Using datestr(now) with save - matlab

The code is:
filename = sprintf('michael%s.bat',datestr(now));
save (filename,vec)
vec is a vector
I'm getting this error:
Error using save
Argument must contain a string.
Error in sumfnc (line 13)
save (filename,vec)
I'm unsure on how filename is not a string.

The problem is not filename, it is vec. With the functional usage of save, you need to do:
However, since filename will contain a space, you will also need to modify filename. Try:
save(strrep(filename,' ','_'),'vec')
to replace spaces with _.


Fail to Convert .mat to .csv file

I would like to convert matlab.mat file to a .csv file. Here is the loading procedure:
>> FileData = load('matlab.mat')
FileData =
struct with fields:
MIMICtable: [278340×59 table]
Then I tried to save the CSV file but the following error occurs:
>> csvwrite('file.csv',MIMICtable)
Check for missing argument or incorrect argument data type in call to function 'real'.
Error in csvwrite (line 47)
I am not sure the meaning of the error message. Could someone help?
Your data is a table object. Use the function writetable to write it to a CSV file. csvwrite accepts only numeric arrays as input.
Yes, this is a weird error message. On the other hand, csvwrite is no longer recommended, which means it has been superseded by a newer function, and is no longer maintained.

How to save the command history in a text file in MATLAB

I want to save the value of a variable from MATLAB command history in a text. I am trying the command:
Save([d:/work/abc.txt], 'z1', '-ASCII');
An error appears
Error: input charecter is not valid in MATLAB environment or expression.
What you are missing are the quotes within the brackets for denoting string.
You should use save (with lower case for "s").
Also the filename should be defined as a string: enclose it withi two '; also you do not need the [] unless, for example, you want to build a string using a variable and / or any function to create part of the filename (e. g.
['d:/work/abc_' num2str(k) '.txt']
assuming k value is 3) to get d:/work/abc_3.txt
Try change your code to:
save(['d:/work/abc.txt'], 'z1', '-ASCII');
Hope this helps.

saving matlab file (.mat) with dynamic name

for m = 1:length(lst_region)
out=cellfun(#(x) str2double(x(1:strfind(x,'_')-1)),lst_region(m));
str=[num2str(out(1)) '.mat'];
save ( str ,distance);
Error using save
Argument must contain a string. Line 3
I want to save files like '1.mat' '2.mat' etc.. but i have error can you please help me to fix it
If distance is a variable in your workspace, you will have to call save(str, 'distance');. You have to enter the name of the variable, not the variable itself.

Matlab - Error using save Cannot create '_' because '_____' does not exist

I have some data in a cell array,
and names in another cell array,
I want to extract a subset of the data,
then a temporary file name,
an save the subset to a text file with
save (tempname2, 'data2_subset', '-ASCII');
But I get this error message: _
Error using save
Cannot create '6' because 'xxx/01-ab-07s-0fD3' does not exist.
To try to understand what is happening, I created a mock dataset with simpler names:
save (tempname, 'data_subset', '-ASCII');
in which case the save command works properly.
Unfortunately I still do not understand what the problem is in the first case. Any suggestions as to what is happening, and of possible solutions?
MATLAB is interpreting the the forward slashes (/) as directory separators and 6 as the intended file name (your second example doesn't have this slash problem).
Since the relative directory tree xxx/01-ab-07s-0fD3/ doesn't exist, MATLAB can't create the file.
To solve the problem, you can either create the directories beforehand using mkdir():
>> pieces = strsplit(tempname2,'/');
>> mkdir(pieces{1:2});
>> save(tempname2, 'data2_subset', '-ASCII');
or replace the / with some other benign symbol like _:
>> tempname3= strrep(tempname2,'/','_');
>> save (tempname3, 'data2_subset', '-ASCII');
(which works for me).

MATLAB Saving Figure Invalid Filename Error

I am writing a program to plot graphs in a loop and I want to save each graph that comes out as a .jpg file with a variation of the file name. Here is my code for saving the graphs:
filename = strcat('WI_Pollutants_', D(i,6), '_200706_O3');
saveas(gcf, filename, 'jpg');
The saved file should come out as the following with D(i,6) changing each iteration of the loop.
However, I'm running an error: (Maybe it has to due with saveas wanting a string only?)
Error using saveas (line 81)
Invalid filename.
saveas only accepts characters as the filename. But when filename was created, strcat made it a cell array. Therefore, the filename needs to be converted to a character array.
filename = char(strcat('WI_Pollutants_', D(i,6), '_200706_O3'));
saveas(gcf, filename, 'jpg');
This solves the problem.
I think your D{i,6} is ending up wrapped up as an array, from this line:
D{i,6} = [num2str(D{i,6}) '-' num2str(D{i,7})];
To solve this, just removing the []'s
D{i,6} = num2str(D{i,6}) '-' num2str(D{i,7});
I think what happened is your D{i,6}=['someString'], and concatinating added in the []'s that werent' desired.
As a check, if something like this happens again, just fprintf(filename) right before use, and look at what comes out. I suspect you'll find the issue there. You can always remove the print statement later on.