<> has a ref parameter, where I can't use properties from my models.
The over-engineered approach [?]
Second thing I thought was that, if my inner models were observables themselves, I could listen for changes from all of them, throughout the tree. Which opens up a whole new world of issues. Do I register property change listeners in my View model ? Do I make inner models observables, and have the parents listen for change events on their children and propagate that ?
Won't that observable models approach quickly become event handler hell ?
The simplest thing
And last, the simplest thing possible. I have a flat observable ViewModel, that only reads/writes values to/from the actual inner hierarchical model upon read & save
What do you guys think ?
Maybe I didn't understand your question right, but I'm wondering why you limit yourself to such a small helper function like SetProperty. It has 4 Lines of code. All it does is checking for equality, setting a value and raising an event.
You could easily create another helper function like this.
protected virtual bool SetProperty<T>(Func<T> get, Action<T> set, T value, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
if (object.Equals(get(), value)) return false;
return true;
class Model
public string Property { get; set; }
class ViewModel : BindableBase
private Model Model { get; set; }
public string Property
get { return Model.Property; }
set { SetProperty(() => Model.Property, x => Model.Property = x, value); }
I think you can shorten the usage, if you introduce some naming rules for the mapping and/or use reflections.
Well, in the end I went for option 3, the simplest thing I could do.
I was leaning towards returning properties from my model, which would be easy, and using the nullable [?.] syntax it would be null-safe too, but I found that at times I'll have to wrap the actual model properties with something that is more UI-friendly, exposing more/different properties than my actual DB model classes.
So, I went for that, until some other complexity forces me to change my mind again :)
Thanks a lot #Sven-Michael Stübe and #adminSoftDK for the help

Command class in Caliburn Micro

On my first project trying out Caliburn.Micro, I like a lot of the things :-)
One thing I miss (or havn't discovered yet) is how to separate the viewmodel and a command.
CM doesn't support ICommand, as it's way of doing things is superior. I'm sure it's true, so I would love a small push in the right direction to achieve this or perhaps discover a better way.
As I understand you have to put the "Execute" method and "CanExecute" property directly in the viewmodel, named to match the control in the view, to get the magic to work.
I would like to put the "Execute" and "CanExecute" in a different object that is property on the viewmodel and then CM would automatically bind to that object, using the control name and property names as usually.
Repost from the forum on Caliburn Micro, I didn't get any answers so I'm trying my luck here.
You should try to avoid invalidating the Law of Demeter. Therefore, on your view model you can have an execute method, and a CanExecute property (usually calculated), and these can call into the containing model where appropriate, e.g:
public void Save
// .. save logic
public bool CanSave
return this.model.CanSave ... and other logic etc.
You must remember to notify a change in the calculated property when the can save state changes, e.g:
public void CodeThatGetsRunWhenAPropertyOfTheModelChanges()
this.NotifyOfPropertyChanged(() => this.CanSave);
If you have e.g. a Button on your view with x:Name="Save", then Caliburn.Micro will automatically invoke your Save verb on the view model when the button is clicked, and will automatically enable and disable the button when the CanSave property value changes.
To avoid fat ViewModels you also need to avoid fat Views. Caliburn.Micro allows you to compose Views/ViewModels as described in Screens, Conductors and Composition.
The short version is, you can include a "DetailView" and "DetailViewModel" pair in a "MasterView"/"MasterViewModel" shell by defining a DetailViewModel-typed property in MasterViewModel and adding a ContentControl named after it in MasterView. Binding and actions work as usual, so you avoid both fat models/views and routing of commands.
Another option is to bind a MasterView element to a DetailViewModel property or action, by prepending the detail's property to the target's name. I can't find the specific URL yet, so the example is from memory.
Assuming you have the following classes:
public class MasterViewModel:Screen
public property DetailViewModel MyDetails{get;set;}
public class DetailViewModel:Screen
public property string SomeText{get;set;}
public void DoTheBoogie(){}
You can add a control in you MasterView named 'MyDetails_SomeText' to bind to the DetailViewModel.SomeText. You can also bind to DoTheBoogie the same way.
I prefer to create a separate View though, named DetailView and add a ContentControl named "MyDetails" in MasterView. This results in a cleaner and more modular design

Questions on changing from WinForms to WPF

I have recently been looking for a way to bind data in WinForms using MVVM.
I ended up creating a custom implementation of the MVVM pattern.
However, due to the lack of two-way binding, I have decided to give WPF a try.
I already have the Model, which encapsulates the non-ui functionality. For example the Model reads a configuration file, has a few properties, listens for incoming data on a socket, and saves incoming packets if needed.
Some of the Model's properties throws an exception if they are set out of range. I.e. the validation is done in the Model.
How is validation usually done in WPF? I have read a good deal of articles, and there seems to be some consistency in putting validation in the ViewModel. In fact, most articles only use ViewModel and View. Has the Model been buried?
Glad to see your decision to move away from custom implementations of MVVM when so much already exists that just ... works.
WPF is very strong for two way binding and that gives it its' greatest strengths.
The view model is bound to the view and acts as the mechanism to communicate with the data layer. Also Entity Framework (if you are on framework 4.0) will give you a great data layer for populating your entities in your ViewModel. This basically becomes your Model. It gives you an encapsulated form of UnitOfWork as well as Repository patterns.
While your view model in all examples are usually on a one-to-one basis, if the design calls for it you can have view models that span multiple views. I have a "menu" which displays key identifiers from each item in the list and a detail form that shows all fields for editing from the same object. So I span the view between the two.
You can hard code the view model in the xaml binding it to the datacontext or you can use Unity and inject the viewmodel into the view. Unfortunately the injection requires adding one public property for the purpose of setting the datacontext. So you'd have code like this:
public class MyView:Window
public MyView(MyViewModel model)
ViewModel = model;
public MyViewModel ViewModel
set{ this.DataContext = value; }
So the rest is just TwoWay binding for each field and the setter can encapsulate single value editing. Your error message can even be bound to a text field on the form and it displays when the value is not null.
Also if you dig into Unity you will also get a truly great function called Event Aggregation which basically provides a vehicle for publish/subscribe of events and that ties into your ICommand implementation when getting a button click handled.

Simplifying ICommand/RelayCommand in a MVVM approach

I'm pushing myself to make the applications I write simpler, and I've taken some steps to do that, but I'm left with an interesting problem that doesn't at all feel like it would be unique to me. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.
I have a ViewModel that keeps a collection of model objects. The view is a ListView that displays all of the objects in the collection. The model objects have all the logic in them to manipulate them. Inside the ListView row for each item I have a button, and that button needs to be wired to call a method on the model object.
To get this to work I need to add a command binding, but to the parent window data context, that passes a parameter of the model object in the row, all so that model object can be used inside the ViewModel (the parent window data context) to call the method on the model object that's being passed in.
This seems really much more complex than it needs to be. I'm willing to throw out anything I've done already, there are no sacred cows, I just want this to be done in a simpler method that will be easy to look back on in a year and figure out what I was doing.
{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Window}},
Create a presenter class in your ViewModel for the model objects and have a collection of those. You can then put the ICommand property on those instead and pass a reference to the method you want to call in the parent datacontext.
Perhaps something like the following:
public class ModelPresenter : INotifyPropertyChanged
private Model _model;
public ModelPresenter(Model model, Action<Model> parentAction)
_model = model
_action = parentAction;
public ICommand MyAction
get { return new RelayCommand(() => _parentAction(_model)); }
It also sounds like you might be binding to Properties of your model your view. You shouldn't do this as it can cause a memory leak if your models aren't implementing INotifyPropertyChanged (see:

how to keep view "humble" -using SuggestBox with special Oracle and Suggestion

i learned how to implement my own SuggestionOracle("AuSuggestOracle") and own
Suggestions("AuMultiWordSuggestion"). In my case the suggestion object
is constructed with a DTO. On a selection event i need this dto (or
some fields of it) to react appropriate.
I implemented a widget containing 3 suggest boxes with this special
oracle and some logic between them. Now i want to apply MVP pattern -
split this widget in presenter and view.
At the moment the presenters display interface look like that:
public interface Display {
HasSelectionHandlers<Suggestion> getFedLand();
HasSelectionHandlers<Suggestion> getCounty();
HasSelectionHandlers<Suggestion> getCommunity();
AuSuggestOracle getFedLandOracle();
AuSuggestOracle getCountyOracle();
AuSuggestOracle getCommunityOracle();
void clearCounty();
void clearCommunity();
void activateForm();
Widget asWidget();
the problem is the implicit knowledge about my model in methods
returning "AuSuggestOracle". so my question is how to get the view/
interface "humble". in my case the displayed suggestion-strings are
ambiguous and i need at least the "id" of a selected item to know what
DTObject is selected.
The way I got around this is by leaving out the getters for the Oracle since once my presenter sets it my view doesn't need any information about it. So, my interface looked like this:
public interface Display {
void setSuggestionOracle(SuggestOracle oracle);
HasSelectionHandlers<SuggestOracle.Suggestion> getSelectionListener();
The problem I encountered was being able to add the suggestion to the SuggestBox after it was instantiated. To get around this, I initialized with a blank SuggestBox and then removed it from the view, updated in, and inserted it back into position.
After that, you can write your handler (in the presenter) to check if the suggestion is an instance of your custom suggestion and your presenter can handle the selection and push the relevant information back down to your view.
By doing this, all your view knows is that it will be taking generic suggestions for something, and that at some later time it will be updating with information (which will be as a result of the suggestion, but the view is to 'humble' to know that).