How to get object from Play cache (scala) - scala

How to get object from Play cache (scala)
Code to set:
play.api.cache.Cache.set("mykey98", new Product(98), 0)
Code to get:
val product1: Option[Any] = play.api.cache.Cache.get("mykey98")
I get Option object. How to get actual Product object I stored in first step.

First and foremost, I would suggest using Cache.getAs, which takes a type parameter. That way you won't be stuck with Option[Any]. There are a few ways you can do this. In my example, I'll use String, but it will work the same with any other class. My preferred way is by pattern matching:
import play.api.cache.Cache
Cache.set("mykey", "cached string", 0)
val myString:String = Cache.getAs[String]("mykey") match {
case Some(string) => string
case None => SomeOtherClass.getNewString() // or other code to handle an expired key
This example is a bit over-simplified for pattern matching, but I think its a nicer method when needing to branch code based on the existence of a key. You could also use Cache.getOrElse:
val myString:String = Cache.getOrElse[String]("mykey") {
In your specific case, replace String with Product, then change the code to handle what will happen if the key does not exist (such as setting a default key).


How to avoid NullPointerException in Scala while storing query result in variable

Here is a code that requires a change:
val activityDate ="activity_date").first.get(0).toString
When we run a job, 'activityDate' might return null as a result of query since there might not be any data in db. In this case we get NullPointerException. I need to update this code to avoid NPE.
I tried to do it in different ways but there is always smth missing. I should probably use Match Expression here but have face some errors while initializing it.
The usual way to model some kind of data that might or might not be there in Scala is the Option type. The Option type has two concrete implementations, Some for a value which is there and the None singleton to represent any absent value. Option conveniently has a constructor that wraps a nullable value and turns it into either a Some(value) for non-null values and None for nulls. You can use it as follows:
You can apply transformations to it using various combinators. If you want to transform the piece of data itself into something more meaningful for your application, map is usually a good call. The following applies the logic you had before:
val activityDate: Option[String] =
map { activityDate => activityDate.toString }
Note that now activityDate is an Option itself, which means that you have to explicitly handle the case in which the data is not there. You can do so with a match on the concrete type of the option as follows:
activityDate match {
case Some(date) => // `date` is there for sure!
case None => // handle the `select` returned nothing
Altenrnatively if you want to apply a default value you can use the getOrElse method on the Option:
val activityDate: String =
map { activityDate => activityDate.toString }.
getOrElse("No Data")
Another possibility to apply a default value on a None and a function to the value in a Some is using fold:
val activityDate: String =
fold("No Data")(activityDate => activityDate.toString)
As a final note, you can shorten anonymous functions in these cases as follows:
val activityDate: String =
fold("No Data")(_.toString)
Where _ is used to refer to the only parameter.

Scala: do something if get the value in getOrElse

If a variable is an Option[Account], and there is a string field called accountName in the class Account.
val allAccounts: Set[Option[Account]] = Set(Some(Account1), Some(Account2), None)
How do I get the accountName from Some(Account) if I get something from getOrElse?
I tried"").accountName) but it doesn't work. It cannot apply to the "get" part but the "OrElse" part
Thanks for your help!
PS: wonder why"")) works fine with None value but if I create another variable: val sampleAccount2 = None and"") will failed? Basically I just goes from Set(None) to None ?
Is this what you ultimately wanted to achieve?
final case class Account(accountName: String)
val allAccounts: Set[Option[Account]] =
Set(Some(Account("Account1")), Some(Account("Account2")), None)
def getAccountNames(maybeAccounts: Set[Option[Account]]): Set[String] ="")(_.accountName))
assert(getAccountNames(allAccounts) == Set("Account1", "Account2", ""))
You can play around with this code here on Scastie.
Another way to write getAccountNames is by using a combination of map and getOrElse instead of fold, like so:
def getAccountNames(maybeAccounts: Set[Option[Account]]): Set[String] =""))
This is probably closer to what you initially wanted to write. In this case fold and map with getOrElse are basically equivalent, choose whichever makes more sense given your knowledge of the code base you're working on at the moment.
This version is also available here on Scastie.
The problem with your attempt if that you were applying getOrElse to the Option[Account] type, meaning that you were trying to return something that was either an Account (within the Option) or a String and from that thing you were then asking the accountName, which only makes sense on Account but not on String. The key difference is that in this case you first map on Option[Account] to get the accountName on Somes, getting an Option[String], and then you either get what's in there or the default value if the Option is empty.
As further input, please note that since you are using a Set, if you have multiple empty values in your input, they will be effectively collapsed into one, as in the following example:
assert(getAccountNames(Set(None, None)) == Set(""))
If by any chance you would rather remove any empty value entirely from the output, you can do so by rewriting the function above so that it's defined like so (Scastie):
def getAccountNames(maybeAccounts: Set[Option[Account]]): Set[String] =
In this case getAccountNames can be redefined in terms of a for-comprehension (more on the topic here on the Scala documentation):
def getAccountNames(maybeAccounts: Set[Option[Account]]): Set[String] =
for {
maybeAccount <- maybeAccounts
account <- maybeAccount
} yield account.accountName
This last example is also available here on Scastie for you to play around with it.
In both cases, the assertion that holds now changes to the following:
assert(getAccountNames(allAccounts) == Set("Account1", "Account2"))

How to model Global Constant in Scala using Enum?

I have an enumeration of string coming from the result of a query into a database.
In other words, i'm querying a events from a database, and one of the attribute is event description, which should always belong to a set of well known string. E.g.
And so on.
I would like to model the possible string that comes from the database within Scala. I was thinking about using an Enum but I don't see how with what i have seen online.
Ultimately, what i would like to do is to compare the value of the attribute to one of this value to perform some tasks according to the type of event descriptions.
Alghough i could go and simply enter my magic string as such
if (eventDesc == "PreferedLabelAdded")
I find it bad, because one does not get one point of contact to change those string, but instead it get spread all over the code.
Maybe simply using an Object as such
Object EventDesc {
val PrefAdded = "PreferedLabelAdded""
val PrefChanged = "...."
If anyone has some specific suggestion with that, that would be great.
You can extend the scala.Enumeration class to create your enumeration:
object EventDesc extends Enumeration {
type EventDesc = Value
val PreferedLabelAdded, PreferedLabelChanged, UNKNOWN = Value
val eventDesc = EventDesc.withName("PreferedLabelAdded")
if (eventDesc == EventDesc.PreferedLabelChanged) {
You can also do pattern matching:
eventDesc match {
case PreferedLabelAdded | PreferedLabelChanged => handleEvent(context)
case UNKNOWN => ignoreEvent(context)
case _ => // noop

Pre-process parameters of a case class constructor without repeating the argument list

I have this case class with a lot of parameters:
case class Document(id:String, title:String, ...12 more params.. , keywords: Seq[String])
For certain parameters, I need to do some string cleanup (trim, etc) before creating the object.
I know I could add a companion object with an apply function, but the LAST thing I want is to write the list of parameters TWICE in my code (case class constructor and companion object's apply).
Does Scala provide anything to help me on this?
My general recommendations would be:
Your goal (data preprocessing) is the perfect use case of a companion object -- so it is maybe the most idiomatic solution despite the boilerplate.
If the number of case class parameters is high the builder pattern definitely helps, since you do not have to remember the order of the parameters and your IDE can help you with calling the builder member functions. Using named arguments for the case class constructor allows you to use a random argument order as well but, to my knowledge, there is not IDE autocompletion for named arguments => makes a builder class slightly more convenient. However using a builder class raises the question of how to deal with enforcing the specification of certain arguments -- the simple solution may cause runtime errors; the type-safe solution is a bit more verbose. In this regard a case class with default arguments is more elegant.
There is also this solution: Introduce an additional flag preprocessed with a default argument of false. Whenever you want to use an instance val d: Document, you call d.preprocess() implemented via the case class copy method (to avoid ever typing all your arguments again):
case class Document(id: String, title: String, keywords: Seq[String], preprocessed: Boolean = false) {
def preprocess() = if (preprocessed) this else {
this.copy(title = title.trim, preprocessed = true) // or whatever you want to do
But: You cannot prevent a client to initialize preprocessed set to true.
Another option would be to make some of your parameters a private val and expose the corresponding getter for the preprocessed data:
case class Document(id: String, title: String, private val _keywords: Seq[String]) {
val keywords = => kw.trim)
But: Pattern matching and the default toString implementation will not give you quite what you want...
After changing context for half an hour, I looked at this problem with fresh eyes and came up with this:
case class Document(id: String, title: String, var keywords: Seq[String]) {
keywords = => kw.trim)
I simply make the argument mutable adding var and cleanup data in the class body.
Ok I know, my data is not immutable anymore and Martin Odersky will probably kill a kitten after seeing this, but hey.. I managed to do what I want adding 3 characters. I call this a win :)

Scala match/compare enumerations

I have an enumeration that I want to use in pattern matches in an actor. I'm not getting what i'd expect and, now, I'm suspecting I'm missing something simple.
My enumeration,
object Ops extends Enumeration {
val Create = Value("create")
val Delete = Value("delete")
Then, I create an Ops from a String:
val op = Ops.valueOf("create")
Inside my match, I have:
case (Ops.Create, ...)
But Ops.Create doesn't seem to equal ops.valueOf("create")
The former is just an atom 'create' and the later is Some(create)
Hopefully, this is enough info for someone to tell me what I'm missing...
If you are just trying to get a copy of Create, then you should refer to it directly in your code:
val op = Ops.Create
But if you are parsing it from a string, the string might contain junk, so valueOf returns an Option:
val op1 = Ops.valueOf("create") // Some(Ops.Create)
val op2 = Ops.valueOf("delete") // Some(Ops.Delete)
val op3 = Ops.valueOf("aljeaw") // None
Now, in your match you can just carry along the Option[Ops.Value] and look for:
and you have built-in robustness to junk as input.
Enumeration.valueOf returns None or Some, because you may be asking to create a value that doesn't exist. In your case, for example, Ops.valueOf("blah") would return None, since you don't have an appropriate enumeration value.
To be honest, in this case, I'd use a case class or a case object instead of an Enumeration (they provide better type safety).
It looks like I needed to use the 'get' method of the returned Some to actually get what I wanted. E.g.
ops.valueOf("create").get == Ops.Create
Seems neither intuitive nor friendly but it works.