Facebook API Search by phone number - facebook

So I have a huge list of phone numbers and want to find facebook users for each of the phone numbers if they exist. There are tons of iphone apps, etc that pull in your contact list and match them to facebook accounts. Any ideas on how I can do this?
Thanks in advance.

You will need to call the API 'login()' function with the permission "user_mobile_phone". You can then retrieve it as usual.
Here is the FB dev post and examples of doing this:


Retrieve users Likes from facebook

I'm new at this, and I have a general question -
In generally, if i have my friend E-mails address, is it possible to extract a list of the pages he likes?
when i enter to his profile I can see this list.
Of course that´s not possible at all, and it would be a serious privacy issue. You can only get the list of Pages from users who authorized your Apps, with the /me/likes endpoint.

Fetch friend list from Google Plus

I have login successfully with Google plus API in my iPhone App.Now i want to fetch my all friends with name ,id and birthday.
Can anyone please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Bad luck.. With my current experience google doesn't have any API's to retrieve data related to friends.
Refer these.
How to fetch Google+ friends in Android
google+ api person's friends
Get google plus user friends
Have you tried this API method?
Source: https://developers.google.com/+/mobile/ios/people

Developing a new app using facebook friends list

I am looking at developing an app that will make use of Facebook and have a question. In order for the app to work it would need to not only access the user's friends list, but also the user's friends' friends list and beyond. It would only access the users who have also signed up to the app.
Thanks in advance
And your question is …? :-) If you want to know if it’s possible to get that information – well, as long as the friends have authorized your app, there should be no problem, even over several „levels” of friends.

Is there any way I can get friends' contact number using Facebook API?

We're developing an application which needs to get the contact number of fb friend. Is there any way to do it?
If you mean phone number, I don't think it's possible at this time. Here is what you can request for: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/permissions/

Does the Facebook REST API allow you to get a friend's phone number?

Using the Facebook API, is there a way of getting a friend's phone/cell number? I'm sure I saw an app a while ago that could sync Facebook with your Mac Address Book, but I haven't found anything in the API documentation that allows you to get a friend's number. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance.
According to the FQL documentation, no. The User table and Standard user info table would be the storage place for that information, but no phone number column is listed. Also, Users.getInfo() and Users.getStandardInfo() do not evidently include phone number information either.
Perhaps the app you saw strictly managed email and physical mailing addresses?
Yes above answre is right i have properly search to find the Friend phone numbers with Graph API with PHP SDK 3.1.1 but fail because the facebook do not provide any phone number and email of the Friends but other information can get get easily via code.