Concise way to enforce implementation of factory in Scala - scala

Let us assume we have a trait T. What is the best way to achieve the following:
Everybody who writes an implementation of T should be forced to provide a possibility that allows a parameter-free initialization of T, i.e., we probably have to enforce the implementation of a configurable factory.
All logic/data that only depends on the actual initialization parameters (of a certain implementation A of T) should be handled/stored centrally, but should be available in both the factory and A.
The most simple/concise way I see to achieve this (approximately) would be to add a trait for a factory and link T to this factory:
trait T {
val factory: TFactory
trait TFactory {
def build(): T
val description: String // example for logic/data that only depend on the parameters
// example implementation:
class A(val factory: AFactory, paramA: Int, paramB: Int, paramC: Int) extends T
class AFactory(paramA: Int, paramB: Int, paramC: Int) extends TFactory {
def build = new A(this, paramA, paramB, paramC)
val description = f"$paramA $paramB $paramC"
Obviously this does not really "enforce" the implementation of a factory (as long as there is an alternative implementation available) and obviously it is possible to generate instantiations of A which link to a "wrong" TFactory. What I also don't like about this approach is the repetition of the initialization parameters. I often create yet another class AParams which again wraps all parameters (for instance to facilitate adding new parameters). Thus, I end up with three classes, which imho is a lot of boilerplate for this simple problem.
My question is whether there is a (maybe completely) different approach, which achieves the same primary goals but is more concise?

I'm not quite sure I get the full intent of your requirements but what do you think of this behavior?
trait TFactory{
def build():T
val description:String
trait T extends TFactory
//can't declare A without build and not make it abstract
class A(paramA: Int, paramB: Int, paramC: Int) extends T {
def build = new A(paramA, paramB, paramC)
val description = f"$paramA $paramB $paramC"
val a1 = new A(1, 4, 5)
val a2 =
//We can give ourselves as a factory to something that expects TFactory
val factory:TFactory = a1
val a_new =
//More likely we can just give our build method
def func(f: ()=>T) = {
val new_t = f()
val a_newer = func(
println(a1 +": " + a1.description)
println(a2 +": " + a2.description)
println(a_new +": " + a_new.description)
println(a_newer +": " + a_newer.description)
Main$$anon$1$A#69267649: 1 4 5
Main$$anon$1$A#69b1fbf4: 1 4 5
Main$$anon$1$A#24148662: 1 4 5
Main$$anon$1$A#3f829e6f: 1 4 5

Add a representation type parameter:
trait Factory[Prod] {
def build(): Prod
trait Prod[Repr] {
def factory: Factory[Repr]
Or, if you want to "enforce" that the type remains the same (I wouldn't do that unless you gain something from it):
trait Prod[Repr <: Prod[Repr]] {
def factory: Factory[Repr]
case class AConfig(a: Int, b: Int)
case class A(config: AConfig) extends Prod[A] {
def factory = AFactory(config)
case class AFactory(config: AConfig) extends Factory[A] {
def build() = A(config)
val f0 = AFactory(AConfig(1, 2))
val p0 =
val f1 = p0.factory
val p1 =
assert(p0 == p1)


Builder-like pattern for extensible Hierarchy (weak ADT)

Given a hierarchy of case classes, a tree of instances can be constructed:
How do I convert that into "something else" via appropriate builders in a type safe (and user friendly) manner (without touching or altering the respective case classes) ?
Update 2021-02-25
I could make it somehow work with
import org.scalajs.dom.console
trait Root
case class Bob(name: String, as: Seq[Root]) extends Root
case class Charles(value: Int, as: Seq[Root]) extends Root
trait Builder[T] {
// can not make T covariant, as this is obj is not in a covariant position
def build(obj: T) : String
object Foo {
var r: Map[Root, Builder[Root]] = Map()
def attachBuilder[T <: Root](a: T, builder: Builder[T]) : Unit = {
val e = (a, builder)
r = r + e.asInstanceOf[(Root, Builder[Root])]
def b(name : String, as: Root*)(implicit builderB: Builder[Bob]): Bob = {
val b = Bob(name, as)
attachBuilder(b, builderB)
def c(value: Int, as: Root*)(implicit builderC: Builder[Charles]): Charles = {
val c = Charles(value, as)
attachBuilder(c, builderC)
def build(obj: Root) : String = {
object UseMe {
implicit val builderB: Builder[Bob] = new Builder[Bob] {
override def build(obj: Bob): String = { + =>" ")
implicit val builderC: Builder[Charles] = new Builder[Charles] {
override def build(obj: Charles): String = {
obj.value.toString + =>" ")
def yahoo() : Unit = {
val x = Foo.b("martin", Foo.b("b2"), Foo.c(127))
console.log("This is x: " +
Still, I am very unsatisfied. Idea, I followed: Have a map that catches the respective builder for Bob or Charles. Still,
Builder[T] can not be made covariant. This prevents Builder[Bob] to be a subtype of Builder[Root]
I do not see the proper type signature for Map, so I had to typecast.
Hierarchy of Root, Bob, Alice is extensible (so can not be sealed)
No use of static typing (by means of Shapeless HList or similar) as I simply will not have the full types as I am doing computations to assemble the tree.
What is a better approach?
Original Post
Sigh .... mind-bending waste of hours ....... I seriously need your help!
Given an ADT
trait A
case class B(name: String, as: Seq[A]) extends A
case class C(value: Int, as: Seq[A]) extends A
that is expected to be extended (not sealed).
Further, assume a
trait Builder[T] {
def build(obj: T) : String
Furthermore, with the code below we have "the creator functions" that expect the appropriate builders to in scope.
object Foo {
def b(name : String, as: A*)(implicit builderB: Builder[B]): B = {
// How to link ADT instance B with builder for B in a type-safe manner?
// How to trigger builder for `as`: Seq[A] ?
def c(value: Int, as: A*)(implicit builderC: Builder[C]): C = {
// How to link ADT instance C with builder for C in a type-safe manner?
With that I want to be able, after defining appropriate builders as implicit vals for B and C to do
object UseMe {
implicit val builderB: Builder[B] = new Builder[B] {
override def build(obj: B): String = {
// and build the as
implicit val builderC: Builder[C] = new Builder[C] {
override def build(obj: C): String = {
// and also build the as
val x = Foo.b("martin", Foo.b("b2"), Foo.c(127))
// Questions
// How to create a string representation (that is what the builder is doing) for x
// Something like:
// build(x)
By intention, I removed all my misleading tries in code, also not to induce any bias.
A builder impl that uses dynamic type information (via case b: B => ...) is working, but as I expect the ADT to be extended, this is not an option.
All my tries to model by generic types have failed. (Approaches with HList (Shapeless) might be feasible but are not considered, as I think this can be solved in plain Scala)
How to define methods in Foo?
How to solve builder pattern / creational pattern best for ADTs?
Looking forward to your answers!

Can I avoid using structural typing in this scenario?

I have some code that uses both a third-party library and my own library. In my own library, I don't want to have a dependency on the third-party one so I want one of my methods to accept a more generic type as a parameter. Unfortunately, I cannot extend or mixin a trait to the 3rd party classes since they are generated using factory methods & the classes are final.
I can get around this issue by using structural typing but I was wondering if there is an alternative? I don't want to have to iterate through each record returned by the factory method and "new up" instances of a separate type if possible.
I've boiled it down to a scenario like the following:
Third-party library code that cannot be changed
// Class inside library cannot be extended due to it being 'final'
final class SpecificRecord(val values: IndexedSeq[String]) {
def get(i: Int): String = {
// A companion object simply to create some sample data in an iterator
object SpecificRecord{
def generateSpecificRecords(): Iterator[SpecificRecord] = new Iterator[SpecificRecord] {
var pointerLocation: Int = 0
private val state = IndexedSeq(
IndexedSeq("Row1 Col1", "Row1 Col2", "Row 1 Col3"),
IndexedSeq("Row2 Col1", "Row2 Col2", "Row 2 Col3")
override def hasNext: Boolean = {
if (pointerLocation < state.length) true else false
override def next(): SpecificRecord = {
val record = new SpecificRecord(state(pointerLocation))
pointerLocation += 1
As you can see above, the SpecificRecord class is final and the specificRecords val is an Iterator with a bunch of SpecificRecord in it. I don't want to have to iterate through each specificRecord and create a new, more generic, object if possible.
My code that can be changed
val specificRecords: Iterator[SpecificRecord] = SpecificRecord.generateSpecificRecords()
type gettable = {
def get(i: Int): String
def printRecord(records: Iterator[gettable]): Unit = {
for (record <- records) {
println(record.get(0), record.get(1), record.get(2))
This correctly prints:
(Row1 Col1,Row1 Col2,Row 1 Col3)
(Row2 Col1,Row2 Col2,Row 2 Col3)
I have a printRecord method that doesn't really care what type is passed in, as long as it has a method like get(Int): String. This a pretty decent solution but I was wondering if it would be possible to do this without structural typing?
This is a typical use case for type classes.
trait Gettable[T] {
def get(t: T, i: Int): String
object Gettable {
implicit object SpecificRecordGettable extends Gettable[SpecificRecord] {
def get(sr: SpecificRecord, i: Int) = sr.get(i)
def printRecord[T : Gettable](records: Iterator[T]) = {
val getter = implicitly[Gettable[T]]
records.foreach { record =>
println(getter.get(record, 0), getter.get(record, 1), getter.get(record, 2))
This is a bit more verbose than your approach with structured types: for each type you want to be gettable, you have to add an implicit object implementing the get, but it works without reflection, which is a good thing.
Another advantage of this approach is its flexibility: the underlying type does not have to have get specifically, you can implement anything with the implicit. E.g.:
implicit object ArrayGettable extends Gettable[Array[String]] {
def get(a: Array[String], i: Int) = a(i)
implicit object ProductGettable extends Gettable[Product] {
def get(p: Product, i: Int) = p.productIterator.drop(i).next.toString
Now, your printRecord works with string arrays too (as long as they have at least three elements), and even tuples and case classes.
Try this:
printRecord[Product](Iterator((1,2, "three"), ("foo", "bar", 5)))
Or this:
case class Foo(x: String, y: Int, z: Seq[Int])
printRecord[Product](Iterator(Foo("bar", 1, 1::2::Nil), ("foo", "bar", "baz")))
A similar but a little bit less verbose approach is to just define an implicit 'getter' without bothering with type classes:
def printRecord[T](records: Iterator[T])(implicit getter: (T,Int) => String) =
records.foreach { record =>
println(getter(record, 0), getter(record, 1), getter(record, 2))
object Getters {
implicit def getter(sr: SpecificRecord, i: Int) = sr.get(i)
implicit def getter(a: Array[String], i: Int) = a(i)
implicit def getter(p: Product, i: Int) = p.productIterator.drop(i).next.toString
This is fairly equivalent in usage, the difference being that type class lets you potentially define more than one method, but if you only ever need get, then this would save you a few keystrokes.

How to read/write a generic class with upickle

Say I have the following trait:
trait T {
val x: Int
def foo(i: Int): T
I would like to bet able to write and read this trait using upickle without knowing what the specific class is. e.g.:
Such that I could elsewhere define foo to be something like:
case class A(x: Int)
def foo(i: Int): T = A(i)
I am thinking I need to define an implicit Writer as a member of T but I don't know what the appropriate syntax would be?
trait T {
val x: Int
object T {
implicit val rw: ReaderWriter[T] = ...
The problem is what to put into the ... part: if you have a T value, you can just store its x:
... = readwriter[Int].bimap[T](
t => t.x,
i => new T { val x = i }
The problem with this solution is that reading a written A(3) won't return an A. And this isn't really solvable without making T sealed or otherwise handling a specific set of subclasses only.
You could include a class name as well when writing, but that won't help if the class has any fields other than x to store:
class B(override val x: Int, y: String) extends T
If T is sealed, you just write
... = macroRW

Scala change parameters of function defined in trait

Because I didn't find a solution to my problem anywhere, I think I might be thinking into a very wrong direction.
Here's my problem:
I have a trait A and another trait B and companion objects AB1, AB2, AB3 and so on. The singleton objects extend trait A and the classes extend trait B. Many objects of those classes are in a list.
On these objects I want to use functions defined in the corresponding singleton object which take objects of the same class as the singleton object is.
This an example for the traits:
trait A {
def compare(firstB: B, secondB: B) : Int
trait B {}
And the companion objects:
class AB1(val variable: Int) extends B {}
object AB1 extends A {
def apply(list: List[Int]): Option[AB1] = {
if(list.foldLeft(0)(_ + _) < 10 && list.nonEmpty)
some(new AB1(list.head))
override def compare(ab11: AB1, ab12: AB1): Int = {
if(ab11 > ab12)
else if(ab11 > ab12)
class AB2(val variable1: Int, val variable2: Int) extends B {}
object AB2 extends A {
def apply(list: List[Int]): Option[AB1] = {
if(list.foldLeft(0)(_ + _) < 20 && list.length >= 2)
some(new AB1(list.head, list.tail.head))
override def compare(ab21: AB2, ab22: AB2): Int = {
if(ab11 > ab12)
else if(ab11 > ab12)
So I've already filtered the some objects and put the "real" objects into a list, let's call it bList. On every element of the list I want to call the compare function.
I think it would look something like this:
val bList: List[B]
val a = getA(bList.head) // getA should be a function that returns the companion object of a class, bList.tail.head)
On my way I encountered two problems:
b.getClass does not equal AB1.getClass when b is an object the class AB1. But this is not my main problem. I found a solution using String comparison, which really is not pretty, but for now, it works.
The compare function has to be defined in the trait, because otherwise it can't be casted on any singleton object that extends trait A. But I find no way to define the function with parameters of a variable type.
I really hope you can help me with this problem!
EDIT: Now I see that I've forgotten to mention something:
I think that I have to go a bit deeper into what I am trying to do to make you understand my problem:
I have a List[List[C]]. A List of those C's may be capable of creating an AB1 object with it but maybe AB2, or maybe AB3 and so on. So I have
val c: List[C] = (C1, C2, C4)
val aList: List[A] = (AB1, AB2, AB3, ...)
val bestB: B = (for{
element <- aList
} yield element (c)).flatten.head // Because the List aList is ordered: AB1 is the best case, AB2 the second best and so on.
I do that for every List[C] out of the List[List[C]]. So in the end I may have a List[B] = (AB3, AB1, AB2, AB1) (for example). From this list I want to get the "best" Bs according to the order of aList at first - then i get List[B] = (AB1, AB1). These two AB1's I want to compare and then put the "better" Element (according to the compare function of the corresponding object) or both into a new list. This is want I want to accomplish.
To be honest, I'm still confused with what is your root problem. But I will try to answer what I understood.
First, if you want to change the type of the arguments when overriding a function from a trait. Then, the answer is you can't! - Because that would break the Liskov Substitution Principle.
But you can achieve what you want with a Type Class .
trait B {}
trait BComparator[Bi <: B] {
def compare(firstB: Bi, secondB: Bi): Int
Now if you want a way to dynamically obtain the right instance of the BComparator for your sub-classes you could make those instances as implicit values in their companion objects.
class B1 extends B {}
object B1 {
implicit val B1Comparator: BComparator[B1] = new BComparator[B1] {
override def compare(firstB: B1, secondB: B2): Int = ???
Now, given b11 and b12 as instances of B1 you could just write
implicitly[BComparator[B1]].compare(b11, b12)
I think you need to use implicit Comparator:
trait B
case class AB1(variable: Int) extends B
case class AB2(variable1: Int, variable2: Int) extends B
implicit object AB1Comparator extends Comparator[AB1] {
override def compare(o1: AB1, o2: AB1): Int =, o2.variable)
implicit object AB2Comparator extends Comparator[AB2] {
override def compare(o1: AB2, o2: AB2): Int =, o2.variable1) match {
case 0 =>, o2.variable2)
case other => other
def compare[A](obj1: A, obj2: A)(implicit comparator: Comparator[A]) = {, obj2)
val ab1List = List(AB1(1), AB1(2), AB1(3))
val ab1Compare = compare(ab1List.head, ab1List.tail.head)
val ab2List = List(AB2(1, 1), AB2(1, 1), AB2(1, 3))
val ab2Compare = compare(ab2List.head, ab2List.tail.head)
Or if you want to sort list you should use Ordering:
trait B
case class AB1(variable: Int) extends B
implicit object AB1Ordering extends Ordering[AB1] {
override def compare(o1: AB1, o2: AB1): Int =, o2.variable)
val ab1List = List(AB1(1), AB1(2), AB1(3))
val ab1ListSorted = ab1List.sorted

Custom and multiple constructor inheritance in Scala?

As I understand the semantics of a custom constructor may be typically added to a class via a companion object. Is there then, any way to inherit a custom constructor while inheriting a class?
On the one hand I have found that companion objects are not synthetically inherited along a case class, and on the other, I am not aware of a way of creating custom constructors inside a class itself, so that they are inherited. And yet inheriting custom constructors seems to be a perfectly valid use case to me. So is it supported in some (straightforward) way in Scala?
A naive demonstration of intent:
class A {}
object A {
def apply(n: Int) = {
new A
class B extends A {}
object Test {
val a1 = A
val a2 = A(3)
val b1 = B // compile error
val b2 = B(3) // compile error
P.S. I have even found the arcane/deviant technique of defining this custom constructors result in a custom constructor that does not in actuality get inherited (it does work for just creating custom constructors, but quite oddly and unfortunately those do not get inherited). Demonstrating code:
class A {
def this(n: Int) = {
class B extends A {}
object Test {
val a1: A = new A
val a2: A = new A(3)
val b1 = new B
val b2 = new B(3) // compile error
Clarification of Intent Edit:
consider "constructor" and "companion factory methods" interchangeable for the sake of this question.
You can't inherit constructors directly, and because you can't you also can't inherit things that use them without a little bit of work. But you can abstract away anything beyond the constructor call.
Let's suppose we have
class Foo(text: String) {
override def toString = "Foo: " + text
object Foo {
def apply(text: String) = new Foo(text) // Auto-generated for case class
def apply(i: Int) = new Foo(
if (i > 0) i.toString
else if (i == 0) ""
else s"negative ${0L - i}"
and we then decide to
class Bar(text: String) extends Foo(text) {
override def toString = "Bar: " + text
Now, what do we do about object Bar? Instead of writing all the logic over again, we create a trait to separate and abstract the object creation from the computation of the constructor parameter(s):
trait FooCompanionLike[A <: Foo] {
def apply(text: String): A // I am abstract!
def apply(i: Int): A = apply(
if (i > 0) i.toString
else if (i == 0) ""
else s"negative ${0L - i}"
Now we can
object Foo extends FooCompanionLike[Foo] {
def apply(text: String) = new Foo(text)
object Bar extends FooCompanionLike[Bar] {
def apply(text: String) = new Bar(text)
So you can't completely escape boilerplate, but you can reduce it to extending from a trait and a single method call.
If you do it this way (where the abstract apply perfectly matches the constructor), you can even get case classes to work without manually defining the abstract apply method in the companion:
case class Baz(text: String) extends Foo(text) {
override def toString = "Baz: " + text
object Baz extends FooCompanionLike[Baz] {
// Nothing here! Auto-generated apply works!
Short answer: no straightforward way; try to workaround and resist the desire.
Constructors in Scala are defined in the body of the class and take parameters after the class name e.g.
class A(i: Int) {
The println(i) in this case is the constructor logic. If you now extend A, like this:
class B(i: Int) extends A(i)
and instantiate B, val b1 = new B(2) you'll see that the constructor is indeed inherited.
As you've already found out, Scala allows you to define alternative constructors by defining functions called this. But these alternative constructors must call the primary constructor.
The way I understand it is that there is really only one constructor for any Scala class, the alternative constructors just filter into it. For example:
class A(x: Int, y: Int) {
// do some constructing!
def this(x: Int) = {
this(x, 1) // provide a default value for y