Facebook comments / permanent link - facebook

I had setup my website to use Facebook comments (using https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments/) and was all working fine.
Unfortunately, my domain name expired and was snapped up by a domain parking company before I renewed it. I purchased a new domain name (the same, but .net instead of .com) and setup the website.
I have put in the same code as the previous site, and the comments do appear (because the old url is in the code), but on facebook profiles, the links are broken because they point to the old site (.com).
I can swap every .com for .net in the facebook code to get the links in Facebook working again, but this will mean I loose all my comments.
I would like to know if there is anyway of asking Facebook to move the comments associated with the old URLs to the new URLs, because I guess this is the only way of keeping my comments and making the links in facebook.com work (linking back to my new site).
Any info appreciated, I know this may not be a coding issue but it seems to be the best place to ask. I have seen similar posts, but they still have access to their old pages.
Many thanks!

As far as I know; You can retrieve the comments made on your old domain, but you will not be able to import them as regular facebook comments.
Instead, you can use a tool like disqus, to export the comments you retrieve from facebook.
To retrieve the comments, use one of the following methods:
1- Using facebook graph API
2- Using facebook FQL
Then, use this post to help you exporting the comments to disqus.
Hope this helps.


facebook comments, what happens when domainname change?

I am currently developing a new blog platform with some new features. For the commenting on blog posts i'll use facebook comment. (each user has to create their own account for comments on facebook).
But i have one problem.
Each user can, whenever they want change their account name (subdomain name), and also the domain they use. ( i have several domains available).
But when facebook comments use the href of each page to sort the comments i am afraid there will be a lot of lost comments for my users. when they change account name..
What happens with the comments when I change the domain / subdomain but keep the folder structure & filename as before? is there a way to convert the old "href" values to the new with the new domain name?
How to solve this? any ideas?
As i understand, the XID value is the old way of sorting comments, and you should use href?
Is this a custom Facebook app or are you using their default commenting system? If you created a custom app, the comments may be associated with your XID.
However, if you are using the default commenting you might have problems. Facebook comments rely completely on the URL that they are associated with. So, you will lose comments when moving to a new domain.
With that said, you might be able to reference the old URL from your new domain name and pull the old comments.

Facebook: Using my drupal comments system and FB comments all at the same time, and storing comments inside my own site and not FB?

I´ve just started to test, use and play with facebook apps. I´ve searched stackoverflow but didn´t find exactly what I need, so, here I am.
I´ve a drupal site. I´ve installed the Facebook for Drupal module, so I can use facebook in my site. I want users to be able to post comments in my site without creating for them any account.
I can use that module for that.
So, the question is: is there a way to allow people to use the default Drupal comment system, so when anonymous users want to comment they can post the comment directely to my site, or if they are logged with their FB account they can post comments as their FB user?
I want every time the comments to be posted inside my site, I mean to be hosted inside my own database. That´s why I don´t want to use disqus.
But I´ve read that you can use either Drupal comments OR FB comments. Are FB comments hosted inside FB and not my site?
As you can see, I´m not much into FB, so I don´t know much about it. I just want my users to be able to interact in my site with their FB accounts if they want.
Hope someone can help me out with some insight. Hope this question is clear enough... english isn´t my mother´s tongue and it was kinda hard to explain what I need :)
Use normal Drupal comments, and just allow people to log into your site using fb_connect.module from the Drupal for Facebook module, or using the Facebook Connect module. And of course allow anonymous commenting as well to meet your other requirement.

Programmatically posting Facebook comments

My application has obtained publish_stream permissions for a Facebook user.
I'd like to allow the user to post comments for a target URL directly from my mobile application, rather than opening up an embedded browser that then shows the Comment Box plugin. That is, the user doesn't necessarily want to post the link to their feed -- rather they want to participate in any Facebook comment discussion that surrounds that URL.
Naturally, I can read the comments for any URL via the Graph API (eg: a techcrunch article) but I do not know how, or if I can add comments to an arbitrary URL programmatically.
Would love to hear any other suggestions or workarounds as well. My hope is to piggy back on Facebook comments to allow my users to have a conversation surrounding URLs of interest to them. If at all possible, I'd also prefer to use Facebook, though I can see using Disqus or similar services would be another possibility.
Use graph api, demo comments here
make POST to
with field message and value "yourmessage"
I genuine Facebook API bug.
Cannot comment via Graph API on Comments Plugin (Probably try Legacy API)
Graph API

Syncing comments between Facebook and Wordpress

I'm working on implementing a two-way sync for a website that started as a Facebook fan page years ago and now is going to be run primarily off site.
Right now here's the process I'm using:
Import Posts + Comments from the Graph API. Posts are stored as Wordpress posts, comments are stored as Wordpress comments and some additional data such as Facebook Post ID or Post Author are stored in the post meta.
I've created a second submission form (only admin can submit posts from Wordpress site) that uses the Graph API to post directly to the fan page, then run the importer so that when the post is first entered into the database, it already has it's FB_POST_ID attached.
Comments from Facebook are easily updated and added to Wordpress. FB-Connect allows Facebook users to login and comment on the Wordpress but those comments are not synced with Facebook as I can't attach a user comment to a Facebook post via the Graph API (I can't control other users).
Has anyone run into anything similar or have other ideas for how I could achieve a "two-way" sync? (Quotes as my current setup is technically one-way that mimics two-way. New posts bypass Wordpress then get synced from Facebook).
This question is a bit old, but I actually got here from the official Facebook comments plugin page so I'm answering.
There is a plugin called WP-FB Comments
It's working fine, you can read my experience with it on my blog
(currently trying out Livefyre so you wont see it in action)
I'm working on a similar 2-way sync project. There isn't a way to sync comments (at least none that I can find). The way this has been accomplished is to create a new Facebook application and thus you comment thru the app, not Facebook's native comments, e.g. WPbook. Obviously, it's not ideal.
Wordbooker is another plugin that can accomplish what you're looking for -- when someone posts on Facebook, the comment is imported into Wordpress, and when someone comments on Wordpress, the comment is exported to the Facebook post too. The developer is fairly responsive if you have any issues setting it up.

How to enable comments and likes for my posts made with my Facebook app?

When my Facebook app posts to the users stream those posts do not get links for Like and Comment. Other Facebook publishing apps, like Instagram, get these links.
I can't find it in my Facebook application's settings. Anyone knows how to do it?
(I think this is the same question as this one: Facebook : Like and Comment Functionality against Wall Post but I'm not sure.)
See Traroth's comment to get a more to the point description of what it is I'm asking about.
It seems Nathat Totten is right about how these links are defaults and that they are controlled by Facebook. There are three things that confuses this issue.
One is that Facebook Test Users behave a bit more special than you might think. Even when they are friends, they are not fully so. Making these default links turn up only for the user that posts them (for Test Users, mind you, I'm hoping it'll work all right for real users).
Another is the documentation for actions in the Facebook Graph API documentation for publishing Post objects:
A list of available actions on the post (including commenting, liking, and an optional app-specified action). read_stream. A list of JSON objects containing the 'name' and 'link'.
Which made me start to try find out how to include the commenting and liking links myself. I can't find this info anywhere, so maybe that changed without the above quoted documentation reflecting the change.
Anyway, if, indeed this is a Test User issue, then I don't need to do anything special to fix this. I'll try to remember to come back here when my (iPhone) app is ready for the real Facebook world and I get to see if it works in that environment or not.