WSO2 Getting POST PUT DELETE REST parameters - rest

Is there a way to get the parameters set in a post-delete-put REST request? in a proxy or programmatically developing a mediator (i mean in the MessageContext object passed to the mediate method)?
I know that parameters are appended to the url in a GET request e they appear by
What about the other CRUD commands?

To get programatically, you can retrive those details from Axis2 messagecontext.
HttpServletRequest obj = (HttpServletRequest)
System.out.println("Method :" + obj.getMethod());
Here is a detail post


How to send and retrieve custom header information for REST WCF Service

I am struggling to set-up infrastructure in my solution to send and retrieve the custom header for REST WCF Service. Basically, we need this to send UserID, password, token value from client to service and if provided values are valid then operation will continue to execute otherwise throw exception.
We already have few classes inherited from interfaces like IDispatchMessageInspector, IClientMessageInspector, IEndPointBehaviour, MessageHeader, etc., This is working fine for WCF with soap request. I tried to use these classes for my new REST WCF Service, but was not working as MessageHeader derived class supports only Soap.
I also tried using WebOperationContext, but no luck :(
Please provide a solution along with sample project to solve this problem.
Thank you so much!
Seems in your case it might be easier to interogate the ASPNET pipeline
if you add the following to your WCF service to allow it to hookup into the ASPNET pipeline
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode =
Then you can simply now use the HttpContext object and just get the headers as you would from a normal aspnet application, e.g
If you want to add http header in wcf rest service , you should use HttpRequestMessageProperty, it has a Headers property , you could set http Header through its Headers property
using (OperationContextScope scope = new OperationContextScope(client.InnerChannel))
HttpRequestMessageProperty property;
// if OutgoingMessageProperties already has HttpRequestMessageProperty, use the existing one , or initialize a new one and
// set OutgoingMessageProperties's HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name key's value to the initialized HttpRequestMessageProperty so that the HttpRequestMessageProperty will work
if (OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties.ContainsKey(HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name)){
property = OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] as HttpRequestMessageProperty;
property = new HttpRequestMessageProperty();
OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = property;
// add headers to HttpRequestMessageProperty, it will become the http header of the reuqest
property.Headers.Add(System.Net.HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "myAuthorization");
string re = client.HelloWorld();
About getting the Header , just use WebOperationContext.Current.Headers.
Please refer to

Controller return type and httpStatus best practice and production/consumption on method in REST WS

I commence in REST and I have some questions:
What type must the controller return? Typically, I'm asking if my Rest #Controller must return Item object as it is or encapsulate it in ResponseEntity in order to specify http-status-code.
What http status code to use in a GET method on a particular item ("/items/2") if the given item does not exists: HttpMediaStatus.OK(200) and null return or HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT(204) and null return ?
Second part: I saw it was possible to specify #Produces and #Consumes on WS method but what the use of that? My application and my methods work so, why specify MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE? Doesn't Spring/SpringBoot automatically convert Item or ResponseEntity into json?
Context: using Spring Boot, hibernate, REST webservice.
Thank you.
Many questions in one, I'll provide short answers with a bunch of link to relevant articles and the reference documentation.
What type must the controller return?
Depends on your annotation and the RESTful-ness of your service. There are three annotations you can use for controllers: #Controller, #RestController and #RepositoryRestController.
Controller is the base annotation to mark your class as a controller. The return type of the controller endpoint methods can be many things, I invite you to read this dedicated post to get a grasp of it.
When developing a pure-REST service, you will focus on using RestController and RepositoryRestController.
RestControlleris Controller + ResponseBody. It binds the return value of the endpoint method to the web response body:
public ItemController {
public Item getItem(#PathVariable("id") String id) {
Item item = ...
return item;
With this, when you hit http:/.../api/items/foo, Spring does its magic, automatically converting the item to a ResponseEntity with a relevant 40X status code and some default HTTP headers.
At some point, you will need more control over the status code and headers, while still benefiting from Spring Data REST's settings. That's when you will use RepositoryRestController with a ResponseEntity<Item> as return type, see the example the Spring Data REST reference.
What http status code to use in a GET method on a particular item if the given item does not exists?
Bluntly said: use HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND. You're looking for a resource that does not exist, there's something wrong.
That being said, it is completely up to you to decide how to handle missing resources in your project. If your workflow justifies it, a missing resource could be something completely acceptable that indeed returns a 20X response, though you may expect users of your API to get confused if you haven't warned them or provided some documentation (we are creatures of habits and conventions). But I'd still start with a 404 status code.
(...) #Produces and #Consumes on WS method but what the use of that? My application and my methods work so, why specify MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE? Doesn't Spring/SpringBoot automatically convert Item or ResponseEntity into json?
#Consumes and #Produces are respectively matched against content-type and accept headers from the request. It's a mean of restricting the input accepted and the output provided by your endpoint method.
Since we're talking about a REST service, communications between clients of the API and the service are expected to be JSON-formatted. Thanks to Spring HATEOAS, the answer are actually formatted with the application/hal+json content-type.
In that scenario, you can indeed not bother with those two annotations. You will need them if you develop a service that accepts different content-types (application/text, application/json, application/xml...) and provides, for instance, HTML views to users of your website and JSON or XML response to automated clients of your service.
For real life examples:
Facebook provides the Graph API for applications to read to/write from its graph, while users happily (?) surf on web pages
Google does the same with the Google Maps API

Invalid_request_parameter (create and sending envelopes)

I'm trying to use a service of DocuSign API in an abap project. I want to send a document to a specific email so it can be signed. But im getting the following error:
"errorCode": "INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMETER",## "message": "The request contained at least one invalid parameter. Query parameter 'from_date' must be set to a valid DateTime, or 'envelope_ids' or 'transaction_ids' must be specified.
I tried the following:
CALL METHOD cl_http_client=>create_by_url
url = l_url (')
proxy_host = co_proxy_host
proxy_service = co_proxy_service
client = lo_http_client
lo_http_client->request->set_method( method = 'POST').
CALL METHOD lo_http_client->request->set_header_field
name = 'Accept'
value = 'application/json'.
CALL METHOD lo_http_client->request->set_header_field
name = 'X-DocuSign-Authentication'
value = get_auth_header( ). (json auth header)
CALL METHOD lo_http_client->request->set_cdata
data = create_body( ).
This is my body:
`"emailSubject": "DocuSign REST API Quickstart Sample",`
`"emailBlurb": "Shows how to create and send an envelope from a document.",`
`"recipients": {`
`"signers": [{`
`"email": "test#email",`
`"name": "test",`
`"recipientId": "1",`
`"routingOrder": "1"`
`"documents": [{`
`"documentId": "1",`
`"name": "test.pdf",`
`"documentBase64":` `"` l_encoded_doc `"`
`"status": "sent"`
`}` INTO re_data.
The api request to get the Baseurl is working fine. (I know the error is quite specific what the problem is, but i cant find any sources on the docusign api documentation that one of the mentioned parameters should be added to the request)
Thank you in regards
The error message seems to indicate that you're Posting to an endpoint that requires certain query string parameters -- but you're not specifying them as expected in the query string. I'd suggest you check the DocuSign API documentation for the operation you are using, to determine what query string parameters it requires, and then ensure that you're including those parameters in your request URL.
If you can't figure this out using the documentation, then I'd suggest that you update your post to clarify exactly what URL (endpoint) you are using for the request, including any querystring parameters you're specifying in the URL. You can put fake values for things like Account ID, of course -- we just need to see the endpoint you are calling, and what qs params you're sending.
To create an envelope, use
instead of
Thank you for all the answers, i found the mistake. Creating the request wasn´t the problem. I was using the wrong "sending"-method -_-.
now its working :)
lo_rest_client->post( EXPORTING io_entity = lo_request_entity ).

Url as path parameter in restful api causes bad request

We are developing a restful api using jersey (1.9.1) and tomcat 5.5.
A given resource is identified with a urn and we would like to address a specific instance of that resource. In order to achieve this, we used the following code:
public interface XXXResource {
#Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
XXXInfo getXXX(#PathParam("id") String id);
The idea is to address this resource using the following url:
The decoded path param value should be:
However, when I make the request using the encoded url I get a bad request message from tomcat. So my questions are:
Is it correct to use a Urn as a path parameter?
Why is tomcat considering this request as a bad request?
Just in case, I changed the signature of the method so that the parameter is taken from the query string and it worked fine, but I want the parameter to be part of the path.
Ok, I solved it by adding the following line in

http delete with REST

I am currently using Jersey Framework (JAX-RS implementation) for building RESTful Web Services. The Resource classes in the project have implemented the standard HTTP operations - GET,POST & DELETE. I am trying to figure out how to send request parameters from client to these methods.
For GET it would be in the query string(extract using #QueryParam) and POST would be name/value pair list (extract using #FormParam) sent in with the request body. I tested them using HTTPClient and worked fine. For DELETE operation, I am not finding any conclusive answers on the parameter type/format. Does DELETE operation receive parameters in the query string(extract using #QueryParam) or in the body(extract using #FormParam)?
In most DELETE examples on the web, I observe the use of #PathParam annotation for parameter extraction(this would be from the query string again).
Is this the correct way of passing parameters to the DELETE method? I just want to be careful here so that I am not violating any REST principles.
Yes, its up to you, but as I get REST ideology, DELETE URL should delete something that is returned by a GET URL request. For example, if
GET http://server/app/item/45678
returns item with id 45678,
DELETE http://server/app/item/45678
should delete it.
Thus, I think it is better to use PathParam than QueryParam, when QueryParam can be used to control some aspects of work.
DELETE http://server/app/item/45678?wipeData=true
The DELETE method should use the URL to identify the resource to delete. This means you can use either path parameters or query parameters.
Beyond that, there is no right and wrong way to construct an URL as far as REST is concerned.
You can use like this
URL is http://yourapp/person/personid
public Response deletePerson(#PathParam("id") String id){
Result result = new Result();
catch (Exception e){
return Response.status(200).entity(result).build();
#QueryParam would be the correct way. #PathParam is only for things before any url parameters (stuff after the '?'). And #FormParam is only for submitted web forms that have the form content type.