facebook php sdk example got a fatal error - facebook

I use the official example but didn't get it to work. It returned this error:
Fatal error: Uncaught OAuthException: This IP can't make requests for that application. thrown in mylinl/etc../base_facebook.php on line 1336

You should go to the App Settings—Advanced and put your IP to "Server IP Whitelist" field.


Xcode's Swift-Package-manager unable to connect Github,cannot search any repos

error mesage
When i open my proxy the error message in the image shows.
But if i close my proxy I get this error:
An unknown error occurred: User rejected certificate for github.com

Google API Client Error: the caller does not have permission

I'm trying to use the Google API Client to gain access to a Google Doc. I get the following error:
googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 403 when requesting https://docs.googleapis.com/v1/documents/1Dc82X_w8UsyZnJe5JEh4E0wNdfbw-_nhVWXwgEJ4HVg?alt=json returned "The caller does not have permission". Details: "The caller does not have permission">
The error comes up in the file extract_text.py, which I got from here: https://developers.google.com/docs/api/samples/extract-text
Specifically, the error shows up at this line when it's obtaining the document's ID:
doc = docs_service.documents().get(documentId=documentID).execute()
The error states that my request has invalid authentication credentials (https://cloud.google.com/asset-inventory/docs/faq). I have made sure that I setup the OAuth correctly.

TYPO3 - Deactivating cHash in own extension causes error when accessing record

If I add noCacheHash="1" to link.action I can deactivate cHash:
<f:link.action action="show" pageUid="43" arguments="{record:record.uid}" noCacheHash="1">{record.name}</f:link.action>
But when trying to access a record I get the following error:
Uncaught TYPO3 Exception
#1509296606: Failed to fetch error page "domain/index.php?id=72", reason: Client error: `GET domain/index.php?id=72` resulted in a `401 Unauthorized` response: <script>window.location.href='domain/access-denied/';</script><noscript>Error 401 - Access Deni (truncated...)
20 TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Controller\TypoScriptFrontendController::pageErrorHandler("domain/index.php?id=72", "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found", "Request parameters could not be validated (&cHash empty)")
How can I access the record properly when deactivating cHash?
This is not cause with noCacheHash parameters. I think you set special permission for pageID(43). So, this page is not access for this record.
So, First check this page access permission.

PHP SoapCLient, Soap call giving an error in Drupal

I am getting the following error, when I try making a SOAP call.
Warning: SoapClient::__doRequest() [soapclient.--dorequest]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in
and the error
HTTP-Could not connect to host
Things that I have ensured :
allow_url_fopen : is enabled.
The WSDL is being accessed. The server is not down.
I have set the SOAP time out to 15 seconds.
The IP of the host you are connecting to cannot be resolved. See my answer in
simplexml_load_file not working "php_network_getaddresses: failed: Name or service not known"
for what to do.

ACS/Facebook Integration - ACS40001: An error occurred while attempting to get an access token from Facebook

Getting the following error setting up ACS/Facebook integration:
HTTP Error Code: 502 Message: ACS40000: An error occurred while
processing a Facebook sign-in response. This may be caused by invalid
configuration of the Facebook application. Inner Message: ACS40001:
An error occurred while attempting to get an access token from
Facebook. Inner Message: ACS90005: Web exception Trace ID:
988ec1a7-e02b-4dcf-abab-51812745a121 Timestamp: 2011-07-12 19:59:51Z
I've verified that App ID, App Secret, Site URL and Site Domain have all been set.
For Site Url, we're using https://project.accesscontrol.windows.net
For Site Domain, we're using project.accesscontrol.windows.net
I'm using the following as a guideline:
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Just checked my (working) settings. Differences I see:
I did not enter a Site Domain over at Facebook
On the ACS side, I have "Application permissions" set to "email" (not sure if you have something entered there?)